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File: 27 KB, 460x300, american-psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2659515 No.2659515 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I think I might be a psycho.

I don't think I'm as attached to other people as is normal, and I then try to rationalize it as other people being over dramatic. I know that there probably isn't a lot of psych majors on here, but how can I tell if I am or not? What qualities define them.

Pic related, it kind of set me off thinking about it.

ps. I haven't killed anyone, at least yet

>> No.2659534
File: 26 KB, 395x466, 1295025309875321422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might just be gods special little snowflake aspie.

>> No.2659538


Everyone on 4chan is like that.

Are you new?

>> No.2659556
File: 434 KB, 1050x1050, eclipse110104_solar_transit_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. Maybe I'm just more self-centered than the socially acceptable norm. I was just asking how to tell, or what characteristics would a real psycho or sociopath have

>> No.2659578

The only way to know for sure is to see a psychiatrists.

Anyway, here's some more information.

>> No.2659586

you are not psycho, you are just introvert.

>> No.2659599


Why is the sun darker around its edges?

>> No.2659610


3d perspective

>> No.2659611

Educate yourself, read
Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door

>> No.2659613


Define "Normal"

>> No.2659636

<span class="math"> \int \ int \int xxp\, dx dy dz = cg*w <span class="math">[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2659655


>> No.2659660
File: 92 KB, 640x512, PaleBlueDot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. normal people say they talk to there parents almost everyday, and while I do love my parents, I would be just fine not talking to them for months at a time. While I do have a pretty good amount of friends, sometimes it feels like I don't really care if I lose them or not, or don't feel that strong "connection" with almost anyone. Strangers tend to really piss me off, and I get angry easily with strangers, or even loose acquaintances. I've had multiple girlfriends say that when I get into an argument I completely fail to see the other sides point of view, no matter what. And I might come off as a bit manipulative. If I was sober, I think I'd have a hard time crying about anyone's death. I guess just a bunch of little stuff.

I'm probably just a self-centered introvert guy.

this is one of my favorite images. It's the ISS coming in front of a solar eclipse

>> No.2659700

Sociopath and psychopath don't really mean anything anymore. A simpler and more concise question, do you feel empathy? Do you find it uncomfortable, or even enraging to see someone else in pain?

>> No.2659707

That sounds normal. Maybe the people around you are also self-centered, and that's just how you've learned to interact? I know that's the case for me. I didn't realize there was even another mode of human existence until I met a certain group of people, and found their ways more em... palatable.

>> No.2659706

I can relate OP. I avoid most large groups at my college and prefer to hang with no more than three people at a time, even then I only truly consider myself friends with three people.

I don't feel a great deal of compassion to them either and none to anyone else, although I have very little patience regarding these other people and I wonder if sometimes it's ignorance on my part. For example, if someone says something which I consider asskissery or blatantly unfunny, yet people laugh or acknowledge the person in a positive way anyway, I feel fucking angry for like the next 10 minutes.

Basically, everyone else is gay.

>> No.2659710

Only one way to find out.

Kill someone. If you feel something, you're not a psychco.

>> No.2659711

I suppose I do, but probably a lot less than a regular person, just because of 4chan, if anything else.

probably the wrong question to ask on this site. unless you are a cat

>> No.2659712


Wow. You're exactly the same as me :/

>> No.2659716


I feel the same way about nearly everything you just said.

>> No.2659729


Socio, right?

>> No.2659737


Maybe a bit.

>> No.2659738

OP here again. Another reason I feel this way, is this:
when I'm high, I lose all kind of social bearing. I literally have no idea if what I'm saying is perfectly acceptable, or a huge asshole thing to say. I don't even smoke anymore, and if I do, it's when I'm alone, because I just can't socialize when I'm high

>> No.2659765

Sounds like aspergers or autism spectrum? Or you're just introverted.

Either way you aren't a psychopath or a sociopath, sorry if that disappoints you.

>> No.2659772

Psych major here.

There is no clearcut black/white definition of a psycopathic personallity. The most common tool to assess it is the so called "Hare" scale. (http://www.hare.org/scales/))

So it is more of a sliding scale, where most people get at least a few points and people with psycopatic traits tend to get higher scores.

In short, everyone has some "psychopatic" tendencies, but few have enough that it matters. So what if you feel like you have a problem relating in some situations. We all have situations where our ability to empathise is taxed to its limit and it becomes easier to alienate the other rather than sympathise.

Also empathy is a skill that can be improved with time. Anyway, don't want to write a looooong reply. But don't worry, there is probably nothing wrong with you. If you still feel uncertain, do the test and see how you fare. Get a high score and you might want to see a therapist.

>> No.2659782
File: 37 KB, 900x655, 1297468396093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, thanks. That's more than I ever could have asked for.

>> No.2659788

>>2659738 when I'm high, I lose all kind of social bearing
Gee, that sounds bad, I mean, no one else acts inappropriately when intoxicated. When I'm completely hammered I'm perfectly polite and able to interact with everyone perfectly, you're weird.

>> No.2659816

when I'm drunk, I usually know that I'm being an asshole, I just don't give a fuck

>> No.2659827

>Pic related, it kind of set me off thinking about it.
Yeah I hate doubles guy too