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File: 30 KB, 500x500, Explorespace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2708682 No.2708682 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2708699

why so pessimistic?

>> No.2708693
File: 2.42 MB, 1730x1428, NGC_4414_(NASA-med).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I was smoking Salvia and wtf I swore I visited like a hundred galaxies in under 5 minutes

In b4 its all in your head, you've never done fucking Salvia

>> No.2708703

Fixed that for you.

>> No.2708717
File: 76 KB, 475x360, FEELS GOODMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2708720

dude, do you know how BIG the galaxy is? exploring this one solar system is enough for now.

>> No.2708741

I just want to see someone standing on Mars before I die. I still feel like I might be being a bit too optimistic...feelsbadman

>> No.2708744

Yeah the natural beauty and wonder of our solar system is all great, but there aren't exactly ships of aliens flying around or anything else awesome like that. Assuming they don't have cloaking technology and aren't flying all over the god damn place without us knowing

>> No.2708745

It sucks to think if we do die within the next 70 or so years that we will have JUST missed out on a huge break through in prolonging human life by possibly up to 300 years which would then live on to see humans conquer (if humans survive this long) immortality (or something damn close to it)

>> No.2708754

No it doesn't. Do you know how fortunate you are to have lived at all? /dawkins

>> No.2708767

herp derp, you are not Dawkins.

and it does suck, because we have gotten so close, however it could be a negative thing for those who live forever.. what if when you die you enter a spiritual plane of existence which is far superior to the reality or dream world we think we live in right now - as a dawkinsfag you probably won't even consider this to be an option though

>> No.2708769

We'll never explore the galaxy most likely.

>> No.2708783


What would be worse would be living to see that happen only to be too poor to afford it.

>> No.2708789

-0 > +0

>> No.2708792
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Yes i know. I am depressed because i am getting old...

>> No.2708793

Totally, especially since the whole concept of "poor" is arbitrary, but has a big enough effect on things that you're probably right in thinking thats the way it would go down.

>> No.2708796

Everything is possible in the afterlife

>> No.2708801

>implying my collective atoms will not naturally spread themselves out as thinly as possible after my brain dies, eventually propagating a healthy swatch of cosmos for themselves.

doesn't matter if i'll be dead, i just imagined how sweet it will be-- so it will be.

also, i may have to wait until the earth shatters before these atoms are released. im patient.

>> No.2708818

We have telescopes. I have Celestia.
I explored the galaxy before breakfast this morning.

>> No.2708828

Hey, me too! I've been exploring the galaxy during coffee for the past week or so, this program is fucking killer. Kind of a steep learning curve, but I'm getting pretty good at zooming around

>> No.2708831

The atoms you are made of have already been on a more epic journey than you could imagine.

>> No.2708834

So many supernovae in my hand right now

>> No.2708847


Believe me, I have tried. Imagine if we could extract memory data from atoms.

>> No.2708860
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I gots some hypernova in my blackhole

>> No.2708866

>idiots think space travel is glorious
>dont realize that you could be the one that invents the standard vehicle that allows for space travel

>> No.2708874
File: 245 KB, 500x500, happy_sadfrog_quasars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell you talking about OP?

We've cast our looks into space and time, nearly all the way to the beginning.

Besides, pic related.

>> No.2708876
File: 42 KB, 475x394, mr t says yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll live to see the singularity.

>> No.2708882


>> No.2708899

No, it's always shrouded by the event horizon. Even when you go beyond the event horizon, it will still seem to be before you. You cannot observe a singularity.

>> No.2708905

Perhaps you are in a singularity right now and you don't notice it because you can't

>> No.2708919

Impossibru! You cannot extract information from a black hole except for it's mass, charge and spin, so you wouldn't be able to see these posts.

>> No.2709009
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Feels good man

>> No.2709056
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also, born too late to explore earth

>> No.2709063

You're all just in time to explore the remains of Japan

>> No.2709065
File: 58 KB, 500x334, _Personal_submarine_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still a whole bunch left.

Get cracking.

>> No.2709097

Wrong singularity.
Check on google: Technological Singularity

Has nothing to do with black holes etc

>> No.2709109

Hey OP.

We already exploring it, by observing it with tools we make.
Getting on a starship and go to other galaxies and see what is there is just stupid, thats a primitive way of 'exploring'.

In future technologies you can explore a whole solar system just with a 'scanner' etc, exploring with the traditional sense will be obsolete and godlikely inefficient.

Paradigm shift, the most basic thing people neglect and say stupid things like OP does.

