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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 85 KB, 521x700, Christopher_Hitchens_by_infernovball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2692136 No.2692136 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ rage thread.


>> No.2692143
File: 36 KB, 1501x155, dohohohohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your face when Liberal pseudoscience

>> No.2692152

Einstein didn't believe in BHs either. Your point?

>> No.2692155

That's the only rageworthy thing. I skimmed the article, and it looks OK.

>> No.2692160


Before they were proven.

What the fuck is YOUR point?

>> No.2692166

Boy, you are just ACHING for someone to give you an excuse to rage, aren't you?

>> No.2692170

Einstein also didn't have the data that we do. There is a difference between uninformed and wilfully ignorant.

>> No.2692172

I don't see much wrong/inaccurate, but I did see them throwing in usual troll stuff
>Black holes have generated much interest among liberal publications

>invisibly small particles

>> No.2692189
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You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.2692202

Now, if you REALLY want to rage, go to the relativity article

>> No.2692210

Yep, aching for an excuse to rage.

>> No.2692213
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>> No.2692225
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oh jeez looeez this thread is makin me made

>> No.2692227

Whenever I want to rage I just search for dinosaur.

>Creation science proves the biblical account, that dinosaurs were created on day 6 of creation[3] approximately 6,000 years ago, along with other land animals, and therefore co-existed with humans, thus debunking the Theory of Evolution and the beliefs of evolutionary scientists about the age of the earth.

>> No.2692228


>> No.2692243

I'm glad I have a resource to give me real, trustworthy facts. Not liberal facts. And certainly not liberal science.

>> No.2692249
File: 3 KB, 409x259, 1289684681705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32. In Genesis 1:6-8, we are told that one of God's first creations was a firmament in the heavens. This likely refers to the creation of the luminiferous aether.

>> No.2692250
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>The action-at-a-distance by Jesus, described in John 4:46-54.

This is just depressing.

>> No.2692256

at the bottom of the "counterexamples to relativity" you have a link to this:
counterexamples to the bible.
first line:
"there are no counterexamples to the bible"

>> No.2692258

>Despite wasting millions of taxpayer dollars searching for gravity waves predicted by the theory, none have ever been found.
Gravity doesn't exist you fucking scientists, get used to it

>> No.2692263

Oh I am laughing. This is amusing. And I'm a Christian.

>> No.2692269

Regular contributor here, check the page on this godless pothead atheist:


>In addition, as noted earlier Sagan advocated the boondoggle of taxpayer funded exobiology research. Given that many liberals embraced communism and continue to hold the spurious notion of abiogenesis, it is not surprising that many agnostics and atheists embraced Sagan's pseudoscience

>> No.2692277
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>There are no counterexamples to the Bible. this is in contrast with:

>Counterexamples to Evolution (60 and growing)
>Counterexamples to Relativity (33 and growing)
>Counterexamples to an Old Earth (29 and growing)


>> No.2692287

>The intelligence of humans is rapidly declining, whether measured by SAT scores,[14] music, personal letters,[15] quality of political debates,[16] the quality of news articles,[17] or any other measure.
Follow the links to the citations. They're short footnotes, actually.

>> No.2692294

I'm going to go check the abortion page. Before I open it, I predict that the page will tell me that abortion raises risk of breast cancer and causes elevated risk of mental illness. We know this is true because certain state legislatures in the Bible Belt have declared it to be true.

I will report back.

>> No.2692309

"Bible deniers -- such as atheists and evolutionists -- engage in liberal denial about the many truths in the Bible. Their irrational closed-mindedness against the Bible obstructs the advancement of science."

>> No.2692310
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He wants the record of the earth in the bible to be true so bad, he invents an alternate cosmological model (ie. white holes, time sectors) to show that an earth which is only thousands of years old can exist in a universe which is billions of years old.

>> No.2692324
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I like how anything they don't like, they throw in the word "LIBERAL".

>> No.2692342
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"carbon dating of water supplies"

>> No.2692344

"The agnostic and evolutionist Carl Sagan was an avid marijuana smoker who claimed marijuana gave him scientific insights.[288] Sagan's agnosticism and avid marijuana smoking no doubt helped inspire Sagan's pseudoscientific fantasy that evolution was a 'fact'.


