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2687450 No.2687450 [Reply] [Original]

Here's something funny.

"French greens call for end to nuclear energy:
French green groups renewed a call on Saturday for France to end its dependence on nuclear power, saying a radiation leak at a Japanese atomic power plant showed there were no safety guarantees in the industry."

So a 40 year old plant is disabled by the 6th strongest earthquake in recorded history. And french envirofascists wants to scrap nuclear power, despite being nowhere near anything resembling a fault line.

How can people be so stupid that it hurts?

>> No.2687457

>How can people be so stupid that it hurts?

Fully expected it, what can we do? Let's hope the French, apparently the last bastion of intelligence in the god damn world, ignore these lol-green-is-chic nutters.

>> No.2687461

>How can people be so stupid that it hurts?
There's a very important fact that you're missing. This is not the REASON for their opposition to nuclear power. It is an EXCUSE.

They were anti-nuke before this happened.

>> No.2687463

>mfw nuclear power is our only hope
>mfw i have no face

>> No.2687473


Two things:
The stupidity of groups tend toward maximum.
Laziness leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to fear.

>> No.2687480

... I have no words to express my rage.

What the fuck France?

The radiation leak is not even significant, nevermind the fact it's only one reactor out of .. I don't know how many others are there in that place, and it's from one plant across the whole fucking country.

And you know what? Only one fucking guy got slightly radiated from the blast, one fucking guy.

Fuck you world!

>> No.2687491
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>Laziness leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to fear.
And as we all know, "fear is the path to the dark side".

>> No.2687505

ITT: Engineers.

>> No.2687512

I believe global warming is real, but it's a shame most environmentalists are insane.

>> No.2687517

Nothing will come out of this. Media is just giving them undue weight.

>> No.2687528


Pick one

>> No.2687580
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This thread needs more stupidity.

>> No.2687596

firstly, let the French live in the dark ages, and while were at it send all of our crazy left wing liberals there who feel the same way.

secondly I'm still at a loss, has anyone found how much radiation was in that control room that was supposedly 1000 times the norm? I mean if you're in a clean room and you're expecting 1 part per billion of dust, and you're 1000 times over norm.... thats still fuck all of dust right?

>> No.2687602

well ...they did attack pearl harbor

>> No.2687605

Coming up next a meteor strikes USA for killing all the native Americans
Some guy German guy gets hit by lightning because of Hitler

>> No.2687612

Oh my god, that's just bizarre. These people seem to feel no empathy at all for the thousands of people who died, blinded by their retarded jingoism.

This is what some douchebag wrote: "Eat a dick Japan! That's what you get for pearl harbor [note the irregular spacing around 'pearl harbor,' indicating that he had to copy and paste the spelling], karma son! Haha!"
>This is what rednecks actually believe.

Some people are such morans it's no wonder there are so much bullshit going on around the world.

>> No.2687616


>> No.2687620

*They* did not, the people 70 years ago did.

>> No.2687625

We should burn these Greens to generate power

>> No.2687627

>let the French live in the dark ages
france: 80% of energy is nuclear
USA: 20% of energy is nuclear

>> No.2687630

Maybe France just wants some attention.

>> No.2687633
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Oh my fucking god...

>> No.2687636
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Frenchfag here.

We are at the forefront in nuclear energy, why take these greens seriously?

pic related, how they should be treated

>> No.2687641

french ecofreaks don't represent france.

this is a non-story.
ecofreaks all over the world will come out with similar statements.

>> No.2687645

>People conveniently forgetting the US bombed them way harder.

>> No.2687652

How ironic.

>> No.2687653

That actually inspired me to donate money to the relief.

>> No.2687655

A dam collapsed and swept away hundreds of building during the earthquake.

And do you have any idea where wave farms get their energy? That's right, waves. And a tsunami is just a big wave. And we have just seen what waves can do, how many people died in Japan because of them?


>> No.2688924

Seeing how is doing our Bush-like president Sarkozy, I'm surprised to hear that we are "the last bastion of intelligence".

Anyway, yes we ignore those guy even though a train of radioactive material traveled through the entire country including through a town close to Paris.

We are participating a lot with the LHC and to nuclear fusion with the prototype ITER.
Our only problem is that we try to sell HUGE nuclear plant to small country who can't possibly use as much power.

>> No.2689175

> And french envirofascists wants to scrap nuclear power

Haha French are surrendering again. What is new in the world?

Seriously, why do we need france? US, UK and Russia should just team up and throw a couple nukes at them.

>> No.2689200

First, It would take enough solar panels to cover then entire state of Texas to produce the energy of a few nuclear plants.

Japan has 55 operating nuke plants. They just survived the 4th largest quake in recorded history,MULTIPLE 6+ aftershocks AND a 30 freekin ft tsunami wave, yet there has been NO serious leak, the worst one (40 years old) is already rapidly cooling down and it is contained.

You call this unsafe? I call it an absolute victory in engineering and PROOF of design safety.

>> No.2689201

Oh man, I fucking called this.
I called them eco-idiots.

