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2661779 No.2661779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i dont enjoy social interaction (aka talking stupid bullshit) wat do? an hero? theres not much to do in life besides social shit

>> No.2661802
File: 14 KB, 400x293, Perelman,_Grigori_(1966).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject Society,
Solve Bitchin' Problems.


>> No.2661808

Get a career and invest yourself in it 100%. Preferably one that you can change/improve the world in some (even small) way.

If you get paid a lot of money, even better.

>> No.2661811
File: 624 KB, 1900x1200, 1297482941706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with pics

>> No.2661839
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>improve the world

>> No.2661840

Play dwarf fortress

>> No.2661841

Get over yourself and learn how to interact with the rest of humanity.

>> No.2661852


This, life is far bigger than just social shit.

Social shit is alot more tolerable for an anti-social person when socializing isn't the goal of socializing. When collaborating artistically, in a business setting, or scientifically wiht someone is the goal of socializing it can be alot more enriching to someone who isn't fascinated with being a social butterfly.

Also, if you choose this route, you may find one day that you quite like socializing just to be casual and have fun with people. You just like it in very small doses and having your life feel fulfilled with something else doesn't leave you feeling a vacuum is there all the time and the reason it is there is just because you don't enjoy social stuff as the point of living.

>> No.2661853
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>mfw the whole thing is one giant simulated system of social interactions

>> No.2661861

Social interactions? Not really, mostly economics, warfare and industry coupled with one of the hardest difficulty curves in any game.