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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2638681 No.2638681 [Reply] [Original]

Now that you have one here, any questions for womankind?

>> No.2638686

What do you think of dwarfs?

>> No.2638685

what's your favorite scientific field of study

>> No.2638687

Physics and dwarfs are cute but not a turn on.

>> No.2638693

do women ever fantasize about having sex with guys.

and if one of those guys that you fantasize about came up and said "do you want to have sex"?

would you do it?

>> No.2638695

why attentionwhoring?

>> No.2638694

Nothing to see here move along.

>> No.2638699

Why can't women into science?

>> No.2638701

If a friend, that is a girl tells you that your other friend, who she met on a party few hours before, is totally into you, can she be mistaken?

>> No.2638704

/sci/ has loads of women. OP is nothing special. OP is a faggot.

>> No.2638705


Women do fantasize about having sex with men. I'm in a monogamous relationship, though, so if it wasn't my SO, I'd have to say no. If it was him, it'd be time to get out the handcuffs. :D


I'm a physics major.

But most women who go into science decide to be chemists or biologists or biochemists or some such junk.

>> No.2638710

This is not /b/, there are plenty of femanon regulars

>> No.2638711




genetic disease


yes we do, if no one was around i'd probably say yes but i like to get to know people.


so when a man posts a thread he's not attentionwhoring?


we do

>> No.2638713


She could be mistaken.


I'm bored of all the religion hating and in general bored. This is more entertaining. Dance monkey dance!

>> No.2638714

Oh, to be clear, I'm a guy, and the other friends is also a girl.

>> No.2638715
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>> No.2638716


stop pretending you're me

>> No.2638721
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>> No.2638724


Who is me?

>> No.2638733

>so when a man posts a thread he's not attentionwhoring?

When's the last time you saw a thread saying "Ask a guy anything"? We're the majority.


>> No.2638735

>so when a man posts a thread he's not attentionwhoring?

No he's not. You never see men going "ohai guise male anon here, herp derp."

>> No.2638739


whoever posts tits first wins.

>> No.2638742
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>> No.2638750



I win!!!

>> No.2638754



>> No.2638755

thanks OP, but I have a mother, a sister, more girl cousins than I can count;
I've been married twice for a sum total of 18 years, I've dated over 100 women and been intimate with about 80 of them. I've lived with women most of my 40 years. Love the hell out of them.

but no, I don't have any questions. you ladies aren't actually mysterious or interesting, we guys figure that out eventually.

>> No.2638757

what are the top 3 things you like in a man? Im very analytical, and enjoy debate but women, even smart women, always seem to think this is boring, and try to get away from me as fast as possible, and go near some guy who is funny.

>> No.2638759

Let spice this up:

What would you do if you were somehow voted president / prime minister / Queen / potentate of your country.
Would you become more masculin to solve harder issues or would you stay true to your femanon roots? And if so, will it result in your country getting fucked.

Serious question.

>> No.2638765

in b4 like 20 posts in a few min- ah, fuck.

>> No.2638787


1) Smart
2) Funny
3) Sexy - AKA: Confident and good looking and maybe plays a musical instrument


I'd be myself and do the best darn job I could. I'm not sure how I could become more masculine, anyways.

They might take my country, but they'll never take my clitoris!

But seriously, I'm not super into shopping or nail painting or whatnot. I don't see any negative "feminine" habits getting in the way.

>> No.2638797

Perhaps you should develop your sense of humor in addition to your mad debate skills.

>> No.2638798

Dude, i know where your coming from.

But like she said, girls basically like sexy men.

>> No.2638810

Why are we humoring this? Is this about the basic differences in physiology between the sexes? I didn't think we humored psychologists here, so that can't be it... Where's the fucking science?

>> No.2638811

Why do you think owning a pair of tits somehow makes you interesting enough for us to care what you think?
Hey, I have a waky idea, why dont you do something interesting then come back?

>> No.2638813

... because they can't find it... :3

No, what i really was asking is what would you do if you could change the world. Women get so phew chances to try this... maybe thats a good thing... or maybe it doesnt matter in the long either way...

>> No.2638821

Brain on a stick detected...

Oh science...

>> No.2638818

I know what women want. It's based on evolutionary, almost primal drives. They want...drumroll:


Part of this is masculinity and all the things comprising that, as it takes stronger, healthier genes (e.g., no inbreeding) to produce high amounts of testosterone.

