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2619441 No.2619441 [Reply] [Original]

Transhumanism. Thoughts?

>> No.2619450


>> No.2619455



>> No.2619480

A biotechnoogical revolution is upon us. I'm in genetic engineering, seriously can't wait until I can do stuff to my own body. Bioshock, fuch yeah!

>> No.2619486
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>> No.2619492

Oh Lawd, you actually took the advice from /b/.

>> No.2619494


I am going to build a dragon

>> No.2619508

I'm looking forward to the abolition of aging. We should be able to make it so that your likeliness of dying has nothing to do with how old you are.

>> No.2619519
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>> No.2619528

one thing about preventig aging. if you're already old, how does that work? can you appear young again?

always imagined it like in LOST, the way jacob is always young

>> No.2619552


yes, your body will revert

>> No.2619557

I'm hoping that stem cells will allow the production of bodies to order, so that I can have a female body grown to my precise specifications and then have my brain put into it.

>> No.2619562

Can't wait to have a body like the main character in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.


For the fans.

>> No.2619576


if technological imortality (body parts and organs replaced by mechanical and electronic devices) is possible before biological imortality (you stay with your human looking corpse)
would you rather wait for the second one or go for the first one ?

planning on doing bioengineering too

>> No.2619593

sure is /v/ in here

>> No.2619601


Definately the first one, harder, better, faster, stronger, etc..

>> No.2619603

Is the mechanical body far better than the human one?
If so, no contest.

>> No.2619615

Tell me something guys, what's the point of living forever or even 1000 years?
There would be huge overpopulation and we would destroy ourselves even sooner.

>> No.2619618


surely you don't want to replace everything with mechanical parts?

>> No.2619624


othr than the overpopulated planet, there aren't really any downsides. then again, overpopulation is becoming a problem even without defiling aging.

also, it's not like we'll be immortal. just young and handsome.

>> No.2619626


ok that's what i thought
but i'm hesitating though

sure, technological imortality makes you stronger, faster, but you kinda loose your humanity...

having the pros of technological imortality with a human corps could be fuckin epic !

>> No.2619635
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Oh for the fucks sake, why does every transhumanist threads always have the furry and wanna be little girl faggots ?

>> No.2619638

For me it's because I don't want to die, because I enjoy living.

>> No.2619655

so, mechanical limbs... how would one control them? like an arm for example. are there simulated nerve cells or do you simply "imagine" it with your mind? it's not like you could feel your mechanical arm moving like a normal arm? or could you?

>> No.2619656


What's the point of anything? We're driven towards immortality by our fear of death, nothing more. And I think if people were immortal they'd be more willing to wait to have children, so over population would become less of a problem then it is today. And that would give humanity lots of time to prepare for an immense population.


It's an ideology that revolves around body modification. This attracts those who desire drastic changes to their bodies. Transhumanism also attracts progressives, who are more open to expressions of gender dysphoria and furfaggotry.

>> No.2619664

How does preventing dieing of old age mean someone is no longer human?


>> No.2619665
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for me its because i don't want to be like sad frog
fuck this, if i am born too young, i'll just become imortal and work on exploring the galaxy during the infinite time i would have
then i could die, no problem

>> No.2619676


you can still be murdered.

>> No.2619678

You may want to explore a galaxy, but I want to explore 10 million galaxies.

That's why I'm a Christian. What, you thought I'd be sitting on a cloud with a harp in heaven?

>> No.2619686

but given your history i'm pretty sure you will go to hell

>> No.2619689

How would you know my history?

>> No.2619696


the galaxy was just a metaphor
i want to experience everything i can

the fuck guyz i can do part of it right now
by climbing the highest mountain, becoming the fastest man on earth, becoming an astronaut, getting pussies everyday

but i am still sitting here refreshing my inbox :'(
aiming for imortality is just an excuse for my lazyness

feels bad man

>> No.2619700

Believing good things will happen when you die doesn't make it true.

>> No.2619702

This has always bugged me. It's to my understanding that aging is primarily caused by telomeres degrading. But what about puberty? What if you want to go back to being a teenager, or a child for whatever reason?

>> No.2619706


What you're describing is not even sci-fi.


You guys don't even know what's possible already, damnit.

As for my own; mechanical/nano transhumanism all the way, get rid of that disgusting organic shit.