>> No.2692354
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>Humphreys' model attempts to circumvent the distant starlight problem, which is an apparent problem for most Young Earth creationism. To do this, he changes the Big Bang model and proposes that the universe began as a white hole, with distant galaxies emerging and beginning to age billions of years ago, relativistically speaking, but with less time passing for the Milky Way galaxy, and the young earth and solar system being only few thousand years old. The proposal is premised on gravitational time dilation, with time nearly stopped near the white hole event horizon, while time progresses outside the hole. Any remnant or evidence of the white hole, if it still exists, would be located within a few thousand light years of Earth

>but with less time passing for the Milky Way galaxy
>less time passing for the Milky Way galaxy

>> No.2692369
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>Any remnant or evidence of the white hole, if it still exists, would be located within a few thousand light years of Earth.

I await the day.

>> No.2692370
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>> No.2692371
File: 73 KB, 266x267, lf12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Atheism and obesity
>members of the American Atheists organization's board of directors showed a significant portion of its members having excess body weight
>Picture of an overweight PZ Myers
>Picture of an overweight atheist Christopher Hitchens
>picture of an overweight Daniel Dennet
>A picture of an overweight Victor J. Stenger
>Video of an overweight atheist activist Michael Nugent
>Picture of an overweight Taslima Nasreen

>> No.2692390

Link to PDF report from the Associations of American Physicians and Surgeons whose mission, as stated in the PDF file, is to support the practice of private medicine.

It's like a giant interwoven fabric of bullshit and front groups. You can tell what their going to say before you even click the link.

Protip: SourceWatch for epic dollar-trail lulz

>> No.2692394


>There is no conflict with the description in Genesis, which says, "let there be light, and there was light." It doesn't say, "let there be light, and there was darkness that light later reached."


>> No.2692399

>If each of 31 counterexamples has merely a 10% chance of being valid, which is certainly an underestimate, then the probability that the Earth is billions of years old is only 3.8%. With the total of these counterexamples at 31, they demonstrate that the Earth must be young with a likelihood of greater than 96%.

>> No.2692402

"Pleiotropy, the fact that a change of a single gene can have several different effects, renders the "improvement" of animals by random mutation impossible, as any mutation with a potentially beneficial effect will be coupled with one or more other potentially lethal effects"

"There are no historical records of anyone directly observing one species evolving into another, which would certainly be something worth writing about. Surely of the millions of species we have, someone would have witnessed one come into existence had it evolved."

"If evolution were to explain where human beings come from, then every personality type should benefit human life. This is clearly untrue because the world is filled with liars, psychopaths, and murderers. These traits clearly do not benefit humanity."

"Mutations cause a loss of information, rendering it mathematically impossible for mutations to advance the complexity of life. "

"Evolution cannot explain how beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if evolution said that beauty were useful then we would all expect to see the same things as beautiful."

why is it that every person who denies evolution has a horribly skewed idea of what it is?

>> No.2692422

Right? Evolution is change over time, not getting "better"

>> No.2692423

>why is it that every person who denies evolution has a horribly skewed idea of what it is?
Either they have been misled, or they have misled themselves intentionally. Self-deception is an ugly thing. But most of them have probably been misled by others.

>> No.2692425


"The fanatical atheists, are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who--in their grudge against traditional religion as the 'opium of the masses'-- cannot hear the music of the spheres."

“I'm not an atheist. I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws."

>> No.2692447


>"There are no historical records of anyone directly observing one species evolving into another, which would certainly be something worth writing about. Surely of the millions of species we have, someone would have witnessed one come into existence had it evolved."

What do they think it's like Pokemon???

>> No.2692459

Because if they actually understood it they would realize there is no reason why it wouldn't be true.

>> No.2692460

These people make me sad. They're mentally and intellectually retarded and unfit to be on the internet with a capable caretaker, yet their psychological illnesses are going untreated because being psychotic is okay in society if you're psychotic for Jesus.

