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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2652989 No.2652989 [Reply] [Original]

have you guys heard of this? its a safety guide which details chemicals in cosmetic products with health risks and so on.they cite their sources and everything. i got a 3-5 on all my personal stuff.

it is interesting to consider the FDA doesnt regulate the cosmetic industry and that they actually regulate themselves.


>mfw when my products(shaving cream, shampoo, deoderant, hair gel, etc.) may give me cancer or fuck with my hormones or my brain.
>mfw nobody gives a shit

>> No.2653001

Welcome to deregulation and "small" government.

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to let ANY industry regulate itself.

Why not let suspected criminals investigate their own case, make their own laws to judge themselves by and become their own jury.

fucking stupid.

>> No.2653005
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>> No.2653008

i know that feel brah.

i didnt do too bad. i mostly use body shop and burts bees so im safe i think.

>> No.2653011
File: 83 KB, 370x278, ITS-NOT-LUDDISM-WHEN-WE-DO-IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653022

when it comes to cosmetics, I buy shit at health food stores and I read the ingredients.

My litmus test is: If I won't/can't eat it, I don't buy it and put it on my body.

>> No.2653024

bump this shit. i want to hear how the rest of /sci/ did

>> No.2653030


I fucking love burts bees. Best shaving cream on the planet.

>> No.2653032


Did at what? I assume you mean some kind of questionnaire, but your link is to their front page and not an actual questionnaire.

>> No.2653038

im not OP, i was just wondering how your products were rated.

>> No.2653067


>> No.2653105

Hmmm. I just checked the aftershave balm I use, and it's rated at like 7. Seriously? IDK how to feel about that...especially some of the claims they're making. I think some digging may be in order to find out where they get their information and who is sponsoring this site...

>> No.2653129

they cite all their sources and detail each ingredient. look at the bottom

>> No.2653153

Ya actually went digging and found what I was looking for. I still feel that they might be a bit fearmongering to be honest. Essentially they're telling me that my aftershave balm is going to seriously fuck me up based on the ingredients in it, but they make no mention of quantity or any other factors. That and every item listed as hazardous has a huge 'data gap' (70%+), so how complete is their information? I imagine if it was truly that dangerous, it wouldn't be permitted for sale, considering it's produced in Germany and therefore must meet german and EU's stricter safety standards, as well as our own FDA's. Don't get me wrong, I love organics, however to toss all your skincare/cosmetics products based on this site strikes of tossing the baby out with the bath water. I'll switch if I can find a viable alternative, but so far, nothing works better that what I've got in my experience.

>> No.2653195

lol i think this refers to america but yeah germany does have better controls. i do agree with you that is it silly to panic at this but i feel uncomfortable knowing so many chemicals are untested for long term effects. in the video op showed. the woman was revealed to have trace amounts of flame reatrdents and shit in her system. how could that effect people in the future?