>> No.2619709

But denying the possibility can only hurt you in the end.

I know there is a God, but do you know if there is or isn't a hell?

>> No.2619723

So how long untill we can geneticly engineer our eyes to see in more base colors?

>> No.2619725


Wow! When they perfect this, and make it anatomically acceptable... Just, wow!

>> No.2619733
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i fucking LOVE living in the future

>> No.2619735


engineered eyes could also take pictures, videos
and with an internet connection you could get the information even faster, imagine all the possibilities

>> No.2619742
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>> No.2619743

That story gets me every time.
Fucking religious nutjobs opposing what should be the singular focus of science.

>> No.2619744


not to mention zooming in. perhaps even seeing a wider spectrum of colors.

>> No.2619751


FUCK YEAH, pervets would love that

>> No.2619755

Explain consciousness.

>> No.2619759

I would trade in my stupid humanity in 0.1 seconds for a mechanical body.

>> No.2619760

subjective perception and awareness

>> No.2619761

Biochemical reactions taking place in a bag of meat.

>> No.2619772

I have one question for every one who wants to be one of these cyborg thingy's

why, some of you say you want to experience all you can and yet you don't live life to it's fullest
proven by the fact you're here talking about this.
if this stuff does come along fine, personally i don't expect to see it in my lifetime
but whats the point of saying you wan't this to experience life to the fullest when you're wasting what little life you know you have here talking about this

>> No.2619773


Tell me something guys, what's the point of living forever or even 30 years?
There would be huge overpopulation and we would destroy ourselves even sooner.

>> No.2619777

That's not a definition. It's a description. A lot of other things that have nothing to do with consciousness fit the same description.

>> No.2619778

people lose limbs and organs..

>> No.2619780

So we could have possibly Ghost in the Shell style cyborgs and cyberbrains in the future?

lets hope we get that without the 2 more world wars depicted in the universe that ravaged the world before

>> No.2619788

Then you explain why consciousness is anything different from say, cellular mitosis, other than the fact that you experience it?

Since you're the one proposing a difference, the burden of explanation lies on you.

>> No.2619789

so your reason for not doing anything better than what you are doing is fear
so why don't you teach your self an instrument or get a degree
i didn't say it had to be dangerous

>> No.2619794
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orderly build-up and decay of energy-states in a matrix of neurons, influenced by outside stimuli and records of former stimuli

>> No.2619795


>As for my own; mechanical/nano transhumanism all the way, get rid of that disgusting organic shit.

lets hope that Lucasart's terrible vidya gaem "Fracture" was not a story of things to come.. ie the civil war between the 2 split coasts of the United States between Cyber/nano transhumanism and organic/genetically engineered transhumanism

>> No.2619796


Not the one you replied to, but oh, I am working on that. Just I'd like to spend some free time since it is doing my results no good if I only work and never take a break.

>> No.2619799


Furries vs cyborgs? Dem furries won't stand a chance, it'll be a pathetic war which will only be described as a genocide in the latter records.

>> No.2619800

Didn't bother to read this thread because I find this concept stupid.

People dreaming of being immortal seems pathetic. You should strive to make your death honorable, not avoid it you fucking pussies.

>> No.2619807
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Because how honorable your life was totally matters when you're incapable of recognizing its implications.

Typical dumbass projecting purpose or meaning into the blank nothingness that is death.

>> No.2619808

now thats sensible
but for you since you are doing something produce hopefully that you enjoy, why do you want this stuff?

>> No.2619811


maybe you should read the thread. this is nothing about immortality, only to overcome natural limitations, such as not being able to regenerate limbs like reptiles for example.

immortality is unachievable and desiring it would be... living in an illusion.

>> No.2619819

Immortality is only unachievable because the universe itself has a lifespan.

There's no reason we can't make ourselves biologically immortal, though. We may all die when the big crunch nears, but that has little relevance to biological immortality.

>> No.2619822


Well, that very often seems to be the way for arguments against trans-humanism on the science side of things: "I do not know about something happening, therefore it cannot be happening." At least, that seems to be the general feeling in most such arguments.

Well, whatever.

>> No.2619828


sorry to just jump in, but i thought i would join. i see this more as a backup plan. you know, in case you lose sight, an arm, legs, or whatever, so nothing is over yet, and you can defeat those boundaries. i wouldn't go mechanical unless i really had to.

