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2632403 No.2632403 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2632453

you forgot the 4th and 5th generations of Asians, which are going to be just as lazy as white people now.

>> No.2632465

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty fucking lazy and so are most asians in hawaii.

So this probably.

>> No.2632482

4th and 5th have parents with engineering/doctorate degrees and therefore are lazy as fuck

>> No.2632476

Not to mention all the black kids walking around in vans and skinny jeans.

White-washing complete!

>> No.2632483

McDonalds'll do that to ya

fast food is our most powerful weapon against chinese efficiency, who woulda thunk it?

>> No.2632496

Fucking NEWTON. He was a true badass.

Oh and get Pascal up in this shit too.

>> No.2632503

Right...Disregard the fact that one group came on their own volition and the other was shipped as slaves.

sage this shitty thread

>> No.2632515

... thinks that indentured servitude was any better than slavery

>> No.2632538

african today
black american today

pull your head out of your ass honky

>> No.2632548


Wait, which group are you talking about?

>> No.2632553

The problem with this is that they dont start at first generation african americans.
The first generation would be slaves. Then second generation of slaves. then third generation of slaves. So on and so on until you reach the eventual generation of sharecropper (basically serfdom like slavery) then a generation under jim crow laws.
but as you know....its fun to deride black people and call them lazy.

>> No.2632566

here comes /stormfront/ again

>> No.2632570

>then a generation under jim crow laws.

Thinks that the Jim Crowe laws (or similar racial laws) didnt also apply to Asians.

FUN FACT : States in the Western US passed more Jim Crowe Laws (or similar racial laws) against Asians than Blacks.

>> No.2632585

were they called Lim Crowe laws?

So what are you trying to say here? Even though these people lived under oppressive mean spirited conditions, you should still hate black people because asians went through it as well?

>> No.2632594


But they are lazy.

>> No.2632588
File: 25 KB, 314x450, laughing_woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians become doctors because they like helping people

>> No.2632598

How can anyone conclude that black people are not lazy? Look at how backwards Africa is, then tell me they're all hard workers.

>> No.2632625 [DELETED] 

>were they called Lim Crowe laws?

You must have missed the "similar racial laws' part. And who the fuck cares if it was called "Jim Crowe' what those laws also applied to Asians.

Also : States in the Western US passed moar 'Jim Crowe' laws against Asians than Blacks. Do you want proof or are you that uninformed to not know this?

>> No.2632635

>were they called Lim Crowe laws?

You must have missed the "similar racial laws' part. And who the fuck cares if it was called "Jim Crowe' when those same racial laws also applied to Asians.

Also : States in the Western US passed moar 'Jim Crowe' laws against Asians than Blacks. Do you want proof or are you that uninformed to not know this?

>> No.2632655
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>> No.2632656

If only this shit stayed on / New /.

>> No.2632676
File: 88 KB, 500x375, Srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats because most Asians back then sold Opium and were no better then the street dealers of today. Another fun fact was that Asians were mostly situated in San Fransisco and other urban areas. that being added with their small population made them different.

>> No.2632710


The laws passed against the chinese, although degrading and unconstitutional, were not a blatant reinstatement of slavery-- as was the case with jim crow laws in the south.
In-fact the condition of blacks became significantly worse after slavery was abolished and the rust belt stated to mechanize the south on the backs of black prison laborers and wage-slaves. Jim crow not only sufficiently made being black in itself a crime, but further institutionalized racism as a means of dividing multi-racial working class mobilization-- isolating the black population from poor whites for the next 150 years. As the AA population migrated to the eastern states, carrying with them a destroyed sociological identity, they were met with a population that would develop a method of isolating the populations into urban peripheries whilst enforcing poverty though a welfare system that engenders the economic containment of a second class society.

i'd say the socio-political conditions for black Americans is historically worse than that of any other ethnic group to penetrate the greater US 'chopped salad" of a society-- any argument trying to give such a simple explanation for the awful condition the black population of the US is in today, such as the OP's (they are inferior because race, they are lazy because look at this, such and such) can only attest the the effectiveness of such institutionalized racism.

>> No.2632719


>> No.2632748

I didnt mention anything about not believing you.

My point is that instead of addressing racism towards blacks you are pointing out "SEE ASIANS HAD TO DEAL WITH WORSE"
implying that blacks are horrible because asians are better.

>> No.2632759

>were not a blatant reinstatement of slavery

nice hyperbole but totally wrong. jim crowe laws were to keep blacks as second-class citizens to whites, not slavery. exactly what was done to Asians in the Western US.

>> No.2632768

sharecropping was virtual slavery

>> No.2632769
File: 167 KB, 888x1012, blacks'niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know the difference.

>> No.2632794

Asians in the west were no more slaves than the irish; who fought against virtually the same laws and the exact same working conditions. they worked along side each other on the same trans national rail lines. sure, laws were passed that prevented asians from citizenry, thus seperting them from the irish population admist, once again, working class mobalization.

That, and you have to consider the asian values that held the asian population together. Asians, who came here OF THIER OWN FREE WILL, kept thier culture, sociology, customs, language, religions-- they moved along side family members and often made enough money to support the emigration of other chinese. often times they would even travel back and forth.

they were NOT stuffed onto the bottom of slave ships, chained to corpses and forced to defecate on themselves and die 80 percnet of the time on the way over. you're insane to think the conditions are in any way comparible.

>> No.2632806

Slavery ended for blacks in 1865.

