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File: 21 KB, 300x421, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2637818 No.2637818 [Reply] [Original]

Prove that God doesn't exist.

>> No.2637826

in b4 prove that he does

hurr durr this threads are annoying

>> No.2637825

He is an omnipotent male, yet he has never raped me.

>> No.2637830
File: 125 KB, 889x1351, Religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove that pixies don't exist.

>> No.2637839

Life was made in an unintelligent way. An inteligent being would not give us some of the stuff we have. Why give us toes, for example.

>> No.2637848

They do exist, you retard.

>> No.2637853

> Prove that God doesn't exist.
Theists claim that God is outside the universe.
But the universe is the set of all things that exist.
So God doesn't have the property of existence.

>> No.2637855

What kind of moron puts nipples on men, and our g-spot in the asshole, and at the same time ban gay sex?

Some pretty retarded design right there.

>> No.2637859

i cant prove that he doesnt exist, but i can prove he masturbates.

>> No.2637864

Actually well funny how some people believe OPs argument is valid. Proves religious stupidity.

>> No.2637869


why would he make multiple religions and send them to hell for worshipping them

>> No.2637873
File: 3 KB, 128x128, 1293847290689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the bible condemns gay sex

All it says is not to lie with a man as you would with a woman. Now I don't know about you, but I sure as hell would lie differently with a man than I would with a woman.

>> No.2637878

1) Why do you all assume God is a he?
2) You all just bash on Christians showing your own personal bias.
3) None of you can prove he exist or doesn't exist so all you're going to do is complain.
4) You are clearly being trolled.

You: Christians is dumb, herp derp durr.

>> No.2637884

Cut off your toes and see if you can balance, much less run.

Atheist here, I don't think the "argument from poor design" will work on any theists because they will just say "woooo god works in mysterious ways, who are you to judge what is a good design and what is not a good design!?!?!"

>> No.2637900


>2) You all just bash on Christians showing your own personal bias.

Because it's the claim brought to us most often. If we were in the middle east we'd be debating Islam. Don't be fucking dumb. If a person comes to you calling you a fag, you're going to say "no, I'm straight". But debating that you are straight doesn't show a "personal bias toward debating sexuality". It just shows that a person came to you with a specific claim and you responded to that claim.

>> No.2637927

gods are self-contradictory by definition
contradictions do not exist
therefore gods do not exist

>> No.2637931

> 2637900

Why aren't you bashing on Jews?

They believe in God.

How about Muslims? They call him Allah, but same deal.

You people bash on Christians because you dislike them and have a bias against them.

Why else would you immediately exclude all other religions from this argument?

>> No.2637932

bible says he created man in his own image, then created woman, so the christian god is a he. I dont know about the others, pretty sure thor is...
anyway we were using he as agender-neutral pronoun
captcha frenzTer eggington

>> No.2637938

the one true faith has that effect on unbelievers

>> No.2637942


OP denied pagan gods in his initial post, by clearly stating that he wants the Judeo-Christian God to be proven wrong.
A more unbiased challenge would be:

"Prove that God, gods, goddesses, or supernatural beings do not exist."

>> No.2637944

God is a freaking spirit.

How does a spirit have a penis?