"I never asked for this."

>> No.2619829

i agree with this somewhat but isn't there a middle ground
personally i enjoy getting older you can have a good time and i look forward to many years ahead but i don't wan't to live forever
it would take meaning out of so many achievements
more importantly it would take that warm fuzzie feeling i get as an atheist and an astronomer
im at peace with mortality but im not going to die over some out-dated concept such as honor

>> No.2619836

You could always kill yourself if you get bored after a few thousand years.

>> No.2619840

You can't predict what it will be like 100 years from now, but we are already capable of simple procedures like identifying genes for genetic disease and using embryo selection to cure them in future generations.

>> No.2619858
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>being immortal seems pathetic
>make your death honorable

>> No.2619862

it would still take the meaning out of hard work and achievement

>> No.2619869

Not really. If everybody is immortal, the guy that works hard and accomplishes something 10 years before everybody else still reaps the reward. It's not like time stops; it's just time will no longer kill you.

Why do you think achievement would die with human aging?

>> No.2619870


Why I want those transhuman enhancements? Should that even be a question?

I have hardly any confidence humanity as it is now can build something like an Utopia. Humans tend to be jealous, aggressive, think on short term, egocentric and all such. Sure, there are nice things aswell, but it'd be foolish to not to try to overcome those bad things. I'm an idealist, despite being talented; I do not seek wealth or happiness myself; nay, I will not be truely able to enjoy it while I know people around me live in shitholes.

Another point is that I want to enlighten myself even further then I currently can. Yes, this is hard to explain by words, but my greatest desire is to know, to think beyond my current limits. Since the human brain is limited, works in a quite unefficient way, I will try to overcome it by creating an AI-like brain. Not to let it do things, like most predict, but to transfer my own mind to that, greater and superior brain (of course, this might be quite a long proces by gradually replacing cells in my brain, but that's a story for another time). Sure, this latter part is more sci-fi then current reality, but that's why I seek to achieve immortality, so I can live to experience ultimate enlightment.

>> No.2619871

i think we might see the rise in transhumanism in the next 20 years. when the technology has evolved and become available for everyone, this will change the medicine as we know it.

it's only a matter of few variables.

1. perfecting the technology (and anatomy should be considered here as well. we don't want to have robotic parts that don't resemble humans or just don't fit on our body (in terms of design and stuff))
2. making it widely available

there was a time when penicilin did not exist and people died from diseases that we now don't even consider serious illness. transhumanism will have a similar impact on the world. blindness will no longer be a problem, mental illness will be cured, etc.

>> No.2619879


photographic memory

>> No.2619885
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If you like death so much, perhaps you should try it out yourself.

>> No.2619890
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My face when most people here don't even have health care, let alone the money for awesome genetic enhancements.

>> No.2619892

>my greatest desire is to know, to think beyond my current limits. Since the human brain is limited,

have you actually reached those limits? and not just things you don't understand because you haven't put the work in but have simply come across concept you cannot understand that nobody understands because they can't
as far as im aware there's no such thing

>> No.2619894

guys, guys, we are all forgetting something which should be taken into consideration. very important.

big brother is watching. unless you are able to enhance yourself (which may work for some parts, but i seriously doubt you enhancing your own brains), how can you trust the human augmentation companies that won't spy on you? and we're talking about the ultimate surveillance, even control!! enhancing your brains, only to find out that THEY KNOW EVERYTHING THAT GOES THROUGH THEM!

think about it.

>> No.2619898

The rich will be first to buy intelligence augmentations, thus facilitating their financial and mental domination.

Oh what a bright future.

>> No.2619903


It's not about not understanding something as we speak of Einstein's relavitation theory or something, it's about increasing the capacity of the mind itself. Enable us to comprehend things faster, comprehend things infinitely more complex then we can curently talk about.

>> No.2619904
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"There's a special kind of nerd though, who thinks computers will overtake humanity in thirty years, changing humanity in ways incomprehensible to us now, ignoring the third of the world without electricity. so the singularity is the nerd way of saying "in the future being rich and white will be even more awesome." it's flying car bullshit: surely the world will conform to our speculative fiction, surely we're the ones who will get to live in the future, it gives spiritual significance to technology developed primarily for entertainment or warfare, and gives nerds something to obsess over , that isn't the crushing vacuousness of their lives"

>> No.2619906
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It is indeed, considering I come from a rich family.

