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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2634840 No.2634840 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is now in my philosophy class at Uni. We have been partnered together in an assignment worth 10% of my semester mark. What do?

>Also inb4 philosophy bashing, it's a filler elective for easy marks

>> No.2634851


Philosophy class. This forum is sci/ keep the faggy Philosophy crap out of it.

>> No.2634858

Tell him you will do everything.

It's honestly not worth arguing about, or letting him do any work. When he has to do his own assignment someday he will fail hard.

>> No.2634860

Get a new partner, drop out of philosophy, and go to /lit/ or something instead of /sci/

>> No.2634861

sage since it is not science; however:
Pretend to be ultra-Catholic. Like way the fuck over the top. Pour holy water on him when he isn't looking and try to convert him, shouting bible passages when he refuses.

>> No.2634862

seems like a typical australian idiot, if you wanted to not be surrounded by retards you should have attended school in america op

you made your bed now lie in it

>> No.2634863

2 Things:
First, I pity you for having to work with a satanist teenager.
Second, serves you right for taking a philosophy course. What are you? Fucking 15yo trying to impress a girl?

>> No.2634866


Yep, I much prefer troll physics.

Hey /sci/ if I am on a ship going the speed of light and then walk forward I am going faster than the speed of light. Prove me wrong. U MAD?

Nobel prize please.

>> No.2634859

Good luck and god speed, OP. You got paired with a fucking IDIOT.

>> No.2634879

>What are you? Fucking 15yo trying to impress a girl?

I would rather not talk to most of the girls in my philosophy class, they're very loud and opinionated.

>> No.2634880

Guess 10% of your grade is entirely in your hands, then.

>> No.2634905

>Hey /sci/ if I am on a ship going the speed of light and then walk forward I am going faster than the speed of light. Prove me wrong. U MAD?

From which reference are you going faster than

>> No.2634912


To be fair. He is probably smarter than OP. He isn't on 4chan for one thing.

>> No.2634919

I bet they are, following a completely useless curriculum that you can do by yourself at home if you're really interested in the field. Fuck I hate people who go into such fields, they always get a sense of undeserving superiority and act like they understood the world when they're usually clueless (as you can see with your partner for the assignment).

>> No.2634930

Like you'd know shit, you're on 4Chan too.

>> No.2634934

On intro philosophy papers you're usually supposed to explore and contrast all major forms of thought on an issue. Let him write the retarded forms of thought.

>> No.2634940

I never said I knew shit. I don't act as if I did either.

>> No.2634947

>Read shit on his facebook page
>Oh just another stupid 15 year old, whatever
>almost 20

>> No.2634949
File: 48 KB, 455x383, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, this guy seems to have a pretty strong grasp of the world OP. Just look at this thought provoking commentary on the parralels between the life of an Alaskan Beaver and the hardship of modern society. Or something. Actually I don't know what the hell it's about, but it's probably just because I'm too stupid.

>> No.2634956

Is this for real? The guy speaks like that and goes to Uni? What fucking farce is this? He must be trolling.

>> No.2634958

Fuck off and go to a better university than any australian shithole such as ones in America.

>> No.2634966

After "reading" this how can anyone have any sort of optimism for humanity at all?

>> No.2634967

I think he's trying to initiate sex with that girl.

>> No.2634968

>Y do ppl look at me lyk im gna mug them,

>> No.2634972
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>> No.2634978

Let us study his ways and be all the better for it.

>> No.2634984


He knows how to talk to girls. This guys is smarter than 90% of the awkard basement dwelling virgins on here.

>> No.2634993
File: 69 KB, 501x616, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several points of interest here. Firstly, a rigorously scientific assessment of Portland. From this well written first comment we now know that Portland is both "mad" and "cold but." Additionally, we know that "this" is "killaz", so we can now rest easily without being unaware of whether or not "this" may or may not be killaz.

We can also see a great expose on the treatment of the court system on certain individuals and that Jax is a very open minded individual, not making assumptions about what his day may bring. Instead, he is open to any possibility that may come his way.

We also know that he enjoys "chatz", as any well adjusted social human should.

>> No.2635012
File: 79 KB, 462x654, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can comment on his wall, does anyone have a spare troll account I can use?

>> No.2635021

>MFW OP's pic is 90% of all philosophy majors.

>> No.2635031

Seriously if I were you, I'd go to the teachers with these facebook quotes and tell him you refuse to be handicapped by working with such a tool. Make it really sound serious, and bonus points if he can hear you so that he may learn a lesson from this and better himself.

>> No.2635032

>implying primitive courting rituals require intelligence

>> No.2635038

So this is sci on a thursday night.

Post random facebook profile and talk about him.

Someone screenshot this thread and send pics to him.

>> No.2635040
File: 9 KB, 321x240, Skeptical Irishman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd probably stab OP.

>> No.2635047

OP here.

Please don't.

>> No.2635054
File: 62 KB, 294x294, 1289096621467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2635059


>Implying everyone in this post isn't a bitter virgin.
>Implying that people who post on 4chan are not all losers.

Seriously, I'm a autistic fuck. Hence, why I'm here.

Most off sci/ is bitter virgins. Then the rest is bitter virgins trying to appear superior to everyone else.

>> No.2635063
File: 10 KB, 278x297, Man that needs a shave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm wondering if this is a troll post by OP to get some other kid beaten up.

Or not.

Sometimes it's hard to tell who's trolling who these days.

>> No.2635089


Lol added him as friend. When he accepts going to post this on his board. Screen shots.

Also, going to edit in some lies. Like you calling him gay. And saying how you think he is like a monkey. Also, might edit in some lies like you fucking his girl.

>> No.2635107

OP, what uni do you go to?

>> No.2635125 [DELETED] 


OP, please tell me he's not talking about Portland, OR. Are you guys students at PSU?

I know they don't have a lot of international students, but I want to believe someone with that basic an inability to form a sentence wouldn't be admitted to Reed or Lewis and Clark.

>> No.2635130
File: 354 KB, 300x300, trollcap'n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP 5/10 if troll

0/10 if real. should've censored the name, dumbass

>> No.2635137

10/10 if this guy is actually in a philosophy class and OP is going to incriminate Jax's real partner.

>> No.2635169

Actually I'm a pretty self-satisfied nonvirgin who isn't quite on the right path in life but in the process of getting there. So this isn't personal.

Also getting laid has nothing to do with anything, least of all intelligence. Notice how many species of animals have sex, and then note how many species of animals invented the internet.

Which is more exclusive?

>> No.2635174

What? Most animal species have sex.

0/10, troll harder.

>> No.2635176

Notice how all animals enjoy eating steaks but not all animals read books.

Therefore you shouldn't enjoy eating steaks.

>> No.2635179

You already fucked yourself by taking a philosophy course. Come back when you're studying science, faggot.

>> No.2635180

I think you missed the point. Also, steaks ≠ cooked steaks

>> No.2635201


>> No.2635214


>Implying Reed deserves to be called a school

>> No.2635494

What the fuck are you saying boy?