>> No.2692485

anytime that anyone is against evolution, they question why it doesn't happen in mere months/years. like, i've actually seen this:
>"if evolution was real, how come the monkeys in the zoo aren't humans yet?"
well, i paraphrased, but that was basically it.

>> No.2692502
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So I ventured into the shit pit within the shit pit.

>> No.2692508


I seriously think pokemon was the worst thing to happen to evolution.

>> No.2692525


>> No.2692527
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>"There are no historical records of anyone directly observing one species evolving into another, which would certainly be something worth writing about. Surely of the millions of species we have, someone would have witnessed one come into existence had it evolved."


>> No.2692530


ill just leave it here

>> No.2692536

this has convinced me to get the hell out of the US as soon as i get my degree

>> No.2692537

Do I dare?

>> No.2692542

try hard mode.

>> No.2692549

try to buy some tundra in canada....it'll be bank when those methane clathrates are released form the ocean

>> No.2692552


A wiki that's 95% trolls and 5% dumb creationist mods have convinced you to leave your country?

>> No.2692554
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>Instead readily embracing liberal logic and pseudo or junk science such as evolution, relativity, global warming and much of cosmology and geology based on a time frame which predates creation.
oh dear odin above why

>> No.2692558
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>Atheist scientists have a propensity for obesity, whereas a conservative lifestyle protects against obesity.

>wtf man calling scientist fat

>> No.2692567 [DELETED] 


>> No.2692574
File: 131 KB, 856x557, Conservative-republican-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The graphic parodies itself.

>> No.2692577

>"Symbiosis - There are many examples where creatures rely on each other to survive which could not arise through evolution. Grass cannot survive without a certain fungus that helps it fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and the fungus can't survive without the grass. They must have appeared on earth at the same time"

>seems they think grass is a legume

>> No.2692578


>Ronald Reagan greatest thing ever blah blah

reminds me of this

>> No.2692580
File: 24 KB, 311x311, larryczonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of all the fucking people to have an article on this...

>> No.2692589
File: 144 KB, 432x434, macrophage conservapedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christine O'Donnell
>If evolution is true why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans?

The guy who made Conservapedia is a college professor and he has his students create and edit articles on Conservapedia for credit. It's pathetic and evil, using your stance as a professor to spread bullshit and lies and make your student conform to them and add to them for their credit.

But I have just received word from our master Inglip that we must phagocytize this scum!

>> No.2692592
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>Junk Science

>> No.2692595

Funny how those religious nutjobs all want to save the environment and bring peace to the middle east. If they bring peace to the middle east, like say 7 years, then they are really ushering in the end of the world (according to christianity, this is when the devil takes over)! What's the point?

>> No.2692600
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>> No.2692605

>Muslims also use circular logic to defend the Qur'an. They argue that the Qur'an is true because it is the Word of Allah, that it is the Word of Allah because it says so, and that we can rely on it because it is true.

>Shit all over Qur'an, don't mention bible

>> No.2692611
File: 44 KB, 461x403, 1296679653796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you are getting trolled hard

>> No.2692612


Editing on Conservapedia is open to the best of the public -- and that includes you. Here are our simple guidelines:

4. When referencing dates based on the approximate birth of Jesus, give appropriate credit for the basis of the date (B.C. or A.D.). "BCE" and "CE" are unacceptable substitutes because they deny the historical basis. See CE.

>> No.2692613

If you click under "references," you'll see that they just plagarised the whole thing from Creationwiki, except they removed the actual scientific sounding example about Carbon 14 and replaced it with vague claims
It's a sad day when you're at the bottom of the creationist wiki intelligence scale

>> No.2692614


Christians didn't fly planes into the WTC, toots.

>> No.2692617


aww. It was deleted. I sure would've liked to have hated upon this while it was up.

>> No.2692620

No, Conservapedia is real. The founder and admin of Conservapedia is a conservative lawyer and professor and fundamentalist Christian. He and his slaves make sure everything written on it conforms to their view of reality because they actually believe it.