>> No.2709113
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>> No.2709135
File: 636 KB, 280x221, Crabputin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was a shame we never moved off Earth... When the gamma ray burst torched our ozone layer we were defenseless..

Eggs in one Basket. ect.

>> No.2709153

As a (young) physicist, I'm pretty confident I'll be visiting Andromeda in 30 years.

The tech is going pretty strong.

>> No.2709163

Do you understand how physics works?

>> No.2709180

He's a physicist, not an engineer.

Let the idea guy think in his cubicle. Maybe he'll think me up a coffee or something.

>> No.2709194

>implying he is a technician

>> No.2709210
File: 254 KB, 672x1151, 1257332750377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he means subjective years or that he'll be leaving for M31 in 30 years.

>> No.2709232





>> No.2709255


why you say that OP, we will has the techology and special anti ageing pills

>> No.2709276
File: 76 KB, 300x446, 6a00d83452033569e200e55207f0598833-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A advanced race has build teleportation devices on all planets in the galaxy. The US military owns one of these devices. We have been exploring the galaxy for quite some time now. Though we soon learned that not all races in this galaxy are friendly...

>> No.2709280


At any given point in the history of science, there are ignorants that keep saying that progress is impossible.

You are the same people who told Copernicus the Bible was right. Only know Jesus is a german-born Jewish phycisist who taught at Princeton.

Einstein would be disgusted to think that anyone would take his word for gospel.

Judging from the recent technogical progress, 30 years is a pretty safe bet for me.

>> No.2709286


Only now*

Too much coffee indeed.

>> No.2709293

I think elimination of death by ageing is theoretically possible. More than that it's probably. Likely. It makes perfect sense that as your body decays you will be able to just replace it or rebuild it. That's what medical science is and it's happening right now.

However, the situation is oversimplified by these kind of futurists and biogerontologists. The rate of scientific advancement isn't homogeneous . We might be way ahead in one area of medicine and lagging behind in another. This complexity and diversity across fields makes it impossible to predict exactly when we won't have to worry about ageing anymore.

The manhattan beach project people are getting way ahead of themselves. We might and are able to predict how specific advancements in medicine will affect our life expectancy and as time goes by this prediction will increase. It's impossible to say when we will be able to live for 300 years (barring accident or whatever else). The key word is 'indefinite' ageing. That is not the same as infinite living. I think we will continually be able to hold off the death by ageing but it's impossible to say that at some point in time we will never die of ageing.

>> No.2709358
File: 104 KB, 339x360, Vlad-The-Implier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't it blow your mind when you think of all the potential times and places you could have been born?

You could have been born in the childhood of our species, struggling each day to survive in the plains of Africa.

You could have been born a slave in ancient Persia or Greece.

You could have been a Japanese samurai, or a Chinese imperial guard, or a Russian cossack.

You could have been a French radical, or a Communard of the Paris Commune.

But no... you were born right here, and right now.

I wonder what kind of people, places and events will exist in the future? Most likely something we couldn't even begin to understand. After all, do you think Vlad the Impaler could have ever guessed that his likeage would be used for an obscure internet meme on an anime porn forum?

>> No.2709366


> After all, do you think Vlad the Impaler could have ever guessed that his likeage would be used for an obscure internet meme on an anime porn forum?

Lol, well put.

>> No.2709580

The crime of it is we were all born on the cusp of a great improvement in life. We're gonna miss it, and we know it. That's rare. but not unheard of in history.

>> No.2709649

it´s not impossible to have an infinite lifespan, but it won´t be possible within our lifespan even with technological aging decreasment, so were pretty fucked, most of us are gonna die in this century :D

>> No.2709674


>you could have been born.... blah blah derp derp

sure is dualism in here

>> No.2709688

>implying soul exists
If "I" were born somewhere else it wouldn't be me.

>> No.2709703

maybe they mean the technological singularity????????

>> No.2709750
File: 196 KB, 1024x673, landing_of_columbus_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll never explore the galaxy most likely.

No, we're going to explore and colonize the FUCK out of this galaxy.

Pic related, it will be a new Age of Discovery, shit will be SO cash.

>> No.2710098

Read an interesting study a few years ago. If we were to be made immortal, that is to disease and age, we would only live on the average to 300 before trauma got us. Car accident, fall, murder, disaster etc.

300 years. That's bad.

>> No.2712591

I was born in a society with access to cheap, plentiful toilet paper.

Makes me better off than ~6 billion people through history who had to use pine-cones. Or squirrels.

>> No.2712657

>implying I give a shit about exploring the galaxy