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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.2648690

Lol'd. It's nothing new, these has been found in meteorites for years, but there is no proof that they are of biological origin

>> No.2648722

Those Fox News comments make me want to strangle a newborn.

Jesus christ.

>> No.2648747

Did you see the one claiming the meteorite was made by the government to turn us to Satan?

>> No.2648886
File: 86 KB, 600x478, this-is-what-christian-actually-believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out these comments from the Fox News article. lulz @ rednecks

"if there is life on other planets, i just hope they don't speak french."

"Why is NASA looking into outer space? Their primary objective is supposed to be trying to increase the self-esteem of Muslims. It was a mandate given by Obama. Trying to make Muslims believe they have made greater contributions to math and science than they've actually made has to be more important that exploring the great unknown."

"Well, a bacteria,
an organism whose existence
is still doubtful in many societies as it can't be seen with the naked eye,
is not enough to make big headlines on this issue.
If aliens want to make a point they should send us a three headed mega-dinosaur,
or take away the moon.
Until then gas prices are more important."

"NASA is a total waste of money ! funds should be used for real work."

>> No.2648891
File: 258 KB, 1445x1585, 1262889348634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2648943

>If aliens want to make a point they should send us a three headed mega-dinosaur,
or take away the moon.


>> No.2648952
File: 67 KB, 450x450, corgilobsterface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Also on this page is featured an article about the Kepler mission to search for other stars with planets. So far it has found a few. Nearly all stars have planets. Stars themselves are made from planets. As for finding earth-like planets there are many, many of them. All planets go through
a growth process until they become stars themselves. At first, they are too small to capture & hold an atmosphere. Space is a micro atmosphere, not a total vacuum. When a planet becomes large enough with enough gravity, it will begin to capture gases & water vapor. It's position from the main star will change over its course of becoming ever larger & forming a new star.
At the right distance for liquid water that is not boiling, life can easily form. ...Alfred- "

my anus prolapsed

>> No.2648960

>It's bad enough that illegal aliens are sneaking across our borders, but now they're hitching rides on meteors. I ask you, when will this madness ever end?
master troll

>> No.2649020

The fuck

>> No.2649028

Notice how unrelated political shit comes up

"They find this "life" on all these rocks, but they can't find life in a fetus about to be aborted?"

I like how they just assume the scientist is pro abortion and start arguing with him despite not even knowing the guy or his political beliefs

>> No.2649031

the comments are tugging me between laughing with a combination of hilarity and denial, and wanting to end my own life along with all of theirs.