>eco-idiots that take a nuclear power plant breaking down after a 8.9 earthquake as proof that they're 'unsafe', when in fact it's proof that they fucking resist 8.9 earthquakes without major incident

Seriously, like 5 or more nuclear stations were hit by the same earthquake- if they were in any way dangerous ONE of them would have done something.
8.9 earthquakes are fucking serious

>> No.2689227


>implying political moves are based on logic and evidence and not based on pulling on heartstrings of the people.

>> No.2689257

I'm pissed of because we will never be like France,now this shit happened...

-Forget the part with 22 year old's rioting about their retirement age increasing by 2 years.....but still

I'm also pissed off that all the stimulus packages,could of built us hundreds of nuke power plants..yet we spent all that money on pot holes..

>> No.2689281


>war is glory, winning wars is glorious
>french have stereotype of never winning war
>french are unglorious, therefore undesirable
>everything about them is suddenly bad

>> No.2689298

I think these people are confusing nukes with nuclear energy. It's like abolishing steel because you can make a knife out of it.

Nothing good can come from a nuclear bomb, nuclear energy is fine but could be better.

>> No.2689335


>nukes are bad mmkay

Retard. Lrn2EcoNuke


>> No.2689417

French fag here, we did powned most of Europe for a while. It was just loooooong time ago.

Anyway, even if nuclear power was indeed as dangerous than some would like to pretend, it's will still be a very efficient energy source and the best we have for at least 50 years. (And it will stay like that if I have to hear fusion skeptic)

>> No.2689430


Fusion is at least 30 years away at the most optimistic estimates. Realistically it will be at least 50 years before it becomes economical.

Meanwhile newer-gen thorium breeder reactors are looking more and more attractive

>> No.2689455


is that the elephant from DonkeyKong Jungle beat?

>> No.2689471


But I live in NZ. For all the irrationality that people have about nuclear power here, we do live on a fault. Earthquakes WILL happen here. If we're building nuclear power plants, they will have to take that into account.

>> No.2689480

I wish Japan and France have more nuclear plants built to troll western Green Peace fags.

It's their country they can do what they want
Ignore kiddies on youtube making Fallout3 References every 2 mins.

>> No.2689500
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>How can people be so stupid that it hurts?

>> No.2689527

This is basically one expample what hapens when you let all sorts of idoits and retards vote.

I dont even know should i laugh or cry to these people and mankind as a whole.

We are pretty much doomed by these people if we dont act now when we have the chance.

>> No.2689540

No, your two party system means whichever one people line up with better is the one they go with. Few people are that hypocritical as individuals, but since the parties have hypocritical policies to appeal to as many people as possible, it ends up appearing so.

Not even American, not even liberal, not even mad.

>> No.2689542

here's a protip: "these people" have been around since the dawn of human society.

>> No.2689568

Yes and they should be eliminated or atleast made so that they have no say how we run things.

>> No.2689563

>implying I'm American
>implying this wasn't a jab at mainstream groupthink neo-liberals.

>> No.2689571

Holy shit, I fucking raged.

>> No.2689582

French "envirofascist" here
The greens are just faggots using ecology to get power in the system
They talk a lot but I never saw anyone of them in our actions
Also, this argument is retarded, this is not the problem with nuclear energy, the real problem is the waste management

>> No.2689583

same shit is going on in germany, fucking green faggots

>> No.2689589

Huffington Post is packed with anti-Nuke posts right now, not to mention baseless fatalism regarding the reactor in Japan.

What the fuck happened to liberals? I thought we used to be the side of logic and rationalism that challenged the ignorant status quo, not the side of religious environmentalism and science phobia ;_;

>> No.2689604
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>side of logic and rationalism

>> No.2689608

If there weren't so many environmentalists holding nuclear development back we'd have completely safe reactors right now instead of dilapidated 40 year old waste factories. It's pretty ironic really, and sad.

>> No.2689610


>mfw Australia is currently debating whether to go nuclear
>mfw ignorant bullshit propaganda "threats of nuclear power" all over the news
>mfw i have no face

>> No.2689650
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>side of logic and rationalism
>the other guys

>> No.2689645

hey man, fuck you. Fukushima 1 was historic and one hell of a powerhouse. it ran problem free for 47 fucking years and only the SIXTH LARGEST EARTHQUAKE IN RECORDED HISTORY AND A 10 METER HIGH TSUNAMI could give it trouble

show some fucking respect. old fuku-1's going out with style ;_;

>> No.2689655

Typical, some stupid environment hippies say something dumb and 4chan starts moaning about liberals. Learn what words mean then stop making generalisations or don't bother posting.

>> No.2689665
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Of course they're ignoring the out of control towering inferno that used to be an oil refinery nearby.

>> No.2689673

>What the fuck happened to liberals? I thought we used to be the side of logic and rationalism that challenged the ignorant status quo, not the side of religious environmentalism and science phobia ;_;

First of all, only in the US and the third world are liberals associated with pro-science viewpoints. In countries where hardcore Christianity is less common, but New Age bullshit is relatively more common, a lot of anti-science bullshit comes from the left.

