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2705276 No.2705276 [Reply] [Original]

Genetically Modified Foods.

What are your opinions on them?

This crazy feminist lady is constantly criticizing them in real life and on facebook and i asked her what was really wrong with the foods and she acts like im attacking her.

Mind enlightening me? I'll post what she showed me.

"1. GE crops likely cause of food allergies, especially in children: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_5296.cfm

2. GE crops likely lead to obesity in later life: http://www.obesityepidemic.org/geneticengineeredfoodsandobesity.html

3. Monsanto terrorizes small farmers, monopolizing the farming industry:

4. Genetically modified food may cause cancer:

5. GM soy is toxic to human cells and destroys soil:

6. Monsanto covers up GMO health risk from American public:

7. All other major countries in the developed world view GM foods with extreme caution, yet the US does not:

>> No.2705290

The people attacking them suffer from severe science phobia. That's about it.

>> No.2705301

These are the same people who believe vaccines cause autism.

>> No.2705304

Tell her to get you some legitimate sources.

>> No.2705330


I'm looking, but can anyone supply me with some counter links?

>> No.2705340

with proper testing I have no problem with GM foods, monsanto on the other hand seems to have a large case of corporate evil

>> No.2705341

"1. GE crops likely cause of food allergies, especially in children: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_5296.cfm

>wat, oh..."likely"

2. GE crops likely lead to obesity in later life: http://www.obesityepidemic.org/geneticengineeredfoodsandobesity.html

>lol, likely

3. Monsanto terrorizes small farmers, monopolizing the farming industry:

>true, unfortunately

4. Genetically modified food may cause cancer:

>lol, "may". Also, sunlight.

5. GM soy is toxic to human cells and destroys soil:

>lol, "Transgenic or GM soy is created by haphazardly blasting a gene into the soybean". I couldn't get past that, seems like they found the nucleotide BLAST tool, and got fearful

6. Monsanto covers up GMO health risk from American public:

7. All other major countries in the developed world view GM foods with extreme caution, yet the US does not:
>why are we the breadbasket?

These fearfags cause real problems, I don't think anyone can put it better than Penn at the end of this video :


>> No.2705347

Tell her the food she was eating was already modified genetically.

By nature.

And if she says that's ok, then have her explain how humanity isn't a part of nature.

>> No.2705360

The health issues are irrelevant when you consider the low standards we hold for ourselves.

What does worry me are the patent and legal aspects. I don't trust corporations with the genomes of entire species and I don't trust lawmakers to protect the genomes from corporations.

>> No.2705381

Massive Spoiler: Humans have been genetically modifying food for thousands of years, its called cross breeding different strains of whatever plant or animal you're breeding.

At least in the lab you can control which exact gene your modifying.

Stupid dumb bitch needs to learn some motherfucking science, or at least needs to stop listening to fucking alex jones conspiracy shows

>> No.2705392

also, all bananas are cloned

>> No.2705393

yeah gm food, could lead to all this, but its not solely because it has been engineered, it is because we haven't tested it yet, saying that g.e. causes allergies sounds misleading. and labelling all g.e. products as bad is also stupid, there will be some good and some bad, media is mostly to blame here.

say the same thing about woman's make-up, but there isn't a massive outrage against that now is there.

>> No.2705396

>The results indicated no significant alignment and similarity of Cry proteins at domain level with any of the known allergens revealing that there is no potential risk of allergenic cross-reactivity.
The obesity claim is ridiculous. Even the "GM FOODZ R EVILLL" page can only come up with the claim that the foods are bigger and sweeter. We've been engineering food to be bigger and sweeter since the beginning of agriculture.
The only halfway decent scientific source in the whole lot says that solutions of pesticides are harmful if applied directly to a fetus. STOP THE PRESSES, GUIZE.

>> No.2705415
File: 74 KB, 416x312, Wild Strawberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in your picture, all 4 strawberries were genetically modified.

here is a picture of a real strawberry before mankind changed them. oh, and they don't taste as sweet.

>> No.2705416

>No viral, bacterial or mammalian DNA found in present day GM crops resulting from the process of genetic transformation could have been introduced into the plant genome by natural means or traditional cross-breeding.
>Doesn't know 5-10% of the human genome is made up of virus DNA.

>> No.2705511
File: 1.50 MB, 300x300, 1299721432477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They'll put jellyfish genes in potatoes, make them glow in the dark ..."

Man oh man, did that crack me up.

>> No.2705518



Wild strawberries taste divine.

>> No.2705542

There is a difference between cultivating plants and genetically modifying them.

>> No.2705547

Which is...?

>> No.2705550

That true, but the latter more often than not comes with the former, at least if the farmer has any interest in improving his crop.

>> No.2705578

you only think that because there's less water in the smaller fruit.

>> No.2705605

There is something I don't understand about you guys. If your government does something shitty you're all like "Fuck the government, I'd never trust these assholes again". On the other hand if there is a big corporation that only wants $ and fucks everyone just for that you criticize the ones who call out on their bullshit and say "Sciencephobia/ecoterrorists etc"

Explain, please.

>> No.2705612

not really man. GM crops , in their most extreme forms, contain genes found in other plants or sometimes other organisms. All you end up with are plants which are engineered to have fewer restrictions on their growth and a weighted probability of bearing more fruit.

