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2636274 No.2636274 [Reply] [Original]

Interested in space colonization?
Contact me - I bought a website located at www.space-colonization.com and currently work on a project which investigates how space colonization could be done. There are currently 3 members in total, so please come and join this project - you don't have to contribute, you can whenever you want to.

My Skype username: Cinitiator
My Windows Live Messenger username: cinitiator@live.com
My email: cinitiator@live.com

>> No.2636276

Steam: spacetime1

>> No.2636294

fuck you asshole. you have made your leanings quite known by proposing enslaving eastern europeans to fulfill your utopia.

while you will not get any following I still send my cold regards as millions of people have suffered due to cynics like you.

>> No.2636297

IRC: rizon #space

>> No.2636299

I'm gonna make a wild guess and say he said he likes communism. Am I right?

>> No.2636307

Sounds interesting but if you turn out to be a bunch of hipsters who want to create a "resource based economy" I will be disappoint.

>> No.2636310

Damn right, we should enslave whites.
They sorely need to be taken down a peg.
Also, all Europeans

>> No.2636312

he said eastern europeans should be enslaved for his cause as they are poor and therefore easy target.

>> No.2636319

Not to mention uneducated, stupid, and stinky (seriously, take a fucking shower).

>> No.2636320


>enslaving eastern europeans to fulfill your utopia

did Africa run out of people?

>> No.2636346

Europe is a shithole where people defecate in their own living rooms (and not even in the corner, right there on the centre of the rug!)

>> No.2636374

and europeans have horizontal ass-crack.

>> No.2636386

it has evolutionary benefits when it comes to taking a dump in the living room.

>> No.2636412

allow open registration already like a sane person

>> No.2636476

I thought you were fucking trolling or something...
Go forward: A moon base is the start
Go forward: It's like saying
Go forward: A brick doesn't specify how many people it will hold
Go forward: when building a house
Inurdaes Tharsis: Please tell me how on Earth (no pun intended) are you going to obtain even ONE billion dollars of funding if fucking Zubrin can't get 20 billion for a Mars Direct mission to Mars?
Go forward: Coup d'etat of Eastern European countries
Go forward: And other countries which have a small military
Inurdaes Tharsis: Oh boy I thought the guy was trolling when you said slavery of eastern european countries
Inurdaes Tharsis: Does this include former yugoslavia?
Go forward: Possibly
Go forward: Need to check the GDP and number of troops

>> No.2636478

Inurdaes Tharsis: You're speaking to a Bosnian, who has a Bosnian immigrant mother and grandmother who went through hell when Serbia invaded them.
Inurdaes Tharsis: How about, NO.
Go forward: Why not?
Go forward: Why do you value countries?
Inurdaes Tharsis: I value not fucking taking over entire other countries and subjecting them to your own narrow dream of what you want to see
Inurdaes Tharsis: Especially since it WOULDNT benefit them since they're "just" eastern european countries
Go forward: No, the value is a highly increased probability of the survival of human species
Inurdaes Tharsis: No, it isn't
Go forward: So in my opinion, it's worth it
Inurdaes Tharsis: you keep running under the assumption that we are going to have a cataclysmic war where there is absolutely no Earth-based infrastructure to begin repairing it
Inurdaes Tharsis: Your OPINION is right
Inurdaes Tharsis: you haven't listed how to get the money
Go forward: No, this is absolutely not what I'm saying
Go forward: What I'm saying is this way we could have completelly secured
Inurdaes Tharsis: you haven't thought about what it will do to possibly hudnreds of millions of eastern european families
Go forward: Completelly secured help bases

>> No.2636480

Inurdaes Tharsis: you haven't looked that there MIGHT JUST BE AN OVERWHELMING POSSIBILITY that not all of Earth will be fucked over
Inurdaes Tharsis: you haven't looked that it would be dan near fucking impossible for a few hundred thousand lunarians to help billions of humans
Go forward: Not billions
Inurdaes Tharsis: BILLIONS
Go forward: The ones which are developed and educated
Inurdaes Tharsis: US ( 300 million)
Inurdaes Tharsis: Western Europe ( 400 million)
Go forward: The most developed sectors of US to begin with
Inurdaes Tharsis: Australia (21 million)
Inurdaes Tharsis: Japan (145 million)
Go forward: The most developed sectors of US to begin with
Go forward: WHEN they're restored, they can help others
Inurdaes Tharsis: 100,000 lunarians will barely make a fucking dent trying to help Australian-sized population
Go forward: They wouldn't help the whole population
Go forward: they would help restore the order
Inurdaes Tharsis: You just keep repeating OH IT WILL WORK THEY WILL FIRST HELP THESE GUYS

Should I keep copypasting?

