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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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2704446 No.2704446 [Reply] [Original]

Fukushima explosion, minutes ago.

Did shit just got real?

>> No.2704455
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It's on.

>> No.2704464
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You bet your candy ass shit just got real.

Pic related, it's what the plant will look like by tomorrow.

>> No.2704502


reCaptcha: x[Summation symbol]x, kaaaaawow

>> No.2704519

Google, man. Real-time updates. I read it in an AP story, think they got it from the Jap gub'ment

>> No.2704529

link or it didn't happen

>> No.2704539



>> No.2704541

what the fucking fuck, it happened 2 times already and they still don't know how to deal with it?
How is this tolerated by the international community? Why are there no experts there from other countries if the japanese are this incompetent?

>> No.2704548


>> No.2704552
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You really don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about so just shut the fuck up

>> No.2704558

If they are behaving like in other situations they will be refusing help from foreigner experts and are trying to do it all themselves.

>> No.2704565

azn pridefail

>> No.2704567


Nuclear explosion?
Did anyone die?
That's not good news.

>> No.2704578

>but these had not damaged the reactor vessels, authorities have said
then its just like any other explosion

>> No.2704581

lol, japs can't build a proper nuclear power plant. it must be a side effect of being on the wrong side of a nuclear bomb.

>> No.2704584

They should really just let the Russians/Ukranians help them. Those people know how to deal with nuclear power plant disasters better than anyone.

>> No.2704586 [DELETED] 
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Here come Godzirra!

>> No.2704591

>There was no immediate word on any damage from this third blast.


>> No.2704595

>send in firefighters
>send in firefighters
>send in firefighters
>disaster over
>bury firefighters

>> No.2704602

>Implying that they were firefighters and not "biorobots"

>> No.2704606

new report is that the core is now exposed on one reactor

>> No.2704614


It's time for STALKER: Call of Fukushima!

>> No.2704621


Live stream. Uh-oh

>> No.2704619 [DELETED] 
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I hope they all die. Fucking nip bastards.

Herro Tokyo!

>> No.2704652

best....uhhh....um...translator? Ever.

>> No.2704663


She's fucking awful.

>The, ummmm, reactor, is, the diagram, no wait, the blast was heard

>> No.2704681

exposed to air, inside the reactor
not reactor blown open

>> No.2704690

Suppression chamber pressure went from 3 atm to 1, since the explosion.

>> No.2704692

She just realized shes on Ted Turner's payroll and had to change the phrase "explosive impact" to "sound of explosion" to satisfy her employers.

>> No.2704695

It's another cooling malfunction. Did they flood this one with seawater? If not, they might have to.

>> No.2704699

It really does sound like she's trying to talk while someone is speaking in her ear, telling her how to translate.


>> No.2704700

sounds like they're trying too but the pressure is too high atm

>> No.2704701

So whats the worst case scenario at this point?

>> No.2704705

Wait, there's air inside the reactor but the reactor is still closed?
I'm not really good at physics but as far as I know, air doesn't create alone from nothing

>> No.2704707



Guess what? No big deal, again. These hydrogen explosions are expected, it's what happens when you expose something like saltwater to massive heat. And if it got hot enough to pop, it means most of the heat has been siphoned off. Everyone needs to get a hold on themselves. What happened at #2 is exactly what happened at 1 and 3.

>> No.2704710

they tried doing that all night, but water hasnt been getting inside. or it has, but they dont know cause the measuring instruments inside are all broken.

>> No.2704712

Godzilla come and kill everyone

>> No.2704715

I said worst case not awesome case

>> No.2704724

Japan survive and make new animes

>> No.2704731

Meh, I had a feeling.

>> No.2704739

eh, not 'in air' but above water, in the gases that accumulate due to the extreme heat and failed cooling system

>> No.2704742

What if they survive though and the experience causes a new wave of death and chernobyl-esque anime? It could turn shit around.

