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File: 18 KB, 450x309, haarp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2705581 No.2705581 [Reply] [Original]

can anyone tell me info on HAARP they know.... apart from the fact that they are "scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purpose"

>> No.2705610

they cause earthquakes and hurricanes

>> No.2705620

They are based on Nikola Tesla's original plans of an Earth resonance doomsday device.

>> No.2705622
File: 61 KB, 534x247, ionosphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I bounce waves off ionosphere?

>> No.2705634

can i assume that it was turned in the opposite direction nikola tesla intented his system for.. free wireless technology..???

>> No.2705673


>> No.2705686

They're secretly controlled by aliums, and are responsible for 9/11

>> No.2705693


>> No.2705700

it's the secret typo method so the conversation doesn't get tracked by Echelon.

>> No.2705705
File: 114 KB, 287x260, Alium Thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2705710

interesting .. okay

>> No.2705741

can we make any connections with todays disasters?

>> No.2705743

>"scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purpose"

Basically that's it, their array is capable of altering the altitude of ionized layers in the upper atmosphere, creating a 'bubble' that could potentially enhance/degrade communications between points around the globe.

>> No.2705749

yes, HAARP caused my hand to move incorrectly and spill my soda. the damages are currently valued at $0.50

>> No.2705754


>> No.2705762


How? What possible mechanism would allow HAARP to cause an earthquake?

>> No.2705768

Just a research device. It has been blown into something bigger by conspiracy theorists.

>> No.2705785

this, they needed something to 'poke' the ionosphere. To poke something that vast observably, they needed a bag-ass array and a lot of power.

>> No.2705793



>> No.2705787

Shit's black magic yo

>> No.2705803

First 30 seconds, and my bullshit flag has gone off 3 times.

>> No.2705810


Guess its a good thing HAARP fires its lazors into the sky and not the ground, then.

>> No.2705817

That's blatantly wrong. It's so wrong it's hard to even address it. It's approaching "not even wrong".

Express it terms of INTENSITY (watts/m^2) and you'll see why.

HAARP doesn't even point at the ground. I just... I just... what

>> No.2705821


Holy shit, the guy from 1:30 on that vid is fucking hilarious.

>> No.2705833

its reflected straight from the sky into the ground..
and its not laser, they are electromagnetic waves i think, with specific frequencies and an ENORMOUS amount of wattage.

matching an objects frequency... destroys it... eg. when using one of Tesla's machines to match the frequency of a bridge it will violently shake it and most likely destroy it depending on the size of the device...

>> No.2705841

Again, express that in intensity, not power, and then stop being a moron.

>> No.2705844


Everything that video claims is simply wrong. EVERYTHING.

Also LMFAO @ "Japanese Security Police"

>> No.2705871

I laughed at "these insane criminals who have taken over the US government"
I mean, corruption, sure. But this is stupid.

IF, and I mean IF, we had the power to cause earthquakes and used it as blackmail, it's no different from out nuclear arsenal. Which we obviously threaten people with all the time OH WAIT

Do this morons think Russia is on board with this too, or something? An earthquake-machine is unquestionably a WMD, and MAD doctrine applies like it always has.

>> No.2705879

what does expressing it in intensity tell us? explain please how "it" will explain everything in intensity?

>> No.2705890

with some research on tesla, i suppose you can find some decent info on reasons as to why using this type of technology can have a greater and a more silent effect than a nuke..

>> No.2705891

First off, do you know what intensity is, at least dimensionally?

>> No.2705893

I am not him, but let me conjecture.
Watts are equal to joules per second. However, this tells you nothing about how much ground it's trying to vibrate. You can have an enormous amount of energy in a very little amount of time (resulting in a lot of watts), but, since you don't know the distance you're trying to apply it to, it's meaningless. You can vibrate a small string very strongly with a lot of watts, but you can't vibrate the ground with the same amount because of the volume of it.

the /m^2 is just the inverse square law, which is how energy propagates radially.

>> No.2705902

Check Dr Nick Begich he wrote a book on HAARP "Angels Don't Play This HAARP" citing 350 sources.watch?v=ykbhuBr9ED4

Electromagnetic activity (HAARP?)

watch?v=oQUD4LettqE#t=3m33s // dark trails

watch?v=oQUD4LettqE#t=1m20s // waves

watch?v=xhy5XjPEDYE // spiral betw chems, haze, Z, "power cord" trails

>> No.2705909
File: 39 KB, 640x462, MUF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maximum frequency reflected by the ionosphere in a good year doesn't reach much higher than ~50MHhz.
Currently the sun isn't active so the highest MUF is only 38Mhz.
Why do you think we use microwaves for satellites? it's because they don't reflect.

>> No.2705910
File: 57 KB, 974x646, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to create earthquakes

>> No.2705923

links dont work?

>> No.2705971


frequency is different from wattage, ELFs(extremely low frequencies) will penetrate the ground deep, openly they are used to contact submarines at great depths without the need to surface, though just because you have a great deal of wattage, frequency is not directly proportional to it...

>> No.2706026

It's a low powered antenna array.

During active ionospheric research, the signal generated by the transmitter system is delivered to the antenna array, transmitted in an upward direction, and is partially absorbed, at an altitude between 100 to 350 km (depending on operating frequency), in a small volume a few hundred meters thick and a few tens of kilometers in diameter over the site. The intensity of the HF signal in the ionosphere is less than 3 microwatts per cm2, tens of thousands of times less than the Sun's natural electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth and hundreds of times less than even the normal random variations in intensity of the Sun's natural ultraviolet (UV) energy which creates the ionosphere. The small effects that are produced, however, can be observed with the sensitive scientific instruments installed at the HAARP facility and these observations can provide new information about the dynamics of plasmas and new insight into the processes of solar-terrestrial interactions.