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File: 102 KB, 400x400, 1283555223753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2651024 No.2651024 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what is the explanation for this statistic?

>> No.2651030

that almost nobody wants to rape black women

>> No.2651034

It's more about economics and culture than genetics

>> No.2651039

It's more about the general physical unattractiveness and obsesity of black women than either.

>> No.2651038

Black women are ugly and sassy.

>> No.2651040

I question the validity of this statistic. Link leads to some search page but I don't see anything to verify OP pic.

>that almost nobody wants to rape black women
Also this. At least pure black nigresses. There are some sexy mulatto bitches though.

>> No.2651046

black woman are easy, and it stems from an overly conspicuous distinction of their vagina, as opposed to whites where the pink blends in

while both white and black females obviously conceal their ovulation, based on appearances its a sort of sexual deception and has co-evolved with black female behavior

>> No.2651048
File: 33 KB, 129x115, O_O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not racist if it's true!

>> No.2651051

It seems to me that OJP.USDOJ.gov/bjs gathered that 37,460 females were sexually assaulted or raped by black males, while virtually no black females were raped by white males, and then this was organized in a jpeg and posted on the image board we find ourselves on at this moment.

>> No.2651059

Making up statistics to justify one's own racist sexual preferences is foolish.

I don't believe them for a second, and you trivialize the horror some black women have been through by claiming they haven't.

Fine, you like white women more. But just come out and say it already.

>> No.2651067

Obviously, because nigger chicks aren't fuckable.

Only another nigger is gonna be dumb and fugly enough to have to settle for one.

>> No.2651068

i lol'd

>> No.2651074

White women are bitchy entitled racist cunts that consider a black man being within the same city block to be rape.

>> No.2651080

what about the fact only around 1/2 rapes r reported?

>> No.2651090

I can't actually find the specific statistics the OP was referring to at that URL

>> No.2651094
File: 79 KB, 400x365, 400px-Trollface_More_HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so your saying ABOUT 80 000 white women are raped by blacks a year

>> No.2651105
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>> No.2651116

and then i turn on the blackness

>> No.2651124

They moved the reports. They also don't include this data in the overall summary (for obvious political reasons), you have to dig in the data-set to find it.


has the data

>> No.2651155
File: 7 KB, 250x275, 1283136777534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>37500 white women are raped per year by a black man
>50% of rapes are reported
>white make-up about 65% of the female population
>yfw ~6% of white women will be raped by a black man

>> No.2651164
File: 51 KB, 600x620, 1283532559910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where exactly is this information found at your source? I typed in the URL and am looking around the DOJ site, but not seeing anything like the statistics you are quoting. In fact, I found this in a pdf file on violent crime "Blacks were more likely than whites to be victims of overall violent crime, robbery, and aggravated assault, and somewhat more likely than whites to be victims of rape or sexual assault."

Not to mention that the DOJ's stats are dubious anyways. In their released PDF they tell us that "For 2009, the estimate of rape/sexual assault is based on 36 unweighted cases compared to 56 unweighted cases in 2008."

I am calling bullshit on those stats until proven otherwise. I can't even find stats on race except where they relate to the victim. And yes, the burden of proof is on you OP. I am fairly convinced this entire post is horseshit.

>> No.2651172

the numbers 2005, 37460, every number from 0 through 10, and (on an unrelated note) 42 are all racist

>> No.2651179

The stats are 1/4 women are raped in US college. I never understood that.

>> No.2651189

85% or so white rape victims are by white perps. There's no specific trend that indicates whites are solely raped or chiefly or specially raped by blacks.

>> No.2651190

Not shitting you. A surprising number of women have, at some point in their lives, been raped. You just know about it because it doesn't really make for polite conversation.

>> No.2651200

The scientific explanation to this static is NIGGER.

>> No.2651199

The most disturbing part of the stats is it shows that niggers choose to rape more white women than any other race.

