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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.64 MB, 2400x2880, 1299009624641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2662308 No.2662308 [Reply] [Original]

motherfucking all of my rage hsndfhbsdfgfhgbdhsfghugdfhgdfhdifugh

Fuck you, america.


Why is this allowed?

>> No.2662399

You're not alone, I raged a little too

>> No.2662444

Let's pick this apart.

drdoyle says:
"Scientists claim that a star dies and goes supernova every thirty years. If this was true, and the universe is billions of years old, there should be millions of these supernova rinks. Don't tell me the universe is billions of years old, I don't believe you"

*because the light of a supernova must reach us before we can see it.
*because most of them are obscured inside galaxies.

anything else?

>> No.2662452

>part 2/8

I don't even do anything more than browse /sci/ to be able to shut down most of those arguments, but goddamn. That's just astonishing.

>> No.2662465

thats stupid

captcha: tlyhot BIOLOGY

>> No.2662477

http://www.drdino.com/ go to the main page, and vote on the poll

>> No.2662476

>Implying evolution is indoctrination.
HAHHA OH WOW 1500000000/10 drdino

This is making me rage so hard.

>> No.2662482

If it makes you feel any better that guy is in federal prison for tax fraud.

>> No.2662485
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>mfw those results

>> No.2662487

Haha, 84% say you can't prove god.

>> No.2662491

"moon moves away at 3 inches per year"
"1.2 million years ago the moon was just above the surface of the earth"
"I guess we know what happened to the tall dinosaurs"
>dinosaurs were around 1.2 million years ago

>> No.2662497


>> No.2662498


>dinosaurs were around 6000 years ago

fix'd it for ya

>> No.2662510

I'm honestly curious about why people believe that, like the person casting it herself. Is it the education system being this terrible?

>> No.2662512


>> No.2662551



>> No.2662556

Wordpress? o.o;

People need to get their shit together.

>> No.2662587

haha this is why atheists are stupid

>> No.2662598
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>mfw I don't have enough faith to believe in evolutionism

>> No.2662601

there is so much bullshit...

i dont even know where to start

>> No.2662602

What? Why is this person (and everyone else that believes this crap) not locked up in a nice padded room?

creation... science?
the two are like stereoisomers, non super-imposable.

>> No.2662610




Its true. He is locked up, just not for this shit.

>> No.2662618

He is not stupid, he is just evil and deceptive.

>> No.2662622
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A little bit of both. Pic related.

>> No.2662639
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Watched the first video.
This guy used to teach science in high school?
Also, religion of evolution?

I said a padded room.
Guy must be insane to believe this shit...

>> No.2662636

FUCK that website, I'm no atheist but we sure as hell can't prove the existence of God

I hate loaded questions

>> No.2662643

Oh fuck, it's so stupid my ears are bleeding.

>> No.2662652


>the two are like stereoisomers, non super-imposable.

It's a terrible joke, but chem brofist anyway.

This shit is common because we in America seem to believe the truth is democratic and if enough people believe something for no reason it's just as valid as a bunch of people who have extensive evidence. This and the confirmation bias allow people like Hovind to tell people absolutely batshit crazy stuff and have people believe it.

>> No.2662657

Drdino is my wise troll sage.

>> No.2662662
File: 54 KB, 667x470, 1297335922101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First video...
"I think that the evolution theory is not defensible scientifically"
Once again, why is this guy not in an asylum?

"Explanation" of the timelines...
"3 billion years ago, this first lifeform found someone to marry, something to eat, and gradually evolved into all the creatures today"
Extremely simple form of eukaryotic bacteria reproduces sexually, or has a form of "marriage"... See image.

>> No.2662686

I got a head ache just from the first 20seconds. This is unacceptable, why are you trying to harm people?

>> No.2662714

I don't know I mean he makes good points, and eh seems like a cool guy...

>> No.2662748

charisma!=good point

>> No.2662777


>> No.2662778


I think Kent hovind is a pretty cool guy. He lies through his teeth and manipulates people in the extreme and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2662791

Ooh. Gotta love a good ole' Kent Hovind lecture. Good thing he's in prison for tax fraud.

OP, check out Thunderf00t's: Why Do People Laugh At Creationists series, he's in there quite a bit. LOL for hours, you're welcome good sir.

>> No.2662816
File: 25 KB, 720x405, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit feels good man.
I'm going to make this a morning ritual.
If everybody debunked one stupid creationist video every morning, this could be a better world.
Thanks OP

>> No.2662827

All I see is some guy insulting present theories with jokes and not bringing anything new to the table.
This has nothing to do with science.