>> No.2638823

I have a sense of humor, i'm just not funny.

>> No.2638825

I can't believe EK hasn't posted in this thread yet.

>> No.2638826


How about you show me how to do the integral of (ax^2 + b)^(1/2) dx

without just throwing it into wolfram alpha.

Or chat about Airy functions. I want to know more of them.

>> No.2638827


>> No.2638831

Reporting doesn't do shit. /sci/ has no mods.

>> No.2638835
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Learn to play a piano or a violin?

>> No.2638842


I vote that cello is the sexiest, with piano a close second.

>> No.2638843

Bro, if you really are a debater who uses the rules i have two things to recommend to you:
- Critical thinking
- Scientific method (a good version)

Use them, it will improve brain. I for example am no so good at logical truth driven debating (not competition), that i now have the ability for no one to understand what the hell i'm talking about. Feels batman...

>> No.2638845

>1) Smart
>2) Funny
>3) Sexy - AKA: Confident and good looking and maybe plays a musical instrument
So you're recommending plastic surgery and cello lessons?

>> No.2638848

yeah, not really though. if you're in shape and smart, but aren't funny or don't have a good way with women, there is no way you will get laid.

I guess this still fits into the idea that they want healthy genes, its just that womens primal brains know that social skills are even more important than athletic ability, since humans are social animals.

>> No.2638851
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Sense of humor as in if you have a greater understanding of what makes you laugh it is likely you would also have a greater understanding of how to do it, thus being funny.

Just sayin'

>> No.2638854


You don't need plastic surgery unless you're hideous. Being good looking is a lot about the way you carry yourself, how you dress, your hair cut, etc...

Unless you're really ugly, you're pretty golden.

>> No.2638860
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Being entirly straight... not bi, not confused... ENTIRLY STAIGHT.
One thing i cannot understand is how women feel attraction to men, the criteria are comlex and involved in genetics. But mainly my question is; what is the sexiest part on a man?

I am probing you :3

>> No.2638872
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His big strong calloused hands

>> No.2638874
File: 80 KB, 676x521, Butterfly_Vorderman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lol... woopse,

Can i have an E an R aaand a P please carol...

>> No.2638877


I think the abs are the sexiest part.

The butt is pretty high in sexy levels.

A man's hair is another one.

And of course, the penis is the source of some serious pleasure so yeah, what's all this getting wet about if there's nothing hard to put in there?

>> No.2638892

sage; either you're one of the many women that suck at physics, or you're one of the few that are good. Either way, this thread has nothing to do with science.

>> No.2638906

Used to be considered handsome huge chin w cleft + good looking nose and broad shoulders
But when I got discharged... let myself go


>> No.2638908


Evolution is a biological sort of study. So, this is about studying a biological species (humans - the female ones).

That's biology, a um science, sure!

>> No.2638911

anti-sage. go sage a thread thats actually shitty. at least with this thread i might learn something and get laid someday.

>> No.2638913

brb, sandpapering my hands

>> No.2638915

>implying a floppy penis is not super sexy
Don't make me start spamming

>> No.2638919
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>> No.2638920

Why the butt? Mechanically speaking it... isnt sex.

Do women really like men with muscly abs? My old GF used to lie on my pecs and biceps in bed. This was actually incredibly uncomfortable during the night but she seemed to enjoy it.

Also, still waiting for a reply:

>> No.2638924

>implying you're not being trolled and some 43 year old greasy neckbeard isn't jerking off to your failure right now

>> No.2638929

what's the best way to become a girl's bitch? i know it's a weird question, but i don't care for sex, i just want to serve a certain girl i have a crush on

>> No.2638933

Hey, is it true that all women in the world came together to vote you the official spokeswoman for female womankind and vaginadom?

>> No.2638940

The way i /sci/ it:

Roughly 50% chance it is a woman, roughly... what? 1% chance it is a pervert neck beard. If it were, it'd go straight to /b/ or requests... or chat roulette.

>> No.2638941
File: 112 KB, 735x1113, 1200362773474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do women really like men with muscly abs?

Muscles just feel nice, period.

>> No.2638943

girls secretly or openly hate themselves.

If you worship her and she knows she's flawed, she's gonna think you're a moron. While she's right, you are a moron, nobody likes hanging out with servile morons.

>> No.2638946

If women are allowed to wear makeup then I'm allowed to wear calluses without actually doing any hard work