>> No.2692622

Do you really think it is a bunch of moderates, liberals, and atheists writing that stuff for lulz? Sure, it would be great if it were true, but I'm just not believing it. I think they are really that fucked up in the head.

>> No.2692624

What does that have to do with circular logic?

>> No.2692628

My cousin was involved in a radio question to Christine O'Donnell and I told him to say,

"Do you think monkeys evolve into humans overnight?"

"If, as you seem to assume, that monkeys should have evolved into humans and cant fathom why monkeys are still around, then by similar analogy, USA, Canada, Australia etc were formed from Europeans, why are Europeans still around?"

She left the interview.

>> No.2692632

# ↑ The senseless changing of American to British spellings may result in blocking.

>> No.2692634

The point is it puts down the Qur'an for circular reason but doesn't use the same logic on the bible. In that sentance, you could replace Qur'an with bible and allah with god, and it still makes sense. Its ironic.

>> No.2692650
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>Creation science proves the biblical account, that dinosaurs were created on day 6 of creation[3] approximately 6,000 years ago, along with other land animals, and therefore co-existed with humans, thus debunking the Theory of Evolution and the beliefs of evolutionary scientists about the age of the earth.
>Creation science shows that dinosaurs lived in harmony with other animals, (probably including in the Garden of Eden) eating only plants[4]; that pairs of each dinosaur kind were taken onto Noah's Ark during the Great Flood and were preserved from drowning[5]; that many of the fossilized dinosaur bones originated during the mass killing of the Flood[6]; and that possibly some descendants of those dinosaurs taken aboard the Ark are still around today.[7]

there is no hope

>> No.2692661
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It's 6 pages of them calling P.Z. Meyers fat. Seriously. It's just a list of stupid insult-jokes, except since it's conservopedia, it's an "essay"
Feel the Christian love!

>> No.2692663

>lived in harmony
>ate plants

Plants are living organisms, too. And they can die just like animals. Why did God shit on the plants and say that they were made to be devoured and killed but let animals live happy and peacefully with themselves? Fucking racist.

>> No.2692667

There's no article about masturbation. There should be...

>> No.2692669


>> No.2692672

"Currently, there is an ongoing debate on whether Friedrich Nietzsche's insanity was caused purely through disease or whether his atheistic/nihilistic philosophical outlook on life was the cause."

>> No.2692676


All carbon dating of water supplies, even the most ancient and the deepest underground reservoirs, result in relatively young ages,[11]and no water has been found suggesting an Old Earth.

>carbon date

>> No.2692680

"Question: What is the difference between PZ Myers and a cephalopod?
Answer: Cephalopods are able to move fast. They are able to fly distances of up to 50 meters."


>> No.2692686


>> No.2692691
File: 15 KB, 800x600, missinglink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better:

It's about 100 links to "humor" pages, about half of which are calling atheists fat. You'd expect these serious creation scientists would be busy finding proof of the garden of eden instead of transcribing 3rd grade taunts.
Oh well, at least I feel better now about calling Ken Ham the missing link.

>> No.2692698

This makes me lol. You know these guys fap to Libertarian dogma, which owes more than a little to Nietzsche.

>> No.2692703

The oldest direct evidence of life -- written documents, clothing, remnants of civilizations, tree rings, etc. -- is no older than about 3000 B.C.

I wonder how they dated those clothes and documents...

>> No.2692705


>Oh well, at least I feel better now about calling Ken Ham the missing link.

I snickered, well played.

>> No.2692712


>Every time I think of the subject of atheism and obesity, I can't stop laughing! If you're so smart Mr. Atheist, then why are you so fat?


Just awfully, awfully pathetic.

>> No.2692713
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pic related (tried posting it earlier, but apparently creationists can't even figure out how to make images that don't spontaneous corrupt)

>> No.2692727
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>this is impossible given random chance.

the amount of times I raged at this increases proportionately with the amount of times they said it squared.

>> No.2692732


Let's take a break from "atheists are fat" and move onto "atheists are pussy faggots for not agreeing to debate every hick pastor"

>> No.2692736
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I'm bored raging. How do we troll this asshole?

