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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2672683 No.2672683 [Reply] [Original]

Watching the COSMOS on youtube right now

My God this is awesome. I've already finished the shore of a cosmic ocean, now I'm on the Harmony of the Worlds

Why have I not watched these earlier? They're easily the most inspiring things I've ever heard/watched.

And 2 things: Does anyone else almost spell Cosomos, and how did you react when you first saw the Cosmos?

>> No.2672690

I find his books more interesting. But Cosmos is a good series nonetheless.

>> No.2672699

Well I did say heard/watched

I do love books too.

>> No.2672709

I liked it, but it's very dated right now.

>> No.2672730

Better than most of the crap on TV now.

ex: Ancient Aliens.

>> No.2672738

Watch it on hulu so it's not in parts that's what I did

>> No.2672754

I'm fine with the queue thing, there's only a break of about 2-3 seconds.

>> No.2672759

Cosmos is awesome.

>> No.2672781
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>Go onto Science channel
>Ancient aliens, ancient aliens everywhere

Meanwhile, ACTUAL science is being pushed aside.

I so fucking mad.

>> No.2672788

That's Carl Sagan for you.

I feel so bad for him sometimes though... If he had just lived a bit longer, he could have began to see the beginnings of trips to other planets.

I bet he would have loved VASIMR.

>> No.2672809

Isn't it History Channel?

History has gone from actual history and intelligent things to the notion that what happens on their channel is History.

It sucks. And this is happening everywhere. I do sometimes enjoy through the wormhole, though. But it cannot compare to the Cosmos.

>> No.2672811

He would be too hung up on crack to care.

>> No.2672815

I remember when it was the WW2 channel. At least that got forked off to Mil.

>> No.2672820

OP here


They just got to the part about Kepler's exile and shit.

Fucking religion, so close-minded back then...

>> No.2672822

Sometimes I cried at the end of the chapters.

>> No.2672830

The music is also awesome.

>> No.2672832

He wouldn't allow himself to become a drug addict. Carl Sagan seems like one of those people who was just devoid of all evil.

>> No.2672836

not really related, but does anyone else sometimes feel sad when they reach the end of a book or a movie or game that they enjoy?

That feeling like it is over, and with it the enjoyment?

>> No.2672837

I found the soundtrack on vinyl once in a second hand stores. Tears came to my eyes. Beautiful moment indeed.

>> No.2672839

The borders near me is closing and the $60 Cosmos book was $4.99. I about shat my pants.

>> No.2672842

>He wouldn't allow himself to become a drug addict.
>implying he wasn't addicted to marijuana

>> No.2672863
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>all this time I thought this was a joke
>Check wikipedia
>It's not

Well... as long as it made him as inspirational as he was....

>> No.2672869
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>> No.2672875

On the last part of the harmony of the worlds

>> No.2672876

>to marijuana
lol, marijuana is about as addictive as masturbating.
Which is to say, it's a pleasant experience, and all pleasant experiences are addicting. It is not physically addicting though, like caffeine or nicotine.

>> No.2672879

dat pale blue dot

>> No.2672889
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>> No.2672901


He also died of cancer. Coincidence?

>> No.2672904

Maybe the most amazing speech ever.


>> No.2672920

is myelodysplasia cancer?

And wasn't the direct cause of death pneumonia?

>> No.2672924

I think you mean MDS, which is not even close to cancer.

>> No.2672930

Carl Sagan died of pneumonia, complicated by a bone marrow disease.

>> No.2672947

Carl Sagan has just given you the opportunity to ask him 2 questions.

What do you ask him?

>> No.2672959

MDS is caused by environmental exposures such as radiation and benzene.
Trace amounts of benzene may result whenever carbon-rich materials undergo incomplete combustion. It is produced in volcanoes and forest fires, and is also a component of smoke.
When vaporized, the marijuana emitted a thin gray vapor and was left with a green to greenish-brown "toasted" appearance, whereas the combusted sample produced thick smoke and turned to ash.
Significant amounts of benzene began to appear at temperatures of 200° C.

>> No.2672960


Are you Carl Sagan?

Are you sure?

>> No.2672964


1. Want to smoke a bowl?

2. Want to smoke another bowl?

>> No.2672970

Dude, best fucking sesh evar

>> No.2672979


>> No.2672992

How do you feel about the world as it is now?

