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File: 82 KB, 460x373, Atheist Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2647423 No.2647423 [Reply] [Original]

Please read all of this post before responding.

Do you consider yourself a/an:

Agnostic Atheist

Gnostic Atheist

If one of the above would you say that you hold a pro, anti, or neutral stance toward theists?

Agnostic Theist

Gnostic Theist

If one of the above would you say that you hold a pro, anti, or neutral stance toward atheists?

After you have decided upon one of the above alignments you must then illustrate as best you can the sequence of events/decisions in your past that led up to you choosing your currently held religious belief system.

>> No.2647439

i am pohhuist

>> No.2647457

Agnostic Atheist

heard about other religions
which is the real god?
either everyone that is of the wrong religeon is going to hell, or there isnt a spesivic relegion that is right
if no one is right, god wont care if you are not affiliated with one, as long as you are a good person
logical inconsistinsys drive me to athiesm (or at least a god that doest intervere with the universe)
if you cant prove his exixtance and he deost care if you baleve in him, why not be an athiest?

>> No.2647479

>which is the real god?

Majority of scientists believe global warming is happening and caused by humans. You should believe it.

Also ...

>> No.2647491


Atheism: The belief there are no gods
Agnosticism: The belief that the question of whether there are gods or not is unanswerable
Theism: The belief there are gods

>> No.2647492

Agnostic Theist.

>> No.2647504

Rustard detected.

>> No.2647513

I am an Agnostic Atheist. I have a neutral stance toward theism.

My mom is extremely religious, but she wasn't there for me. My grandma was also religious, but not as much. I was bullied a lot in school, so, after getting in a fight with this mexican kids twice my size (i was kicking his ass too, until I decided to stop fighting) I begged her to not make me go to that school any more.

Thus started 4 years of private seventh day adventist school. 7th, 8th, grades, then freshman and sophomore years.
Every friday we would have chapel, and almost every day we would study the bible to some degree, and I became a fundie, well on my way to becoming an evangelical. I wanted to become a minister, and at the end of 8th grade year I was baptized, and started bible study on my own.


>> No.2647517

In freshman year, I had science class. My science teacher was a well respected marine biologist who had discovered some new species of shrimp or something.
He spent most of our class teaching us why evolution was wrong, without spending any time teaching us what it WAS. That was when I discovered that there were opposing viewpoints. It's also about that time I started browsing 4chan, and got a youtube account.
Throughout those two years, I studied the bible intensely, and found some... disturbing shit. Leviticus is probably the most violent, hateful book ever written, and the rest of the bible isn't the loving, caring, good book everyone said it was.


>> No.2647521

So, about halfway through sophomore year, we had this extremely charismatic preacher come and talk to us. He talked about staying strong in the faith, defending the faith, etc. At the end, he invited us to become rebaptized, to reaffirm our faith. I volunteered, thinking this was just what I needed.
Now, they don't just rebaptize you. You need to do all these worksheets and bible study activities, and you met with the school pastor once a week to discuss God. I took the opportunity to tell him about all the stuff I had learned about science, and all the stuff I had learned about the bible, and how it didn't ass up in my head. I showed him bible verses, I showed him passages from "Letter to a Christian nation", which I had bought and read the week before, cover to cover, in one sitting.
He didn't have any answers for me. It was shit like "God works in mysterious ways" or "I don't know WHY Jesus had to die for your sins, you'll have to ask God himself that."

That was when I became an Atheist, I just didn't know it at the time.

I researched other religions, and made attempts at being Buddhist, Wiccan, Neopagan, and even Muslim.
I found the exact same inconsistencies in all their belief systems.

So I quit altogether. I became an Atheist, dropped out of private school, and went to public school where I received a universally better education.

I've never looked back. I often see christians in the same place I was, using the same argument I used, etc.
I think that's why I'm neutral toward them, because while I know christians, no, all theists are ignorant, I know that theism doesn't cause ignorance, it just feeds off it. So I don't dislike them, I sort of pity them.

>> No.2647548

Agnostic Atheist (Although I would consider myself a gnostic atheist with regards to a specific god, such as Odin, Zeus, Yahweh, etc.)

Anti stance towards theists.

>> No.2647602

Agnostic atheist. I'm fairly neutral regarding theists, but heavily opposed to theism as a concept. I just think it's irrational to believe in something without even the tiniest bit of evidence.

There were no events leading up to me "choosing" this position, though. I wasn't exposed to religion when I grew up, so I just never adopted any religious beliefs.

