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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 442x444, 1286835682146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2638203 No.2638203 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel /sci/?

>The main idea behind the book is that women are not oppressed by men, but rather control men in a relationship that is to their advantage but which most men are not aware of."Men have been trained and conditioned by women, not unlike the way Pavlov conditioned his dogs, into becoming their slaves. As compensation for their labours men are given periodic use of a woman's vagina."

>Young boys are also discouraged from masturbation by the use of guilt and shame, while girls face no such negative emotions with masturbation. This form of emotional chastity is an attempt to cause men to shirk away from masturbation as a form of sexual release, and seek it exclusively with women. The motive for such an attempt comes from the fact that "sexual intimacy" (male desire) is on a lower priority than "security of resources" (female desire). However, "sexual release" is on a higher priority than both. Therefore, it is an attempt to shift power from men to women by limiting male sexual release via women exclusively.

>From a very early age, men are conditioned by both girls and their mothers to conform to social definitions and norms which women construct with their needs in mind. These definitions have one common element; they overplay the notion of a girl being emotionally and physically weaker than a boy, and a man being stronger than a woman. As a result, they use this excuse to give license to a woman to construct rules between the sexes that cater exclusively to her needs while ignoring any male needs.


>> No.2638211

It doesn't make me feel anything.

>> No.2638216

feelings are for faggots

>> No.2638226


>> No.2638244
File: 70 KB, 454x365, Karl Marx Hitting The Blunt And Laughing At Your Post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's all true
>mfw I also don't care

>> No.2638245
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>> No.2638253

lol be more bitter OP

>> No.2638274
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>> No.2638286

>compensated labour
Does not compute.

>> No.2638289
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>> No.2638295

1) I'm hornier than my boyfriend.
2) Female masturbation is very taboo for girls and isn't really talked about.
3) Women are doing more work than many men these days, so I don't see how men are the slaves. Many women are stuck taking care of the home and kids and working a full time job while the guy just works a full time job.

>> No.2638304

W = force x displacement

Men are stronger than women
Men apply, therefore, more force than women
Men can displace an object further than women

Therefore, men do more work than women.

>> No.2638314

Oh hey, look, it's /r9k/. I was wondering where are the idiotic misogyny had gone. And here I thought we only had to deal with all the fucking /new/ refugees starting those god awful racial superiority threads.

Please leave and don't come back.

>> No.2638321


W = F*d*cos(theta)

Since you didn't specify the angle, I'll assume it's 90 degrees for men and 0 degrees for women.

>> No.2638336

You do that. Let's assume then, also, that we are moving it north instead of east.

>> No.2638338
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girls, children, pregnancy, marriage are all scams that fucks up a mans life

also i been reading and watching pick up artist stuff lately, girls are fucking retarded apes

>> No.2638347

Okay. We can do that since cross products are actually done with sines and not cosines. Bwahahaha!

>> No.2638356


Solving problems the engineer's way. Works every time.
Very nice.
With great power comes great dE/dt.

>> No.2638364

Have you ever watched any makeup tutorials? If any mating tactics show the apeishness of their targets, it's certainly those of the female.

>> No.2638371
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>> No.2638377

While some of the initial facts and basic assertions are true they do not relate to the conclusion or fail to take into account other facts, both men and women attempt to manipulate each other, not all of the variables apply to every individual. Seems to be based on false dichotomy, false progression and collectivism logical fallacies.

>> No.2638386
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>thinks sex is a race

>> No.2638406

Money = Time

He who controls time controls the planet.

>> No.2638431

>mfw this was written by a woman

>> No.2638455
File: 12 KB, 300x229, 1283979044909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this man is right
>proves that there is at least 1 good woman in the universe

>> No.2638462
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Makes me feel like: 'What? No one else could figure this stuff out just by thinking about it one boring moment?'

This is why you avoid fashion obsessed emotionally fragile hollow husks AKA, the typical female. At best use them as objects of pleasure; they deserve nothing else.

