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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 152 KB, 1207x778, meter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2651901 No.2651901 [Reply] [Original]

So sci/ what age?

I could have had sex when I was younger, but was more interested in star trek. Now I'm a virgin and I'm 22.

My life is over. Sci/ give up science and choose an arts subject. Chicks hate science and the ones doing science go out with arts student again.

Arts>science. Atleast with arts you aren't a virgin if you are god tier at it.

>> No.2651910

9, hadn't had sex since then though so meh

>> No.2651911

I had sex first when I was 19, now I have an amazing gf which I fuck at least 4 times a week.
Life is what you make of it though, if you decide to man the fuck up, start getting your life together, go out and talk to girls, you could be getting layed in no time, that's nature.
If you sit at home, most likely nothing will happen though.

>> No.2651914

17 here

>> No.2651912

Why would I want to have sex?

25 and virgin here, never bothered to waste time hanging out with people in non-academic contexts.

>> No.2651917

25 - virgin

I have no game...

>> No.2651920

22 year old arts grad virgin here. What do i get?

>> No.2651922


Had sex before I even masturbated. True story

>> No.2651928

19-20 cant remember

btw that chart is fucked up, why its considered normal to have sex at 12-13??.. at least when i was 18 it was considered pretty standard to be a virgin by that age.. and kind of "cool" if you had sex around 16. but most of my friends, who are completely normal people have their first sexual encounters in college, including me

>> No.2651929

18.95. Could have when I was 16 if I hadnt have been hung up on a dumb bitch and seen what was in front of me.

>> No.2651933

>Chicks hate science and the ones doing science

False. I've dated several who are only into science guys. You need another excuse.

>> No.2651940

>btw that chart is fucked up

How can you be so oblivious to blatant trolling?

No one (of any value) cares if you are a virgin under the age of 30.

>> No.2651941


Not true for the current college generation. 16 is closer to normal.

Although I would agree 13 is too young to be "normal", the few people I know who fucked then are jobless/lifeless losers now

>> No.2651943

The only people who think losing their virginity is a huge deal is virgins.

>> No.2651948

i'm still a virgin and i'm 20, almost 21. i wish i could find some care deep down in me to go outside and find a nice girl. i'm not unattractive or anything but i just don't care enough to even try. i hope /sci/ence comes up with some sort of asexual reproduction otherwise it doesn't look good for my line of genetic code. still though, im sure sex would be great if i just gave a fuck

>> No.2651955

19, but who the fuck has their prom at 15?

>> No.2651956
File: 22 KB, 364x357, 1295420640195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuses. Just fuck a girl without asking, and say thanks afterwards. I lost my virginity to a girl coming onto me when I was 7 years old. What is wrong with you people. Sex is like drinking tea in the morning. The same complexity involved and yet fear over-exemplifies the problems ahead of you.

>> No.2651958

herp derp

>> No.2651959

What do you call it if you aren't interested in a relationship with anyone? Like seriously, I've never even had a crush.

>> No.2651960
File: 221 KB, 800x780, CarlSaganspaceInurdaesDrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually think a random human female vagina is better than the rest of the fucking universe
I can't be the only one that feels like he's the rare sane person in the world, can I?

This coming from a artfag.

Not science

>> No.2651966


Fear of trying new things?

>> No.2651969

"Young boys are encouraged to be sexually uninhibited and associate their masculinity with their ability to be sexually intimate with a woman. Young girls however are raised to be sexually inhibited, and trained to believe that their self-image is negatively affected by sexual intimacy with men. As a result, girls grow up in an environment where men are actively and openly desiring sex, while women are not. A woman thus socially empowers herself to be the gate-keeper to a man's sense of masculinity." -- Esther Vilar, in _The Manipulated Man_

>> No.2651968

15, me and a girl planned it in 7th grade to have sex in the summer of freshman year. and we did, in a rental car, shit was cash

>> No.2651979

>12 is the optimal age

>> No.2651981

pretty much this.
I have no interest in a relationship.

>> No.2651983

for my generation 17-20 is considered normal. stop watching MTV, fking kids...

and im talking about sex.. not kissing or w/e

>> No.2651984

>The only people who think losing their virginity is a huge deal is virgins.

Fucking this. Image does make me lol, though, because you just know a bunch of virgins are totally trolled by it.

>> No.2651987

I was 16.

>> No.2651990


enjoy living in denial, and then regretting that you couldnt fuck anything because you were too scared to actually live your pathetic life.

>> No.2651995

I first had sex at 20. I probably should have when I was younger, and even had the opportunity, but I was a dumb kid.

>> No.2652002

>Why would I want to have sex?