>> No.2704744
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>> No.2704748


Expect it.

>> No.2704752

It's just ridiculous, all this panic. Absolute worst case scenario, the rods melt. If that happens, there is a CHANCE the vessel may break and they won't be able to contain the radiation. And then...what? The radiation won't be concentrated enough to do much damage. At worst a few (<100) people would die, and only if they didn't evacuate the area like they were told to. It's just three mile island all over again.

>> No.2704754

Suppression chamber?

What is it?

>> No.2704760

Like steam or like hydrogen/oxygen mix?
Because the second one sounds dangerous in an overheated area, fuels, oxidizers and energy are generally a dangerous recipe
Now, as I said I'm not really good at physics so be careful with my statements

>> No.2704769

Now they have said the suppression pool is damaged and some part of it has exploded. They are not saying if this has exposed the core or not. They are giving no new information now, which means it has gone completely fucked.

>> No.2704780

Storm in a teacup, folks. In terms of death toll, this won't even rate on the scale of disasters.

>> No.2704793


'The blast appeared to be different — and more severe — than those that at two other troubled reactor at the same nuclear complex because this one, reported to have occurred at 6:14 a.m., happened in the “pressure suppression room” in the cooling area of the reactor, raising the possibility to damage to the reactor’s containment vessel.
Any damage to the steel containment vessel of a nuclear reactor is considered critical because it raises the prospect of an uncontrolled release of radioactive material and full meltdown of the nuclear fuel inside.'

>> No.2704795


1. Explosion at Reactor 2 heard
2. Caused possible damage to the suppression pool and pressure regulator system (whatever it's called)
3. Fuel rods partially exposed in one reactor, I cannot remember which
4.Partial defect in Reactor 3 containment (This may be where the fuel rods are exposed
5. Non essential workers have been evacuated from the plant. This is a sign that the situation is VERY BAD
6. Tokyo Electric is basically now just saying "nothing to see here"

Obviously shit is going down.

At this point, saying there is NO chance of large radiation leaks is just ignorant. THE FUEL RODS ARE FUCKING EXPOSED NOW FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

>> No.2704813

When did this happen?

>> No.2704826

0008: martyn_williams tweets: "Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company) erred by starting with apology - making it seem big increase in seriousness - then unable to follow with simple explanation."
>0005: Radioactive materials are feared to be leaking at Fukushima, Kyodo reports quoting a safety agency.


>> No.2704827


The fuel rods are exposed in reactor 2 - the same one that just had a mysterious explosion that tepco called 'an explosive sound'

>> No.2704830

>'The blast appeared to be different
Stopped reading right there. That's nice that it looks scary, but that means absolute dick.

>> No.2704836


Twitter is lighting up, articles everywhere. Japanese officials have confirmed it.

Shit just got real.

>> No.2704847

>Twitter is lighting up
That doesn't mean much.

>> No.2704852



You know that means the rods aren't or partially aren't submerged in water. It's not good news, but it's not like they're exposed to the outside air or anything. Just clearing that up.

>> No.2704854

The fuel rods have been exposed since last night - though that doesn't mean exposed to the outside air. It means the water that should be covering them inside the pressure chamber is no longer covering them. The water level might have risen again now, but they can't tell because the water meter is broken. The fuel has most probably partially melted.

>> No.2704861

>fuel rods exposed
All this means is that the fuel rods are not covered with coolant inside the chamber, and therefore "exposed" inside.
If the fuel rods were actually exposed to the open atmosphere, there would be a hell of a lot more commotion right now.

>> No.2704862

I know that but it means that a meltdown is a lot more likely.

>> No.2704864

There are reports of a Japanese worker at #2 walking around at over 5ft tall.

I'm worried.

>> No.2704877

>There are reports of a Japanese worker at #2 walking around at over 5ft tall.

