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File: 67 KB, 482x339, alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2672896 No.2672896 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2672905

Too humanoid.

Needs less legs and arms, more tentacles.

>> No.2672925

honestly, the movie was crap, I watched it with my dad and brother on dvd and we were all shocked at how bad it was. EVERYONE said it was good. I really am relectant to sound all intellecually dishonest and non-conformist but it was so mediocre and forgettable I was so confused because I don't consider myself to be an artistic or philisophical genius it just so fucking boring and predictable.

>> No.2672950


They had to stick to a humanoid design so that audiences would empathize with them.

>> No.2672966


you wouldn't expect the laymen to see euler's formula and go, "gee that's neat".

>> No.2673050

I personally liked the movie because it was different and had an original plot unlike 1.2 the fucking movies out in the box office. was directed well too. peter jackson is the fuckin man

>> No.2673059

I really liked it :D

>> No.2673068

I was afraid the baby alien was going to die.

Then I would be sad.

>> No.2673070

fooking prawns

>> No.2673082

ya there needs to be a second

>> No.2673085

God it was a shitty movie.

Some of the ideas were good, but as a movie, it was fooking terribad.

>> No.2673088
File: 33 KB, 302x300, 1296943662202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2673094

Damn right.

>> No.2673116
File: 13 KB, 170x280, third expansion of man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The humans didn't even properly exploit the situation. I refuse to accept that position that humans would give one single fuck about sapient aliens given the precedent.

And the aliens are just stupid. There is no way to intelligent species evolved and became spacefaring within a million years of each other, that means that those bugs have been fucking around the galaxy for a long time. And yet they have not already conquered the galaxy. Which would take less than 100,000 years using even the shittiest ftl travel.

My five step plan
1)Steal alien tech.
2)Conquer every stellar system.
3)Devour all planetary mass.
5)Death to the Xeelee!

>> No.2673124

your an idiot and your theories are so stupid I dont even know where to begin

>> No.2673217
File: 159 KB, 1900x1200, imperium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTL travel+Nuclear Pulse Propulsion battleships+self replicating machinery or colonists exponentially reproducing=total galactic domination in 100,000 years.

Really it would only take 100,000 to get anywhere in the galaxy if you could expand at the speed of light. So you go to every stellar system and kill all the locals.

All this culminates in the ultimate plan for species survival, to completely disassemble the all the rocky planets of every stellar system we can get access to and use that mass to build Dyson Swarms of space habitats around the local stars. That way we can continue to survive around those stars until they burn out, which in the case of the lowest mass red dwarfs would be about 120 trillion years. The largest lofstrom loops possible with current engineering can lift 500 million tons a year and since you could only fit about 1000 on earth it would take nearly 10 million years to disassemble the planet. But it can be done only with proven technology, no super materials or new energy sources needed. You could power them using huge convection towers that contain liquid halite, which would be heated by the hot lithosphere you are uncovering. And of course the job would only get easier as the planet is taken apart: less gravity, more heat being radiated, more materials for building and maintaining the loops. That said you still have to use nuclear pulse propulsion to move the material for the first loop into orbit, about 2 million tons of it. But with nuclear pulse propulsion that is doable. We can conquer the cosmos with only what we know today, no soft scifi stuff needed. It will just take a very, very long time. Now of course you can't disassemble stars, or for that matter high mass objects like gas giants. But the earth sized planets or at least large portions of their lithospheres can be consumed.

For the Emperor!

>> No.2673226
File: 52 KB, 750x600, 1282615266301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically they are hypotheses since he hasn't tested them yet


>> No.2673230

Peter Jackson produced the film.

>> No.2673244
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 997STS_Neil_Patrick_Harris_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like your style.

>> No.2673261
File: 41 KB, 450x331, join the fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs! Bugs fucking everywhere!

Poll on those that would be open to xenocide of all other intelligent species?

I'm doing my part.

>> No.2673277


"Everyone fights, everyone works."

>> No.2673297

>Apartheid satire
>Original plot

>> No.2673303

im going to take over the world so we can actually get shit done as a species. ITS TIEM

>> No.2673325

this was shockingly bad.
I'd heard really good things about it on the internets but jeez it was awful.
the second half was slightly better but the first half was cringeworthy.