Why would you listen to music, or eat a well-prepared meal? It's one of life's pleasures. It's also an extremely powerful instinct in almost everyone, and hence one of the primary motivators for behavior in all sexual organisms, including humans.

But if you have no sexual desire whatsoever, then I guess you wouldn't. Certainly "losing your virginity" is a stupid and wildly overemphasized milestone.

>> No.2652008

When I lost my virginity at 18, it didn't make a damn difference, we just found something fun to do for a few hours a day. If you're losing your virginity for the sake of losing it, an indulgent masturbation session is superior.

>> No.2652010

Sadly true, I still have sex with my girl to keep relations good tho.

>> No.2652012
File: 177 KB, 500x362, 1293455460778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd base @ 18
3rd base @ 23
4th base @ 24
First steady sexual relationship @ 26

Some people start late.

>> No.2652017

that would be a very strange case of sociopath, self fulfilling misanthropist. You must have had a crush on someone!

>> No.2652021

Before I was even born, I was already up in some bitch's cunt.

>> No.2652025
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, 1298061471209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have a winrar

>> No.2652039

26...27 coming up faster than I realize...I don't know what to do!

>> No.2652043
File: 81 KB, 350x307, 1296797805746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.2652053

Clearly you get wiped from the gene pool.

>> No.2652057


Wanna know how to get laid? It's a bit easier than you'd ever imagine. All it takes is having the guts to withstand getting rejected over and over. Yea...it's not that bad after a while, really, and eventually you get laid.

All you gotta do is get yourself a haircut, shave, shower up, buy some nice clothes, and go out to a bar and chatting to girls. Try to talk about some casual stuff. You know, ask them about what music they like, what hobbies they like, etc. And listen to that shit and try your damn hardest to talk to them about it. They really like this, actually.

After a while, start asking them stuff like "hey you wanna go back to my place and have a few drinks?" With practice, you start finding ways to lead into this line. Expect to get rejected a lot, especially at first, but trust me you'll eventually happen upon a girl who's willing to give you a shot. Trust me, the trick is to just not be afraid to talk to the girls, start with the less attractive and likely more desperate girls first, they're often easier to convince.

Just keep at it, and trust me, ANYONE can get laid. You're not the only pathetic guy out there, you're just one of the pathetic guys that doesn't try.

Happy hunting!

>> No.2652077

That's some terrible copy pasta.

>> No.2652079

i had sex numerous times as an infant and toddler. you are all pathetic no-lifes, nobody can touch this shit.

someone help me please

>> No.2652092

I've always seen parading your sexual activity to be completely shallow. Blame it on society, if you want, for reinforcing the idea that as long as you're having sex you're cool. Some of the biggest idiots I've met love to use their sex life as a trump card over any argument, as if they're superior for fulfilling a biological function virtually everyone else in our history has. It's almost as if it's the only way they can battle the fact that they know they're not that great like they think they are, so instead of talking about actual achievements they brag about sex.

What does it say about us when we value vanity above the needs of society?

>> No.2652095

I could have fucked this chick when I was up in Michigan about 2 years ago. She was fat though, so I didn't want to. I'm still a virgin...

>> No.2652098

if you're really worried about it, fixing it is actually pretty fucking easy. hard NOT to do if you spend some time around others. or if you REALLY don't want to be around others (and I can't blame you), prostitutes are readily available ANYWHERE, and generally affordable on any budget. just wrap it up.

OR, you could stop being a tool and keep on doing what you feel is right instead of bowing to any vague social pressure you come across.

>> No.2652101

I find that "meter" stupid and sad, but it must be meant as a troll, right. . ?
Something about anyone under fifteen having sex just seems sad.

If anything people should really start around 17.
And the level of patheticness as you age is heavily dependent on various other factors.

>> No.2652104

virgin, 26

have been offered sex a few times in the past couple of years, said no thank you

i find women disgusting on an emotional level, shallow and cheap. the hole notion of sex is revolting to me. i plan on remaining a virgin.

>> No.2652105

virgin, 52
i have killed several women during my life and keep on doing so, but the idea of fucking their dead bodies is simply disgusting.

>> No.2652107


Can I be your apprentice?

>> No.2652111

you already are.

think about it.

>> No.2652110

it's a fucking joke, parodying the social-induced sex mania people are apparently expected to have. it has an eight-year-old saying "We shared a beer.".

>> No.2652115

Extreme assbugers detected

>> No.2652117

26, male, 6 ft, 160 lb, steady job with lots of money, and never been kissed. Always was the outcast in school. Now I'm forever alone because I never go out into situations where I might meet women.

>> No.2652118

I lost my virginity about a week after I became 15.

Dude, chicks don't hate science. You just need to alpha up your attitude. Women don't need cute, nerdy kind of guys, they want real men to fuck the shit out of them.


