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2625059 No.2625059 [Reply] [Original]


In the beginning of that facebook movie Mark Zuckenberg says that "there are more geniuses in China than there are people in the US". Is this correct? Or was it intended to be a joke and not correct at all?

>> No.2625065

Yes, it's correct.

>> No.2625068

Americans are sub-humans for believing in capitalism. He is correct.

>> No.2625074

If Asians are so smart, why do they go to Britain and American universities?

>> No.2625077

Better equipment

>> No.2625080

i dunno lol

>> No.2625083

Only those who aren't smart enough to graduate in their own country end up moving abroad.

>> No.2625104


Why not build it themselves if they're so good?


>implying the Chinese higher education system isn't a complete joke.

Chinks are stupid, as are all Asians. They're even stupider than an average American. Terrible education, bad earnings and double digit IQ at best.

>> No.2625128


I don't know about "genius", but it's definitely true in regards to their understanding of scholarly material.

Which is basically the only thing that matters.

It's just a numbers game anyway. They have so many goddamn people though the bottom 50% of like mentally retarded farmers.

>> No.2625142

china population=1338 million
usa population=308 miilion
top 23 %= around 111 IQ with sd=15

So not quite true, but he has a point.

>> No.2625179

Because Communism doesn't favor scholars.

>> No.2625229

Did you know china has more people in the bright avarage IQ range then the US has any kind of people?

Doesnt quit sound as good.

>> No.2625284


>I don't know about "genius", but it's definitely true in regards to their understanding of scholarly material.

>understanding of scholarly material


Not everyone would agree with that.

>> No.2625290


Then why do Japan and South Korea have the same problem? Both have them have very high achieving schoolchildren but their universities contribute little to scientific research.

>> No.2625297

If China was that filled with geniuses then they wouldn't be living in one of the most oppressive and failure prone political systems on Earth.

>> No.2625317


The hell you talking about.

"Despite its world-class universities, laboratories and Nobel prize winners, Japan's share of the world's research production slipped to 6.75 percent in 2009 from 9.45 percent in 2000.

The same was seen in the United States, whose share fell to 28.5 percent in 2009 from 33.5 percent in 2000, while Britain's share fell to 7.68 percent from 9.43 percent within the same period."

American universities are just superior to everything else. But Japan's pretty competitive in research.

Not to mention Japan's focus is more so towards consumer and corporate research rather than academic research.

>> No.2625339


Given that Japan is twice the size of Britain and has a superior secondary education system, that's a pretty poor showing.

I'm also confused by the claim about "world-class universities, laboratories and Nobel prize winners". I don't know about labs, but Japan doesn't have any universities ranked in the global top ten and has fewer Nobel prize winners that most much smaller Western European countries, even if one only looks at the past 30 or so years.

>> No.2625507

always competing... you fucking retards... we're just feeble humans

>> No.2625513

It's true about India compared to America, though.

>> No.2625543

The truth is that IQ doesn't measure creativity.

East Asians simply do not have the same Western capacity to engage in creative, abstract thought. Their intelligence is entirely geared towards rote memorisation and recall of facts, or mechanical number operations.

Where's the great music and art of the East? Where are their Picassos, Warhols, Mozarts, Boschs, Da Vincis? Where are their brilliant inventors?

Statistically, if we could boil the proclivity for human achievement down to IQ, then statistically China would be pumping out brilliant art and music all over the fucking place, because it is worth A FUCK TON OF MONEY, but all they have is a nation of autistics that are effectively one step removed from the Borg.

China will never be as great as the West. Never.

>> No.2625546

But they have more retards too, then.

>> No.2625568
File: 34 KB, 432x599, little_red_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most printed book ever was authored by Chinamen, you tool.

>> No.2625572

it's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of culture.
Asians have crazy work ethic so they study harder and get better results.
they are also taught they are never good enough and to strive to be the best.

in america you can get an F and be praised about how original you are and how you are simply having difficulties beacuse you are special.

the entitlement culture in america is really fucking bad.

that said it promotes free thinking and individuality making a genius in america more prone to invent something that is actually innovative.

Asians on the other hand are very conformist and have a dogmatic mind state making it harder to think outside of the box.

america needs to change it's entitlement culture or it will keep going down the fucking drain.

china will eventually need to stop pressuring it's kids or they will have a nation full of engineers and no scientists.