>> No.2647907

Its funny how contradictory the idea of an agnostic atheist is. They admit you cant know if something exists and aggressively close their mind to the idea. In the absence of counter evidence the theory has to be at least considered.

On that stance I'm a agnostic theist

>> No.2647927

>They admit you cant know if something exists and aggressively close their mind to the idea.
That's not what atheism implies. Get an education.

>In the absence of counter evidence the theory has to be at least considered.
It's not a theory. There's nothing to test, or attempt to falsify about the existence of (any) god(s). At best, it's a hypothesis, a purely baseless, fantastical one at that.

>> No.2647932

Apathetic Agnostic

>> No.2648033

Well when we consider evidence against god(s) you really have to take it at a case by case basis. Sure there is no way to prove either way that, in general, there isn't some sort of all-powerful entity or law that controls everything. However, all the major practiced religions have major scientific fallacies, inconsistencies, and/or contrdictions as part of their fundamental teachings.

In that way we can be as close to certain there is no judeo-christian god as we are that there is no Odin, Zeus or Mithra, but this still doesn't disprove there is any god(s).

>> No.2648072

>this still doesn't disprove there is any god(s).
Nor do they need to be disproven. The claim "there is a god" must be backed up by evidence, not the other way around.

The burden of proof lies entirely on the believers and no one else.

>> No.2648078

Gnostic Atheist. Someday there will be an irrefutable(to religious people) proof that god is a lie.
Also, anti-theists.
Started some years ago when i started questioning myself about the existence of god and afterlife.
My history teacher also had a significant impact on my point of view because he explained how Moses created religion as a political maneuver.
From this point forward i thought about it a lot from both point of views (theist and atheists) and came up with the conclusion that god definitely does not exist.
Also, probability/Darwin helped a lot.

>> No.2648086

Exactly, claiming there are no gods must be backed up by evidence

>> No.2648115

Militant atheism! Praise Darwin! Behead those who insult our great science!

>> No.2648126

>Exactly, claiming there are no gods must be backed up by evidence
Correct, however claiming that there are no gods is equally as irrational as claiming there are, and is not atheism but anti-theism.


>> No.2648133
File: 142 KB, 680x1501, tiertier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am none of the above.

The sequence of events begins with the formation of my brain, humans evolved to have some ability to understand reality, I was lucky enough to be educated in a free society, developed this ability and reached conclusions about many minor unimportant ideas, including the theism/atheism debate. I reached my conclusion after 3 seconds of thought and have never seen a single argument that challenges it despite the amount of time other people devote to the issue and my observance of this.

>> No.2648134

I'm an apatheist. I just don't care.

>> No.2648294
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>> No.2648331

Agnostic Atheist

Not even going to stay to mingle with trolls. We've had thousands of these threads; everything that can be said has been said.

>> No.2648362

>I am none of the above.
That's literally impossible.

>> No.2648379

He could be utterly unthinking.

>> No.2648385

Well... touché.

>> No.2648399
File: 65 KB, 700x373, nihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no it isn't.

>> No.2648424

Nihilism includes atheism/a lack of belief in deities, you dumb cunt.

>> No.2648458

/sci/ - Religion & Homework

>> No.2648462

Where would:

[(Doesn't believe God does exist) AND (Doesn't believe God doesn't exist)]

belong on that chart? That is my stance.

>> No.2648474
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no it doesn't.
with nihilism, I am saying that there is no need to know if there is a god or not because it doesnt matter if there is or isnt.

>> No.2648477

This chart is useless, because it there is no universal and coherent definition of "god." Look up "ignosticism."


>> No.2648486

By personality type:

gnostic theist: schizophrenic
agnostic theist: irrational faggot
gnostic atheist: neckbeard basement dweller
agnostic atheist: well-adjusted person

btw, I'm none of the above.

>> No.2648490

Atheism doesn't make any claims to *knowledge*, but to *belief*, more specifically, it's a lack of belief, and this lack of belief really is an inherent part of nihilism. A nihilist does not believe in any gods and is therefore by definition an atheist, whether he gives a shit or not.

>> No.2648497

Yes, you fucking are. If you were to explain your bullshit beliefs, then they would most definitely have a place somewhere on that chart.

>> No.2648502
File: 95 KB, 728x1093, 1294393189114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're missing the point of nihilism.
nothing matters.
why worry about if there is a god or not?

this is not atheism nor is it belief that there is a god.

