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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 61 KB, 592x299, 2001-a-space-odyssey_592x299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2621472 No.2621472 [Reply] [Original]


I come to you from /tg/ with the hopes that I can get some help in the creation process of a home made setting I am making to run for some friends.

The setting would be best described as Arthur C. Clark meets Horror.

What I mean by Arthur C. Clark, I mean that in regard to the levels of science 'hardness' with regards to the technological capability of their equipment and the ship my players will spend the entire campaign on (think Discovery One from 2001 a Space Odyssey or Endeavor from Rendezvous with Rama).

The ship that I'm designing is roughly the size of the Jaeger Viking, except the hull profile viewed from the bow will be wider to account for the fact that this is a self-sustaining science explorer vessel and has everything it needs in terms of creature comforts.

The Horror element is what I come to you for help with. I don't want to just throw zombies at them or some disembodied horror chasing them through the shadows of the ship.

So, what kind of experiments would the science community love to try in space that are too dangerous to do on earth? Experiments that would chill the bones of well to do men on Earth?

And what could happen to the ship if one, some, or all of them went horribly, horribly wrong?

All kinds of experiments would be allowed here. Consider the fact that the builders of this ship realize that having a science vessel they own in space means they're in international waters. Their scientists aren't restrained by the checks and ethics that limit their research here on Earth.

>> No.2621514

Sky is your limit, anon.

You could go with experimentation on humans to make meta-humans which break free and begin rampaging..

Or the vessel is studying unknown life, and becomes infected. Infected humans can be anything from crazies, to slowly dying and releasing viruses, ect...

To add a third element to the mix there could be a third party, a band of aliens, which are trying to purge you.


>> No.2621532

It's Clarke, not Clark.

>> No.2621574


I'm sorry I didn't spell it appropriately. I wish I could edit my original post.

Dammit I should know better. He's one of my favourite authors.

Clarke Clarke Clarke, Clarke.


I have that in mind but I want to avoid sending hordes of inhuman things after them because they have all played Dead Space so they'd be expecting that.

What about experiments that could potentially screw around with the ship's electronics or computer systems?

It is automated so that crew requirements are kept down, but it doesn't have a HAL 9000 computer, so no super A.I here. Just something smart enough to handle navigations.

>> No.2621631

A simple virus could wreak havoc with the computers. It doesn't need to be part of an experiment, just something slipped in by someone with an interest in fucking with the ship. It could even be a mole within the crew.

>> No.2621772
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Bump for interest.

>> No.2621788


Okay no hordes or inhuman shit.

How about a saboteur? One crewmember who tampers with the machines and cuts off life-support/crashes the ship/releases lab animals..

Or no ethics? How about dealing with a human-alien hybrid that isn't evil but half the crew wants to kill him?
Strong ass alien hybrid..

>> No.2621799

I'd go with some EMP producing organism (possibly a mutated strain). They're somehow magnetically influenced and in certain situations can convert that magnetism into electromagnetism, periodically destroying the ship's systems (this could lead to them having to hunt down each and every one of them).

My two cents.

>> No.2621804


Or, go apollo 13, and have a busty oxygen tank, which ruptures the hull of the ship and causes decompression.

>> No.2621838
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What kind of dangerous shenanigans could a lab of physicists get up to on a space ship like this?


I'll keep the first one in mind. The Saboteur. Big ship like that, there will probably be some people who want to see it 'asplode.

I could turn that kind of guy into a sympathetic character if the players wake up from cryostasis to find the crew of the ENTIRE ship gone... except for him. and he's trying to destroy the ship because he's all that's left trying to fight whatever it was that caused the entire crew to disappear.

He's an ally at first and together, they try to bring the ship down before whatever is coming after them kills them.

Then they find out he was actually hired to destroy the ship anyway.


>> No.2621859
File: 108 KB, 646x1305, timshaeferwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here.

Imagine if you combine the two.

Consider the fact that the ship I've designed doesn't have artificial gravity, except in one area. The gym and the kinesiology lab.

Fun fact? The Gym and the Kinesiology lab are the same place.

>> No.2621873

OP, listen up.