>> No.2692745

Has someone DDoS'ed conservapedia? I can't get onto any of the pages on it's website. 403 error.

>> No.2692773
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>It has not generated much popular appeal, perhaps due to its relatively unattractive name.

>> No.2692777


Usually I'm not all one for the trolling and whatnot, but this faggot has it coming.

Some of this stuff makes me laugh or rage, but much more makes me feel disgusted. Just go to the marriage page or any page related to atheism and morality.

We so sub-human, bros.

>> No.2692784

The only way to troll a troll is to follow his lead.

Can we track his word computer and use a trojan to download several gigs of gay porn to it? Cause it to print 8x10s in full color to the company's copier?

>> No.2692785

these guys are idiotic...

>> No.2692786

speciesist, you mean?

>> No.2692795

>Muslims also use circular logic to defend the Qur'an. They argue that the Qur'an is true because it is the Word of Allah, that it is the Word of Allah because it says so, and that we can rely on it because it is true.

Holy crap, you could say the same thing about Christians and the Bible. Of course it would never point out that...

>> No.2692800

only americans can get to conservapedia

>> No.2692819

>Male-pattern baldness has no evolutionary explanation. It is not observed in non-human species, and because it decreases the likelihood of finding a mate, it should have been selected out a long time ago.


>> No.2692830
File: 54 KB, 640x480, asianfeelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i realized conservapedia is written by real people, not trolls

>> No.2692844

It's so true that Amerifags must keep it for themselves. How could it be trustworthy if foreigners edit it?

>> No.2692845
File: 116 KB, 920x920, 1295663180221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question here:
Do you think that Glen Beck, Rush and the rest of them actually believe the shit they spew out of their mouths, or are they just in it for the money?

>> No.2692847


Dude we don't have to download gay porn to his computer it's already there. You must not know much about conservatives against gay marriage if you think they're straight.

>> No.2692859

I think Beck knows exactly what's he's doing. Not sure about Rush.

>> No.2692865

A little bit of both - but I think they are probably scary people. It takes a special type to talk for that many hours a day. To talk about how you're right and everyone else is wrong and how THEY are going for us.

I'm going with some mix of profound arrogance, showmanship and sociopathy.

>> No.2692895


obligatory in a thread like this

>> No.2692919


If evolution is false, how the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman have a Terminator?
If evolution is false, how did Conservatives supersede Liberals.
If evolution is false, why are there so few Jews?

>> No.2692923
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>> No.2692925

plenty more up in here

>> No.2692932
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>> No.2692973



>> No.2692974
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>> No.2692979

I wanted to stop reading after the first line. Hell, I should just stop this altogether and go to bed.

>> No.2692981
File: 1.46 MB, 2432x1568, 129999632112242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe that people try and disgrace other people's work justbecause it is contrary to what they believe.

>> No.2692998
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>> No.2693002

well im 8 minutes into this. he says evolution is false because text books dont talk about dna. pretty sure my old high school text book emphasized dna to the extreme

>> No.2693011

>The United States has recorded the highest deficits
>as a share of GDP since 1945 in Obama's first two

As if it didn't take eight years to get to that point

>> No.2693017

he admits the bible uses circular reasoning. then says it doesnt matter because evolution uses circular reasoning and has to evidence. wat.

>> No.2693023
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It's not what you the fact that it's against what you believe, if the fact that it's against sound logic and science.

>> No.2693048

Just look at the front page with the world's most deceptive graphs. They took GDP over 1 year and compared it to 1 cherry-picked year out of Reagan's term (lol, it's actually longer than a year). The axes are also totally off; the Obama one shows about 1/2 as much growth as the Reagan one, even though the graphs are set up to make it look like Obama's GDP is going in the shitter.
Jump to the next graph where a 3% drop in...some employment indicator is set up to take the entire graph and make it look like the US just fell into the stone age

>> No.2693055
File: 21 KB, 336x269, 1284775987597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck...

>> No.2693101

> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Why do I have a 403? Is someone DDoSing them?