>> No.2648516

>Doesn't believe god doesn't exist
>Believes god doesn't exist
>Believes god exists
>Doesn't believe god exists

This is just a desperate attempt by agnostics to convince the rest of humanity they aren't simply moronic fence sitters.

The reality is only the middle two are legitimate choices while agnostics are simply assuming because there are only two options, they are equal.

>> No.2648520






>> No.2648522

Atheist means godless, hence it is not the belief that god does not exist, but the lack of belief in god's existence.

Any agnostic should read this.

>> No.2648524
File: 66 KB, 749x292, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking as a philosophical nihilist, bullshit.

>> No.2648534
File: 10 KB, 225x300, 1295830030877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't have a lack of belief.
Let me put it in computer science terms for you.

boolean beliefInGod = ?

? can be true or false

With nihilism, ? = null

>> No.2648536

I'm an atheist.

I was born into a Catholic family and went to a Catholic school, studied the bible, and never accepted anything from the Old Testament but I did accept the New Testament as I was a child, and had lived my whole life in surroundings that taught me the teachings of the church were true.

When I was about 14 I think I unconsciously became an atheist. That's when I started to realise a lot of the stories in the Bible could simply not have been true. I rejected the idea of miracles entirely, and began to realise that there's no actual evidence that God exists.

Between the age of 14 and 17 I became more and more aware that I didn't believe in God, but never declared it outright because it was easier not to. I also didn't completely make up my mind until I was around 17, every now and then I might get the feeling that God was watching over me. But the more I was taught about Catholicism in school, the more obvious it seemed that the teachings of the Church were a load of crap. For all the wild claims they make about miracles and afterlife and omnipotent beings there was absolutely no evidence, no reason why I should believe this. The only answers I was ever given when I asked WHY I should believe the teaching's of the Church were either "it's in the bible" (which I knew by now could be as false a testament as any other book, and at the very least was obviously biased and greatly exaggerated), or "you need to have faith", which was a problem for me because I simply didn't have faith, and this answer seemed pretty much the same as saying "don't think, just believe", which totally didn't fly with me.

By the time I was 17 there was no doubt in my mind that religion is bullshit.

I have a neutral stance towards theists. Leaning slightly on the negative side.

>> No.2648537

What exactly is meant by "God?" What is meant by "believe?"

The statement "I believe God does/doesn't exist" is completely meaningless without well-defined terms. I "believe" the sandwich I'm eating exists, in a certain sense of belief. I don't call it "God," but I could. It's delicious. Does that make me a theist?

>> No.2648541

So, your argument is "bullshit"? Anything a bit more substantial, maybe?

>> No.2648547


Im not him, but I probably wouldn't fit on that chart very well. I come closest to the chart's definition of Agnostic, but I would never believe that God cannot be known. If by "God cannot be known", they meant (Doesn't believe God can be known), then that would be fine, and I would be Agnostic by that chart. The way they present it, it looks like it means (Believes God cannot be known), so I don't fit that criterion.

>> No.2648549

A "philosophical" nihilist? Anyone who has given a single thought about anything is a philosopher to an extent, people need to use the word as if it were something special, especially.
Not sure if troll image, but implying all of those beliefs aren't philosophical.

>> No.2648570

Let me put it into practical terms for you:

There are only two possible answers to the question "Do you believe in deities?". If your awesomely nihilistic response is "I don't give a shit, because nothing has meaning and everything is pointless and blah blah fucking blah", then that's also a *very clear* "No, I do not believe in deities.".

>> No.2648574

>call agnostics fence moronic sitters
>agnostics build a new fence around the fence they're sitting on
>tear down original fence

Fucking stupid.

would make a decent comic if someone was willing to spend the 5000 hours in paint.

>> No.2648584

Well, that's fair enough, but I would assume Agnosticism to incorporate both of those positions.

>> No.2648585

Agnostic atheist.

Neutral towards theists in general; why should I be antagonistic to people simply because I disagree with them? Especially since I can't prove to them that I'm right. But there are specific religious beliefs and practices I despise, such as the idea that nonbelievers belong in Hell, or that we should keep children from learning about birth control.

I was raised a Christian, but as I got older I reexamined my beliefs and found I had no good reason to believe in God. The process started with me trying to read the Bible in high school and realizing it was full of shit.

Sage because not science.

>> No.2648589
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>I don't give a shit, because nothing has meaning and everything is pointless and blah blah fucking blah", then that's also a *very clear* "No, I do not believe in deities."