>> No.2704883

I don't know shit about nuclear energy but I have a true gift to read in peoples eyes, it's my job.
All I see in the experts eyes are fear and panic, all I see in the presenters eyes are anxiety and mistrust
The situation really suck, if I was at work I would say my client not to sign anything
Now I can be wrong, it's really hard to do this from a video but I have a bad feeling about all this shit

>> No.2704886

>Very large for a japanese

>> No.2704895
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>>2704883 reading eyes as a job

>> No.2704897

>I don't know shit about nuclear energy but I have a true gift to read in peoples eyes

>> No.2704900

I assume you don't have a gift in English. No offense.

Not your native language I suppose?

>> No.2704902

law, dog

>> No.2704904

Press conference on CNN http://edition.cnn.com/video/flashLive/live.html?stream=3

Shit is going down now. They went from "can't happen" to "won't happen" to "might happen" to "might have already happened".

>> No.2704910


>> No.2704911

And that surprises you? Coming from CNN, that surprises you?

You people are starting to get on my nerves with this.

>> No.2704914

lol, during one press conference?

>> No.2704919

Yeah I'm sure the girl translating the Japanese officials for CNN is doctoring what they're actually saying.

>> No.2704922

At the very least, she was butchering it.

>> No.2704925

In fact I work mainly for businessmen but yes, sometimes I am hired to give my opinion on court cases
But law is like 2% of my contracts

>> No.2704951

The Japanese are saying now that the fuel rods might actually started melting.

Why is that so bad? What happens if the pellets get exposed to the open?

>> No.2704957

shit hit the fan

>> No.2705027

radiation escapes
goes to america
Fallout 4

>> No.2705032

FUCK...the company just announced an emergency to the government, and stated that the fuel rods could be melting...FFFFFFFFF....

>> No.2705039

Oh please. Even if the rods melt the pelts congeal into a homogeneous mass in the bottom of the reactor chamber which get really hot and start burning through it. Then it starts burning through the bottom of the reactor building which is feet thick concrete. Then if it makes it to the ground it start burning through dirt until it gets into the ground water THEN shit hits the rather local fan. If they keep pumping the sea water in and keep the temperatures down none of this will happen and the cores will simply burn themselves out.

This is barely a news story. Can some white girl go missing already so the media stops all this nuclear sensationalize and moves on.

>> No.2705042

water level in number 2 reactor began to fall....part of the valve shut down...which means pressure has risen...(open valve means dropping pressure)..(seas)water is currently being injected...2.7cm of the fuel rods are exposed out of water!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2705043

Shit is hitting the fan in Fukushima.
Turn on the TV - all Japanese networks are talking about is the 3 hour power shortages in Tokyo.

>> No.2705054

Except the pool at the bottom of reactor 2 exploded earlier today, and we assume is partially open to the outside now.

>> No.2705063

>nuclear power plant is in danger of meltdown
>Japanese people complain about lack of electricity
Fucking Japan

>> No.2705072


I hate to be so OT, but:

How do you deal with psychopaths, (that are overrepresented among business people) and have no empathy to trigger the emotion you want to (and are paid to) see.

>> No.2705076
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They are saying at 6:14am they heard a strange sound around the suppression pool...They think that the core is melting and begun so at 6:14am...

>> No.2705093


Except that radiation levels are not rising.

>> No.2705099


2.7 METER, about half of the length of the rods.

I'm watching http://edition.cnn.com/video/flashLive/live.html?stream=3

>> No.2705105

>so the media stops all this nuclear sensationalize and moves on.
for someone so eager to declare his intellectual superiority, whilst doing nothing but reiterating nuclear industry PR statements, you sure need to work on your English.

>> No.2705106


Not that fag, but psychopaths are actually pretty easy to read. that whole 'no empathy' thing makes them very poor judges of whether their lies are being believed. Plus, psychopaths and economists are the only people who will consistently make purely rational decisions, which makes them rather predictable. Well, unless they're psychotic as well as psychopathic...