The spaceship was commissioned by a media tycoon trillionaire. While hugely successful, at the age of 33 he discovered he had Huntington's disease. Realising that research on Earth was going to slow due to the rules and regulations hindering their research, our trillionaire took it upon himself to fully fund NASAs previously cancelled science-in-space (SIS) program that was just days away from the Launchpad - Galileo 5.

He had one condition though: that no other research will be conducted until they find a cure for Huntington's disease.

NASA agreed hurriedly, as parts for launch were decaying and would cost billions more to replace. They hired scientists; they filled their ships with mice, rats and zebrafish stocks; and they filed their ship with research and manufacturing supplies. All on board, the last man to get on is the trillionaire tycoon - on his voyage for treatment.

Years pass with no treatment becoming apparent, but the stress on the scientists having the tycoon on board was strenuous. There were problems too: all the animal stocks were dwindling soon there would be nothing to test things on. As his disease deteriorated his mind and soul, the tycoon harassed and harangued the scientists "WHERES MY CURE?"

No one could answer him. The animal stocks had now all depleated. There was nothing to test things on, except the Tycoon. The scientists started coming to him with sedatives masked as potential cures and when those ran out, they started making their own.

Untested and untrialled they injected the Tycoon with their serums. Until one day, the sedative wasn't a sedative at all, but the beginning to a horror the scientists couldn't dream of.

He became, the abominable.

>> No.2621887

>Not on a planet.

Have fun with that.

>> No.2621890
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OP here.

My face after reading this post.

>> No.2621901

Glad I could help.

>> No.2621906


Magnets have no effect on anything in space?
So if I took an earth magnet into space and started playing with iron, it wouldn't do anything?

>> No.2621909


OP here, do you know what kinds of things physicists might get up to if they had free reign in a lab with no ethical constraints?

>> No.2621949

Physicists are generally constrained by ideas and money. Ethics don't play a huge part in physics research unless you involve live samples.

>> No.2621960
File: 158 KB, 1600x899, scks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know; >>2621949 pic related

>> No.2622343

I'll just designate myself OP, easier than starting my replies with OP here anyway.


'Live samples'? More information, please.


That image gives me an idea for an engineer who, over the course of the journey through space, develops a bipolar disorder because he spends a lot of time near a small radon leak. As the /sci/ community already knows, radon has been used in medicine before, and in low doses it has good long term effects... But what if you were consistently exposed to it every day?

The result: the engineer placates his feelings of loneliness (the area of the ship he works with tends to be devoid of personnel most of the time) by talking to the ship's engine in secret. After awhile he begins to interpret the machine's noises as speech.

One day he thinks it tells him that one of the crewmen are intentionally trying to damage one of its crucial components, so he starts stalking the crewman.

This is a good thread. I'd like to hear more from you guys.

>> No.2623162

Bump for more info!

>> No.2623184
File: 10 KB, 260x169, 071015_vatican_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Horror element is what I come to you for help with. I don't want to just throw zombies at them or some disembodied horror chasing them through the shadows of the ship.
Horror element, no zombies, no desembodied horror?
I think I have an idea...

>> No.2623195

Clone Jessica Alba
Synthesize new aphrodisiacs
Play doom

>> No.2623487


Not quite certain how to respond to either of these...

>Yull culte

>> No.2623498

>Not quite certain how to respond to either of these...
Scientists go in space to have sex with Jessica Alba's clone and play doom
Then priest come to kill them because they are infidels trying to replace god

>> No.2623501
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 51SSEGRJVPL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think someone already made this.

>> No.2623563

Funges from a diffrent planet and took over the crew as a hivemind entity.

Script it.

>> No.2623774


I will acquire this video immediately and watch it for inspiration.

Thank you, anon.

>> No.2624072


Don't touch your eyes while watching it. Trust me on this one.

>> No.2624095

a quantum entanglement experiment gone wrong. Now the ship's actually been ripped into another dimension as well as the preexisting one, superimposing on each other. At points on the ship there are randomly generated singularity events, some spewing out radiation, others generating unstable singularity events rupturing the space time continuum allowing those outside to jump in and go to the past.
Also, there are other singularity events that have created a path into a nearly exact alternate dimension, making 2 or more of all crewmembers, but with slight diffences. Those that have traveled through the wormholes end up in a psychotic rage as their molecular cohesion is no longer fully stable.