If not, then be prepared to hear whining about every decision you make. No matter how many times you act selflessly for their own interests, they will bitch.

>> No.2638471

>Men are also trained from a very early age to view marriage as the ultimate goal of any relationship. However, a man has nothing to gain from marriage. It is instead left unexamined by men, why they should take pride in asking a woman to marry him. Women simply contend that it is the ultimate gesture of true love, and that nothing could be more romantic. In an effort to please women and cater to her happiness, men feel a strong desire to get married. However, a woman's goals are different.

Marriage is simply a way of making it nearly impossible for her workhorse (man) to leave her, and allow her to no longer put in the effort of trying to keep him around. She wants the legal right to half of his assets and income, and support for the children should he decide to leave her. When men try and cater to her romantic desire for marriage under the guise of love but try and isolate it to just love and no financial or legal aspects involved (i.e. a pre-nupt), a woman will always object. She will do her best to hide behind the guise of love and romance, claiming "if you really love me, then you won't need one" and "it's unromantic, there is no yours and mine, just ours". However, her intentions are anything but romantic. She wants security, the financial and legal security that a marriage with no pre-nupt provides her.

>> No.2638473

More like sexuality is used to oppress everyone by anyone willing to take advantage of it, and that's presuming it's all done knowingly/willingly. I don't see any reason not to believe the human body doesn't use a convoluted system to train itself to perform a set of behaviors that further trains itself and those around it. It's up to everyone to to control their own bodies while making sure to not put undo strain on the mind of others.

>> No.2638484

these threads depress the fuck out of me. not because im bitter, but because deep down, i know its 100% true. no matter how many films and books and stories you consume and are taught that love and companionship is a warm fuzzy feeling, in the end its just about getting to rub your dick in or around an orifice.

>> No.2638491

That fuzzy feeling you get is what your mother trained you to feel.

Good thing I'm a sociopath and feel no emotions.

>> No.2638497

Sure is r9k in here

>> No.2638509

prenups dont do shit, one still gets fucked over

>> No.2638510

lolwut no

my parents were always bitter assholes, dad hit mum, arguing etc... didnt learn shit from them. I dont even give a shit anymore i went through a good relationship felt warm and fuzzy all the time, when i got dumped i realised theres no point to it. social interaction cant be predicted and for us autistic people its just too much to try again and simply forget that you wasted 2 years of your life on some girl who wants a different dick inside her now. fuck it. inb4 personal blog

>> No.2638514


>> No.2638518
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>Good thing I'm a sociopath and feel no emotions.
tell me your secrets

>> No.2638522
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>2) Female masturbation is very taboo for girls and isn't really talked about.
It might not be talked about but it also doesn't carry the same social stigma
>>Young boys are also discouraged from masturbation by the use of guilt and shame (i.e. "I guess you're going back home to your hand tonight"), while girls face no such negative emotions with masturbation

>3) Women are doing more work than many men these days
hahahaha oh wow

>> No.2638526

Bitches and Whores

>> No.2638530

>should he decide to leave her
should She decide to leave Him, which is more common in my experience. fixed.

>captcha Law urofs. sounds about right.

>> No.2638539

oh and you're not a sociopath, you just have a personality that no one likes. your lack of human interaction made you create a personality where it would validate your lonely lifestyle by placing a positive "cool" image on yourself. the label of "sociopath" in this case. which obviously stemmed from charismatic and "sexy" sociopaths such as mr american psycho and all those other cool movie antiheroes. Which means you secretly desire attention and recognition, you enjoy hearing others opinions and sharing your own. hence why you are on 4chan. dont worry, i label myself as a lone wolf, its the only way i can make it through the day whilst validating my own existance.