>> No.2619909

not that guy, but SHIT, Inurdaes, make your point a bit easier to spot, I almost fell off my chair when I thought you agreed with that sentiment.

>> No.2619911

That's why we need to make technology more individualistic with nano-assemblers and DIYbio. When we can manipulate are own genome at will we no longer need the state. I'm for transhumanism because we can finally say every man is an island. We can be self-sufficient gods.

>> No.2619920
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I will never think like that. I would sooner die.

>> No.2619922

But are you RICH ENUF to be first? Otherwise you'll be waiting till the price drops to 10 million while the Goldman Sachs CEO integrates his intelligence augmentations with high frequency trading machines and becomes a horrific abomination that would make Skynet blush.

>> No.2619925

i don't buy that infinitely more complex nonsense there is no such example
what i take from your post is understand things faster
yes general relativity is hard but not because it can't be understood but because it's counterintuitive and the math is hard
but thats the point in science anyone can understand something all it takes is hard work
you are not limited by you're brain you're limited by you're work ethic

>> No.2619928

Couldn't care less what Goldman Sachs does, provided I get my own augmentation and my own share of the intellectual monopoly.

>> No.2619929

A wild guess: this technology is going to be slightly above the pay level of DIYers and freelancers.

>> No.2619934

FYI relavitation isn't a word
its Einstein's theory of gravitation or general relativity

>> No.2619936

Until some enterprising engineer mass produces it.

In case you forgot, TVs used to be an upper class luxury.

>> No.2619938

>Einstein's theory of gravitation
what is this I don't even

>> No.2619943

There's only so much you can learn in one lifespan. Beig a polymath is almost impossible now. Think of how many misunderstandings happen because someone is smart in one subject but another. Can every physicist be an expert in biology too? What if I want to be a philosopher and an engineer? There's so little time in this life, we need to enhance our minds if we want to unify all knowledge.

>> No.2619944

Enjoy being a invincible robot slave, with only a human brain.

>> No.2619946
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>> No.2619948

General relativity (GR) is a theory of gravitation that was developed by Albert Einstein between 1907 and 1915.
no such thing as relavitation

>> No.2619950

>my own share of the intellectual monopoly.

How can you have a share of a monopoly (market ruled by one entity)? Wouldn't that at best be an oligopoly? Oh anon, you so silly.

Point is: the richest will adopt this technology first and fashion themselves demigods while the semi-rich and 99% of other humans get left behind. It's not like the power-hungry ultra-rich who can afford this greatly expansive intellectual power would then give it up by letting the unwashed masses in on it.

>> No.2619953


You do not get it. With transhuman enhancements you could proces all that math much faster. We, the humans, are still strugglings with quite basic calculations an ordinary calculator does without any trouble.

And you should read my posts better; I have little problems understanding general relativity or anything like that (given I will spend enough time into it), it's more that I'm hungering for more, in which my brain limits me. Time is limiting us in what we can know. Enhancing the mind itself will overcome those limitations.
And it's not only about knowing more, you'd also have much faster reflexes and such, or performing bizarre thought experiments.

>> No.2619957

everyone is so focused on the mental improvements.

what about strength? or vision? THE POSSIBILITIES!!

>> No.2619958

It doesn't matter what the rich want, you seem to think there's a limited amount of wealth to spend on biotech. They can't outright steal from you, and you can just save up. It will take longer, but you'll get what you desire eventually. After all, you have FOREVER to save up or pay back a loan. The normal rules of economics don't really apply when you're not racing against your own mortality.

>> No.2619960


Man, that comic you referred to is rather high on my personal list of examples of non sequitur presented as if it were a tangible, even irrefutable, counterargument. Though that's mostly because it keeps showing up, burning it's way into my memory from repeat exposure more than anything.

>> No.2619963

well most people do just fine in one or two fields when it comes to overlap you can always consult and real up
in real science you can't be a master of everything not because you don't have enough time to learn but because there's more to science than learning you need to discover which is what scientist spend their lives doing and many would rather discover one thing in their lifetimes than know all of accepted physics

>> No.2619965

The single entity is the united intellectual elite.

If Microsoft were to own every computer anything in the world, you wouldn't say "it's not a monopoly because Microsoft isn't a single individual".