Also, ghosts.

>> No.2626446
File: 25 KB, 216x282, WOT_DA_ZOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read that.

Thank heavens I kept this thread alive long enough for you to come around.

I'm going to write everything that you guys have come to me with in this thread and mix it all up for this setting.

It'll be glorious.

Also, in the world of science, are there certain science departments which really hate other science departments? I'm not actually a Science Major, but I know certain departments don't get along with others.

For example, the last university I was at, the Engineering department sometimes didn't get along with Physics.

I'd like to work those rivalries into the setting.

>> No.2627470


>> No.2627544


Hey, thanks for that.

/sci/entists, what are the kinds of dangers you have to look out for when you're running experiments in space? By that I mean, how different are the laboratory safety protocols for a lab in an orbital station or a ship?

Also, I assume there are different protocols for a lab built in a zero-g section of a ship/station in comparison to one that is built in an area with gravity produced by centrifugal forces.

>> No.2627556
File: 44 KB, 549x309, zubrin_randian_hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's always the ventilation, that is: All unsecured stuff in microgravity floats around.

Not really. It gets sucked into the vent, making the biosphere uninhabitable. Unless you have a janitor (A character with a PhD in Aerospace Engineering who has to cook and clean the ship, lololololol) to clean it up, the Substance X is going to go into the crew's lungs.

>> No.2627588
File: 178 KB, 683x1024, smokingood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why, sir. You've given me a great idea.

Accidents in the chem-lab must be a bitch to clean up in space.

Or, imagine if there's a Radon leak in the physics lab.

>> No.2627616
File: 299 KB, 512x384, thedaytheviolencedied2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Or, imagine if there's a Radon leak in the physics lab.

You and your radon leaks.

>> No.2627658
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Some honesty:
I'm trying to scrape together what knowledge I do know of the colourless, odorless gases that are used in physics experiments which can cause mental problems in anyone who is exposed to them for extended periods of time.

Can Radon be mixed with anything to cause a really dangerous gas which can cause LSD like effects on people who breathe it in?

I'm not a scientist, you see, but I keep a healthy interest in the field.

Oh, the ship I'm designing has a very large hydroponics facility where most of the food which feeds the crew is grown.

The hydroponics facility is staffed by ecologists, who share a private laboratory with the microbiologists. The private lab is in an annex right next to the aforementioned facility.

I wonder what kind of dangers can come from that.

Pic related.

>> No.2627762
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>Pic related.

>> No.2627795

How about a Josef Mengele type scientist that plays around TOO much. Alien courts sentences all humans to death for war crimes ...

>> No.2627799

>A character with a PhD in Aerospace Engineering who has to cook and clean the ship, lololololol
>implying the ISS has never been cleaned

>> No.2627907
File: 6 KB, 348x534, Phycomyces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I take it you like what I'm planning, then?

Another idea I had, a superstrain of the Mucorales, a type of zygote fungus, that the microbiologists were playing around with. It's one of the most common types of fungi, and it can also infect certain people in the brain.

The effects of infection aren't pretty. No, it doesn't mind control you or anything, but it does cause the front of your face to rot off. And that's in the real world.

The superstrain would be an aggressive fungus that constantly seeks out heat. Infected people not only lose the cartiledge and fat cells in their face, but their legs slowly become paralyzed.

In its reproductive form, the sporangium pods of the super-Mucorales grow out of a host's skin pores, and the pods also store the heat they steal from the host body, which enables them to accelerate the spore growth process.

The sporangium pods also glow in the dark. They explode like pop caps when the spores are ready to be cast away.

The spores are the dormant form of the fungus, which are the size of a dust mite and float freely through the air.

Imagine if some of that got in your food.

Pictured, a phycomyces, which is a relative of the Mucorales.

>> No.2627915


No aliens in this setting. Just a large science vessel floating through empty space.