If niggers just raped women, the occurence of white women in their rapes would at best match the proprtion of white women in the population. This is a best case scenerio because niggers live in areas with low white population.

However, niggers rape white women at a rate far greater than their occurence in the population. So not only do niggers rape a lot, they chose to rape white women a lot.

And it is all factual, no matter how hard you want to shove your head up your ass to deny it.

>> No.2651205

If I recall correctly, it's that the person who made this graphic is an idiot and doesn't know how to read a chart.

>> No.2651206

I can't help but wonder how many of those are women who get shit faced at parties and black out on the floor. Not that that justifies it or anything, but at the same time, they did kind of bring it on themselves.

>> No.2651210


>A surprising number of women have, at some point in their lives, been raped

Not shitting you, a surprising number of women have lied about being raped at some point in their lives.

They do it so often they occasionally have public awareness campaigns asking women to stop acting like self serving cunts and getting revenge on men for percieved injustices by reporting fake rapes because it hurts the credebility of real rape victims.

>> No.2651212


1 in 4 are "Raped or Sexually Assaulted"

>> No.2651215

except for one post, zero science in this thread


>> No.2651216

Oh, that's how that statistic is explainable? Like someone got groped or some shit?

What's the actual rape rate in US colleges? Anyone have good statistics on that?

>> No.2651223

If it is to be considered rape (at least in 2005), it must involve penetration. Otherwise it's sexual assault or something

>> No.2651227


Chick goes out looking to get laid. Gets drunk. Consensually has sex with a stranger. Regrets it later. Reports it as rape.

It happens all the fucking time.

Ask the Duke Lacrassoe team.

>> No.2651229

I've been personally accused of rape about 5 or 6 times in my life by internet crazies that I have never physically met.

>> No.2651235

Not anymore!!! Now only forced rape is going to be considered as rape if the new bill gets passed or something. Awesome!

>> No.2651237


I thought that too until my sister was raped and had to have an abortion.

It was worth it though

>> No.2651241

anyone who does not take 'rape and sexual assault' statistics with a gigantic grain of salt nowadays should be assessed for clinical retardation.

>> No.2651243

>85% or so white rape victims are by white perps.

>In 2009, the number of forcible rapes was estimated at 88,097

37500 rapes by black men against white women, 90k TOTAL RAPES in the USA

>> No.2651244

Female sociopaths cause so much more drama than males.

>> No.2651245


It doesn't matter what did or did not actually happen, women lie about this all the time.

Regarless of what actually happened, they claim forced rape all the time.

Or maybe you don't understand the concept of a lie.

>> No.2651248

>statistic doesn't account for base rate population proportions

you faggots will believe anything. No wonder you're all going for bachelor's degrees in solving for x.

>> No.2651252

Rape accusations are even far more likely to stick if the defendant is a black man and the accuser if a white woman for obvious reasons.

>> No.2651253
File: 193 KB, 632x721, 12457162953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't know you can rape women with your brain waves? pervert.

>> No.2651254

The graphic is based off of
table 42

The person who made the graphic is an idiot who doesn't understand the difference between "based on about 10 or fewer sample cases" and "there were 10 or fewer cases." The numbers come from surveying random people and asking them if they've been a victim of a crime. The number of sample cases is much smaller than the number of actual cases.

Additionally, the data also includes verbal threats and says nothing about gender.

>> No.2651257


Dude I am just saying that it is going to be better than before. Before, all the girls would just have sex and be like ... well i said no once in the beginning so rape.

B/c the number of fake rape cases were going up, they decided to make only forced rape be considered as rape. This cleans out a lot of the fake rape cases but not all.

Even this caused a lot of problems as people are saying that it won't be forced rape if a retard gets raped or if the girl was given ruffies.

So at least its better than before - that's all i am saying.

>> No.2651260

I don't get how stormfaggots feel they can make anything science by asking "what is the phenemona" or asking a question or some shit.

Go ahead and ask this question to any science or the math department and see if they care or whether its actually relevant to science.