No, it isn't. There could be deities, there might not be deities. Regardless of if there are or aren't, there is no point to worry about if there are or aren't.

Why you no understand this?

>> No.2648608


A philosopher is someone like Plato or Spinoza or Kant or Nietzsche who conjured schemes to EXPLAIN EVERYTHING, as incomplete as their schemes might have been. Someone possessed by a megalomania (as opposed to the mediomania and micromania of most human beings) who is able to satisfy that desire.

To say that anyone who "thinks" is a philosopher is to water down the term to meaninglessness. Just the same as the hordes of "wanna-be" philosophers who lack the ability and will to be the tyrants of reality.

>> No.2648611

I'm an atheist. Period.

Why assume I'm a gnostic atheist because of this? When someone asks about your political stance, do you say "I vote for x, but who knows, maybe I can vote for y in the future", no you don't. Religion is so connected with prejudice, it's impossible to hold an opinion against it without:

a) looking like a dumb imoral man just as dogmatic as religion itself
b) looking like an uncertain person, confuse for not having god in his heart

This way, the discussion on knowledge is brought up everytime we discuss religion, unlike anything else. I could say "I like coffee, unless coffee is an illusion just like our lives and reality", but I don't, because this doubt is not the point on this level of discussion, so everyone stays with "I like coffee" or "I don't like coffee", without having to go somewhere else.

So, god. Do you believe in a creator? Do you believe in an almighty force or being? Do you believe in a thing that has an intent for reality, the universe and our lives? No matter how we describe god, there is a consensus created by our own nature of creating myths, so we can easily understand the general implications of believing in god. And you either do or don't, or you are unsure (which is different from being agnostic, mind you).

Being agnostic or gnostic here is irrelevant, it's a whole other discussion on how we handle knowledge, reality and ourselves. The unicorn comparisson comes in handy at this point, god is just as real as an unicorn and yet it's so easy to refute unicorns and so hard to overcome the social stigma of not believing in god.

I'm an atheist, period. That is my position. As all my other positions, it is not static, but unlike some of my positions, it's stable, very very stable and that is something the discussion of a/gnosticism is sugar coating with doubt.

>> No.2648622

>The statement "I believe God does/doesn't exist" is completely meaningless without well-defined terms.

This. What god are you referring to? I'm quite sure the Bible is not a special message from a supernatural being. And I don't think a lot of definitions of "God" are even coherent. But I do believe the universe exists, and some people say "God is the universe." So I guess I believe in that "God," even if I don't call it "God."

>> No.2648663

>Why you no understand this?
I do understand this perfectly. What I'm trying to explain is that this:
>There could be deities, there might not be deities. Regardless of if there are or aren't, there is no point to worry about if there are or aren't.
... is *not* some sort of third position when it comes to whether you believe in a god or not. Saying that you consider it irrelevant to worry about the existence of deities already implies a lack of belief in said deities. Sure, you don't say "I believe there is no God", or "I *know* there is no God", or anything to that effect, but this kind of certainty is *not* a necessity at all in order for a philosophy to "qualify" as atheistic. All that's needed is a lack of belief, and this lack is indeed demonstrated in the nihilist's statement of not caring, or not deeming the God question to be a relevant issue.

>> No.2648682

I'm an agnostic atheist. However OP is retarded for living in a world of absolute right and wrongs. I can't know for sure that God exists, in the same sense that I can't know for sure whether or not the sun will come up tomorrow or gravity will work 5 seconds from now. Based on all the evidence I've seen, it seems extremely unlikely that any sort of god exists. Every "miracle" that ever happened can be attributed to natural causes. As for the creation of the universe, there was a time when we didn't know how the Earth was created, or how the solar system formed, or how the moon got there. Just because we don't know yet how the universe formed doesn't mean we can say "50/50 goddidit."

I guess I'd say I'm between anti and neutral towards theists. Religion is a mind-virus. It can disillusion even the most rational human being, because of its loopholes and feely-goodness, so it's hard to blame them for being sucked in. I guess you could say I'm neutral towards the theists, but anti towards religion itself.

>> No.2648684
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>Saying that you consider it irrelevant to worry about the existence of deities already implies a lack of belief in said deities.

No it doesn't. I really can't tell if you're a troll or just stupid

>> No.2648692

I am origo.

I don't know if God can be known or not, or if he exists or not.

It all came to be when I could not prove that I existed and therefor could not prove anything. At that point the sentence "everything is relative" became interesting. I added "nothing is true". Now I just wonder if any of you understand what I just wrote.