>> No.2625589

What book is this?

>> No.2625632


>> No.2625642

i kind of have to agree with this, i recently read that a lot of design and architecture companies are getting contracts from china as of late, the chinese wealthy are starting to spend and are looking to the west for this kind of thing

>> No.2625644

Where are their Picassos, Warhols, Mozarts, Boschs, Da Vincis? Where are their brilliant inventors?

i'm sure they exist, but art does not move easily from one culture to a very different one, so you and i don't know about them.

china was once technologically more advanced than the west, so i'm sure they have a great deal of genius level inventors and scholars too.

>> No.2625650

>China will never be as great as the West. Never.
btw, for now this is unsourced so don't believe me just yet but I remember reading that around the time the East was having its Golden Age with its palaces and silk, the west was still living in huts and wearing bearskins.

>> No.2625653


A communist doctrine. I'll take it that the original post was a troll. If not, I lol'd. In any case, the Bible is world's most printed book, so the post is incorrect on every conceivable level.

>> No.2625668


That was the Injuns, and they're still doing that when they aren't sniffing glue.

>> No.2625670

guys really i thought we learnt from past experience here that we cant judge a book by its sales/quantity printed

>> No.2625673
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forgot mah pic

>> No.2625682


yea, bro thats only if you count every translation of the bible as the same book. mao's little red was the single largest printing ever.

>> No.2625694

In the last few decades Americans have developed semiconductors, personal computers, and the internet. The implications of these reach much more farther than anything art and philosophy has ever created.

That being said all the graduate students in my major at my university were Chinese and Indian (dot not feather).


>> No.2625695

>china will never be as great as the west
it was once. it was greater. so there's no reason to believe it won't be again.

i think with geographical distance making less and less difference, an advance in one place is an advance in all places, the only thing that will matter is numbers and organisation.

china has both.

>> No.2625718

>china was once technologically more advanced than the west
all this jibberish about "creativity" completely ignores that they managed to stomp out a functionally, advanced civilization long before the Europeans

>> No.2625739


> Americans have developed semiconductors, personal computers, and the internet

lol, I dare you go to /int/ and say that, you'll be butchered.

>> No.2625745

What are the Chinese inventions from say last 300 years? Maybe their mix of brain aspects was right for the time thousand years ago but not for todays world.

Recent great stuff seems to come from the Finnic region. Linux, IRC, SSH, Skype, GSM.

>> No.2625761

There was a time, when Phalanx was the greatest achievement in military tactics. It is wrong to say 'there is no reason it can't be that again'.

>> No.2625768

since china's greatness they had civil war, corruption, colonisation, and communism hampering them.

this is a far better explanation than some herp derp about "brain aspect".

>> No.2625782

>confuses a technology with the nation that develops the technology in some faggy attempt at analogy.

if you'd said greece, which has a good claim to have once been greatest nation on earth. then yes, greece could one day be a great nation. no one knows what happens in 2000 yrs. but it's unlikely it will do so in the next 200. whereas china is chomping at the bit.

takes over US's GDP in what, 15 years? say the projections

>> No.2625790

300 years, I proposed in my message, is quite a long time.

Do you even know things about China. If so could you post 3 their most recent inventions, that largely influenced the world.

>> No.2625798

That is only because of Soviet influence and superior mixed economy. But they have changed now and are stagnating as much as the rest.

>> No.2625834

So you claim that only National Socialism in Finland allowed these things? I do not see how it is an argument against what I was saying.

>> No.2625851

Just saying that don't be waiting for more.

>> No.2625875

That is just cryptic nonsense. Yes the Finns were under pressure of threat of Soviet attack. Of course this threat had influence over their culture .

I believe culture pretty much makes a man. I was making an assumption Chinese culture does not make an inventor. Chinese culture and national characteristics are pretty distinct and different. Chinese have not produced any inventions for several hundreds of years.

>> No.2625876

yes, they had well over 300 years of war, bad government, etc

why do you want recent inventions? no one is claiming they recently invented anything. the point is invention doesn't really matter now, because everything is copied extremely quickly in the information age.

>> No.2625893

yea, except military technology. which is why everyone still sucks the us's dick and why the us spends so fucking much on "defense". get it, ass-hats?

>> No.2625901

The real reason is NATO, which is EU's defense against Russia. EU's defense industry is on par with US, but they don't have as powerful armies.