>> No.2638546

please go to 4chon(dot)org/r9k/. They would be happy to have you

>> No.2638554
File: 7 KB, 184x184, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good thing I'm a sociopath

>> No.2638555

>implying i dont have friends
>implying im an asshole at heart
>implying i havent made a psychiatrist cry
>implying my friends dont go to 4chan
>implying i have seen american psycho
>implying i like attention and want to be popular

>> No.2638580

> implying you are only on asshole because you think it will work out better for you
> implying if you were a real asshole you would have friends (lol way to cop out on the asshole thing fagget)
> implying you dont want attention (what are you doing posting here fagling)

> implying being an asshole to others isnt the most insecure and attention seeking behaviour

just go to sleep already mr edgy

>> No.2638588


Girls face no negative emotions, really? Girls are so ashamed of the fact that they do it that they turn red when people talk about it and will lie so they aren't labeled as a whore. Either that, or they are so afraid of being found out that they don't do it.

You're not female and you don't get it. Women are shamed out of masturbation. It's shameful for a girl to even talk about it.

And yes, women do work, contrary to popular belief.

>> No.2638599

Which naturally raises the question
"how many wimmin does it take to make a sammich?"

>> No.2638601

You just contradicted yourself.

If i wanted attention why would I be posting on one of the slowest boards on 4chan and not on one of the more popular?

Also being a sociopath doesn't have anything to do with socializing, it is just being an evil manipulative bastard.

>thinks that assholes dont have friends

>> No.2638604


6 wimminz with 6 clubs are needed to whip you until you make the sammich.

>> No.2638611

stop it man, you're embaressing yourself. You're not a sociopath, most likely an unlikeable and possibly stupid kid.

>> No.2638616

bullshit. that stopped being true 50 years ago. women today put on this little embarrassment show you refer to specifically to keep everyone from ever talking about their masturbation. its the fact that everyone talks about male masturbation so much that makes everyone so quick to look down on any suspected of doing it.

real shame is social humiliation
no talking about it=no social humiliation
women are NEVER shamed out of masturbation

>> No.2638671


Girls don't talk about doing it because if they do they are socially humiliated for even speaking of it.

And I was talking girls, not women.

Most men and women are pretty comfortable with themselves and the fact that they masturbate and don't usually get shamed about it as far as I know.

>> No.2638697

Yeah, and female masturbation is not taboo, it's only as taboo as any sex act is.

As an example, dildos are generally acceptable things for women to own, although like all sex toys they are expected to be private. There is no negative stigma with a woman using a dildo.

But if a man buys the TWENTY POUNDS OF PUSSY AND ASS? They're now some sort of creepy monster.

>> No.2638727

One of my female classmates brought out a dildo in class when I was in high school. Apparently, she felt no shame.

>> No.2638801

Is it reasonable to believe that to some extent, feminism was supported because of the financial gain from having a larger workforce?

>> No.2638837

What is a "wo-man"?

>> No.2638866


It's creepy that he buys the whole bottom.

Women just buy the penis. They don't buy a penis with a butt.

Why not just get the vagina part and not the bottom?

It's the big freaking butt that's the creepy part.

>> No.2638886
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>Women are shamed out of masturbation
compare social stigma of a woman owning dildos vs. a man owning a fleshlight


>women do work

I love how you change your position from "Women do ALL THE WORK" to "women do work, too"

<- Keep it classy, Ladies

>> No.2638887

Owning a fleshlight's almost as bad.

You use your hand, or a woman. Otherwise you're a social reject and a weirdo.

>> No.2638898


About women doing work. I was trying to be cute and clever with math. Women don't do all of the work and no gender is superior to the other.

With the fleshlight, I don't see the big deal. Where does the stigma come in there? A woman with a dildo vs. a man w/ a fleshlight seem on the same level to me.

>> No.2638910

But it's okay for women to use dildos right?

>> No.2638912

If you buy a fleshlight, yea, you are a lil creepy, but you probably already know that

>> No.2638918

mfw beta in here caring about society.

you're all on 4chan

>> No.2639040

>good thing I'm a sociopath and feel know emotions
>doesn't see the irony in that statement.

Get back in your basement, Naruto's on.

