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File: 35 KB, 650x233, falcon_9h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2678068 No.2678068 [Reply] [Original]

The falcon 9 that is scheduled to fly next year will be the most powerful rocket in history since the Saturn 5.

The Chinese Long march 5 that will be finished in 2014 will be able to carry less and take more time to be finished.

Thats right our Private space industry is getting ahead of the Chinese space program.

And people say america is falling behind in space.

>> No.2678079
File: 86 KB, 462x600, 1299457201348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to know who will conquer space, Scia?

Fucking Humanity will.

Any other distinction is artificial.

Have a nice day.

>> No.2678088

lol bullshit

just like it was humanity that conquered the new world, amirite?

>> No.2678093

Falcon 9 LEO: 26,610 kg GTO: 15,010 kg
Long March 5: LEO 25,000 kg 14,000 kg

I'd say price is going to be the deciding factor.

>> No.2678094
File: 930 KB, 2340x2355, Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Long Live the 1000 year space empire!

>> No.2678095

Its cheaper then all the competition.

Eventually its going to be fully reusable

>> No.2678120

>implying no Energia
>implying to Atlas V Heavy
>implying STS isn't almost as powerful as Saturn V [34MN vs. 30MN]

>> No.2678152

And yet we don't have a way to put our own people into orbit, but the Chinese do.

>> No.2678188

The dragon will be able to carry people by 2014
1.Energia was a failure
2.Atlas 5 HLV caries 29,420kg into orbit Falcon 9 heavy caries 32,000 kg
3.STS is more powerful but it can only carry 24,300kg worth of cargo into orbit.

>> No.2678331
File: 20 KB, 590x394, armadillo-aerospace02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.Energia was a failure

cherry picking if i ever saw it
it was not a failure the soviet union was

>> No.2678346

>And people say america is falling behind in space.

Private space industry =/= America

>> No.2678354

Yeah it was a failure.

It never flew humans into space=failure

the reasons don't matter

>> No.2678362

Private industry is more american then government programs.

I guess coca cola is not american right?

Or the NFL.

Or Lockheed martin.

You don't know how america works do you?

>> No.2678369

>implying America hasn't always relied heavily upon its free market to solve its problems

>> No.2678375

Except most of the high-tec innovations have come from the State sector.

>> No.2678378

this is as accurate as saying the V2 was a failure. even though it became the bassist for the entire US space program.

>> No.2678391

No it was not a failure

It flew and we derived key tech from it.

It only flew twice and one of them was a failure .

Also Exactly was modern tech was derived from Energia?

>> No.2678397

When most other countries complain of "American Injustice" it's usually a private industry that happens to be American based and/or American owned.

So goes the blame, so too goes the credit. America is a conglomerate of corporations protected by a federal government.

>> No.2678400

Thats complete bullshit do some research

Airplane was private sector

Transistor was private sector

Personal computer was private sector

Assembly line was private sector


>> No.2678407

and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.2678413
File: 24 KB, 250x287, 17303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even though it became the bassist for the entire US space program.
>the bassist

>> No.2678414


>> No.2678418

I didn't say all. Incidentally, the internet, computer, and biotech industry are all products of the public sector, off the top of my head.

The public sector's role in tech is well understood by everyone, except, apparently, economists. There's no sense in trying to debate this, just use do some research.

>> No.2678431

falcon 9 is using 27 merlin rocket engines.

27! that is fucking insane. are they sure they will be able to control that many engines?

>> No.2678439
File: 114 KB, 640x480, musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Straight!!

>> No.2678443

Its called the Falcon 9

it uses 9 merlins

>> No.2678455

The public sector develops new tech the the private sector makes it better and ready got mass production.

Also they continue the development.

>> No.2678464

If challenger or columbia happened the first time the shuttle launched the program may have been scrubbed. If some cost cutting jackass decided that the shuttle needed to go it would have happens too. You can't say a design was a failure unless you have enough data. Was the Saturn V safer than the shuttle, we will never know. Was buran a better design, we will never know. So please stop being such a pompous ass declaring your unfounded assertions as the word of god.

>> No.2678476

it uses 10 nine on the first stage and one on the second lrn2learn

>> No.2678489

If you look essentially any piece of high-tech (say IBM computers), the same pattern emerges: A company (IBM) gets government endowment and access to government facilities (say, MIT labs). They then produce a device (computer) which is too expensive to be marketable. So a government branch (like the Pentagon) buys all the products. This goes on for a few decades, which allows IBM to continue pursuing computers. Finally, the computer becomes cheap enough to go on the market, and everyone laudes free trade.

BTW, the profit never goes back to the state. Those are your taxes.

>> No.2678496

I meant on the first stage

its called falcon 9 for a reason

>> No.2678536
File: 32 KB, 579x518, SPAC_Falcon_Family_lg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry. i was talking about the large version menioned here

falcon 9-heavy or falcon 9 - S9, the largest version, is using 27 merlin rocket engines. payload is 32 t (LEO)

first stage: 2 boosters with 9 merlin's each
second stage: 9 merlins

long march 5-504 is using 11 rocket engines. payload is 25 t (LEO)

i really think space x will get serious problems with such a large number of rocket engines.

>> No.2678542

>our Private space industry
>implying this is an "American" national achievement and not that of a private enterprise
I wouldn't be surprised if half the components were foreign in manufacture

The cold war is over, give it a rest

>> No.2678551
File: 21 KB, 319x333, 1297044590838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with your "private sector" > government program bullshit. its not relevant

>> No.2678567

so why not use saturn 5 then

>> No.2678573

Russia runs theirs commercially, and it's the biggest space sector on the planet (or off the planet lol)