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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 516x355, c263b182664c3537d156ca9ba7f45dec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2635849 No.2635849 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you are working on a PhD?
How long do you expect it to take?
How confident are you that you will be able to write your dissertation somewhat easily?

>> No.2635862 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 379x265, stoner wizard rxn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my PhD last year

Wrote mine on Fractal Gauges for Hyperspace, and yes it is as cool as it sounds. :3

The difficulty of writing a dissertation depends entirely on what you're writing it on, and on you.

Just don't make the mistake of trying to make everything perfect. Remember that no one will ever read your thesis, so don't obsess over every little detail.

Just make it good enough, nothing more.

I had to learn this the hard way mind you...

>> No.2635874

interestedfag here, explication is required

>Remember that no one will ever read your thesis
for instance this...wat?

>> No.2635891 [DELETED] 


oops haha I meant to say that it's not like you're publishing a book; it just needs to be good enough to impress the evaluation committee.

I would give you a link to my entire thesis, but it has my name written on it and I don't really want anyone to know I'm a 4chanfag, haha.

I'm too tired to go into an in depth explanation at the moment, but very briefly:

I specialized in fractal geometry, and I've always been really interested in cosmology.

My dissertation concerns the problem of finding the exact fractal gauge function for a hyper-
space (as in the space of nonempty compact
subsets) of a metric space. Nothing too fancy really, my dissertation only examines the situation where the metric space is a sequence with a single limit point. So other words, the most simplistic nontrivial example.

Mediocre effort ftw!

>> No.2635915

Just remember to get your PhD at a university that matters. A no-name university degree doesn't let you teach at Harvard or Princeton.

>> No.2635918



We discuss the problem of nding the exact fractal gauge function for a hyperspace
(the space of nonempty compact subsets) of a metric space. We consider only the
simplest nontrivial example, where the metric space is a sequence with a single limit

Na Peng


>> No.2635925 [DELETED] 


University of Chicago reporting in :3

>> No.2635931


>> No.2635932

I think it also depends on what you want to do. For example, I have no interest in being a professor, so the school that I choose doesn't matter as much (although it still obviously matters)

>> No.2635941
File: 47 KB, 500x527, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To think I almost went to bed before reading this thread that caught my eye...

>> No.2635943


Lol why would you lie?

>> No.2635945
File: 25 KB, 389x388, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2635949

>math shit

>> No.2635950


oooooooooooooooooooooooooh wow.

>> No.2635957
File: 78 KB, 299x276, Happy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did you like best about U Chicago Ms. Peng?

>> No.2635960

There's a powerful lesson to be learned from this thread: If you don't get into a tip-tier PhD program you'll end up regretting it for the rest of your life.

>> No.2635966

And please explain, why is that?

>> No.2635969


The person is the most important thing not the program.

>> No.2635973


Look at Peng and how she tried to pretend she got her PhD from u chicago.

You have to feel highly self-conscious and have much regret in order to lie to people you'll never meet irl about which program you graduated from.

But I was half joking, really.

>> No.2635977

Wait something's not right here...why would someone lie about where they graduated from haha.

this is too weird

>> No.2635978

>all of the posts from that dude are now gone
another babby is required

>> No.2635979


In Peng defence. Ohio is a good uni. Peng might want people not knowing how he is. However, it's a 30second google search to find him.

Particularly since fractal gauges hyperspace are not used that much together.

>> No.2635980

Physicist here. Median time in grad school for a PhD (nobody bothers getting a masters in Physics) is about 6 years. I will be done in five. Two years of classes, 3.5 of research. (The last semester of classes was light.) Started my dissertation last December. Finished a first draft last week. Was a bit tough, but since I had a lot of notes and all my math already worked out, it wasn't difficult so much as just very, very time consuming.

>> No.2635981
File: 44 KB, 400x308, babby pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was a girl not a dude, but agreed.

>> No.2635984


>> No.2635988

So what was it, guys? Did anyone screencap it?

>> No.2635989


PrtSc ftw.

>> No.2635990
File: 31 KB, 600x433, babby eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peng if you're reading this please marry me I want to have your peng babbies.

Look into my eyes and try to tell me that I have any contempt for you whatsoever!

>> No.2635991

tripfag chick claimed to have graduated from university of chicago

i'm guessing we'll never see that trip again

>> No.2635992



guys we hit a fucking gold mine tonight.