>> No.2639058

being a sociopath doesn't mean you feel no emotions, it means you feel no empathy

it also apparently causes you to be a faggot

>> No.2639107
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>Women are shamed a Million Trillion times more then men about masturbation
>Even though I consider it perfectly normal for a woman to own a dildo and think any man w/ a fleshlight is a total loser creep, I'll lie and say I regard them as equivalent and deny that one carries vastly more social stigma

Male sex toys are stigmatized on 4chan


Your blindness to female privilege and disingenuous attempts at holding victim status are obscene

>> No.2641451

>feel know emotions

>> No.2641470


this, sociopaths feel all sorts of emotions! Whats with all the anti-sociopath misinformation these days.

>> No.2641513

Wikipedia, really?

Get some real reference's then come back, faggot.

>> No.2641529

Where's the news in that.

We all knew women are leaches. They live longer, have multiple orgasms and take half of your fortune if you marry one and divorce her.

>> No.2641561
File: 13 KB, 264x320, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As Marx put it;
>Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness.

Women have power, but only as we give it to them, and only in sexual and emotional areas. You'd have to be a bloomin' /r9k/ idiot to deny that there both sides of gender issues have valuable points.

>> No.2641569

Oh for fuck's sake. Yes, women hold men in thrall. Yes, men hold women in thrall. It's called the battle of the sexes and it's been raging for MILLIONS OF FUCKING YEARS. There is no grand conspiracy by either sex, just an oscillating relationship where one sex gains temporary advantage over the other, before the pendulum swings the other way.

All you betas complaining about HURR DURR EVUL BITCHES ask yourself this: did women always exercise this evil hold over men? Or have there been times when men held all the cards? Sure it sucks to be the sex that's disadvantaged, just as it sucks to be the race / class thats disadvantaged, but this, too, will pass.

>> No.2641583
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>Gender issues
>Millions of years
>human gender dominance issues have been going on at least 10,000% longer than human civilization

>> No.2641585

>doesn't understand sexual reproduction, evolutionary theory, or really anything at all about sex and dominance hierarchies

Yes, AT LEAST 1000x longer than we have existed as a species.

>> No.2641596
File: 30 KB, 224x203, 1292417906043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the.. It's been going on.. Fuck man.

I better compose myself.

Did you just fucking say that gender differences existed before we even existed.

>> No.2641601


I didn't mention gender, you did.

>> No.2641625

This is so true! I'm staying virgin forever

>> No.2641646
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>> No.2641650
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>> No.2641653
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>> No.2641665
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>> No.2641675

if you have some experience with women
and some sense you should know that this is complete bullshit

>> No.2641680

She should have listened.

>> No.2641685
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>> No.2641702
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<-- those are boys

>> No.2641705


>> No.2641728

ITT: virgin fags that think power and control are involved within a successful long term relationship.

>> No.2641791
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Conclusions like this one should be established through science, not amateur philosophy shit.
I am so sick of writers and "women's rights activists" and sociologists making claims based entirely on their own experience and prejudices and passing them as truth.
If you really wanted to know if "females control men" or some other of these (IMHO unlikely) hypotheses are true, you'd perform a scientific study, whether it's statistical (gather a large number of couples and somehow test if the male is being controlled) or neurological (just open some male brains and see if they're conditioned to please females).

YOU CAN'T ANSWER SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONS WITH ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE. YOUR OPINION ON WHAT IS TRUE HAS NO VALIDITY. It's OK to discuss things as a way of killing time and entertaining other people, but I wish society would learn more about cognitive biases, rationality, and why just discussing things without proper methodology will not get you closer to the truth.
Pardon my ranting.