>> No.2705627

There is nothing wrong with the science, billions (with a b) have been saved from starvation due to the science.

That doesn't mean we all love Monsanto corp, as a matter of fact, I think the road we're going down with IP rights on life is sick indeed.

>> No.2705633


You ever worked for the government? They don't pay shit, and if you're too smart, you don't get to leave without a few holes in your head.

Private companies at least pay out.

>> No.2705650

There's no need for GM plants if all you want to do is to stop world hunger. The Africans will starve no matter how many GM plants are planted around the world.

>> No.2705670

not if you didnt have to adhere to regulations mandating the implementation of the terminator gene. Without that fucking backstop the amount of usable foodcrops you could produce is fucking crazy.

>> No.2705679

because i can always buy my shit from another corporation. try to do that with a government and you end up dead or in jail.

>> No.2705708

In the entire history of GMOs, there has been almost no benefit whatsoever to consumers. Most countries already have more grain than they know what to do with (including India), and GMOs are just a business strategy the same way hybrid seeds were 50 years ago.

GMOs CAN be used to help world hunger, for instance in improving cassava or turning annual crops into perennials, but there is no profit to be had in these strategies, so no fucking way Monsanto will do it.

>> No.2705713

They will starve no matter how much the civilized world produces. I guess the amount of food that is thrown away would be enough to feed every African.

What if there's only company that sells seeds? Monsanto likes to buy smaller companies. Look at India: Lots of BT cotton, no other companies that sell seeds - dependence.

>> No.2705729


>4th richest country in the world

Try one of the african countries.

>> No.2705732
File: 11 KB, 320x240, fry-squint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there an argument there?

>> No.2705759

Modern bananas.


>> No.2705765

the majority of the world's malnourished people live in India. I said India for the sheer quantity.

>> No.2705772


>> No.2705796

>What if there's only company that sells seeds?

Only possible if the government imposes a monopoly. Even then, there's always the black market.

>> No.2705797

sorry, majority is wrong, more like plurality, for the sake of accuracy. It's closer to 40%

>> No.2705823

Why is it people think "natural" food is so much better for you?

Can you really get blue strawberries? I want.

>> No.2705834
File: 24 KB, 460x276, arpad.article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So basically one scientist tested a GM product and found out that was dangerous to consume, then gets shunned by his scientific institution due to monsanto's string-pulling

>> No.2705856

>implying there is no system of peer review or reproduction of results

>> No.2705860

Yes. Google 'monsanto revolving doors' if you want to know more.

>> No.2705862

because natural food is objectively healthier?

The results of breeding for quantity, fast growth and responsiveness to fertilizer that the Green Revolution brought about is a measurable decrease in vitamin/micronutrient content in most crops.

I don't think most people know this though

>> No.2705875

1. GE crops likely cause of food allergies, especially in children: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_5296.cfm
> total BS food allergies have been around since ancient times, no GE food back then.

2. GE crops likely lead to obesity in later life: http://www.obesityepidemic.org/geneticengineeredfoodsandobesity.html
>Wrong a study done shows that how much food you receive while in the womb determines how much fat your body will store as a child and well into adult-hood. http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2006/08.24/99-obesity.html
hmmm look study done by Harvard..... Very respectable university....

3. Monsanto terrorizes small farmers, monopolizing the farming industry:
> true take a look at a documentary called Food INC

4. Genetically modified food may cause cancer:
> total BS cancer has been around since the 1800's before GE food.

5. GM soy is toxic to human cells and destroys soil:
> totall BS the treament of the soil by the farmers destroys arable land not the crops themselves. The adding of chemicals to kill weeds and bugs makes land less and less arable over time. as for the human cells part..... who knows..

6. Monsanto covers up GMO health risk from American public:
> Not likely

7. All other major countries in the developed world view GM foods with extreme caution, yet the US does not:
> Yet GM foods are in many different countries world wide. They are working on GM Crops to plant in africa that can survive extreme drought.

>> No.2705876

Google 'mosanto revolving doors'. It's interesting.

>> No.2705878

This woman needs to learn basic economics.

If we didn't have genetically engineered food, we
would lose a lot of our food supply. Seriously.

First off, insects would easily eat up our crops.

In addition, we wouldn't have enough of the food
by the time we need it to get it out, hence starving
a large portion of the population.

So, if she wants to starve a good portion of our
population, tell her to go on right ahead.

>> No.2705880
File: 140 KB, 500x497, 4669372454_1e752dd619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna need to see some published literature plox, especially after that "sheeple"-talk

>> No.2705887

Sounds plausible. But if the total yield of nutrients/acre has gone up, it's irrelevant.

>> No.2705912


The FDA is the most obnoxiously corrupt arm of the U.S. government. They seriously don't even try to hide it anymore.


Then there's the Stevia thing.

>> No.2705942

>>acts like im attacking her.

This should be the only sign you need to know that you are talking to a stupid person. People who are unable to depersonalize their beliefs are unteachable.

>> No.2706015

I think part of the problem is Monsanto is fucking up the image of GMOs. I wonder, if Monsanto wasn't the BBEG of real life, would hippies still be having a fit?

>> No.2706097

So I've been convinced genetically modified crops are fine. Factory farmed animals with regular injections of antibiotics and hormones are still horrible, right?

>> No.2706239