>> No.2636481


>> No.2636482


Just another fatalist teenager, nothing to see here.

>> No.2636485

Go forward: so that they can help others
Inurdaes Tharsis: HOW
Inurdaes Tharsis: WILL
Inurdaes Tharsis: THEY
Inurdaes Tharsis: DO
Inurdaes Tharsis: THAT
Inurdaes Tharsis: you're not explaining anything
Go forward: Rebuilding communication and networking systems, and rebuilding the police and army force
Inurdaes Tharsis: I'm gonna scrutinize your plan to shit until you come up with acceptable answers
Inurdaes Tharsis: And why can this not be done by ground-based crews?
Inurdaes Tharsis: Did all technicians die?
Inurdaes Tharsis: did all law enforcement agencies evaporate?
Go forward: Because they will most likely be killed during wars
Go forward: And fucked over
Go forward: to levels at which they can't function anymore
Go forward: nor organize themselves
Inurdaes Tharsis: The only way that will happen is if like 25% of the population of Earth DIES

>> No.2636488
File: 585 KB, 529x648, EarthriseDP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go forward: Nope, this isn't the only way at all
Go forward: It could even help COUNTRIES
Go forward: even in case of wars which aren't world ones
Go forward: Because this way we have secure help groups
Go forward: If we don't have secure help groups and only have ones on Earth we risk a lot
Go forward: Imagine the World War 2 scenario to understand it better
Inurdaes Tharsis: You are parading a multi-trillion dollar project on the miniscule chance that 20% or higher of the world's population is wiped out and in the hope that somehow a few hundred thousand people will be even able to fix one country, and not fucking fifty
Go forward: Nope
Go forward: Why 20%?
Inurdaes Tharsis: because higher than that your project sort of starts to make the smallest bit of sense
Go forward: If simply the resources needed to help are wiped and ruined

>> No.2636490

Inurdaes Tharsis: but they won't all be
Go forward: And the point is alsot to speed-up the process of restauration
Inurdaes Tharsis: do you not understand that
Inurdaes Tharsis: THEY
Inurdaes Tharsis: WILL NOT
Inurdaes Tharsis: BE ABLE
Go forward: Who are they?
Inurdaes Tharsis: TO DO MUCH AT ALL
Go forward: If you mean the help groups, they will be able to, of course
Inurdaes Tharsis: the fucking moon people that magically go around rebuilding infrastructure
Inurdaes Tharsis: You think this is some simple operation
Inurdaes Tharsis: no
Go forward: No, they're sent to Earth along with all the stuff needed for that
Go forward: Cars, cranes
Inurdaes Tharsis: it's fucking building comms tower and sewage systems and tending to the sick and injured and trying to attain some semblance of normality while millions are starving and looting
Go forward: and all tools and materials needed
Inurdaes Tharsis: WHICH THEY WONT BE

>> No.2636492

Inurdaes Tharsis: You haven't thought this out much, have you
Go forward: Of course they won't be, and of course the population wouldn't be organized enough to simply take them and use them to restore everything
Inurdaes Tharsis: and somehow you think that a few hundred thousand will be?
Go forward: take Europe after World War 2 as an example
Inurdaes Tharsis: What are you, brain damaged?
Go forward: No, I'm a genius
Go forward: Officially IQ tested to be one
Inurdaes Tharsis: OHO
Inurdaes Tharsis: LOOK HERE
Inurdaes Tharsis: WE HAVE A HIGHRISER
Inurdaes Tharsis: YES SIREE
Go forward: Without a doubt groups which are told to restore the infrastructure and provide aid are more organized
Go forward: then citizens which are looting and killing eachother for food
Go forward: It's simple logic pretty much
Go forward: I don't see why anybody would oppose the plan, unless they think of how some dumb families won't get the iDevice they want
Go forward: We aren't hard-wired to properly analyze all the benefit and damage on the level of moral issues perhaps
Go forward: That's why we apply logic and reason