1) Japanese Americans had all their property taken from them in the 1940's and were put in internment camps.
2) Chinese Exclusion Act of the 1880 - early 1900's prevented Chinese from being permanent US Citizend and forced many Chinese to leave the US.
3) The US has had 3 'major' wars with Asian nations - WW2, Korea, & Vietnam - in the last 60 years. In these wars, millions of Asians (including innocent women/children) were killed by US soldiers.
4) The 'Jim Crowe' laws that applied to blacks also affected Asians. In fact, in the Western US, moar "Jim Crowe' legislation or similar racial laws were passed against Asians than against Blacks.

>> No.2632864


yes, the japanese population were subjected to concentration camps during the 1940's- 60's. it was an atrocity. does this equate 400 years of slavery and cultural genocide commited against african's in the america's? no. it doesnt. and besides, this is a childish arguement. you clearly want to hold onto some foolish idea of racial superiority or ethnocentric pride-- making you no better than the capitalist elite that subjected people of asian decent in the past to unfair conditions.

if you read my post, you would have seen that i mentioned that act preventing asians from citizenry-- however at the same time, and up untill the 1860's, the irish couldnt vote, either.

yes, the US had wars against asians-- but often times asians fought alongside amiericans in these conflicts. infact the japanese americans you mentioned, in the concentration camps? they fought with us in europe in a special batallion.

you're phantasy about jim crow laws effecting asians in the west is without any historical basis.

>> No.2632883


FYI, slavery never ended for blacks.

>> No.2632904


What the fuck race are you?

Just wondering.

>> No.2632915
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Very true. But the proportion of black people to niggers is negligible. On the other hand, the proportion of white people to white trash is substantial.

>> No.2632918


I'm and Irish American. but in this, as in every other situation, aside from oppressive legislature and US foreign policy, my race or anyone else has no objective value.

>> No.2632932

>does this equate 400 years of slavery

Slavery ended for blacks in 1865, Japanese were put in camps in 1940's.

>> No.2632934

The relevance of this thread appalls me.

>> No.2632944

>the irish couldnt vote, either.

They couldnt vote because they werent US citizens not because of any Laws that prevented them from becoming Citizens like were passed against the Chinese.

>> No.2632948

>mfw smart black people I know use the word 'nigger' more than I do when describing ignorant blacks

>> No.2632955


the short lived concentration camp experience for the JA was nothing like slavery for black Americans. sure, it wasnt a fuckign fun fair, but does it compare in any way, shape or form, to a prolonged history (yes, 400 years) of cultural (and real, active) genocide against the black american population? no. it fucking doest. and again, this is an immature and foolish argument.


>> No.2632960
File: 76 KB, 525x294, china_california_0721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're phantasy about jim crow laws effecting asians in the west is without any historical basis.

1) California - ""In this state, concern about Asian immigration produced more legislation against Chinese immigrants than against African Americans. From 1879 to 1926, California's constitution stated that "no native of China" shall ever exercise the privileges of an elector in the state." Similar provisions appeared in the constitutions of Oregon and Idaho."


2) California Apologizes to Chinese Americans for Racist Laws


>> No.2632974

>fuckign fun fair
I laughed more than I should have

>> No.2632979

Slavery ended in 1865 = 145 years ago
Japanese were put in camps in 1940's = 65+ years ago

>> No.2633009


this is how i know you're an idiot. i was clearly desrcribing the 400 year period in which black people were a slave labor force of the america's. not the ammount of time that has passed since formal-slavery as ended. have you even been reading?


that is not a jim crowe law.

>> No.2633028

OP here, oh lawd what have i done. this pic was supposed to be posted in the low SAT scores for blacks and hispanics

>> No.2633078
File: 66 KB, 800x539, jimcrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how i know you're an idiot.

Name-calling ... that is how I know you are losing argument. So I will join in, you are 'idiot' for not understanding the point I am making. It must go way over your head, keeping hawking about 400 years of slavery, when Japanese-Americans were put in slave-conditions (against their will) less then 65+ years ago in the US while slavery for Blacks ended 140+ years ago.

>that is not a jim crowe law.
Lost that argument again, so you are going back 'Jim Crow' name again. Asians would have been affected by the same Jim Crowe laws in the South unless you think Asians are considered 'white' or 'not-coloured'.

KEEP IGNORING THIS FACT : In the Western US, moar "Jim Crowe' legislation or similar racial laws were passed against Asians than against Blacks.

>> No.2633092

What a huge percentage of the black population doesn't realize, is that the black people who were originally brought over here sold each other out? They were all involved in inter-tribal wars and decided it would be a good idea to tell the white man that these people wanted to be taken to the new world. If they had stayed together and fought, slavery for blacks may have never existed. But yeah go ahead and blame everyone else for your problems.

>> No.2633778

itt huttburt liberals

>> No.2633854

>4th gen Asian americans
daddy's a doctor, I can get into any college I want without ever learning the value of hard work!
>5th gen Asian americans
llol my parents dont evn care about wut I do lets go smoke sum weed all day n play vidya games and contribyut nuthin 2 socity haha

>4th gen African Americans
oh shit the ghettos suck! luckily with school programs and equal opportunity laws I can work my way out of the ghetto and earn myself a steady job in the community

>5th Gen African Americans
>President of the United States or other high political office, celebrity, athlete, or entrepreneur

>> No.2633884

Then you look at Africa and your whole argument goes to shit.

>> No.2633897

Shhhh, we're not allowed to tell the whole story.

>> No.2633905

liberals substitute their own fantasy fetishes for reality anytime they get high

fyi obama is first generation african american, and he is more white than black

>> No.2633924

that would be a better argument if the statistics supported it, unfortunately for you asians are still the highest preformers in schools and careers at all levels and blacks are still the lowest. Obama is simply an outlier he's not even 4th or fifth generation either.

>> No.2633927

Obvious troll/retard thread.
No one sage

>> No.2633943

this was to >>2633854

>> No.2634068

>genocide against the black american population

You don't seem to know what genocide means.