>> No.2705109

"Product not available in your area." Motherfuckers

>> No.2705111

let me access what I believe to be happening right now and hopefully someone can confirm or deny.
tsunami and earthquake hits japan
the nuclear reactor is automatically shutdown (scrammed)
main power source for cooling the reactor is destroyed and diesel generators are destroyed by water
in a last stage effort to cool the reactor they start to pour sea water on the reactor
the sea water causes several hydrogen explosions.
this is where i start getting confused.
radiation levels inside the plant are largely
rods melting unknown
complete meltdown has not happened and still is not likely
the reactor vessels are still undamaged so even if there was a meltdown it would be mostly? contained.

>> No.2705114

Ugh, whatever happens you can bet we're going to get clueless hippies talking about this for a long time.

>> No.2705121

/sci/fag here, but nuclear physics is not my field of expertise

>Why is that so bad? What happens if the pellets get exposed to the open?

Not much, initially. The pellets are made of uranium-oxide ceramic which only melts at 3000°C or so. But they're encased in a zirconium alloy that is meant to keep the volatile decay products in, which melts sooner.

Since both the containment and the pressure vessel have been damaged this means those decay products can escape into the environment.

If the fuel rods stay exposed for a longer time they get hotter and hotter and eventually melt. Then molten nuclar fuel will drop into water (hydrogen and steam explosions may occur). The molten fuel will flow to the bottom of the core and melt their way through, into the containment.

Normally the containment should... well... contain a core meltdown. But the earlier hydrogen explosion damaged the containment, thus radioactive dust could escape if the core melts.

Note that neither a core meltdown nor a damage of containment are a catastrophic event if taken individually. Only the combination thereof allows larger amounts of long-lived elements to be released in the environment.

Currently all released radioactive material so far consists of relatively short-lived (days to weeks) decay products, which indicates that at least some of the zirconium coating of the fuel pellets have melted. Those were released intentionally due to steam-venting to reduce the pressure inside the core.

Should other elements be detected this would mean that the fuel oxide itself would be melting, not just the coating.

>> No.2705129


The containment vessel of reactor 2 has possibly been damaged in an explosion this morning

>> No.2705141
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>Find single error in grammar. Invalidate entire argument.

>> No.2705146

Kind of ironic that mother nature can't fuck Japan as hard as those man made power plants can right now. And nature was trying really hard this weekend.

>> No.2705152

Man, rough fucking weekend.

>> No.2705160

Christ, you ARE AN IDIOT.

>> No.2705165

>let me access what I believe to be happening right now and hopefully someone can confirm or deny.
>tsunami and earthquake hits japan
>the nuclear reactor is automatically shutdown (scrammed)
>main power source for cooling the reactor is destroyed and diesel generators are destroyed by water
>in a last stage effort to cool the reactor they start to pour sea water on the reactor
yes, but before that they were running on batteries and tried to use backup generators for which they didn't have the proper cables
>the sea water causes several hydrogen explosions.
no. The heat inside the uncooled cores causes water steam to dissociate into hydrogen and oxygen. When they were forced to release pressure from the core to avoid structural damage some of that hydrogen was released into the building too. They released the steam into the gap between the concrete building which means hydrogen was inside the building, which eventually exploded

>this is where i start getting confused.
>radiation levels inside the plant are largely unknown
they can't really enter the buildings. but radiation levels on site are known

>rods melting unknown
partial melting of the fuel pellet coatings is extremely likely. a larger-scale meltdown is possible, but currently not possible to verify

>complete meltdown has not happened and still is not likely
this depends on how well things can be cooled

>the reactor vessels are still undamaged so even if there was a meltdown it would be mostly? contained.
the latest hydrogen explosion (the one in building #2) has damaged the containment. therefore a meltdown would release radioactive material into the environment.