Please tell me someone took a screenshot of this epicness

>> No.2635993
File: 29 KB, 400x300, 957861951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 4chan
> phd
goodluck on that
induring trolls

>> No.2635994


>> No.2635996


>> No.2635997


r u a .....math wizard? lol

>> No.2636001

Well at least we know that some females actually step foot on /sci/

>> No.2636002
File: 72 KB, 360x358, Somebody-lied-screencap-screencap-screencap-screencap-screencap-screencap-screencap-screencap-screen[1].jpg_imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Advice-Neckb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2636005


hey don't be a dick and ruin this for us okay? haha

>> No.2636008

OP tell me more about your graph I like it

>> No.2636010

In Germany she would now have been elected as a minister of defense and than been forced to resign.

>> No.2636013 [DELETED] 

>Deleting posts
>Doesn't know about Green-Oval
>Implying we can't see everything posted ITT even if it's deleted


>> No.2636016


Oh my god she's so cute I want to die.

>> No.2636019

oh ahahahahahahaha



>> No.2636021

I'm going to fap to her every day now :3

>> No.2636022


>> No.2636023

woah chill out ms. peng we're just having some fun

>> No.2636024


lol me 2 anon, me 2 :D

>> No.2636026



>> No.2636032

Well, this thread helped me figure out a lot about life.

I want to get a super cute Asian wife.

>> No.2636033


I found out where she lives and her phone number.

She dun goofed.

>> No.2636037

uh oh

this is veering into law-breaking territory

>> No.2636044


Hmm...if we brought this to /b/'s attention do you think they'll jump on it?

While I hate to employ the likes of those idiotic scoundrels, it could give us some lulz.

But on the other hand, if we keep this matter between us /sci/entists, there will be more peng for us and she'll never be pressured so far as to change her number etc, which means we can have more personal time with her.

Let's take a vote on this shall we?

>> No.2636046


/b/tard detected...

I can't speak for others, but I have no intention of harming Ms. Peng :3

I think she's super cute, and lying little girls are actually a fetish of mine.

>> No.2636047
File: 35 KB, 456x431, 1253375964487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing, /sci/?
This place for discussion about science and math. Who cares if somebody lied? None of you would like it if the same thing happened to you.

This is just discouraging people from helping and posting in the future.

>> No.2636048
File: 78 KB, 640x416, mfw_dino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and it's /b/ all up ITT

/sci/ slips a bit lower

>> No.2636049

This thread is fun for me because I recently found out I got accepted to U Chicago (for undergrad, but still).

>> No.2636050

or, you're a fucking idiot.

Not nearly big enough to generate anything out of sci

>> No.2636052


1. If you're Ms. Peng then please marry me and I don't think any less of you.

2. You're right, we shouldn't be making people feel bad :)

Maybe if we all be nice Ms. Peng will come back..

>> No.2636053

You have low standards.

about her alma mater, apparently.

>> No.2636056

i wonder if she's monitoring this thread to see if you guys will decide to harass her or something

>> No.2636060


dude you should totally post a thread saying that you go to ohio university so that we can bring balance to the force.


lol I don't think I do, she's fucking cute man.

>> No.2636065

and please don't harass her. That she lied about her alma mater reflects badly upon her, but it's certainly not egregious.

>> No.2636067

She's cute, but not that much. 'So cute you want to die' seems to imply you'd have low standards.

>> No.2636068

if it was a dude i bet nobody would be against harassing

>> No.2636069

Especially since it's an anonymous board.

>> No.2636070

I took a look. She honestly looks like an average Asian girl. You have low standards if you say shit like "Oh my god she's so cute I want to die".

>> No.2636071


yeah guys haha you need to knock off that bullying mentality you got from /b/. It isn't right to do things like that to people; it only spreads misery.


lol you're right I'm just a bit excited I guess (shouldn't have taken a 20 mg IR tablet of aderall 2 hrs ago wooooow)

>> No.2636079

>lol you're right I'm just a bit excited

Man you fucking creepy

>> No.2636081
File: 20 KB, 240x300, howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual;

>Femanon posts on /sci/
>Femanon lies about alma mater
>/sci/ divides into two camps, SCREEN EVARTHING and MARRY ME PLEASE

Sure, I lol'd, it always funny to see someone fuck up. But now it's just getting pathetic. This guy has better standards than some of you.

>> No.2636086


Actually, I think I have a greater proclivity to do harm/harass females than I do males.

I'm still against harassing her, but my position would be of an even firmer caliber if it were some nerdy azn guy.


I know you're right..but something about her look makes me really excited. hard to articulate

>> No.2636087

>Troll posts Peng thesis on /sci/
>Troll soon after deletes posts
>People see Troll delete posts
>People assume Troll is Peng
>People harass Peng for no reason

I don't understand. Why would Peng post on 4chan?