>> No.2651259


Your figures are wrong. But you are also looking at this like a retard.

Black men rape white woman in a proportion that far exceeds the proportion of white women in the population.

If 50% of all females were white, one would expect niggers to rape white women 50% of the time. However, 50% of all females are white and niggers choose white woman in 90% of their rapes.

I simplified the numbers in that example so your could untard yourself and understand the concept.

>> No.2651266

Hardly anyone gets drugged, the vast majority of roofie use turned out to be just alcohol poising when bloodwork was done.

>> No.2651270


And I am saying that the woman are lying, so they will now lie about a more serious crime.

If "forced rape" is the only thing considered rape, then that is what they will choose to lie about.

>> No.2651272

Well, at least that's what the liberals and femnazis are arguing about since it gives them less choices.

>> No.2651269
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1283705009332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"And it is all factual"
>Gives 0 sources for these "facts"

TL:DR version on thread: I can't find the stats anywhere except white supremacy sites. Questionable at the VERY best.

I signed up to the site and downloaded the entire file archive you sent >>2651124 . I have no clue how to actually get any information out of it though. The report is split across several files, I can't find a program to open up any of them except notepad files that are just a huge meaningless stream of numbers. There is reference to how the report was gathered that makes me think it might be legit, but I'll be damned if I can actually get into what that report says. I freely admit I may be too computer retarded/lazy, but it strikes me as odd that the data is buried so inaccessibly that Office, Windows file extension search, Acrobat, etc have no clue wtf to do with the files.

Frustrated that way, I did a google search on the stats in OP, and could not find a single reputable site that listed it. There were about a dozen white supremacy sites that had the information up, and that's about it.

The source in OP's picture is inaccurate/missing, I've found statements that conflict with OP's assertion on the DOJ's website, and I am unable to find a reliable source to verify his data. GTFO IMO, 20 minutes of work debunks this horseshit. I will eat those words if given reliable, verifiable proof. Facts are everything, your biases are meaningless.

>> No.2651274

>whats the real rates?

>Forcible rape, as defined in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, is the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Attempts or assaults to commit rape by force or threat of force are also included; however, statutory rape (without force) and other sex offenses are excluded.

>In 2009, the number of forcible rapes was estimated at 88,097. By comparison, the estimated volume of rapes for 2009 was 2.6 percent lower than the 2008 estimate, 6.6 percent lower than the 2005 number, and 2.3 percent below the 2000 level. (See Tables 1 and 1A.)
>The rate of forcible rapes in 2009 was estimated at 56.6 per 100,000 female inhabitants, a 3.4 percent decrease when compared with the 2008 estimated rate of 58.6.

Presuming I didn't fuck-up the math, around 4.1% of US women will be raped in their lifetime

>> No.2651278


Get your head out of your ass retard.

All the stats are here:


Read them yourself. Learn some truth. Get of your preconcieved, ignorant misconceptions that everyone is the fucking same.

>> No.2651283

I agree but at least it will be lesser. It is harder to lie that someone shoved you and fucked you while you tried to push him away, than I said stop but he didn't.

>> No.2651284


>> No.2651291
File: 46 KB, 335x352, 1296897392206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the source. And I can't believe they would even publish a study based off of 10 cases and extrapolate to the whole population! That's like me growing up on a farm, interviewing my 10 closest neighbours, and then assuming that every family in the country owns about 300 head of cattle on average.

>> No.2651296
File: 6 KB, 355x318, race.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- of crime in general

>> No.2651301

around 37461 black-on-white cases
around 36620 black-on-black cases
Sorry, you're wrong.

>> No.2651305

In 2009 —
Blacks were victims of rape/sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault at rates higher than those for whites.


>> No.2651308

Hey fucker, look at table 42 in the 2007 statistics. Suddenly blacks drop to 7.6% of rapists where white women are concerned. However, being the canny chap I am, I see the star by the data, so I look to see that the data was based on 10 or fewer sample cases and then I know it's basically worthless on a national scale. You should learn to do that.