>> No.2705166

They have released radioactive material
They are having difficulty controlling 3 or more reactors.
200,000 people have been evacuated
People have been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
You are blindly defending the industry, not out of personal knowledge or experience, but merely in reiteration with the outspoken nuclear industry that influences certain scientific groups.
You call anyone who can see the obvious dangers associated with nuclear energy a "clueless hippy".
You are an idiot.

>> No.2705169

>Mother nature can't fuck Japan more than nukes
>So far, mother nature: 10000 Nuclear Power: 0

Not to mention it's mother nature's fault that this shit happened.

>> No.2705170


Please tell me more (or provide a link). Some friends of mine and I got burned recently. We are all engineers and were not intellectually equipped to deal with him.

>> No.2705173

As of yet

>> No.2705175

>/sci/fag here, but nuclear physics is not my field of expertise
lol, sry. i thought i was on /jp/.


>> No.2705183

Hurr durr
Nukes are dangerous

Yet, so is oil, so are coal. Did you miss Deepwater Horizon earlier this year? What about the Chilean coal miners?

>> No.2705184

Actually, this whole sensation over the possible consequences of the nuclear plant has distracted everyone from the fact that people are FUCKING DEAD all over japan from the quake/tsunami.
Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who no longer have homes or jobs...

>> No.2705187

2.7 meter/about half of the rods exposed.
Very possibly cracks/breach of the containment vessel, pressure dropped implying a unintentional leak.
Operators ordered to evacuate.

What the fuck guys, is shit hitting the fan?

>> No.2705188

The 10,000 death toll is also as of yet. It's fair game.

>> No.2705195

it's not as bad as chernobyl yet, but yes. this goes beyond the design basis accident.

>> No.2705201

>cannot deny the possibility that the fuel rods are melting.

Well, shit.

>> No.2705205

People die from natural disasters all the time. The only thing special about this one is that it's not even 10% of the deaths we saw in Haiti and Indonesia and yet it's getting so much media attention.

The fuel pellets creating a chain reaction with the reused plutonium and a bad shift of the wind can cause millions of deaths over the next few years though. I find it way more interesting than shit you couldn't do anything about in the first place.

>> No.2705214

Also, radiation is above 8200 mSv.
Smoke seen above the reactors.
Coolant system of spent fuel storages is fried, roof of aforementioned storage was blown off.

>> No.2705228

>Also, radiation is above 8200 mSv.
No. it's above 8200µSv. Get your units right.

8000mSv would be 8Sv. Which is absolutely deadly. (3Sv is LD50)

>> No.2705230

Shipping accidents and mining disasters can just as easily happen with uranium or nuclear associated materials.
You are quite feeble minded to make such stupid arguments.

>> No.2705238

the register has a very positive if outdated view of the situation

They point out that the quake itself was 5x the design maximum (which the plant survived just fine). The problem was the tsunami, that was also much greater than the plant was designed for, which took out the backup power systems and destroyed so much infrastructure they could not be repaired before the batteries went flat.

>> No.2705239

Empathy is important for me, not for the guy I'm supposed to judge
Psychopaths have no empathy but they have feelings and I can feel them.

>> No.2705254

>ship carrying oil ruptures
>massive devastating effects on wildlife

>ship carrying uranium ruptures
>chunk of uranium falls out
>sinks to bottom of ocean, mutates a few fish

>> No.2705261

anyone thought about the possibility that this isn't totaly mother nature's doing???

>> No.2705262

You are right; I stand corrected.
I apologize: English is not my native language.

>> No.2705268


>> No.2705275
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>> No.2705299

Question: How are the engineers working on these reactors without getting extreme radiation poisoning? How close do they get to them? Right up to them?

>> No.2705313

They're probably saver in their suits than other guys kilometers away. They just have to afraid of explosions. Nothing is getting on their skin or in their body.

>> No.2705321

Because the levels required to have acute radiation poisoning are nowhere near being reached. The highest reading they've had was ~8000µSv...you would need 1,000,000µSv before you are considered at risk. I think 4-5,000,000µSv is where you just die.