>> No.2625904

Because right now we are "standing on the shoulders of giants" and capable men push the sky a bit higher.

This is quite different from the age, when every inventor was "a giant" on his own. Current world rewards different skills than ancient world.

>> No.2625909 [DELETED] 

pic related

yeah they may have stole the tech, but they still have it

anyway, they have a space program and they have nukes

>> No.2625913
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pic related

>> No.2625919

>poetics not realpolitik

>> No.2625922


wrong. they may have tanks and artillery and guns that are on par, but war is not just about having the fanciest weapons. most of the us's advanced military tech is in information technologies, satellites, computer technologies and the such. eu has nice weapons because we work together on that. they have 1% military efficiency, irrespective of the size of their armies.

>> No.2625934


china, eu, usa, russia have nukes

the great equaliser

>> No.2625947


1950's bullshittery. nukes prevent direct wars. but thats what we have third world countries for, fighting in

>> No.2625973

but it means usa's superior tech is really not such a force, because all wars are small wars over influence, not wars for survival. they aren't even wars for resources, seeing as resources are traded among enemies.

another reason why the usa is wasting money, going in the wrong direction, etc.

>> No.2625983


if you believe "small wars" are not important, you need to get some real perspective.

>> No.2626028
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>Where's the great music and art of the East?

Confirmed for ignorant fuck who has never heard of Ryuichi Sakamoto.

Go back to listening to Baiber you tool.

>> No.2626040

Yes clearly because he has not heard of one particular Asian guy he must like Bieber, fantastic logic.

>> No.2626049


It was a joke, go back to scraping paint off the walls or reorganizing your crib toys.

>> No.2626054

>greatest nation

We're not talking about greatest nations, and GDP is a terrible way to rate countries in terms of their "greatness". China will rise due to the fact that it is fucking huge, stable and capable of exploiting the increasing accessibility of tertiary industry.

It does not require a nation of geniuses to be industrious on a large scale.

>> No.2626077

What was "poetic" about it. I used the shorthand expression of "standing on the shoulders of giants" as everybody knows what it means. It is a skill to push the boundaries of established science. The skill, that has become more worthwhile when the boundaries get very wide. Same skill, in some ways stubborn individualism, was not needed thousand years ago and is not appreciated in China.

"Realpolitik" was a strange word for you to use. It has no place in describing the situation, but if you want to go by looking at results and tangible things, then the real answer is - China has no inventions in modern era.

>> No.2626083
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If chineses are so smart, why do they all work at City Wok?

>> No.2626085

no one said they weren't "important" usa's small wars since ww2 have been a very important lesson in how not to pursue national interests overseas.

korea was okay, though provoking china was stupid, vietnam was a failure, gulf 1 a missed opportunity, gulf 2 an unnecessary quagmire, afghanistan perhaps a necessary quagmire.

>> No.2626098

People who say "Asians are uncreative" or somefuck are just losers who are profoundly ignorant of history and grasping at straws to try to justify a of superiority for their "race."

And generally, people who are proud of being a particular race are people with nothing to be proud of on an individual level, and blame their failures in life on everyone and everything but themselves.

>> No.2626107

Your penis envy is showing.

>> No.2626109
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> mfw I've never watched an Asian movie, read an Asian novel or listened to an Asian piece of music in my entire life.

Come at me weaboo faggots, I'm perfectly happy having never seen Spirited Away, Ran or Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

They'd never measure up to American movies anyway

>> No.2626119
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>america is best because americans say it is best

>> No.2626121

>Implying I'm Asian.
>Implying my penis isn't bigger than yours, according to your mother.

>> No.2626122


Fucking true.

>> No.2626129

>very scientific post

>> No.2626131
File: 458 KB, 1227x795, americanculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You forgot one part.

America is best because the whole world watches American television portraying America as best.

We may not be best, but we're clearly not the only ones thinking so.

>> No.2626136


>People who say "Asians are uncreative" or somefuck are just losers who are profoundly ignorant of history and grasping at straws to try to justify a of superiority for their "race."

No, they're people who are well aware of the present. The stifling of creativity in East Asian cultures, particularly in schools, is recognised over there as well as over here. There's quite a strong movement in Japan towards reforming the curriculum because they're aware that it doesn't encourage children to be creative and is too heavily-geared to creating walking encyclopaedias and calculators.