>> No.2693110

nope. your IP provider has decided to bless you by blocking conservapedia

>> No.2693129

so he makes a "universal definition of information" intended to encompass everything that is information. he intentionally makes evolution not apply, so his universal definition has already failed. then he uses his broken definition to disprove evolution. gg.

>> No.2693136
File: 23 KB, 288x499, Kornheiser_Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2693140

anonymouse.org fails too.
hidemyass.com works! Yay, I'm gonna have fun of you americunts!

>> No.2693173

"Alternatively, a conservative is willing to learn and advocate the insights of economics and the morality of the Bible for the benefit of all, recognizing that the Bible is the most logical book ever written."
I can't stop laughing.

>> No.2693179


>Keynesian economics had much in common
>with Fascism.

>While liberal in nature, Keynesian economics also had
>an influence on conservatives - the Laffer curve, a key
>component of supply-side economics and the basis for
>the Reagan and Bush II tax cuts, was based on
>Keynesian concepts.

"It's only ok if a conservative does it"

>> No.2693226

I checked out Mike Riddle's bio on his website. He has a degree in math and education.

I see a trend. Every dumbass Creationists who lectures holds a degree in either mathematics, philosophy, or both. e.g. William Demsbki, Mike Riddle, I'm pretty sure Dinesh D'Souza, and others.

>> No.2693246


You honestly think these guys could get a degree in a science field, given their beliefs?

>> No.2693254
File: 29 KB, 132x190, 1292810923511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"did we just contradict ourselves? its ok. god is good"

>> No.2693286

Technically, a few Creationists do have degrees in biology. Duane Gish has a PhD in biochemistry and he's a Young Earth Creationists. Granted, he earned his degree 60 or so years ago so he's probably way behind on his science. And there are those Creationists who get paid to earn PhDs in biology just so they can take it and run and say that they're biologists who disagree with evolution.

They're all stupid, but they're devious enough to get degrees in biology to make it appear that they're educated.

>> No.2693324

Conservapedia is to science as /sci/ is to economy.

Same level of fallacies, idiocy and bias.

>> No.2693367

well if you disregard one PhD based on their beliefs, you must look at other PhD's and critique them too. ex. a PHD in computer sci who believes kids watch too much tv must be striped of their title.

>> No.2693392
File: 9 KB, 293x213, Kent_Hovind_mug_shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say anti-rage?


>> No.2693421

Except some kids might watch too much TV.

That's different from a biologist who believes that all biological beings were magicked into existence 6000 years ago by a magic man in the sky and who believes that evolution, the foundation of biology, is a Satanic cult.

>> No.2693470

>'there are no counter-examples to the bible
>proceed to state 3 counter-examples to the bible

>> No.2693511

Oh god. Look on the liberal page. Halfway down, Godwin's Law goes into effect.


On top of that, right off the bat, FAMOUS LIBERALS: JOHN WAYNE GACEY

Really, how polar can a Wiki get? Also: People who can edit are the 'best of the people'.

Since I'm betting the conservatives barely understand half of what is spewed on the website, you think it's possible to switch the page names around if we had editing rights?

>> No.2693528

Funny thing about Conservapedia - for a while, people were making satirical edits and pages. The admin team had trouble stopping it because they couldn't distinguish between satire and the serious content.

>> No.2693531

Cannot stop laughing.

>> No.2693535

Dinosaur adventure land looks kind of neat.

>> No.2693540


There is a name for this effect. WHAT IS IT? me and my friends have been trying to remember for two days.

>> No.2693544

I swear, Encyclopedia Dramatica is more consistent than Conservapedia

>> No.2693579

Hitler as a liberal! HA!

>> No.2693596


"These objects, along with black holes, white holes, and worm holes, are the stuff of sci-fi magazines. They are very entertaining to think about, but we do not have solid evidence yet nailing down their nature. Astronomers, funded by the NSF, draw premature conclusions in search of government largess. "

I thought i was unrage-able. But this shit makes me rage.

>> No.2693656

Poe's Law.

>> No.2693675

Why do these people not believe in astronomy? Evolution, I understand, but astronomy? Do they think that we live in the only galaxy, in the only solar system, on the only planet that God made special for us? All other celestial bodies are liberal lies?