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2708180 No.2708180 [Reply] [Original]

Live geiger counter broadcasting from Tokyo.

Hold onto your butts


>> No.2708222


>> No.2708229

>causing unnecessary traffic in an area coping with a national disaster
oh u
First the TEPCO web pages, what next?

>> No.2708235

Sorry for the dumb, can someone tell me what is considered a high CPM? Is there a scale?
Also, where is the geiger counter located?

>> No.2708247


10-20 CPM ---> normal

100 CPM ---> high

1000 CPM ---> radiation sickness/death

>> No.2708250


I forgot to mention ,is located in tokyo zone

>> No.2708284


isn't 20,000 getting dangerous?

>> No.2708288

It was at 33 CPM a moment ago

>> No.2708303

decreasing now.

>> No.2708304

It's about 18.00cpm now.

>> No.2708306

chiba counter.

>> No.2708321


Random idiot from /v/ here, is that a high amount of radiation? Enough to make anyone sick if they're exposed to it for about 3 days?

>> No.2708323

It is so high that things can catch fire from it, they're starting to evacuate tokyo already put dead people are clogging up the street so 95% of the population will probably not make it out.

>> No.2708325 [DELETED] 


I'm dumb but not THAT dumb.

I just asked a simple question, if you don't want to give me an honest answer than at the very least don't be an ass about it.

>> No.2708330

Check this! Geiger readings from Tokyo.

>> No.2708328


I think he's making a joke, considering he named himself "average enviromentalist".

>> No.2708329


You have your answer just few posts before your stupid question ...

How can you be that lazy ?

>> No.2708331

Holy shit, that's fucking horrifying. What's your source for all of this?

>> No.2708338

His idiotic mind.

>> No.2708339

His buttcrack

>> No.2708341


were all gonna die.

also is the counter placed outside, because if its in the building it doesn't show correct readings

>> No.2708366

yes it doese idiot, it shows the correct reading of inside the building

>> No.2708371

but most radiation cant move trough walls

>> No.2708378


We're primarily worried about Gamma radiation which can penetrate just about anything. Alpha and Beta radiation is comparatively weak I think.

>> No.2708404

Gamma? More like alpha. You said yourself that gamma radiation penetrates almost everything, including you.
The actual problem is radioactive particles being released. They would get into the air you are breathing and if they are emitting alpha radiation you should start enjoying your cancer.

>> No.2708408

alpha as fuck

>> No.2708414

>gamma radiation penetrates almost everything, including you.

That's why it's dangerous. Whereas alpha and beta might only cause skin damage, gamma particles cause deep tissue DNA damage as they shoot through your body.

However, inhaled radioactive particles are worse than either.

>> No.2708415

>as scientists warn Japan faces SECOND monster quake and tsunami

>Second 'monster' quake could measure magnitude of 8

If a second massive quake does happen, do you think that it will be the final nail in the coffin for the entire Eastern side of Japan?

>> No.2708420

Oh shit, forgot about that.
But, and that's NOT a rhetorical question, what is the ratio between gamma radiation that does penetrate your entire body (or is absorbed by your skin) and gamma radiation that could possibly do harm to stuff like DNA?

>> No.2708422


and it will be the beginning of the 2012

>> No.2708434

Alpha radiation wont harm you unless it is injested or injected

>> No.2708455


Inject radiation? Where can I get this injectable radiation? The store?

>> No.2708462

but once its in the body theres is no way to get it out

>> No.2708470

radioactive particles emit radiation, you get those particles in you're fucked

>> No.2708472

Whats the problem with helium atoms in your lungs if you breathed in, say...Radon, undergoing alpha decay? Are they just ejected at such high energy that they can ionize whatever they slam into?

>> No.2708476



>> No.2708479

yes. they will play with your orbital eletrons.

>> No.2708495

yesterday I saw nibiru next to moon. he's cute.

>> No.2708558

Was 0.45 earlier

>> No.2708561


>> No.2708572
File: 4 KB, 494x269, Airplane[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just background radiation.

>> No.2708573

17000 people watching a live stream of a geiger counter wow...