>> No.2619967


it's only a matter of time until it hits the market and becomes available for everyone. tvs, telephones, radios, cellphones, all of those things were once exclusive to rich people. but not anymore.

>> No.2619969

You can't presume to know how a hyperintelligent being would act.

If the ideas behind socialism and other quasi-altruistic systems are true, that the greatest individual benefit comes from an egalitarian society, the rich may find it's in their interests to make brain chips available to everybody.

Thing is, you don't know how they will react, so why be an irrational pessimist instead of maintaining a detached scientific "I don't know" stance?

>> No.2619975

Step 1: Establishing GLORIOUS TRS.
Step 2: Creating a way immortalize the shit out of anybody.
Step 3:Creating at the very least brain implant for having photographic memory (BONUS, memory will be full of all the science stuff (other stuff too maybe, but who cares).
Step 4: Elevating ANYTHING to the level of our brightests. (i plan to adapt it to animals, for the lulz. And to trolls [insert any word] supremacists all over the world.)

>> No.2619984

you also can't presume that making a hyperintelectual brain and than transferring a person into that brain which would make them hyperintelectual is even possible

>> No.2619989
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You can't explain this.

>> No.2619991

We've made that an axiom of this discussion, however, so go scuttle off to your grade school and learn about grammar.

>> No.2619996
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>> No.2620000

Is there actually some kind of objective scientific analysis of the potential of transhumanism or is it all just "HURR, FLYING CARS, SAGAN, RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY, CRYSTAL HEALING" nonsense?

>> No.2620005


And you know, even if that pessimistic appraisal of the wealthy attempting to lock out the poor holds true, how would they realistically do so?

After all, there would be all the technicians and doctors and scientists, each of whom could be taken by humanitarian sentiment and try and help out the less fortunate. Heh, and that's saying nothing of the more entrepreneurial among them that would try to sell that technology, legally or otherwise.

>> No.2620036


Also, I should probably note that this idea of the rich cock blocking everyone else also makes one big assumption, which is that trans-human enhancement will be one or a very few discrete procedures or technologies happening in a manageable way, rather than the more likely explosion of seemingly unrelated technologies, gadgets, medicines and whatnot... which is probably in it's early stages right fucking now.

>> No.2620039

combining the sheer computational prowess of computers with a human mind (we all do this merely by posting and scientists do this running simulations etc but that is kind of clumsy) seems too beneficial not to be eventually done someday.

We will, as always, get there through medicine to circumvent the ethical problems inherent in this.

As a side note, I dread the times when we will finally understand the brain as the possibilities this opens are enormous and quite grey morally. It will also mark the evolution of robotics to true bio-engineering and that in the end reminds me of a Brave New World scenario.

That's all assuming we survive that long and that there isn't some physical barrier preventing us from ever understanding all the quantum stuff that the brain makes use off.

Since its been done, however, I see no reason why it could not be first repeated and then taken to a new level.

>> No.2620040

My motivation for pursuing transhumanism stems from the reaization that I am not free.

I am confined in my own biology, inprisoned in this cell of flesh. My own bdy works agains my intrests, genetically programmed hormones constantly assaulting my mind, trying to force me to act as my genes command. I am not free, and nor is any other human as long as our minds are tied to these frail sacks of meat. The enslavement of humanity comes from our very biology, the genes are anscient, forged by evolution over millenias, their only purpose to replicate, and we are their vessels, their tools for that goal.

Each human faces this slavery, this domination of mind, others submit to it and pursue their instincts and emotions, just as the genes "intended".
I for one, don't accept this slavery. Unles I replace everything biological in my form, I can never be truly free. Until that goal is achived, I just have to fight against my own body, my own emotions and urges, because they are just trying to manipulate me. This, of cource, causes me great sorrow and pain, but they too are just manipulation and coersion of my genes. I will not submit!

If I have to lose my humanity to be free, I consider it a small price, for I did not ask to be born in this faulty and manipulative vessel. I am not fond of my body, it is the mind, the pattern that produces the illusion of consciounes, that matters.

And before any of you call me some sort of dualist, I tell you that I am a materialist. I just think that our mind are just an ilusion, produced by the complex patterns of chemical reactions in our brains. If this patterns are precerved, so are our minds, because pattern is not dependant on the hardware that produses it.

>> No.2620053


Typical transhumanist

It's all fetishism and faggotry.