You don't have to be a racist to see that East Asian culture is not as conducive towards creativity and individuality as Western culture. This isn't a race issue; it's a culture issue.

>> No.2626137

>They'd never measure up to American movies anyway
shame some of the best us movies are copies of asian movies

>> No.2626140


Ancient Greece > Anything China ever accomplished

>> No.2626147
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>implying the rest of the world watches that crap for any reason other than to laugh at the bad stereotyping

Still, if that's the message you guys want to send out..

>> No.2626149
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>mfw sciducks think culture is monolithic

>> No.2626154
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> mfw you actually believe that

Enjoy being assimilated

>> No.2626160


I never knew Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind, Casblanca, The Godfather 1+2 and Apocalypse Now were originally Asian, please elaborate

>> No.2626167

>You don't have to be a racist to see that East Asian culture is not as conducive towards creativity and individuality as Western culture. This isn't a race issue; it's a culture issue.

>Implying that the great creative geniuses of the West were derived from a certain educational "style".

China is economically well past the point that Europe was during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, when the great artists, composers, architects and philosophers came to the fore. If it COULD produce them, it would have by now.

Face it. The difference is racial.

>> No.2626173
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Don't worry. I'll be fine.

Heck, I think i'll go watch some BBC now to donate to Murdoch's enterprises.

Your economy could probably do with the spare pennies.

>> No.2626181

>doesn't understand the word "some"

>> No.2626194


> Fails to understand that America has produced about a million movies that have contributed to the world's cultural heritage far more than the entire Chinese film history combined, and that The Departed wouldn't even be considered one of them.

>> No.2626211

Asian brains are not wired to be creative.

>> No.2626216

>China is economically well past the point that Europe was during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, when the great artists, composers, architects and philosophers came to the fore. If it COULD produce them, it would have by now. Face it. The difference is racial.

What makes a golden age happen has nothing to do with race. Why did Renaissance Florence, a small town by modern standards, produce so many great works of art and science in such a short period, but nothing of particular note before or since? Did a master race suddenly evolve and then immediately die out? No. Don't be stupid.

>> No.2626218

>world's cultural heritage
>read: America's cultural heritage

>> No.2626230


Unlike Asian movies, American movies are actually seen all over the world, so fuck you.

>> No.2626245

America has produced a lot of great things. Hopefully they will continue to for a while more. Don't let retarded stormfags make you forget that.

>> No.2626264



about 4/5 of those films are American, about 3 of them are Asian.

IMDB is popular website all of the world, so even if doesn't say anything other than the popularity of bad taste, then at least it confirms that bad taste is something shared by everone.

>> No.2626273


This. People who immediately jump to race as the explanation for everything are without exception deeply ignorant of history.

>> No.2626295

>Did a master race suddenly evolve and then immediately die out?

No, but Renaissance Florence is not the only place where the great Western geniuses have developed their work. It is in fact riddled throughout history and in many Western countries.

And yet even when we look through the entirety of Chinese history, there are no such great developments, no such geniuses. You say that this is due to factors apart from race, however it could be said that the creative flashpoints only occur with the enabling factor of Western creativity.

I have absolutely no doubt that Eastern artistic poverty is caused by an inseparable cultural/genetic link, and that when China grows to be one of the largest, if not the largest economy, it will not be met with a proportionate increase in innovation, especially not in the arts.

>> No.2626308

its true but asians dont have revolutionary geniuses the same way whites do. their intelligence is slightly different. and it is entirely genetic, as is the inferior intelligence of blacks which has no redeeming quality.

>> No.2626319
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> mfw not one single relevant philosopher in the history of the world was Asian, and the entire country of China is modeled after an ideology invented by a German.

Forever irrelevant.

>> No.2626324
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>entirety of Chinese history
>no such great developments
>no such geniuses

>Has never heard of Confucianism or Taoism

>> No.2626330

>superior secondary school system


>> No.2626331
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> Religion
> Great development
> Genius

Outb4 you go full retard and claim that they are valid philosophies, not religions.

>> No.2626336

>not one single relevant philosopher in the history of the world was Asian

>I have no knowledge of it, therefore it does not exist

>> No.2626343


If I haven't heard of it, it's not relevant so yeah...

>> No.2626347

>And yet even when we look through the entirety of Chinese history, there are no such great developments, no such geniuses.