>> No.2705322

the same way its not getting out the the enviroment - shit is still sealed, bro.

>> No.2705324
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>> No.2705331

but it is getting into the environment. 8000mSv just before.

>> No.2705332


It would help if there was an extreme radiation leak first.


Hazmat suits.

>> No.2705344

Are the engineers and self defense force guys there wearing big radiation suits?

>> No.2705345
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>> No.2705350

and its 250~ now a few hours afterward

>> No.2705357

>you would need 1,000,000µSv before you are considered at risk. I think 4-5,000,000µSv is where you just die.

Just to put things into perspective (pay attention to the units!)

20µSv is what you get from an x-ray at the doctor.

8000µSv/h = 8mSv/h.

2mSv/a is the normal dosage that most humans get as natural background radiation.

100mSv of acute irradiation can already cause radiation sickness. 1Sv causes severe radiation sickness and without treatment has a low chance of being deadly. 3Sv is LD50 with treatment. 7Sv is 100% deadly.

>> No.2705358

It's a first world country and not some shitty eastern European shithole. They're probably walking around like astronauts in the plants.

>> No.2705361

no they're going in shorts and bio-hazard stickered shirts... WTF?? no shit they have to go in with protection..

>> No.2705362

Level a or b hazmat suits most likely, i'd be fine with a level b if i was working there

>> No.2705365

No, because there ISN'T ENOUGH RADIATION TO HURT YOU YET. God damn. Every time an astronaut leaves the atmosphere he gets 10x the radiation the US gov't prescribes as 'safe' in a YEAR. And they aren't dying on every trip to the ISS.

>> No.2705372
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>> No.2705387
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They're wearing the latest in personal shields.

>> No.2705391

>First world country

lol no

>> No.2705394

i blame HAARP.. period...

>> No.2705395

>doesn't know how the first, second and third world branding works

>> No.2705402
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if the control rods were in the reactions showed be fucking slowed to a crawl by now, WHY SO MUCH HEAT STILL?

Japan needs to fucking sack up and stop playing this shit down and start telling the fucking truth. I live in san diego and dont want mutant children when im older...well, maybe i do but id want to know before hand

>> No.2705403

right now:
"8,217 micro sievert per hour"
grays=0.008217 grays
-one year of radiation an hour

>> No.2705413

Ronald Reagan is going to come home and its going to irridiate the entire bay.

>> No.2705414

Unfortunately they seem to be having trouble removing said shields, which is making them miss meals due to a shielded mouth.

>> No.2705432

WTF, the American relief response in Japan is being called Operation Tamogotchi

>> No.2705436


Short-lived fission products are still decaying. that decay energy is enough to melt the fuel pellets for 10 days or so after the fission has been stopped unless they get cooled.

>> No.2705437

>>2705402 y so hot


>> No.2705446

Its just like curing hiccups, all you need to do is scare the wearer.

>> No.2705454




>> No.2705458
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>> No.2705461



>> No.2705462

I wouldn't want to be in Japan right now no matter what the officials are saying.

>> No.2705466
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>>2705432 Operation Tamagotchi

That's horribly offensive that they would do such a thing!

People must immediately complain, in sizeable numbers, that the US people do not want the relief effort tarnished with such prejudice.

>> No.2705470


01:23 Radiation is feared to have leaked after the container vessel was damaged at Fukushima's reactor 2, the Kyodo news agency is quoting Tokyo Electric Power Company as saying.


>> No.2705473
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>I live in san diego and dont want mutant children when im older...well, maybe i do but id want to know before hand

Fuck, I loled hard... I love you anon.

/sci/ is the most ethically questionable board there is; most other boards can be classified as essentially "good" or "bad," /sci/ on the other hand doesn't keep all its genetically-modified stem-cell lines in the same basket.

