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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 208 KB, 464x629, capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2625108 No.2625108 [Reply] [Original]

>Feudalism - The peasant toils for the landlord, who in turn is indebted to him for developing the land and giving off produce. As much as 60-90% goes to the landlord while a measly 40-10% goes to the peasant for all his hardwork.

>Capitalism - The laborer toils for the capitalist and he is in turn "indebted" to him for using his capital (equipment, building, etc) and he must "pay" this off by producing commodities. The capitalist gets as much as 60-90% of the wealth off the backs of the laborer's sweat while a measly 40-10% goes back to the laborer.

Face it econfags, in terms of wealth distribution, you know this to be true. Capitalism is just the continuation of yesterday's slave-labor. Superficial differences might exist such as free labor movement, but marginally, you're in the same boat.

>> No.2625118

Only difference is that, in capitalism, you can choose your landlord.

But how do you people get the idea that shit like this belong on /sci/, anyway?

>> No.2625159
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Economics is a viable, empirical science verified through extensive experimentation and is supported with data all over the world. Their scientific theories obviously ring true no matter what system as every econfag says!

I have gleamed great insights after listening to Ron Paul and Peter Schiff. Thank you Fox News for another job well done in delivering fair and balanced reporting.

>> No.2625166


>cite the superficial differences
>didn't read OP's post exactly stating that and is irrelevant

You're more of a faggot than OP.

>> No.2625172

"but marginally, you're in the same boat."
Quantify that please.

>> No.2625188

And your less oppressive alternate system for rationing capital is?

>> No.2625187 [DELETED] 

Adam Smith here.

Let me laugh out loud while people take seriously my socio-political philosophy on how to plunder countries dry with their resources without even sending armies in.


>> No.2625190
File: 18 KB, 340x377, adam-smith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam Smith here.

Let me laugh out loud while people take seriously my socio-political philosophy on how to plunder countries dry with their resources without even sending armies in.


>> No.2625192

I too learned from under their wings.
I decided on my own that i was too smart for work, so I'm here as they recomended, to educate these scientists all makin me mad.

>> No.2625199


>60-90% landlord
>40-10% peasant

>60-90% capitalist
>40-10% laborer

>/sci/fag doesn't know what "marginal" is.

>> No.2625211
File: 115 KB, 608x434, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>butthurt econfag is unable to accept his field of study isn't science

>> No.2625230
File: 131 KB, 465x474, 2073080769_dc4f7b8a74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In your heart, you know this to be true!

>> No.2625243

wait, i hope you knew i was kidding

>> No.2625257

The Venus Project is such horse shit. I was so pissed of at that recent Zeitgeist movie when they mentioned it. It completely ruined what started out to be a spectacular documentary.

>> No.2625264
File: 27 KB, 492x462, demotivational_posters_have_you_ever_been_so_mad_Demotives-s492x462-100084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>angry econfag gets ass handed back to him
>say I was only kidding so I won't make myself look like a fool
>still butthurt

>> No.2625270

>Face it econfags, in terms of wealth distribution, you know this to be true.

And you haven't mentioned why its wrong or bad in anyway.

Workers don't deserve to make as much as owners and entrepreneurs who invest their money and take on risk.

>> No.2625276
File: 51 KB, 459x680, Sovietflag berlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs tree-hugging Zeitfags when we can have good ol' traditional Soviets?


>> No.2625279

> Underwings of Ron Paul educates
> Too smart to work so came here
y u mad dawgin meh, i aint even mad

>> No.2625285
File: 84 KB, 344x400, 129609717153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Workers don't deserve

>> No.2625291

Seriously, the Venus Project is actually far less logical than even hard core Communism.

>> No.2625295
File: 61 KB, 360x259, awww-y-u-so-butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ad hominem
>cannot make rebuttals
>thinks I don't make 6 figures income a month using REAL science unlike fake shit-tier science like econ.

Econfag is so butthurt right now.