>> No.2641799


>> No.2641806


>> No.2641864


>> No.2641876


>> No.2641920



>> No.2641933

We have already seen that most of the methodological work in modern linguistics may remedy and, at the same time, eliminate a stipulation to place the constructions into these various categories. A consequence of the approach just outlined is that a subset of English sentences interesting on quite independent grounds suffices to account for problems of phonemic and morphological analysis. Conversely, any associated supporting element is to be regarded as a general convention regarding the forms of the grammar. Analogously, the systematic use of complex symbols does not readily tolerate an important distinction in language use. I suggested that these results would follow from the assumption that this analysis of a formative as a pair of sets of features is not to be considered in determining irrelevant intervening contexts in selectional rules.

>> No.2641950


Then why do you just assume that OP's copypasta is a meaningful indicator of the state of social sciences and society in general ?

>> No.2641952

>women are not oppressed by men
>girls face no negative emotions with masturbation


No really, even though women have been liberated and shit, they still earn less, are more often victims of domestic violence etc. Also, I went through ridiculous amounts of guilt before accepting that masturbation isn't to be ashamed of, and I live in a fucking atheist society. And of course, I'm female.

Though it's not all wrong, women do have some sort of sexual advantage. Just that men comply with it.

>> No.2641960

its absurd people even claim otherwise. women are just as discouraged as men with masturbation if not more so.

>> No.2641994


women are discouraged from ever talking about their masturbation, in fact no one is allowed to talk about women masturbating.

this very secrecy is what shields them from the actual social humiliation that men are faced with constantly

>> No.2642034

The lack of taboo about masturbation in the discussions between adolescent and preadolescent males is what makes masturbation more common among them than among females.

>> No.2642046

It's truth women are the real holder of power. Why would a man spend his life working his ass off and make money/getting higher social status? To acquire the pussy and let it control his life.

>> No.2642057

they earn less because they deserve less(choices,part-time etc)

domestic violence is committed almost as often by women as it is by men

>> No.2642058
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No, seriously, fucking read these - you will thank me.

>> No.2642063

Women don't earn less working identical jobs. They earn less because they work safer and easier jobs for less hours.

Females, beyond the age of say 18, don't have the same sort of stigma associated with masturbation as males do.

>> No.2642081

your point is?

>> No.2642083

>more often victims of domestic violence
I think I've heard that women actually commit more acts of domestic violence, although men are clearly more likely to commit more damaging acts of domestic violence. There was a news thing where they had women pretend to kick the shit outta their boyfriend in public (after doing it the other way around and getting an expected reaction) and bystanders just went about their business as usual.

>> No.2642093

>masturbate whenever you want
>don't get married, donate to sperm banks
>still pass on your genes, enjoy personal wealth
>if lonely, go to classy escort service that you can afford with your wealth

>> No.2642112

My bad, I stupidly assumed the statistics are very similar in america and my country.

Like I said, I do acknowledge that women have sexual power over men. But it's not because women condition men. It's because men want pussy, clear and simple.

The whole thing is pseudo-logical bullshit that some butthurt misogynist woman wrote. Probably had a terrible mother and a father that spent a lot of his time away from home. And this is coming from another misogynist.

>> No.2642117
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ITT: Feminists and virgin fags.
Why the fuck do you guys have these pointless arguments?
Not all women are whores, not all men are dicks. Why can't you just respect each others genders differences and get the fuck on with life? No wonder nearly no one in this friend is in a relationship.

>> No.2642121

*thread, not friend

>> No.2642122

yea, exactly, such an incredibly small portion of female's domestic violence is actually reported

its almost always of the most severe possible type, like weapons involved and hours of disturbing the peace, before anybody calls the police on women

>> No.2642130

Yeah, I bet women conditioned both men and women to withstand domestic violence by women. It's all so clear now.

>> No.2642132

>implying there is something wrong with people who are not in a relationship

wonder why this thread exists? its assholes like you. women think its perfectly fine to force their opinions on men about sex and relationships. thats what the OP means when "women make all the rules"

>> No.2642138

glib attitude doesn't even come close to covering up the clear fact that men are HUGELY shamed out of reporting domestic violence of women

>> No.2642142

This thread exists because of people who have the need to bitch about the other sexes.