>> No.2620054

Good luck fighting determinism. Everything you're doing at this moment, even dreaming of a cyborg body, is due to that "faulty and manipulative vessel" you're in, and even if you were to transhuman your way out of your carbon meatsuit, you'd still never be free. Your actions, your thoughts, everything would still be controlled by the laws of nature and physics.

You're a slave. Get over it.

>> No.2620066

And you're tje Uncle Tom of death. You think we can't be free simply because we've been trapped so long. Naturalness is the greatest form of Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.2620074

No, I'm a flawed representative of reason.

You, on the other hand, are the perfect example of why freshman philosophy and mid twenties angst should never mix.

>> No.2620080

Also, who said anything about "naturalness"?

>> No.2620094

Has anyone read The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton? Because that is the future I want.

>> No.2620112

I have, but I really hate the ideo of religious memes living on.

Though it might be awesome to be an edenist.

>> No.2620120

I would totally be an Adamist. Individuality is worth it, and biotech ships sound retarded.

>> No.2620133


Who wouldn't want to keep on living after physical death in a computer hivemind. Well I guess there would be some people, but I am definitely not one of them.

>> No.2620145


We will find a way!

As long as humans have existed, there has been barriers, that were suposed to limit the real of our existance, some have been imposed by our selves, others imposed by our lack of knowledge, ond others suposedly by nature.

rivers, mountains, deserts, seas, sky, space, all these have been borders, for our species and jet, we have broken them all. We have overcomed limits that were tought to be imposible to overcome. What limits are there left? What borders are there still for us to cross? I don't know know their number, but one of them is most likely the limitations of our biology, and perpehaps even even these laws of physics and determinism. We don't know if they are absolute and inpervious, but with enough knowledge, we shal find out. And if it is possible to break these laws, we will break them, because that is what we do. Through the ages, we have broken limitations, absolutes of their time, "laws" tought to be unbreakable. We shall continue this, until we we are truly free! For there is no knowledge unobtainable for us, no secret that we can't uncover, no mystery we can't solve, no pleasures for us to not to partake. For we are humans and this universe is ours!

>> No.2620146

And yet the most powerful adamist planet needed bitek to save it's ass?

Also, are you really saying edenists weren't individuals?

>> No.2620148

>religious memes living on
The reason you care so hard over the beliefs themselves and not the reasons why people believe in superstitions and use them to justify dysfunctional behaviour is related to the reasons why people believe in superstitions and use them to justify dysfunctional behaviour. You are what you hate.

>> No.2620171

No, I hated how the religious people still kept on doing stupid things for the sake of religion and because they couldn't open up to new ideas.

Edenists were eminently more able to fuck up the returned than any adamists.

>> No.2620209


Could you, fine sir, perpehaps elaborate you compelling and lenghty refutation?

>> No.2620262

Death is the only freedom.

Imagine being a transhuman electronic machine mind forever voyaging. Now imagine a rogue AI that somehow manages to ensnare your mind in an artificial reality of its own. A reality whereby all of your pain sensors are hooked up to provide you with maximum pain for the rest of time. Like a computer virus but from which you have no escape. Like that story "I have no mouth I must scream".

At least now you have the possibility of death. Nobody can contain you or entrap you forever. If your life is terrible then you can always end it. Maybe one day that option would not be available to you.

Sleep well.

>> No.2620301



Death is the anthema of life, suffering, altough unplesant is part of life, because it is, at least an experience. I love life, I love every sensation that my senses give to me. Touch, smell, light, darknes, even pain, because they tell me, that I still exist. I wan't to experience sensations beond human scope! I want to see radiowawes, feel the magnetic forces of the planet, I want to hear the melody of the cosmos. To accep non existance over existance, numbnes over sensations is alien to me.

Altough the situation you present is very horryfying, there is still an existance for the victim, a painful one, yes, but as long as he still exists he can eventually overcome the sensation and even the attacer, because as long as there is life, there is hope for chainge.

But I doupt that attacks of that kind would be very common. We could always protect ourselves from them. The risk of eternal suffering doesn't outweight the benefits of immortality. And even if some might fall for this kind of virus, it only would serve the rest of us. Weak would be weeded out.

>> No.2620304
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Who said that you will have to be a hightech non human looking machine in the future?