Then you're obviously not looking very hard.

>> No.2626353

>Earn Doctorate in home country
>Come to America to teach community college

>> No.2626358
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Religion invariably played a massive part in defining Philosophies right up until the Enlightenment.

Heck, even until the early 1960's most of the great philosophers were religious.

China was put through the Cultural Revolution then, and is still under an oppressive regime which quashes almost any semblence of individual thought.

If we hadn't dropped religion from our philosophies by then, what right do you have to denounce their greatest philosophers for being religious?

Are you calling all philosophers pre-1970 irrelevant, too?

>> No.2626360
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> Nothing relevant since the middle ages

>> No.2626383


I didn't say that you'd have to be an atheist to be a relevant philosopher, I said whatever philosophy you invent have to apply without religion to be relevant.

Taoism, buddhism and confucianism have no logical basis, therefore they are religions.

>> No.2626406

this shit again.

What are the best inventions for the last 300 years. For the last 500 years?

>> No.2626423
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> mfw people argue that China is a cultural empire when all it's contributed to the world for the past 500 years has been cheap knockoffs of American inventions

>> No.2626428

What reason do you suppose that history = genetics?

If so, can we say that North Europeans were uncivilized niggers from an Greek/Muslim perspective in the 1400s?

The fact that the Qing Empire for example, discouraged and outright banned science and progression, and banned ships as well as made eunuchs of the smartest advisers were reason enough for the hurr 300 years argument.

>> No.2626434
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>He doesn't think the Microsloft Gamestation 360 is culturally significant

>> No.2626435

They may be religions, but they were designed also for specific niches within the society.

Confucianism laid out the correct standards for rule of such a society.
Taoism concerned itself with improving the health and longevity of the body.
Buddhism centered around the betterment of the mind.

There was some overlap between the three, sure, but they all managed to play their own unique role in defining the Chinese culture.

>> No.2626440

>Implying that a different race lived in China 500 years ago.

>> No.2626444

Get out of here troll.

>> No.2626445

Culture! = Inventions

By that logic, the relative lack of inventions from East and South Europeans in 100-200 years or so(non-Italians) means that they are uncultured right?

Anyone who's been there knows Southern Europe is generally more cultured than the north.

>> No.2626466


And yet how have these great philosphies made their impact?

If you look at the Chinese society, it's obvious that it hasn't had the philosophical revolutions that we in the west have had. There is no respect for human rights, private property, liberty, creativity, originality or any kind of out-of-the-box-thinking. All the values that have established the current Western hegemony are completely absent in China.

>> No.2626468
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> Southern Europe more cultured than the north

You've got to be shitting me dude

>> No.2626471

I actually didn't mention anything about race. Might have been someone else in this thread.

My argument is, that different times value different traits. Short and stocky men were all the rage during the stone age as they had low center of gravity - useful in a fight. Later, when weapons were developed, tall men became more successful as their tall hands had bigger reach.

Chinese national characteristics have stayed the same but things have changed during the times so traits, that bought success 2000 years ago might not do so now.

>> No.2626473

It takes no creativity to dominate the consumer electronics market amirite? It takes no creativity to be called the most innovative country according to industry leaders amirite?


>> No.2626483


But we were talking about China...

>> No.2626495

If I went back maybe 200 years ago I can easily say that about other parts of Europe. If I went back 500 years ago I can say that about most of Europe.

History doesn't mean anything about the actual topic of this debate, whether there really is more genetically endowed geniuses or not which is what the debate is about.

Well that's from a subjective perspective, but North Europe tends to be less lazy and more industrious. I prefer Southern European food, art, operas, architecture and etc. though.

>> No.2626498

Confucius, Buddha, and Gandhi

>> No.2626499
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Unfortunately, not very well.

Once the corrupt Emperors made them backwards and crippled compared to the other Powers, even those philosophies couldn't save them.

There might still have been a chance for a great Chinese state if the Boxer Revolution had succeeded or if the GMD and Communists had fought each other to a standstill long enough for leftist anarchists to come to power, but those were both always going to be long shots..

>> No.2626500

I thought somewhere we were talking about the idea that Asians are biologically less creative. China, its obvious that they have largely stagnated for 200-300 years, but when talking about patterns in history that's irrelevant.