>> No.2662834


the sad thing is that there are a lot of people that think it is science.

>> No.2662963


Nothing is more scientific than the bible.
Name one single historical book that has stood the test of time better than or equal to the bible... you can't... thats stupid.

>> No.2662990
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I just fucking lost it when he said the moon was withing a few Km of the earth at one point

This bloke has a decent vocabulary and somehow manages to argue for this stupid shit

Why are there people in the lecture laughing and agreeing with him?!?!

>> No.2663044
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longevity != validity

People believe what they're taught as kids.
People raised on [X] may believe [X] and (possibly) want the teaching of [X] to continue, and thus may reproduce it.
The bible has lasted longer because contained within is a way of life. (plus a load of bullshit) People raised on this way of life may reproduce the book later on in life, thus the bible continues. (unfortunately)

Unrelated to the referenced post:
The guy says at one point something to the effect of;
"Evolution should not be taught to children at schools, this is indoctrination of a lie."
Is teaching children to follow a religion not indoctrination of (what many of the more logical people see as) complete and total bullshit?

Fail argument is fail.

>Note; most of what I typed is merely my own opinions, there is no source to cite from, take this as you will.

>> No.2663048
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I meant to type;
>longevity != scientific value

>> No.2663070

i was raised a catholic, now an atheist, much like how you once believed in santa....then you realised your parents put the presents in the stockings....

>> No.2663072

I did say "may"
There are exceptions.

>> No.2663077

>Fuck you, america.
Is that really necessary? I mean, this is a science board, not /new/. If you can judge a whole country by it's dumbest inhabitants, can I say all Germans are Nazis? Can I say all Italians are corrupt hedonists, just because Silvio Berlusconi is always in some sex scandal? Can I judge make a thread calling Britain retarded for having a monarchy in 2011?

>> No.2663088


I laughed at his "So we all come from a soup? That's just stupid".

>> No.2663095

> can I say all Germans are Nazis?
> Can I say all Italians are corrupt hedonists, just because Silvio Berlusconi is always in some sex scandal?
>Can I judge make a thread calling Britain retarded for having a monarchy in 2011?

>> No.2663096

please go to a more civilised website.

>> No.2663120
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Part 8

Old man talking to school group about how dinosaur footprints were formed millions of years ago.
Next group comes.
Hovind beats old man to the group, starts talking about how the footprints were formed 4400 years ago in Noah's flood.
Old man almost has heart attack due to rage.


>> No.2663161

Wait so how do giant gas balls turn into suns? Not saying I believe the guy, but I honestly don't know. :(

>> No.2663217

It's the sheer mass of the gas which causes it not to be pushed apart by pressure whilst forming the star.

>> No.2663224

10/10 would have been if the guy did actually have a heart attack...

>> No.2663273


So I guess we'd have to delve more into the aspects of gravity to fully understand then, eh?

>> No.2663514
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>within a closed system.

There's the problem, although you could argue that the nebula is the closed system, but then again a nebula is capable of producing more than one star...

Boyle's laws also assume an ideal gas.
>At normal conditions such as standard temperature and pressure, most real gases behave qualitatively like an ideal gas.

I would hardly say that the vacuum of space has "standard temperature and pressure."

>non-interacting point particles.

Shit's starting to fuse yo. Of course they're interacting...

inb4 wikipedia hurr

>> No.2663550

It's called cognitive dissonance man, The truth hurts, so it's better to stay ignorant. Also, you want to follow the lead of the pack.
The more lies they feed you, the harder it becomes to deviate from accepted opinions.
When some outsider comes in and challenges your established world-view, you respond with anger and rage, just as if he had come at you with and ax, trying to kill your family.
That's how important it is for these people to belong to their little societies.

Not really much to do but hope that their children wont get as indoctrinated as they were.
Of course, with the state some schools are in today...

>> No.2665445


Debate #18 – Berkeley Hears the Truth

"I want the lies to be taken out of the textbooks. If you have no proof left for evolution, get a new theory. That's how science works"

It's 3 hours long. First 50 minutes or so are this faggot giving a power-point presentation about how bible passages and "facts" from anti-evolution books prop up his opinion. The last 2 hours are him trying to "combat" questions from the audience.

I'll give it to him though, he sure can walk his way around the question. Thankfully though, some of the people who ask questions are able to pin him to the wall.

Also, since dogs =/= bananas, evolution is FALSE!!!

at the end of this
>all of my rage

>> No.2665463

One minute and 20 seconds in. What the cunting fuck.

>> No.2665511
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I once torrented an entire DVD by that guy.

Trolled myself hard.