>> No.2636493
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Inurdaes Tharsis: You still haven't addressed how the fuck a few hundred thousand lunarians will be able to bring logic and order to hundreds of millions of people
Go forward: Providing a temporary government and police force, restoring mass-communicationg, restoring transportation and infrastructure, restoring housing
Inurdaes Tharsis: How on earth will they do that?
Inurdaes Tharsis: What about things you didn't acount for?
Inurdaes Tharsis: Such as gangs now ruling these places?
Inurdaes Tharsis: new governments
Inurdaes Tharsis: new dictatorships
Go forward: Sure, why not?
Go forward: They would restore order and dictate untill everything is restored
Go forward: to maintain proper order
Inurdaes Tharsis: Setting up an entire new communications network in a city of 10 million takes a year and 10,000 technicians working each day
Go forward: As long as they support my values I support dictators
Inurdaes Tharsis: takes a year, still
Go forward: Yes, and they would be able to perform that
Go forward: Any peacekeeping group or force on Earth can and will be easily destroyed and fucked over during wars
Go forward: Not peacekeeping, rather 'order restoring'
Go forward: as the enemy wouldn't want to have the opposing country's order restored
Go forward: And they could also be seen as potentially harmful groups by the opposing countries in war
Go forward: for this, as well as other reason

Who wants me to keep arguing with this poor misguided idiot?

>> No.2636494

Oh god, that faggot is SO fucking dumb that I simple can't believe that he's not trolling.

>> No.2636495


Good that you took the time to research and post this, but I still hate both of you. You are both bloodsucking commies. He is from the mean cynical realistic variety and you are from the naive useful idiot variety.

Both your kind are responsible for millions of destroyed lives.

>> No.2636500

do it

>> No.2636502
File: 77 KB, 388x296, trollbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work OP, Inurdaes just got trolled something fierce

>> No.2636503
File: 61 KB, 496x384, billions upon billions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother of fucking god what a derp.

>> No.2636511

I would except I told him I posted this on /sci/ and I went ahead and removed him. Sorry.
I'm far closer to libertarian socialist than communist. Also I think the free market is currently the best means of distribution of resources and labour we have today. TRS requires advanced technologies to work.

>> No.2636519


>> No.2636522

imo Inurdaes sounds like a dumb teenager here

>> No.2636526
File: 19 KB, 245x240, 1272116495372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't be any more transparent, could you?

>> No.2636528

>libertarian socialist
yep, Inurdaes IS a dumb teenager

>> No.2636531


>> No.2636535

ITT Teenaged Nazi is amazed other people do not share his vision of the world.

Also in case you'd like to refute this statement, using Slavs as forced labor is textbook NSDAP ideology.

>> No.2636539

What's funny is I really wanted to talk to this guy. I've seen this space colonization threads several times and was really glad I could start talking with the guy.

I have never ever met anyone that is also interested in space but is a complete polar opposite. Holy. Fuck.

>> No.2636540
File: 10 KB, 256x192, you're special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten points to Inurdaes
P.S. You won (not really).

>> No.2636544

You're a stupid teenager who thinks he can be compared to a 25 year old adult who received funding raging from $100 to $10000 from multiple corporate interests to fulfill his goal. When Eastern European countries are taken over, they will be robbed of any natural resources they have (at a highest rate possible, at least), and these ones would be either sold to get money for the Moon project, or to some corporate interests which are or could possibly be more powerful than mine, to avoid sudden uncomfortable situations. The money for the Moon project would be taken from the people - a 50-60% tax rate would be established. Mentally retarded people would also be forced to work, which could get us a lot of money for the project.

>> No.2636550
File: 238 KB, 678x1024, 1294799876403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just burst out laughing. Have fun.

>> No.2636554

You are doing the fine job on continuing the process, that I wanted to start with that message >>2636294

>> No.2636555

I'm a Slav myself. I target Eastern European merely because most of them have a very weak military force and yet a moderate GDP.

