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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2647829 No.2647829 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point in happiness?

>> No.2647835

Feels good.

It's as good as any other subjective value, and it's natural to our biology.

>> No.2647840

getting you to do things that will increase your chance of reproduction

>> No.2647843

Or, if OP is implying the evolutionary question, then happiness is generally derived from actions that are beneficial to our survival as a species. People who genuinely enjoy cutting themselves are less fit for survival.

>> No.2647847

And hence, the joy of doing good for others.

Really, try it sometime. Feels awesome.

>> No.2647848

So that there is something to live for.

>> No.2647852
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>> No.2647861


This basically. Emotions such as happines and love are nothing more than hormonical manipulation of your mind programmed by your genes. We are all slaves to emotions and through that to our genes.


>> No.2647871
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He thinks Happiness is purely science.

>> No.2647874

What the fuck are you sad about?

>> No.2647881

sad? why. I love the idea that things like love and happiness are based on things we can anylise and understand eventually instead of it being just some ethereal thing that doesn't follow any rules.

>> No.2647893


Happines in slavery I suppose.

I for one, don't want to be manipulated by the faulty heritage of my countles ancestors, unfortunatley there is nothing I can do about it, yet...

That is why sad.

>> No.2647924

Happiness, besides the natural implications of it, is not that important to some people. Emmanuel Kant said that happiness was good, but shouldn't be seek (so happiness didn't have any point actually) and that duty was a more important goal and had more important implications.

Now, naturally, doesn't really depends on genes actually (because your biological parents were happy doesn't mean you will tend more to happiness). Happiness is usually a good indicator of a healthy state (both of the body and mind). It helps decreasing stress, anxiety, chances of disease, helps establishing bonds (think of the happiness of a mother towards her new born) and so many.

Personnally, I don't think happiness should be seeken as a goal since emotions (which regulates it more than the genes does) changes to much to preserve it.

>> No.2647943
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they think that their scientific analysis of happiness is correct. how can they call themselves scientists? It's that kind of application that makes people sad; what you speak of is pointless information, and it's not true. each word you speak is not true - the world you live in is not true. so why would you sacrifice the only true thing that remains, and annotate it with a bunch of things of which are not true?

disgusting self-proclaimed demon scientists.

>> No.2647964


Obivious troll is obivious.

Try harder bojo!

>> No.2647968

The point?

Well, after the two p's there, is a letter called "i" (prononounced "eye").

That "i" consists of a line and a mark above it.
That mark is often called a "dot" or a "point" though the technical term is "tittle"

So, that's the point.

>> No.2648003

op: haha let me make this thread and laugh at all these retards try to explain something as complex as emotion with simple science.

>> No.2648027

>explain something as complex as emotion with simple science
I don think quantum chemistry,neurology and evolutionary biology counts as "simple science"

>> No.2648038
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So why is it I am able to ignore all of the words you say about 'happiness' and still be happy, self-proclaimed scientists?

>> No.2648050


>> No.2648056

>simple science.

>> No.2648058

becase sceince dost crae ifou listne?

>> No.2648077

sorry but no one on /sci/ has no more than a high school understanding of science. deal with it,

>> No.2648094

based on discoveries made through neural mapping of the limbic system, the neurobiological explanation of human emotion is that emotion is a pleasant or unpleasant mental state organized in the limbic system of the mammalian brain. if distinguished from reactive responses of reptiles, emotions would then be mammalian elaborations of general vertebrate arousal patterns, in which neurochemicals (for example, dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin) step-up or step-down the brain's activity level, as visible in body movements, gestures, and postures.

for example, the emotion of love is proposed to be the expression of paleocircuits of the mammalian brain (specifically, modules of the cingulate gyrus) which facilitate the care, feeding, and grooming of offspring. paleocircuits are neural platforms for bodily expression configured before the advent of cortical circuits for speech. they consist of pre-configured pathways or networks of nerve cells in the forebrain, brain stem and spinal cord.

>> No.2648096

fuck you all, I can model the human emotions with basic math using only 5 variables, deal with it.

>> No.2648130

The point of happiness is to chase it and be as close to it as possible, without ever actually achieving it fully.

Whenever you reach your ideal state of happiness, shortly after you will feel unsatisfied with everything you have already done and will become "hungry" for new, unreachable things.

Enjoy your "scientific" theories and arguments.

>> No.2648149

indeed, the absence of happiness works as a constant motivator. if you are completely happy yet starving, ill, or otherwise in danger of death, why look for food?

>> No.2648163

Thats an awful lot of words that aren't 'oxytocin'