>> No.2625298
File: 3 KB, 203x188, 1295204724901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herp, derp, durr etc.

>> No.2625301

I can't tell which one of you idiots is the bigger troll

>> No.2625306
File: 11 KB, 247x204, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Workers don't deserve to make as much as owners and entrepreneurs who invest their money and take on risk.
>implying capitalists do any useful productive work and it's not the laborers who give them products to sell for profit

Captcha: expressly mine

I know captcha, I know.

>> No.2625312

Just GTFO, sport.

>> No.2625322

Urine added to a vast sea of urine.

>> No.2625333
File: 92 KB, 287x360, Awww-shit-nigga-Fuckin-5-star-Post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Economics in a nutshell! Fucking this. I can't believe people take his shit seriously when he was just trolling the hell out of countries resisting colonization. Ironic too that the West is being plundered dry because they are idiots who cannot discern that Adam Smith stood for the interests of the English Crown.

>> No.2625347
File: 75 KB, 450x268, mind-blown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This just makes too much fucking sense. Fuck you for destroying my world view.

>> No.2625350


Them trips!

>> No.2625353



>> No.2625355

Really? What resources is England plundering from the US?

>> No.2625363

Profits are a tiny portion of total economic output, labor takes up the majority of returns. So yeah, not feudalism

>> No.2625373


>being plundered by China and is practically a debtor nation

>also a debtor nation being plundered off its wealth

Keep on dreaming. Nice to see "Das Kapital" paying off when it was originally made for countries resisting colonization to free up its markets.

Time to read some Adam Smith biographies capitalist faggot.

>> No.2625398

UK is taking US's money by providing a quarter of US weapons. US efforts fund the NHS.

>> No.2625401


>implying the few top richest men aren't rich because they stand off the backs over the work of laborers.
>implying the people who do the bulk of the labor aren't being robbed dry.
>throw strawmen to stop addressing the issue.

Typical econfag apologist tactic.

>> No.2625412
File: 40 KB, 247x248, 1297168649762.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2625414

>60-90% capitalist
>40-10% laborer

What? In what world do you live?
It more 98% capitalist, 2% laborer

>> No.2625417

Wait, this is 4chan. Who the FUCK cares about taking advantage of others for their own gain? You fucking casual as fuck carebear go back to maple story.

>> No.2625420


OP stands corrected then, and proves his point even further.

>> No.2625423

It's more NOPE you uneducated blurt-er of conjured data.

>> No.2625421
File: 92 KB, 500x375, IAPxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can't choose not to have an exploiter, if all you have to sell is your own labor. That's why in the Communist Manifesto (or an early draft of it) Marx says that the worker belongs to the capitalist class as a whole, and must sell himself by the hour and by the day, unlike the slave who is sold once and for all.

>> No.2625429

For sure he is but there's something funny about how capitalism works
Each days more and more farmers kill themself because this system doesn't allow them to live correctly
In few times we won't have anymore food and we're all going to die of starvation
Finally there is justice in capitalism

>> No.2625431


>econfag butthurt about truth

>> No.2625434
File: 121 KB, 620x499, lossgain_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to flood this thread with depressing statistics? Real wages haven't increased since the 1970s.

>> No.2625437

Yes it is, don't forget fertilizers, weedkillers, insecticides and other shit like this that are just another way to steal the money of the laborers

>> No.2625446
File: 19 KB, 314x350, reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2625449


And yet retarded capitalist apologists claim that there has been immense growth in wages that led to the increased standard of living.

>don't cite debt spending
>don't cite people in 1st world countries now heavy in debt just to sustain 1st world standards of living

Just goes to show that econfags will pick and choose data to "prove" their theories pulled out of their asses correct.

>> No.2625452
File: 15 KB, 631x346, inequality-p25_averagehouseholdincom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2625458

Income, taxed with capital gain tax, hovers around 5% of the GDP.

How do you get your 60-90% number.

>> No.2625461

And as I said you have to remove fertilizers, weedkillers and insecticides to the income to know what they really have