>> No.2636557
File: 56 KB, 600x471, 1286375405040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very weak military force

>> No.2636560


>When Eastern European countries are taken over

You know who's in position to do that? Russia and Germany. You know who's going to emerge victorious from that scuffle? Poland. Also your project is ethically repugnant and also really really impractical; lunar bases require a modicum of intelligence to run, retards don't tend to have intelligence. In fact, retards don't even make good hewers of wood or drawers of water. Because they're retards.

>> No.2636564

I'm a Russian myself. This is why I said most. Sadly, a weak and arrogant teenage mind isn't very fit for understanding such complicated logical links.

>> No.2636570

Retards wouldn't be used on the Moon bases - they would be used as a source of financial profit. I support rational ethics and not irrational and impulsive ones.

>> No.2636572
File: 33 KB, 444x600, 1266771323711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sadly, a weak and arrogant teenage mind isn't very fit for understanding such complicated logical links.
>Go forward: No, I'm a genius
>Go forward: Officially IQ tested to be one
>You're a stupid teenager who thinks he can be compared to a 25 year old adult who received funding raging from $100 to $10000 from multiple corporate interests to fulfill his goal. When Eastern European countries are taken over,

Watching you reply is like watching a hyperfast maglev train crash into a wall made out of Dragonforce albums.

>> No.2636574 [DELETED] 

You outlined my limitless potential? I'm great you did, I hope this will make you understand that a 25 year old adult with an officially tested IQ superior to 160 would generally have a reasoning ability superior to that of a stupid teenager.

>> No.2636576

It's funny how you started raging and spewing hate on me after I mentioned taking over Eastern European countries.

>> No.2636577
File: 18 KB, 395x387, 1262534410162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You outlined my limitless potential?

Dude. I'm 95% certain you're trolling now, but just incase you're not, you are a collection of organic molecules. Stop feeling so accomplished.

>> No.2636580


Retards don't make financial profit, you seem to have misled yourself into thinking that because the current system can have a profitable care system for the mentally impaired that this system can be easily translated into your psuedo-Fascist system. It cannot because the profitability of taking care of impaired persons relies solely on the discretion of the productive relations of their families.

They are also not good menial laborers on account of the fact that they're mentally impaired. They're not just idiots, they literally have something wrong with their brains.

>> No.2636583
File: 32 KB, 485x333, 1261723028714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how you said you're gonna take over Eastern European countries.

>> No.2636584

>implying IQ means anything

>> No.2636585

I'm a phycisist and what is this?

>> No.2636592

Teenage nazi expressing his desire for domination of hundreds of millions of people to fund massive moonbases in the event that there is a cataclysmic war wiping out a two digit percentage of humanity so he can justify whatever he does by 'It's for the good of humanity'

And he doesn't even explain the logistics of it.

>> No.2636596

Actually, they would make a lot of financial profit - getting them to work on coal mines while giving them enough food for them to survive would surely make financial profit. My system isn't pseudo-Fascist or close to it at all - I'm an internationalist.

>> No.2636602

>Fascists believe that a nation is an organic community that requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.[14] They claim that culture is created by the collective national society and its state, that cultural ideas are what give individuals identity, and thus they reject individualism.[14] Viewing the nation as an integrated collective community, they see pluralism as a dysfunctional aspect of society, and justify a totalitarian state as a means to represent the nation in its entirety.[15][16] Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state.[17] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.[18]

>> No.2636605


No, because you're forgetting the basic problem with sending a bunch of mentally impaired people into a hole with sharp objects: you will end up with a lot of hurt, sick, and most probably dead retards with very little coal mined. Now you have to pay (comparatively) intelligent people to haul corpses out of the mine and then bring more retards into the mine? Brilliant "profitable" strategy. Technology won't solve this problem, either. If you give each retard a high-powered handheld drill you'll end up with a bunch of expensive equipment smashed when one of them invariably causes a column to shatter. Oh and, who does the design plans for the mines? The ventilation shafts? The support columns so there aren't cave-ins and so you can actually haul the resources topside? Retards can't do that work; they're retards.

You have clearly not thought this through.

>> No.2636606

This is absolutely false. I'm 25 years old to begin with, and I'm not a Nazi - I'm an internationalist. The Moon bases would be built to function as help groups for countries which suffered from destructive cataclysms or war, because this way such aid would be guaranteed to exist and be safe during a war. If the aid is located on Earth, it would most likely be destroyed during a war.