>> No.2626501


Southern and Eastern Europe:

Right-wing extremism

Northern Europe:

Not sure what you mean by cultured

>> No.2626516


Confucius' legacy is a communist dictatorship

Buddhism is bullshit hipster superstition

Gandhi was a fascist pedophile

>> No.2626525


Southern and Eastern Europe:

Right-wing extremism
>Nazis and BNP
>Not Southern Europe
>Not that high
>Implying Englishmen speak more than English, whereas the Spanish have various dialects

>> No.2626531

ITT: Anglo's taking credit for the Western civilization.

You guys were busy being barbarians while the Greeks and Romans were conquering the world. Anglos didn't contribute anything to the civilization until about 1000 years ago.

>> No.2626538
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> National socialism
> 60 years ago
> Cool story bro, sixty years ago Spain wasn't even a democracy

> Poverty
> Not southern Europe
> Implying Germany didn't just have to bail the entire region out

> Uemployment
> Not 20% in Spain

> Spain
> Speaking more than one language
> Northern Europe restricted to Britain
> Southern Europe restricted to Spain

>> No.2626539

White people shit their bricks when they learn that Islam is a pioneer in women's rights.

It obviously isn't by today's standards, but back then a lot of Mohammed's opposition came from traditionalists.

>> No.2626541

not disagreeing, but a communist dictatorship is certainly significant.

>> No.2626543

What is your point?

>> No.2626545

spain has imperial spanish and catalan

>> No.2626546


Confucius' legacy is a communist dictatorship
>Not really, it was a political philosophy on how to order a society. Not unsimilar to the Republic or The Prince. It wasn't necessarily communist because the cultural revolution practically destroyed it.

Buddhism is bullshit hipster superstition
>Nope not at all. Its actually quite significant and has almost no superstition if interpreted purely. Schopenhauer often remarks about how similar and close those two philosophies were. With that said Buddhism = Indian philosophy more so than Chinese.

Gandhi was a fascist pedophile
>The fuck. If I recalled that was Chandra Bose or whatever the dude who supported Japan was.

>> No.2626554

Why do Americans complain about the lack of creativity in East Asian culture while criticizing people who like Justin Bieber?

You can only say shit like "where is your Beethoven, Mozart, da Vinci," but I'm guessing half you shits can't recite a single Beethoven symphony in their heads.

>> No.2626564
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> mfw you're the one arguing that Spain is such a cultured country and I still have to teach you about it's culture

Spain has considerably more languages than Castilla and Catalan, Basque for one, is spoken by more people than Catalan.

Still, refusing to learn world languages is a typical sign of monoculture, and going to Spain, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone speaking English or even French.

>> No.2626568
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>Implying Spanish fascism until the 70s means the entire area is fascist.
>Implying HDI and GDP aren't similar to north Europe.
>Implying everyone else isn't fucked by unemployment. Look at Ireland.
>Implying Spain doesn't have a fuckton of languages and dialects.

>> No.2626573

Statistically not true. Even if a whopping 1% of the population are geniuses that's only 10 million.

>> No.2626574

You guys are suck balls at history/political science/anthropology.

Leave liberal arts and humanities to people who actually major in them.

>> No.2626577

>You guys are suck balls


>> No.2626579

Most people who talk shit about justin bieber are 14 year olds who listen to ac/dc and Guns 'n' roses then claim to be unique. It is all one big cycle. When I was that age it was miley cyrus or something.

>> No.2626581

Asians are more likely to be able to due to the fact that absolute pitch occurs in people who speak tonal languages more often.

I have that ability but speak only English.

>> No.2626587

In all fairness Southern Europe does dominate in the harder aesthetical fields, like architecture. Rather decent cars they have too. The only reason UK has a "culture" is that everybody in Europe speaks their language.

>> No.2626594

Which is entirely not their fault. Americans are the reason why English is dominant outside of the commonwealth.

>> No.2626598


You don't need perfect pitch to memorize sounds. My analogy was meant to prove that even if white people use Beethoven as an example of their cultural superiority, they don't know shit about him or his music.

>> No.2626600


>implying Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber are not the same generation

>> No.2626607


Look at the Balkans, Italy and Hungary. Those countries aren't democratic by modern standards, and they are located in southern and eastern Europe. Every country in the north is fully democratic.