If you could go back in time, and change one thing you thought would better the course of humanity, what would it be?

>> No.2673021

I can't ask for more questions can I?

Nope. That's one.

Fuck. Can I have that one back?

Nope. Bye!


I doubt he'd do that though. He was too cool of a guy.

>> No.2673026

OP here

Holland seems like a pretty cool place, at least according to the Cosmos.

>> No.2673029
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>mfw I first saw Cosmos

>> No.2673040


Oh, man, you're making my eyes get all watery.

>> No.2673043

my eyes are all watery

but not for the Cosmos right now. Fucking allergies.

>> No.2673049

Well, I did have a nose surgery a few days ago.

>> No.2673060
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>> No.2673064


>> No.2673073

Yes. I feel your pain. I can't imagine how its gonna feel when I Finally finish reading my physics textbook.

>> No.2673083
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Fuck i got exams tomorrow... but I think im gonna watch Cosmos again.

>> No.2673112

The first time I watched Cosmos it felt like Carl Sagan was making sweet sweet love to my brainpussy.

>> No.2673135



>> No.2673155

I have all of these on tapes I recorded off of PBS (hint at how old I am) the show simply does not grow irrelevant with time like all of the other 80's documentaries do.

>> No.2673158

I'm glad you're finally getting around to it OP. it's the greatest

>> No.2673180


You want digital's? 700MB .AVIs

>> No.2673186

they also have it on netflix instant watch if you got it.

>> No.2673190

/v/ here

would Carl Sagan appreciate a game like Infinity: The Quest for Earth?

It's extremely beautiful, it follows Newtonian physics and such , and may boast 200 billion star systems.


>> No.2673203

Just finished travelers tales

Tomorrow I'll continue watching more.

>> No.2673212


Thank you thank YOU Thank you, I didn't realize it was on there.

>> No.2673666

"In 1994, engineers at Apple Computer code-named the Power Macintosh 7100 "Carl Sagan" in the hope that Apple would make "billions and billions" with the sale of the PowerMac 7100. The name was only used internally, but Sagan was concerned that it would become a product endorsement and sent Apple a cease and desist letter. Apple complied, but engineers retaliated by changing the internal codename to "BHA" for "Butt-Head Astronomer". Sagan then sued Apple for libel, a form of defamation, in federal court."

Seems to me Carl Sagan was a Butt-Head Astronomer...

>> No.2673696
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>great man
>wait, he smokes pot?
>therefore not a great man

Stay classy, /sci/.

>> No.2673698
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Really, Apple? That's the best you can do?

>> No.2673928

Cosmos eventually goes downhill

One episode he talked about whales and brains and i was like wat

The next one was about aliens and I couldn't watch more than 10min. I stopped watching the series there.

>> No.2673936
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Him talking about aliens was an encouragement to look at our species from a dissociated, outsider's perspective. How indeed would an alien traveler, coming upon our world and finding a species that could destroy itself hundreds of times over, react?

>> No.2673941
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Fuck yeah Sagan

>> No.2673947

I will never buy from Apple from this point forward.

>> No.2673954
File: 197 KB, 651x721, mac PC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there was ever a reason to buy a mac to start with

>> No.2673958

You needed another reason? I suggest you watch Pirates of Silicon Valley.

>> No.2673959


>> No.2673970

Good movie, good movie.

>> No.2674047

I remember buying the complete set well over 8 years ago.

>> No.2674126

I never said I did buy Apple products, THEIST!

>> No.2674132
File: 20 KB, 300x400, 1293437260510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never buy from Apple from this point forward.
holds absolutely no implication that apple products were previously purchased.
If no apple products were purchased in the past, then the statement becomes trivially true. We typically overlook trivially true statements as childish and unnecessary.

>> No.2674232

It only becomes trivial if nothing has changed. If buying Apple products was POSSIBLE, but now it isn't, then something has changed thus the stating that change is untrivial.

>> No.2674246
File: 104 KB, 360x360, dude1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying buying apple products is impossible

>> No.2674252

You are now eternally labelled as a troll.

>> No.2674277
File: 474 KB, 625x561, LTSKFMNXH6RKG6FTPSTUYAEEGR5LQX62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These guys have been trolling around our hangout for WEEKS now!

>> No.2674278
File: 6 KB, 256x201, 1296207100180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch carl sagan high

Best week ever.

>> No.2674285