>> No.2636610

There would be intelligent people hired to keep order - but the profit still would be made. Those with an IQ superior to about 50 most likely would be able to work.

If profit won't be made from this one, they would be sold to organs to various hospitals all over the world.

>> No.2636612

>I'm an internationalist.
Potatoe, potahto
>The Moon bases would be built to function as help groups for countries which suffered from destructive cataclysms or war,
Oh, like the destruction you would cause to obtain power of eastern european nations?
>because this way such aid would be guaranteed to exist and be safe during a war. If the aid is located on Earth, it would most likely be destroyed during a war.

>> No.2636611


Which is as I said, ethically repugnant. Also you will crash the organ market and your retard kidneys will be worth as much as a venti latte with foam.

>> No.2636614

My system doesn't fit in this definition. Oh, I forgot that feeble teenage mind can't understand such complicated information overloads.

>> No.2636620

You seem very "out of this world". You mentioned you are only 25. Perhaps you could find a year in your busy schedule to grow the human side of you. World domination can wait and even if you do not change your views, then I am sure you agree having more of the "human touch" aspect will aid you at your goal. Travel, meet different people, read great works of literature, try out different things.

You posted you have genius level IQ - that means you don't have to worry about that. You are like a wheel, that has some sides almost perfect and well polished and other side totally lopsided.

I am not giving this advice because I care for your goal or anything. In truth I find it despicable. I am telling these things, because I am pretty sure all these mean things are withing 10^-30 success range and if my suggestions help you to become a better person I am helping a very crippled soul.

>> No.2636622

No matter where those groups are on Earth, they would be targeted by the opposing countries. The stupid person always thinks that he's smart or is smarter than the smart person.

>> No.2636624
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>Oh, I forgot that feeble teenage mind can't understand such complicated information overloads.
There we go again, that unwarranted superiority complex

>> No.2636629

I'm not planning to dominate the world, because it's virtually impossible. However, taking over poor countries is very possible. I'm merely using rational moral decision making, and not useless and impulsive instincts which were still useful in the hunter-gatherer society.

>> No.2636634

Of course I would feel superior - my IQ has been measured to be over 160 - 160 is the standard test limit for tests like WAIS.

>> No.2636640


>However, taking over poor countries is very possible.

You seem to be on this tack that taking over a poor country is much easier than taking over a rich one. Which may well be the case, higher standards of living, more importance given to ethics and moral codes when you're not living hand-to-mouth.

So, why not Africa? The niggers too dumb for your plans? Or are you hoping to tap into some sort of "brainpower vault" in East Europe

>> No.2636643
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>He thinks IQ is worth anything
Brah, you couldn't explain to me how 100,000 people from the moon, highly skilled and all that will be able to fix life even for 100 million people.

>> No.2636649

I've already explained this to you. Oh, you probably failed to understand 160+ IQ logic.

>> No.2636650

I for one would go along with your plans of taking over small defenceless countries if it was possible. However, there is no doubt in my mind that countries with a powerful military will come to their aid. Especially after they find out your ultimate goal of space colonization. Don't assume for a second that it's an accident that we haven't colonised the moon or nearby space. And how did you plan on capturing these european countries anyway? You need money to do that, so why not just spend that money a different way?

>> No.2636654

don't get hung up in some words. go out of your comfort zone and grow your human side.

i made an effort to frame this suggestion in a way that it is based on only logical arguments.

i am sorry to say, but i start to feel you have severe mental deficiency and can not ever be a normal person. then again - why don't you find out.

if you are a genius level iq you'll figure out what I wrote and won't post a meaningless response picking on one or other aspect, that was not written out definitively [probably for the sake of brevity]

>> No.2636655

ITT: tripfag getting trolled hard

>> No.2636656

I would sign various contracts with US, and agree to provide it financial and military (and other) aid.

>> No.2636663
File: 75 KB, 300x360, 1280312420639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% sure you're trolling now. Look, your mother telling you your drawings of a death ray are nice and all, but it doesn't actually do anything.

>> No.2636664

It isn't like I even remotely care of an opinion of someone who's most likely more than 1.5 time dumber than me.

>> No.2636666


I hope until it hurts that this is a troll post and not some greasy black-haired teen genuinely posting this stuff.