>> No.2651312

can you compare the raping of blacks on whites with say hispanics on whites.

I choose hispanics b/c they seem to the next largest group but you could pick something else if it seems proper.

captcha: anginger finite

>> No.2651315


I saw that retard. Do you really think his assesment is accurate? Because it is not. He is just lying or doesn't understand the source of the data.

>> No.2651322

You have to be literally insane to lie about being raped. You have to get an invasive rape kit, go through hours of interviews with the police recounting the delicate and embarassing details of the rape, to officers who often make it clear that they don't believe you, and then you have to testify at trial if you want the guy to get convicted. This is daunting enough for someone who was really raped, if you're lying about it, it's 10 times as bad. And usually people who lie about it crack under all the scrutiny.

obviously people get wrongfully convicted but not out of proportion with other crimes.

>> No.2651325


Yet it happens way too often that they had to pass a new bill to control it.

>> No.2651326

>You have to be literally insane to lie about being raped.

See: your typical adult female human.

>> No.2651329

blacks make up the majority of the poor population of the united states (ignoring all illegals)
a poor person, regardless of race, often feels like he or she has less to lose if he or she gets caught doing something illegal and so feels less motivated to not commit crimes

>> No.2651332

Feel free to look at the report for yourself.

>> No.2651331


>> No.2651345

ITT: Racists try to jump to an erroneous conclusion only to find out that /sci/ checks sources and demands facts.

>> No.2651350

ITT someone loses their argument and decides to dismiss the entire thread by characterizing everyone in it via an ITT statement

>> No.2651353

no one wants to have sex with black women. even black men.

>> No.2653321

Wait, what? I'm confused. Can't you still extrapolate and assume that the proportions are still approximately correct, even if the numbers themselves are iffy???

>> No.2653340

Stormfaggot shows up on /sci/ and only one person in the entire thread had the courtesy to sage while posting to avoid bumping this shit.

Leave 4chan forever, OP. Your board was deleted for a reason.

>> No.2653351
File: 154 KB, 348x332, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is relative Op. Black men rape more because they lack the education and economic success compared to their white counter parts.

When blacks rape, they should be rewarded and given a calm attentive ear to listen to their problems. This is no guarantee they will stop raping, but it's a showing them love and caring.

>> No.2653371

itt: wtf with ppl saying they wouldnt fuck a black? I mean, not if she's fat, but skinny they're hot as hell.

>> No.2653378


They seem to be on the whole proud of those statistics.

>> No.2653380

I'm calling BS on that. 0-10 is unbelievably low.

>> No.2653383

That's cause a black woman would kick your ass

>> No.2653385
File: 1.26 MB, 900x2434, TIERLIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653387
File: 292 KB, 700x1042, negro-comics.1298736849333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously, that one black man is some sort of mutant with super rape powers. He could be the next step in human evolution.

>> No.2653468

rape is for niggers
serial killing is the sub-genre for whites

>> No.2653563

Get that stupid shit out of /sci/.

>> No.2653580
File: 68 KB, 468x478, goose step.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653588

and cp

>> No.2653686

yay another racist posting statistics that can't even help a racist point he's trying to make. Get of sci

>> No.2653863
File: 148 KB, 400x400, troll4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for truth

OP's pic is demonstrably correct and inexplicable without breaking free of the chains of politically correct groupthink, prove me wrong

>> No.2653896

>in 2005, 37,460 white females where sexually assaulted or raped by a black man

Wow thats more than 100 rapes per day he must be like super negro or something.

>> No.2653976

>stormfag tries to make headway into /sci/

Yeah no...you need to bring facts, not poorly-cobbled together pieces of propaganda. And the fact that you can not make the distinction between the two suggests that your efforts would be better spent on /b/.

This is not /new/ and if you actually provided a real case based upon quantifiable data, we would immediately accept it as we would have no choice but to do so.

>> No.2654038

Just rap about the rape statistics for those that don't understand.