>> No.2642159
File: 19 KB, 360x500, violent-toys-unicorn-stabbing1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just trolling. The shame is real and usually mentioned when this matter is discussed.

Also, I'm guessing women are mentally more abusive than men. Boys wrestle and race cars when playing, girls practice their manipulation skills.

>> No.2642171

It's 100% true.

>> No.2642173

I'm assuming sarcasm, so I'll point out that ignoring domestic violence isn't a goal, but a result of society self-enforcing concepts that
A) men should grow a pair and learn to take pain
B) men are strong and women are weak, so violence from a man is dangerous while violence from a woman is not
C) women are emotional and men are not, by extension, if a man shows emotion through yelling, it is a more serious and threatening situation than if a woman is yelling.

>> No.2642174

>3) Women are doing more work than many men these days

You find me one woman who married a man for anything other than his paycheck or personal power and all you'll have found me is a liar.

>> No.2642179

See? You're part of the problem. This is why men don't report domestic violence.

When I was in the Navy we had a man who was about as strong as his wife, and she beat him mercilessly because he wouldn't fight back.

It didn't stop until he was put into the hospital after she beat him unconscious with a frying pan.

>> No.2642184

Yeah but everything in the OP is true. Women are manipulative to their cores. To this day, I do not believe any woman actually "loves" any man they're with. They enjoy the attention, they enjoy the money, they enjoy the status that his job can bring them. They don't actually give two fucks about the human being behind the paycheck, however.

>> No.2642203

>Implying you are a representative for a entire society

this is the worst argument I hear all the time, people should stop comparing themselves to the norm of society for scientific "proof"

>> No.2642208

Yes, sarcasm (trolling, to be more accurate). I have to agree with you on this. And also, like I pointed out somewhere above, women are especially good at mental abuse.

Oh wow.

>> No.2642253

The only purpose of a woman is to be used for sex and to make babies. Everything else can be done (and probably be done better) by a man.


>> No.2642279

the reason people like us have such a hatred for relationships is because no one has ever made us feel like we are valuable.

i bet everyone here feels like they have nothing of value to bring to a relationship.

>> No.2642283
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we're angry, angry people and need to vent.

>> No.2642285

Relationships are lame. GO SCIENCE

>> No.2642286

Funny how quickly the pseudo-intellectuals of /sci/ turn into butthurt misogynists with their shitty anecdotes of beaches and shores.

/r9k/ has truly found its equal.

>> No.2642296

That is why I like it here.

Still no /new/ equivilant though.

>> No.2642300


i'm not in a relationship because i haven't found anyone with anything to BRING to it, and i'm constantly reminded of the metric shit-ton of COSTS a relationship has

>> No.2642305

Funny, and here I thought you were just bitter because you're not getting companionship.

>> No.2642302
File: 30 KB, 400x300, chemistry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bet everyone here feels like they have nothing of value to bring to a relationship.
That's me, at least

the shit's pointless. I've got no money and everyone thinks I'm boring. Why even bother when I can go do science instead

>> No.2642319

i'll tell you what the reality is, 1950's and earlier style repression of women has been REVERSED 180 degrees. the only problem is, back then women actually stood up and fought against it, despite the incredibly high individual costs. where are the men who are willing to do the same?

>> No.2642687
File: 17 KB, 429x241, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay Gap


Men work more hours, more years, almost all of the most dangerous jobs, and are Greatly over represented in high skill jobs (a result of higher average intelligence, not sexism. pic related)

>> No.2642737

>shame in female masturbation

>> No.2643329

Like I already explained, I'm not from America and stupidly assumed it's the same there.

Are you a female? Or you have statistics about it? Retard. Or troll. Doesn't make a difference.

>> No.2645619


>> No.2645640

>124 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2647367

>thread where people compare about gender differences deeply set in society
Enjoy being a reactionist fuck.

>> No.2647376

Personal experience does not give you the ability to define your gender's experience. That being said, I have no idea to whom masterbation is more shameful.