>> No.2636669

Me too. I'm still posting because this is the most interesting thread on /sci/ at the moment.

>> No.2636676

Why are you throwing logical fallacies at me? You're using conversational terrorism here.

>> No.2636682

I'm a 25 year old adult.

>> No.2636683

They definitely won't go for that. Think about it, the president wants to get re-elected, and by the reaction you are getting in this thread, it's not so far fetched to assume that the people of America won't support your plans, and thus the president won't get re-elected, so the president wouldn't agree to give you any money in the first place

>> No.2636687

Why are you throwing pointless self-wanking at me? You're trying to use actual terrorism here.

>> No.2636692

All the communication will be cut with the external world. This way, no one will know anything about this. North Korea did this for ages.

>> No.2636699

ITT: hottest thread on /sci/

>> No.2636704

#1 go join the FFL now
#2 go to french guyana to guard ESA's space center
#3 hijack a rocket and shoot yourself to moon
#4 wait 20 years harvesting helium
#5 profit

>> No.2636708
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>> No.2636710

That still watches anime.

>> No.2636711

You seem to have extreme confidence in IQ tests.

I was tested by Mensa in year 1993 and scored 172 in their Stanford–Binet scale. Got little age adjusted bonus as I was 17 at the time.

i dont put much stock to it myself and i know this shit is internet and I could be lying and all, but if we were to pretend this was true would I be the ultimate authority for you?

>> No.2636714

There's a much easier way. Take that money, invest it into robots, and get them to do all your labor jobs. They don't have to be payed and can get power from the sun, all they need a few maintanance people per few thousand robots.

>> No.2636716


Be an authority with IQ?

Bitch, please.

>> No.2636718
File: 33 KB, 593x545, awesomescii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's my plan.

>> No.2636721


>few people per several thousand robots

Nope. A ratio of 100:1000 would be ideal to prevent overwork.

>> No.2636732

holy shit.

this thread = hurp de derp durr

seriously, both OP and this retarded tripfag both need to stop posting forever. You guys are fucking arguing over made-up, hypothetical shit that everyone knows will never happen, especially from anything you losers do.

AND THEN that degenerated into "I'm smarter, you're stupid." "nuhh uhh you're stupid I'm smart"

seriously, fags, go do something productive.

>> No.2636735

Inurdaes, are you afraid that I will take your shity country away?

>> No.2636740
File: 29 KB, 539x496, saganmars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Australia brah. Moving to Canada. And nah, you won't rule anything.

>> No.2636743 [DELETED] 

Will set that in 10 years.

>> No.2636748
File: 104 KB, 249x252, 1292959029442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it, Mini-Stalin. Hopefully I have Tharsis Solar up by then, which if I do, will blast your shit off the face of the Earth. But hey, no pressure. I'm just too smart for you.

>> No.2636755

Go forward: Coup d'etat of Eastern European countries
Go forward: And other countries which have a small military
Inurdaes Tharsis: Oh boy I thought the guy was trolling when you said slavery of eastern european countries
Inurdaes Tharsis: Does this include former yugoslavia?
Go forward: Possibly
Go forward: Need to check the GDP and number of troops
Inurdaes Tharsis: You're speaking to a Bosnian, who has a Bosnian immigrant mother and grandmother who went through hell when Serbia invaded them.
Inurdaes Tharsis: How about, NO.

>> No.2636757

you threw you knee jerk reaction without properly reading the exchange?

>> No.2636760

and from here he started raging and saying that he would post this on /sci/

>> No.2636768
File: 4 KB, 184x211, 1258884475300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually it was about 50 responses later that I started pasting it on /sci/. And I already was like 'Holy fuck I should post this on /sci wololololoo' when you mentioned taking over Eastern European countries.

>> No.2636840

Why all this nonsense for the better world. If we really want to colonize space, then why don't we do something, that has worked for centuries. Let's just kill all the Jevvs!

>> No.2636890
File: 28 KB, 300x469, geraldbull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing jews and going to space would really combine nicely. Fuck you Mossad.

>> No.2636925

>this look interesting
>the plan is to enslave sovereign nations

Sorry, I can't hear you over our farmers shooting down your "stealth" bombers with WWII weapons.