>> No.2705475


The radiation can't travel that far retard

>> No.2705478


I would never want to be in Japan.

>> No.2705482

not much, yet.

>> No.2705516

watching this shit live now... http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk-world-tv some lady who was spet away is taling to the cammera....sounds completely calm and collected even though she wa swashed off, held on for dear life on a tree branch!

>> No.2705517

It turns out baby boomers are most at risk of nuclear radiation.

>> No.2705539

Two scientists were just brought on the news.
Theres always one guy who states : "We dont know yet, but we should be prepared for the worse"

Then theres always another guy who says ABSOLUTLY FUCKING NOT and spends 10 minutes explaining himself. Fair and balanced my ass.

>> No.2705540


>> No.2705549

what is SPET?

>> No.2705551


Sorry for the slow reply. If you want to discuss abnormal psych, start a new thread and I'll happily contribute. Best general advice I can offer is Martha Stout's "Rule of Threes"
>One broken promise, lie, or neglected responsibility could be a misunderstanding and two a mistake, but three means that the individual is not guided by conscience.

>> No.2705555


Swept you idots. Learn to context.

>> No.2705566


>> No.2705567

what does that have to do with the reactor?

>> No.2705576

Fucking DUH!

Spet is the correct word usage in a situation where the cammera is talling. What planet do you live on?

>> No.2705579

does anyone have any stream video lins for the reactor news?? this one http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk-world-tv is full of shit

>> No.2705648



The only news network you should be bothering with anyway.

>> No.2705661

anyone commited sepukku yet?

also where the fuck is the emperor? isn't this his country? you'd think he'd be making speeches and shit all over the place. i know i would if i was emperor. then i'd go home and bang my 200 concubines. damn straight.

>> No.2705662

Trusting one media outlet - Why, that really reasonable.

>> No.2705689
File: 40 KB, 500x462, shitsonfir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, guys...now wat?

>> No.2705696

I dunno bro, leave it up to a bunch of Japanese Nuclear operators to get it under control?

I mean, what else are we supposed to do.

>> No.2705709

Like they all don't just rip off Reuters and the AP (after adding spin themselves) anyways.

>> No.2705758

>Like they all don't just rip off Reuters and the AP (after adding spin themselves) anyways.
watching NHK world stream and reading the tepco hourly releases and occasionally also IAEA updates.

>> No.2705776

Isn't it clear by now that these Japanese are incompetent and unable to handle the situation on their own. Their government is pussyfooting and not pointing fingers at whos at fault and working to fix the problems. Their reactors were designed by American engineers, they should be the ones working to safeguard that plant.

>> No.2705777

I hope you're trolling and not serious. They don't ripoff AP or Reuters, they BUY the stories from them. That's how AP and Reuters operate, they sell news stories to the main news outlets.

>> No.2705790

So they're just like accuweather and the Weather channel, how they interpret the data that NOAA collects and sell back to us in a 3 million dollar market.

>> No.2705794

Oh alright then, well now that you've cleared that up I'll get on the phone and ring in some specialists for the occasion.

Oh wait, we're a bunch of neakbeards of 4chan, and have no say in the gov't reaction to this incident

>> No.2705801

Is this the PM of Japan, or the Janitor?
I can't tell.

>> No.2705806

Yeah, kinda like that.

>> No.2705826

Pointless semantics. The post is discussing the multitude of sources for news. YOU are the troll, tripfag.

>> No.2705898
File: 88 KB, 645x583, bwr cutaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn off the fucking news channels and read the professional outlets if you want decent information.


Appears to be the most up to date and factual.

As of 20 minutes ago

>>Loud noises were heard at Fukushima Daiichi 2 at 6.10am this morning. A major component beneath the reactor is confirmed to be damaged. A fire is burning at unit 4 and evacuation to 30 kilometres is being urged.

The component is the large doughnut at the base of this diagram.

I hate all of you.

>> No.2705938

Sendailyte is being formed right now.