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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2697275 No.2697275 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's difficult to gauge such a thing, but I was just curious. I guess I'll some limits though. 1) Data must only include first world nations. 2) Don't know of anything else atm, but just where is the "normal guy" out there typically at? ie, intermediate algebra +, trig +, calculus 1 or 2 +, etc.

>> No.2697280

On average worldwide I would say the average 35 year old male has a functional knowledge of multivariate calculus.

>> No.2697285
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the average guy has forgotten everything above trig.

gonna give this captcha a try
>rensuces ΣvΧvkip

>> No.2697286

that pic is oddly hot


>> No.2697292


You really dont think all the retarded niggers/mexicans/uneducated chinks bring that average down, just a little?

maybe in countries worth living in this is true, but not worldwide.

>> No.2697295


easy fraction arithmetic on a good day

>> No.2697297

No, the top countries like China who are up to algebraic topology and the bottom countries that can barely do simple arithmetic balance each other out at a happy medium of multivariate calculus.

>> No.2697301

probably able to solve a quadratic, and only with real roots.

>> No.2697302

I would suppose the average person could calculate a restaurant bill with a tip if he had to, and that's it.

>> No.2697304

I'd say, we're about where we were in the 1900's, when most poorfags didn't go to school while richfags got a grade A education. Now, everyone gets the same shitty education, and only freaks, nerds and dateless failwads have the slightest interest in or knowledge of math.

>> No.2697308

I frequently encounter university students who cannot do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division in their heads. The latter two, they can't do unless they have a calculator.

My guess, piss poor.

>> No.2697317

billions of africans and other retards don't know simple addition. Your average chinese farmer probably only knows basic algebra. Hell, your average american has never taken calculus. Honestly, the only reason people are putting the average so high is because:

a) They're retarded
b) They don't realize that being at university they're surrounded by higher intelligence people (even if it may not seem like it)

>> No.2697316

the average guy has forgotten trig and quite a bit below

>> No.2697314

>top countries like China


>algebraic topology


You know, there's a China outside of the coastal cities, right?

>> No.2697324

>implying factory grunts in China can do vector calculus

Oh you.

It obviously says rensuces nigger.

>> No.2697336


yeah because every chinese person gets a degree in mathematics before they can work in a sweatshop. My god are you a retard.

Here's a science experiment: walk around the street and ask whoever you meet to solve a basic math problem that only requires algebra and arithmetic to do. Less than half won't be able to do it.

>> No.2697339

I give the ones with greek a legit try. But I have no problems with operation renigger.

>> No.2697377

Worldwide it's very difficult to gauge.

Here in Scotland you only do calculus at the age of 17+ and thats if you excelled at Maths in earlier years. The education system here is terrible.

>> No.2697395

both my parents are very intelligent. My dad is an environmental lawyer, and my mom is an ER nurse. they're college educated, upper middle class people who came from poor backgrounds, so they've earned everything they have.

they probably know algebra. maybe a little geometry. trig, adv algebra, calculus might as well be a different language for them.

point being, knowledge of math isn't necessarily the factor that determines of the intelligence of a group of a population.

physicsfag here btw.

>> No.2697400

that's exactly like america


>> No.2697416

the problem is tons of people learn it, then they never use it again.

>> No.2697427

are you talking about mental arithmetic or maths?

imo, people get significantly better at mental arithmetic as they get older, purely through practice (shopping, eating out, working in an office etc.), it's probably a different story when it comes to maths though, considering most people haven't had to think with a mathematic "frame of mind" since they left school

>> No.2697428

ding ding ding ding ding

Pure math is useless for about 90% of the population

You don't need to know algebra to dig a ditch, enter data, or flip a burger.

>> No.2697435

not a problem if you don't use it again

>> No.2697439

As you get older, the connection in your brain that handle routine functions (like mental arithmetic) get more efficient, but your potential for creativity withers away.

>> No.2697709

>implying one should be able to do calculations rather than know the math