>> No.2636089

Nice try at diffusing the situation, Peng.

>> No.2636091
File: 65 KB, 800x574, ryuzaki 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys what's going on itt?

>> No.2636093

haha Ms. Peng, I got you: I am now reading your thesis and will pick apart each of your mediocre arguments. I will then publish a rebuttal in a reputable journal as well as send copies to everyone on your thesis committee. Think of the embarrassment! And you thought nobody would read your thesis!

>> No.2636094


I don't know. Most of sci/ is just people who lie and try to act smarter than 99% of the people on this board.

But, she is really smart and probably going to become a professor in a few years and not ugly. Makes no sense.

>> No.2636097

I would. Since I don't want you getting your /b/ shit going on here.

Someone lies, you expose them, end of story.

You want to go all personal army, you STAY THE FUCK IN /b/ AND LEAVE RATIONAL DISCUSSION TO OTHERS.

>> No.2636099


White knights everywhere

>> No.2636100
File: 12 KB, 204x207, bwahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rational discussion

>> No.2636104

I think personal armies, though fun, are /b/'s shit, and have no place in /sci/
but I approve of this! if you really do it, keep /sci/ posted.

>> No.2636107
File: 44 KB, 450x253, Ryuzaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've just been lurking this thread, and I think this anon is actually right (barring she isn't Peng herself).

Has anyone seen her tripcode before?

I don't find it hard to believe that a person like Ms. Peng would be a visitor of 4chan...

But if a troll was involved, he definitely would try to solidify the idea that Ms. Peng was the one posting if he deleted the posts afterwards...

But usually, trolls who do things like this will keep posting in the same thread under the same tripcode in order to stir up shit and cause drama...It's rare to see a troll mature enough to simply watch the shitstorm unfold (and perhaps join in on it).

Am I to believe that we're dealing with a God-tier troll here?

No...god tier trolls have better things to do than to start mini-shit storms on /sci/ after peak hours...

All in all I'd have to say this is legit. But we still shouldn't mess with Peng :)

>> No.2636108

adderall makes some people excited.

Dude, you should go study while it's in effect.

>> No.2636112


good idea, instead of harassing her by phoning her or sending her pizza, lets discredit her academically by finding flaws on her research. this is the true /sci/ way of trolling. i'll leave this to the smart people though

>> No.2636117


lol thanks for looking out bro but my midterms are already over and thanks to scripts I have unlimited adderall (so it's not like I have to buy the shit sparingly from dealers for 8 bucks a pop).

dunno why I took it tho.

>> No.2636118


To be fair. Her paper is pretty good.

>> No.2636119

I can' think of a better time to post this video than now:

>> No.2636121


I don't know, it doesn't fit... unless this troll was SO FUCKING SMART that he realized people would be able to find a link to the paper via a fragment of its abstract. If Peng posted it she probably had no idea somebody would look for it on google.

>> No.2636124

If we truly have people like Peng browsing /sci/, I'm impressed. Discssions can actually be had on this board.

>> No.2636125
File: 34 KB, 640x360, Near.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is....Pengtastic

>> No.2636126

My god Na, the typesetting on your thesis is hideous! You've got equations dumping off the margins everywhere.

>> No.2636127


I doubt she coming back here anytime soon.

>> No.2636129


There's lots of smart people on /sci/ :3

Only problem is that 75% of /sci/ is a bunch of underage arrogant assholes who are dying for a chance to be the one doing the bullying for a change.

>> No.2636130

no thats just helping. the true way of the troll is to find something in her research that she is insecure about and then pretending we know its wrong even though its probably right then getting her to waste a huge amount of time trying to convince/prove it is right.

snatch this rock from hand, grasshopper.jpg

>> No.2636133
File: 20 KB, 321x267, coolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys....if Peng went into Chemistry she'd write her dissertation on the effects of Lye

>> No.2636137

That reminds me, I should try adderall to see if it's actually effective as people claim.

>> No.2636141

Hahaha. How'd you get away with a thesis only citing 9 references?!

>> No.2636148
File: 6 KB, 175x187, classic rxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2636151
File: 34 KB, 311x311, coolface 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey guys...

Ms. Peng's blunder was so embarrassing, you could almost say that it was pengful to watch.

>> No.2636155

Na, I don't think so

>> No.2636156

Any medfags in here? Whatcha thinking about PhDing?

>> No.2636157
File: 55 KB, 321x267, coolface 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she's still monitoring this thread, or if she's now na peng attention to it...