>> No.2652122

Unfortunately my dignity and ethics prevent me from doing that.

>> No.2652124

I thought as much, but some people really are stupid and deluded enough to think theirs validity to it.

>> No.2652126


>> No.2652129

aw, i'd kiss you

>> No.2652130

I'll keep trying to fix it via a relationship.

>I've never been in a "real" relationship. ;_;

>> No.2652173

I'm kind of doubtful that the 'alpha male' attitude that is alluded to on 4chan is anything like the attitudes of actual human leaders.

All this hyper masculine bullshit is immature and unrealistic. Just boys who need to be validated by women to feel like men.

>> No.2652197

First kiss @ 10
First makeout @ 14
Lost virginity @ 17
Currently in active sexual relationship @ 24

Feels good being an alpha.

>> No.2652213


Taking an arts subject won't get you laid. Arts students tend to have more sex because the kind of people who have more sex are the kind of people who are likely to pick an arts subject; don't confuse cause and effect. Picking an arts subject isn't going to change anything.

Also, to those ITT who aren't trolling: losing your virginity isn't going to stop you being foreveralone/jpg. If you reach the age of about 20 without losing it, you'll permanently have the kind of emotional baggage that comes with being an older, male virgin, even when you lose it. That's why there's a point of no return.

I recommend that everyone see a hooker as soon as they're old enough. 16th/18th/whatever birthday, if possible. Cowardice is the only reason a person of legal age would still be a virgin.

>> No.2652217

>Cowardice is the only reason a person of legal age would still be a virgin.

Nope, some of us try to be decent believers.

>> No.2652219

the fuck you on OP,

Biology and (sometimes) neurology is where all the poon is at.

Chemfag here, i took a few bio courses and got laid, course other shit happened along with that, but thats another issue, but now as an honors student im on a fucking dry spell.

no sex for over a year, feels bad man

>> No.2652224
File: 139 KB, 1440x737, women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what females honestly believe.

>> No.2652243

ITT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Involuntary_celibacy

>> No.2652255

Had girlfriends on and off since 13, snuggled, kissed, hugged but no sex until I was 21.

Never gave a fuck.

>> No.2652262
File: 388 KB, 1440x900, Baby_Cuttlefish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a sad thread, and you are sad people.
Go outside, enjoy what the universe has given you this day and stop arguing about pointles biologial urges.

Here, have this cute baby cutlefish to brighten your day. Just look at this happy bastard. Look at it. Do you think it cares if you are virgin or not, no it doesn't. It accepts you just the way you are.

Go now, and be happy!

>> No.2652261


Back from whence you came you foul spineless creature. The day I have sex is the day I actually considering killing myself.

>> No.2652286

Fucked girls, fucked boys, never got aids, started at 11, now 30 in a stable relationship with a 33 year old woman. I'm a nerd, have always been, it was never an issue. Have a 6" dick, only had one size queen complain, didn't get 99% of the girls I wanted to fuck, which was basically anything with a pussy that was under 40 and not terribly ugly, although I did get 100% of the guys I wanted to fuck (which were the 2 I did fuck).

Getting (boy)pussy had nothing to do with being artsy, or having a model-like body, or having a voice like silk, or wearing expensive clothing. In retrospect it was all attitude, being friendly, slightly cocky, always having a funny thing to say but knowing when to say it and when not to, and just working with what life gave me. Midschool class had 20 girls, I only fucked the one living closest to where I lived because we walked home every day, I helped her with homework and she just happened to be on the mood one day when my parents weren't home. It wasn't any super-playa pimp-move on my part, I was there, I had made myself available and she did as well. It sucked the first time, then it got better.

I got a lot of no's. A lot. They don't matter half as much as they may seem at first, because a single yes will put all the no's in the world out of your mind.

>> No.2652289

Is... is that a pun?

>> No.2652290

Hahaha I am 18 and I didn't go to prom

>> No.2652303

14 first kiss
15 first fuck
21 first bj

True story

>> No.2652310

28 almost 29 here, technically a virgin.

"Side activities" happened, but no penor in vagoo. Did have two girlfriends, but it never lasted longer than a month.

>> No.2652317


>> No.2652321

Why was everyone having sex before 16? That's just disturbing, to think while I was just happy to fool around you went right ahead and stuck your micrococks into their hymens. No wonder you're all fucked up.

>> No.2652324


I'm 19 and find myself in the exactly same situation, oh 4chan, it united so many people who don't give a fuck about others.
I mean, in the university I talk with people, but once I'm out of the building, I probably won't say "Hi" to the guy who sits next to me, let alone females. (actually there aren't too many in aerospace eng.)

Also, just watched Animatrix for the 1st time, just awesome, I wonder if we'll get to see it happen.