>> No.2665592

this is obviously blatant propaganda. he cherry-picks 1 or 2 sentences out of different textbooks, with no context for the applicable fact, then applies them to other cherry-picked pieces of 'common sense' to make it look ridiculous. He said the amino acid experiment was stupid because they didn't put oxygen in the test tube, yet oxygen exists in ozone. he completely ignores the commonly known fact about ozone is that it only exists in the upper reaches of the atmosphere. his arguments can only convince uneducated people who are already convinced.

>> No.2665591
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The biggest offenses are his attempts at humor.

>> No.2665603

>taking Kent Hovind seriously
God damn people, enough with this.
He's been discredited before, and he's serving a ten year sentence in federal prison for tax evasion or some shit.

>> No.2665609

"Did morality evolve? Atheists think so. Yet, a more objective analysis of the origin of right and wrong is found in the Bible, specifically in Genesis."

>i dont even have a face for this

>> No.2665619
File: 16 KB, 300x227, venomfangx-300x227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that YouTube uberchristian VenomFangX quoting that guy all the time. For the longest time, I didn't even realize that those "arguments" were not originally conceived by a teenager.

>> No.2665620
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Not this again

>> No.2665621

i cant find the poll

>> No.2665630
File: 7 KB, 130x189, ridcully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one.

>> No.2665636

even to other young earth creationists this guy is a crackpot.

>> No.2665648


how the fuck didnt you realize that? did you see any of the evolutions making responses to him? for fuck sake look up thunderf00ts videos


>> No.2665662

because if you watch venomfangx's videos first, he basically quotes the guy, and unless you look at the citations in the description, you'll think they're his own arguments, and it's very believable that the arguments were made up by a teenager.

>> No.2665668

>how the fuck didnt you realize that?
I did watch a few response videos (some by the Amazing Atheist and one by that evolutionary biologist who's also a Christian; I forgot his name), but none of them mentioned Hovind a whole lot. I've never watched anything by Thunderfoot, though, because the audio quality of his videos in combination with that accent irritates me too much.

>> No.2665671


no its because you are an asshat that never bother to do some real research faggot.

>> No.2665681


>> No.2665686

It's not even just arguments. Some of Venom's "jokes" and seemingly spontaneous comments were actually ad verbatim quotes of Hovind's. The kid really did try to give off the impression as if he had come up with most of the rhetoric himself.

>> No.2665692
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>getting mad at people for not doing research on venomfangx

>> No.2665725


Richard Dawkins should "interview" this fella

>> No.2665737

no he shouldn't, nothing should be done that would lend this guy any credibility.

>> No.2665768




>> No.2665795


I did not know this.

>> No.2665837


He'll be out in only 7 years, assuming he does his full 10 year sentence, though.

>> No.2665843

Tax Evasion lol.

>> No.2665858

>10 year sentence
For tax evasion? Holy crocoduck.

>> No.2665906


"Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including twelve tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and forty-five counts of structuring cash transactions." - Wikipedia

>> No.2666045

I guess to conterpoint is pathetic points: Whatever bible passage this is from, it still applys; "When I was a child, I acted like a child. I ate like a child, I spoke like a child and I played like a child. When I became a man, I put my childish ways behind." Suck it dr. dino

>> No.2666148

Wow, that video, "That's Stupid"

I raged quite a bit

>> No.2666178
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From Wikipedia:

>In 2001, Hovind started Dinosaur Adventure Land (DAL), a young Earth creationist theme park located behind Hovind's home in Pensacola, Florida. The park depicts humans and dinosaurs co-existing in the last 4,000–6,000 years and also contains a depiction of the Loch Ness monster.

>humans co-existing with dinosaurs
>Loch Ness monster
>Loch Ness monster


>> No.2667247

the guy is funny.

When he went on about evolution and said "that's not education that's indoctrination" I was on the verge of raging, but then came the Al Gore joke!

Also, big dinosaurs got smashed by the moon! :D

>> No.2669107


He's got to be trolling...

>> No.2669263

I wish I found these earlier, so many lulz.


>> No.2669287


You can't deny that the man has charisma. That's his whole deal, in fact. So why not laugh at his jokes when they're funny?

>> No.2669296


I didn't find most of his jokes funny.

Sometimes he made me laugh when he misinterpreted basic stuff on purpose (well, I hope it was on purpose), like "we all come from a soup. Nah, that's just stupid". But that's all.

>> No.2669346


He could've been using it as merely a huge money-making scheme. (He definitely was, but we don't know if that was him using his beliefs to scam people or if the "beliefs" were part of the scam.)

>> No.2670396

charisma = people's attention

I believe that science is fucked.