>> No.2636162

I'd Peng her right Na

>> No.2636164

Hey gize, I have an idea, let's take /sci/ further along toward 404 and act like /b/tards.

>> No.2636166
File: 88 KB, 500x407, coolface 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is pretty late guys...maybe she's just na-peng

>> No.2636173
File: 14 KB, 300x300, coolface 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ooooh! +2 pts for anon!

Finally someone is joining the fun.

>> No.2636176

is that supposed to be not paying?
if so: that's pretty far fetched man

>> No.2636178


lol no it's not dude say it out loud, do you know how to pronounce chink names?

>> No.2636179


nah, i don't think this will prevent her from lurking /sci/.

>> No.2636186

hey, hey gaise...lol....Na is the atomic symbol for Sodium.

>> No.2636187

man i wish i was half as smart as her. i graduated in comp sci but i could never get into academia, i'm a lazy dumbass

>> No.2636189

Peng here, fuck off you entry level faggots

>> No.2636191


>not as smart

pick one man, and don't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.2636201
File: 8 KB, 180x240, napeng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe no-one did this.

>> No.2636207


haha thanks man. I was gonna eventually, but you know how the pengdulum falls...

Okay, now THAT one was a reach.

>> No.2636208

1. be attractive as fuck and have awesome sex all the time
2. be smart as fuck and contribute to science and mankind in general

which would you choose, /sci/?

>> No.2636210


idk, but I hope Peng chooses the former.


>> No.2636211
File: 70 KB, 387x386, sagan_uc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2636215


you can't choose both if you're not Sagan.

>> No.2636216

3) not exist in the first place

>> No.2636218

be an average guy who is smart and normal looking who plays vidya

>> No.2636219

I'mma go to sleep now.

I truly hope this thread hasn't 404'd by the time I wake up in like 7 hrs.

>> No.2636224


>> No.2636231



>> No.2636233

i wonder if she'd ever date a not-smart-enough-to-get-into-academics dude

>> No.2636243
File: 417 KB, 984x1240, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


na hap-peng-ing dude :)

>> No.2636253
File: 6 KB, 109x122, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


someone's on a roll I see, or should I say...troll :3

>> No.2636256



>> No.2636293


Wait, if you get your shitty PhD once, can you finish uni AGAIN on some respected place ? For example, you finish theoretical physics in Fucknowhere, Nebraska and later in life you have the opportunity to finish the same thing on Harvard. Can you do it ?

>> No.2636317

If it is possible, it is extremely uncommon.

>> No.2636321

WHAT IF, she just wanted to keep her anonimity by lying?

>> No.2636325

That must be it. You made me feel sorry now.

>> No.2636458

So, because of space-time limitations, you can't get proper education and your life is shit.


>> No.2636487

Not long
Dessert is tasty, shouldn't take too long to finish.

>> No.2638043


At the very least I think it's funny that her identity got discovered and she made a social faux pas.

>> No.2638134


>> No.2638139

I am currently supervising 4 doctoral students (plasma physics), and I expect them to have something finished around the 3 year mark.

It will be okay, I don't let my padawans fail.
Reflects bad on me, hehe.

>> No.2638160


What do you think of Na Peng?

>> No.2638177


Looks solid from my (quick) glance, and his work might have some repercussions in (theoretical) physics, so I might read it someday.

Fukken saved.

>> No.2638193


haha I just saved her picture. I was gonna read her dissertation but the formatting was all screwy, so fuck it.

>> No.2638204


A supposedly attractive girl with a Ph.D in maths?
Do want.

>> No.2638221

>na peng (or someone who knows her) posts her thesis
>retarded troll who is not even na peng makes a trip and pretends to be her and says that she went to u of chicago
>the same troll then sits back and gets his dick out because seeing people bashing on the bitch is erotic to him
>deletes his post to prevent anyone from checking if the two posts are the same

>> No.2638223



yeah lol, except she also lied about which phd program she graduated from.

Most people itt disagreed with me, but I think she's cute in a weird sort of way.

>> No.2638236


No troll would

1. Bother doing something like this without making the lie more juicy

2. posting Na Peng's fb/personal info (which has yet to be posted and prolly never will)

3. Pretending to be Na Peng pleading with /sci/ to not harass her in order to stir up a shit storm.

>> No.2638251


Her work looks solid, I don't get why the Ph.D program would matter so badly.

She'll be brutally raped if she engages in a debate with anyone from the Stekhlov institute (Russia) or ENS of Ulm (France), but it doesn't prevent her from contributing to the field.

>> No.2639078

why hasn't this thread 404d yet lol