Secondly, even in the US, it isn't the case that the left is universally more pro-science than the right. It's just that the hard left and the hard right are anti-science in different ways.

>> No.2689674
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>Thinks the only other political ideology is neo-conservatism.

>> No.2689675

Yeah it done good. But still we have the technology to do MUCH better both in safety and efficiency. Shit we could build reactors that can't melt down and run for decades before needing to be refueled.

>> No.2689677
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But there's the INCOMING APOCALYPSE nearby!

>> No.2689684


How is that any different from fundies saying something and the left ascribing those beliefs to every single conservative, a phenomenon that's as common here as it is on the rest of the internet and IRL?

>> No.2689688

Generalizing and oversimplifying are habits the human species needs to kick.

>> No.2689696

I think that's a question of ideological minorities vs. majorities within the political factions. I'm afraid you may be in the minority of conservatives being somewhat rational.

>> No.2689698

>implying those hippies aren't liberals.

>> No.2689715

The majority of any political group is moronic.

>> No.2689725

One can't lump people to be one group or the another. We also cannot say that some individuals opinion is the majoritys view. These people who claim that nuclear power is bad are not "liberals" or "conservatives" they are coming from them both. The only uniting factor is stupidity and misinformation

>> No.2689737

hippies are green
get your dichotomies straight

>> No.2689764

>One can't lump people to be one group or the another.
Actually that's what classification is
>We also cannot say that some individuals opinion is the majoritys view.
Yes you can, what do you think a census or poll is for?
>These people who claim that nuclear power is bad are not "liberals" or "conservatives" they are coming from them both.
Actually whenever I pass the sociology department which is known to be overwhelmingly liberal there is always some stupid anti-nuclear protest but I never passed by a church with the same protest. Most people will find this also to be the case with their own anecdotes because something liberal parties use worldwide is antinuclear ads in their campaigns. Therefore it's not surprising that the majority of antinuclear protesters will be liberal.

>> No.2689780

Yes because all the NIMBY soccer mom types are clearly very liberal.

>> No.2689789

>implying they are a major component of those protesters.

>> No.2689798

They will make up a huge percentage of opposition in any area where a nuclear plant is planned.

>> No.2689799

how bad are a few meltdowns here and there anyway?
Ok a few people get cancer, and some places will be deemed "inhabitable" for a few decades....surely that's better than the global devestation and the millions of lives that could be destroyed if we do nothing to stabilise atmospheric CO2 levels?

>> No.2689805

Thats just because they don't want it in their area, not the same thing as being anti-nuclear.

>> No.2689815

It doesn't matter what they are because:

Anti-nuclear=/=liberal unless my definitions are not correct.

If we are talking about nuclear power it doesn't matter if people are liberal or conservative. What maters is wheter they are pro or anti nuclear. Same can be said about every other thing also. Bringin other factor other than peoples opinion about that particular situation are useles argumets of emotion.
Basically you are trying to justify other behaviour of some people by saying that they are correct in that other thing. For example:
If you are saying that anti nuclear people are liberals then you are either trying to mock liberals or find a reson for conservatives to act irrationally on some other issue.

People are shit based on their own opinions not those of the others or the group you are been associated with.

>> No.2689848

Except that many of those shit opinions they get from the group.

>> No.2689859

They don't want it in their area because they are anti-nuclear which means they are ignorant. Nobody in the town near me cares about the enormous coal power station there but would flip out if a nuclear plant was proposed even though it would almost certainly be safer than living near a coal plant.

>> No.2689883

While clean coal is still more of a health concern the devastation of the plant having a catastrophic failure is still less than that of a core meltdown. So that may be the reason they don't want to live close to it, its not like they're flying across the country like many liberals advocating against nuclear power.



>> No.2689886

does anyone have the calculation of the deaths caused by coal power vs nuclear/etc ? even taking worse case scenarios of nuclear power in consideration, I'm so sad I can't find it. I can't rage hard enough, give me a hand /sci/.

>> No.2689903

That doesn't matter. Only thing that matters is what they actually beleve. I judge people based on their opinions not where they get them(few exeptions here but still).
Basically if you are anti-nuclear you are shit.
If "liberals" are anti-nuclear then those liberals are shit. If some conservetive believes that there should be no abortion or gay rights then he is shit.

>> No.2689907

This thread is full of bullshit.

>> No.2689915

It does matter, especially when the groups impose their groupthink upon individuals. If you want to solve the problem you got to nip it in the bud.

>> No.2689917

Chernobyl disaster(worst nuclear disaster) < deaths caused by some thirld world coal power plant.

>> No.2689932

Frenchfag here.

The Green Party scored 17% in the EU elections (came third behind the left and the right).

So it's a real threat. No worries though, thanks to the Arab revolution, our fascist party will win.

Also, lol @ French bashing on a nuclear power thread, since we dominate like fuck nuclear energy.