And GDP isn't similar to northern Europe:


Great Britain is the lowest country in northern Europe (not counting Estonia) at 26'th, yet they are still 17% ahead of Spain.

Ireland is the only country in Northern Europe in financial difficulty. By comparison, no country in southern or eastern Europe is in financial stability.

Again, not knowing world languages is a sign of monoculturalism, if you travel to southern Europe as a tourist, it's impossible to communicate, because the uncultured fucks know only their own irrelevant language and some regional dialects.

>> No.2626610

Nope, genius is around 2% of the IQs, so that would be 1 million people in china.

But probably not even that, as east asian bellcurves are different from ours, a higher average but a lower varriation, so 140+ IQs would be much more rare

>> No.2626611

Yes you do. Absolute pitch means being able to play music without reading notes and basically mastering notes and pitches and etc. You're right though, most people except classical musicians can remember beethoven for anything besides hurr classical.

>> No.2626613

ITT: butthurt CHINA STRONG faggots get told by rational arguments.

>> No.2626626


Meditation, the core of Buddhism, has no scientific basis. So it's superstition.

And Gandhi really was a fascist pedophile. He was against the creation of Pakistan, plus he supported the Hindu caste system.

And he slept with 12-year-olds every night. Allegedly to "exercise ultimate restraint".

>> No.2626631
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But you're wrong though. According to the Rindermann study, Asians have the highest top5% average IQ.

The bell curve shape is made by some hackjob comparing GDP or some shit.

>> No.2626638

Its a practice, but not necessarily the philosophy behind buddhism. And which, meditation actually does have scientific bearing, improving certain mental functions and relieving stress.

Gandhi wanted a united India that were all brotherly and shit. Source on 12 year olds.

>> No.2626646


>Absolute pitch means being able to play music without reading notes and basically mastering notes and pitches and etc

What the christ?

Anybody can play a C major scale from memory, but that doesn't mean that they have perfect pitch.

>> No.2626649


>butthurt British imperialist

>> No.2626650

a "genius IQ score" is generally around 140 to 145 and up

this constitutes about 0.25% of the population

0.25% of the population of China is about 3,352,500

so no, if you go PURELY by that "definition" of "genius"

>> No.2626660

So it would be true if the country was Sweden, Austria or Switzerland.

>> No.2626661

ever heard of MBSR? its science-ified meditation

ever heard of pakistan? the most vile islamic republic on the planet and the only one with nukes. yea, ghandi was really wrong on that one.

who gives a fuck if he raped kids every day or just slept with them? really, this is the same stupidity that people knock the founding fathers of the us with calling them salver owners and slave rapers. who gives a fuck, this shit had no bearing on their impact on history, private life is private

>> No.2626663

Is it just me or isn't this thread a repost? I swear I've seen it two-three times.


Also that.

>> No.2626670


Scientific studies on meditation have been inconclusive at best, google it.

Plus what he wanted doesn't matter, he was a racist and an oppressor, he treated his family like shit and he did indeed sleep with underage teens, if not 12-year-olds. They were his relatives though.


>> No.2626672


You seem to have read a different thread than I did. In this thread, stormfags just keep repeating "asians aren't creative hurr durr" and getting rationally countered at every turn.

>> No.2626682

>a "genius IQ score" is generally around 140 to 145 and up

"Genius" is not generally anything. It's not a technical term.

>> No.2626691



> Jon Kabat-Zinn has said that his program has nothing at all to do with Buddhism.

So because Pakistan is worse than the shithole that is India, Gandhi's claims are legitimate?

You're making India out to be so much better on the basis that it's secular and democratic, but the caste system says otherwise.

>> No.2626692
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>he treated his family like shit and he did indeed sleep with underage teens.

Sounds oddly reminiscent of JFK.

>Plus what he wanted doesn't matter, he was a racist and an oppressor

Oh! Oh! I know this one!

It's Bush Jr., Right?

What do I win?

>> No.2626696

Not really. There's no significant literature, but its there that mediation can have impact on your mental health.


Neuroplasticity is the fact that your brain rewires and changes due to environmental stimulus, and given that meditations can likely literally change your mind.

Also, Gandhi was celibate since he was 35 and only slept beside them to test his celibacy. Pedophilia implies he fucked them.

>> No.2626705


JFK didn't sleep with his relatives and he didn't make up some bullshit religious excuse.

And Bush Jr. didn't do it either, so your argument holds no basis.

