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File: 56 KB, 457x835, 5145_troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2630746 No.2630746 [Reply] [Original]

troll science or not? Discuss

1. kidnap some dude
2. pump out his blood every week;
3. after 2 months you have a lot of blood, dude is dead;
4. do massive blood transfusion on self;
5. murder someone, leave blood on scene;
6. DNA is not yours

>> No.2630749

Either that or ... gloves.

>> No.2630751

>leave traces of your hair and finger prints instead
>not perfect crime

>> No.2630752

its troll science, and it wont work
if you tie the rope together, it will just fall to the floor because earths gravity pulls the rope inwards, and you cant make it hover without using supports.

>> No.2630756
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Locards principle. Every contact leaves a trace.
Skin cells have your dna, hair cells have your dna, etcetera.

>> No.2630778


1) Why not instead, you just don't bleed everywhere?
2) Or if you want to leave someone else's blood on the scene, why does it have to come out of your body?
3) Red blood cells don't have DNA in them, anyway.

>> No.2630781

lol even blood transfusion doesn't work like that
you can get upmost 1-2 liters of blood type that is just like yours, more than that and you're dead

if you want the perfect crime
take blood from lots of people
take hair from lots of people
take sweat from lots of people
when you kill the victim spray all of the above stuff around
then go somewhere burn all your clothes and the bags you used to store the stuff
never visit the crime scene again
start lying everyday so that you could cheat the lie detector

but i still think that it would be much better to use poison
and less dangerous
you just need some information about the victim
actually you need all the information if you plan a revenge
you should kill everything that is dear to him then
confront him in a finial battle, tell him how you've planned all of this then kill him slowly
or maybe cut his tongue, fingers, take out his eyes, break his spine, cut all his ligaments and call 911

he'll have to live knowing everything but not being able to do anything about it
you can go and visit him occasionally in the hospital and remind him of how you killed his loved ones

it's good thing that i have morals

>> No.2630782


>> No.2630783

>3) Red blood cells don't have DNA in them, anyway.
Yeah, since when is blood made up of ONLY red blood cells? What are you? Eight?

>> No.2630784

its spelled final battle, you fucking retard.

>> No.2630787

red blood cells and water, obviously.

>> No.2630791

Fail troll is fail. GTFO.

>> No.2630794

>kill a man in order to be able to kill a man

way to go

>> No.2630809

What about satellites?

>> No.2630814

they're constantly falling
the thing is that there is no friction to make them slow down

>> No.2630816

I'm curious, how long will it take for the donor blood's DNA to 'at least' messing up one own tissue's DNA?

>> No.2630820

>Yeah, since when is blood made up of ONLY red blood cells? What are you? Eight?

No, but I know what a blood transfusion is. You don't get white blood cells. They would die quickly, and make you sick.

>> No.2630821

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.2630824


>> No.2630825

your immune system would recognize it as a threat
and begin to act against it

how long?
well probably a day
note that i'm not a doctor

>> No.2630827

everything in it including plasma

>> No.2630832

and it's not the DNA that is the problem the foreign cells have different binding sites, which is caused by the DNA

>> No.2630833

lol retard, plasma would kill you, it is the same stuff that is in neon lights, and is really hot. you dont pt it in peoples blood!

>> No.2630837

>start lying everyday so that you could cheat the lie detector

Polygraph machines aren't usable in court.

>> No.2630836



>> No.2630841
File: 76 KB, 401x400, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2630842

yes they are, my uncle was put on one when the convicted him of arson.

>> No.2630844

Single least perfect crime... Not only do you have to commit an extra murder (why not just kidnap and drain intended victim?) but you'll die or still leave DNA at the scene of the goal-killing...

>> No.2630845

>hair cells


>> No.2630849

Polygraph machines are not usable in court. Unless your uncle was convicted in the 80s, one wasn't used on him.

>> No.2630855

alone they're not
as a fingerprint alone is also not enough

but if you have a motive
a weapon
a dead body
and a fingerprint or polygraph evidence
it's probably enough to send you in jail

>> No.2630859
File: 6 KB, 186x271, paah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2630863

>dead body

A polygraph test is not viable in court. If you have all that other evidence, one isn't needed anyways. You can not be convicted of any crime in the US on a polygraph. If you end up in a backward state like Alabama and do, just keep appealing until supreme court. They will overturn.

"Motive" isn't needed either. Stop watching cop dramas.

>> No.2630868

They can be easily fooled into giving false positives or false negative. They were designed to catch (industrial) spies and there have been no cases in which they did so

>> No.2630884

>dead body

this is no enough i guarantee you
well unless you were found on the crime scene covered in blood...

>> No.2630889

The perfect crime goes unnoticed.

>> No.2630907

I'm a cop. I know what is enough and what isn't. If a murder weapon is found with the suspect's fingerprints on it, he can be tried and convicted. That's all you really need.

Cop dramas make shit way too complicated. Most suspects are dumbasses or drug addicts and leave a ton of evidence behind.

>> No.2630917

dude what would happen if you accidentally transfused white blood cells in your body? There would be some epic war between your white blood cells and someone else's and it would be fucking awesome.

or like, instead of gladiator fights we just gave two people cuts and put their cuts together and have their white blood cells travel through each others cuts and fight until one of them died

>> No.2630939

it could mean some fever, take some dose of antibiotic. There's still option to go back and re-transfuse own blood back.

>> No.2630974

if both are healthy, nothing will happen
there is not even a way that through a small cut someone else's blood will get in your bloodstream
there is a pressure in your veins
and even if it does their cells will just die fast before they're able to do anything

>> No.2631045

>stab someone with icicle
>take it out of them
>melt it

>> No.2631132
File: 60 KB, 317x628, 1285451060741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2631137

it's not about killing some random guy.

>> No.2631171

Killing some random guy is the only way I can think to get a "perfect" crime, since it's not that easy to link him/she with you.

>> No.2631175


That's the way KGB did it back in the days.

>> No.2631217

This was on a soap in England once, a woman killed the warden of a prison with an ice shank, can't remember the name of the show, I just remember that part because it's go damn clever.

>> No.2632198

works in winter, and you have to keep some cryogenic botle or something. i thought about it once but again; it's not easy to make a sharp knife out of ice; and a solid enough one to slice a throat.


>> No.2632233

killing with ice lol
would never happen
it may happen if you have frozen cloth or anything that gives strength to the object
ice alone is just not strong enough
it will shatter if you try to stab someone