Plus no one would ever argue either of those two are important philosophers, so what is really your argument? That because some people in the west are bad it is ok for people in the east to worship degenerates like deities?

>> No.2626710

mark zuckerburg is a faggot, this thread blows

>> No.2626711

Caste system is actually outlawed and the government practices affirmative action to get rid of it.

Its culturally still there, but every generation its dying. It'll likely be gone when and if India modernizes.

Radical Islam on the other hand, is fucking up Pakistan hard.

>> No.2626718


Asians mad about having smell peni

>> No.2626723


I think these last few months have proven that the Islamic world is just as ready for reforms as the Indian

>> No.2626728
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> only slept beside them to test his celibacy

>> No.2626751


The US owes China 1.2 trillion according to latest estimates. 30 Percent higher than previous figures.

Also they owe glorious Britain 250-300 billion. So ITT, Americans are basically saying, hey our government is a deadbeat but atleast it isn't shitty and undemocratic.

>> No.2626752
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> mfw I slept with my 12-year-old cousin to test my celibacy

>> No.2626773
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You meant Gandhi as a philosopher..

Well, i'd have to disagree with you there.

He was a great national leader, the founding father of modern India and a champion of non-violent protest, but he was no philosopher of note in comparison to his peers.

>> No.2626780


If interpreted purely, any religion makes sense on a philosophical level.

>> No.2626791


But he was an awful leader, he completely alienated the country's largest minority and was a fierce advocate of a truly fascist social structure.

>> No.2626805


the exact same statement can be said about abraham lincoln. it doesn't mean he was wrong.

>> No.2626829


If you boil it down to an extreme level..

Comparing the difference between emancipation and slavery to the difference between Hinduism and Islam is absurd.

Plus, which fascist social structure did Abraham Lincoln support?

The emancipation proclamation was fascist now?

>> No.2626837

Chinese civilisation is like european dark/middle ages stretching on forever. Of course they invented some stuff at a slow rate, just like 12th century europe had plough, spectacles and mechanical clocks, but they never had any real widespread innovation, which is for hugely cultural reasons (oddly genetics may predispose certain people towards certain cultural values (chinese civilisation lasted way longer than any western one), and cultural values may effect what characteristics are seen as attractive, thus having genetic effects).

But it's mostly cultural imo. Confucian philosophy encourages conformity and this has far-reaching effects in east even today.

The azn people i know who've lived all their lives in the west are more creative and free-thinking than the average white (even intelligent ones) ( being slight "outsiders" and belonging to hugely different cultures makes them more likely to think about things for themselves (when forming a cultural identity/ personal philosophy) instead of just mindlessly conforming ).


Chinese stealth plane tech was stolen from us.

>> No.2626895

>/sci/ has a long thread and it's not about science, rather philosophy

>> No.2626899
File: 919 KB, 867x743, Death_Scythe-Saddened.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Gandhi prevented war.

Millions died in the crisis, true, but he never allowed his country to fall to civil war.

Abe couldn't accomplish that.

>> No.2626917

rather politics and history.

>> No.2626918

>pretending islam isn't the enslavement of women

also, your throwing around fascism like its the thinking mans way of calling someone a nazi
fascism is gov't by, for, of corporations. lincoln won the civil war by making huge concessions to american industry and begining americas hundred year long slide into fascism.
this had nothing to do with emancipation

>> No.2626925

Not really. The European dark/middle ages were much more backwards than China according to Polo for example.

China didn't have a continuous golden age. They had one during the Imperial Han dynasty and then a few hundred years after that until the Mongols came in and depopulated half the population and destroyed their learning centers. They did the same thing in Baghdad, where they killed the caliph and destroyed all universities, leaving madrassas standing though.

Afterwards they just outright banned and discouraged any science or technology, actually anything that might threaten the emperor. I think one famous policy was to move everyone miles inland so they can't have contact with the outside world.

>> No.2626943

you might have missed a few posts
there's even some religion

>> No.2626949

>Question about quote from Facebook
>174 posts and 29 image replies omitted.
>Racist statements and "but this Asian guy did that" or "American movies are better".
It's less general than you think.

>> No.2626959

sure is stormfront/aryan empire in here. Reported, this shit isn't /sci/

>> No.2626974

Reading this thread is like reading a 9th grade proficiency essay.