What we know today about ageing and science, it is theoreticly possible to be 80 years old but biologically 20 years old, of course you would have to train, be in form, take special medicine like enzymes, visit special therapies for agin causes and rejuvenation every couple of years. It is all possible TODAY, but because of ~ 60% of people, who belive in a supernatural imaginary beign, ageing research, death and other science and research is not progressing as it could, it's like a taboo thing. Sad, I don't like to live in this kind of world, but what can a single person do?

>> No.2620322

I fear death, because the greatest gift, that was given to me - my life, is too valuable to me to don't do nothing and accept it. Even animals fear for their lives!

>> No.2620359
File: 78 KB, 550x440, _sites_default_files_imagecache_node-gallery-display_jellyfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the key to biological immortality lies within this creature, if humans can find out how to emulate its cell behavior then we have a winner in our hands.

>A jellyfish’s lifespan usually ranges from somewhere between a few hours for the smallest species to several months and rarely to a few years for the bigger species. How does the only 4-5 mm long Turritopsis nutricula (let’s call it T’nut) manage to beat the system?
>Well, T’nut is able to transform between medusa and polyp stage, thereby reverting back from mature to immature stage and escaping death. The cell process is called transdifferentiation, when non-stem cells either transform into a different type of cell or when an already differentiated or specialised stem cell creates cells outside this specialised path.
>T’nut requires tissue from both the jellyfish bell surface and the circulatory canal system for its transdifferentiation. This switching of cell roles is not unusual and can be seen in many animals and humans, but usually only when parts of an organ regenerate. In T’nut’s case, reverting back to an immature state is part of its regular life cycle.


>> No.2620361


Do not be saddened! The obstruction of this kind of research stems from the highly religious/conservative parts of the population, wich in the western world consists mostly from the older generations. It is actually good thing, that they are slowing this research, because they shall never reap the benefits of it!

When they step down from the political arena, and start dying, the younger generations, wich are much moe indifferend on religious issues, if not outright against religions and have much more open mind set, the research for curing aging will see new prosperity. Because the current materialistic and higly individualistic midset that festers within these younger generations promotes this kind of self indulgence.
They, of cource will eventually become conservatives of their age, but the religious stigma against human improvement has mostly died with the previous generation. If these curren conservatives would be allowed to life longer, they could hold us back for far longer than they currently can. When they are dead, one of the biggest threats against tranhumanism has been dealt with.

>> No.2620362


Life, emotions are melody of the cosmos in exactly the same way magnetic fields and radiowaves are.

What makes me laugh about transhumanists is they want to actually go backwards in evolution.

Our bodies are glorious constructs and it will be quite some time until we learn to make things like that on our own. Once we do, however, only then we can begin transhumanism.

The only difference between biology and robotics is the level of sophistication is my point.

>> No.2620406

I'm not going to provide a pseudo-philosophical explanation for why I don't want to die. Simply existing, here, experiencing things with other people is a gift greater than anything else I can imagine possible.

>> No.2620420
File: 9 KB, 120x120, howaboutnobird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in their right mind would want to live forever. Fuck. That.

>> No.2620422

"In 2010 experiments in longevity and age reversal on mice at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute led to the first reversal of aging symptoms in a mammal[8] The mice were engineered to have damaged intestines, small testes, shrunken brains that produced no new brain cells, and a damaged olfactory sense, giving it an estimated human equivalent age of around 80. Researchers injected the mice with a drug that switched on a gene that stimulated telomerase production and the mice went on to live a perfectly normal lifespan. How significant the cancer risk from this treatment is, and if this treatment can be performed on humans or even non-genetically engineered mice is yet to be investigated."
From Wikipedia about Biological immortality.

>> No.2620423


You have no choice but to exist, since it cannot be possible to experience nonexistence.

I realised this as a kid and have been a happy person ever after.

>> No.2620424

what kind of material would the enhancements consist of? clearly it must bi non-corrosive and must not contain any hazardous material. flexible, sustainable, and yet not heavy. is there even such a material? i fear that there will be many incidents caused by improper elements used in those things.

>> No.2620434

I'm looking forward to uploading my mind.

>> No.2620453

I think you didn't come to the wright board, /b is your place.

>> No.2620455


And I don't disagree with you. I don't want weaker body, a form more frail than my current one. I want to improve myself! I just don't think that biologial systems, altough marvelous considering their origin, are ultimately going to cut it. Human bodies are adapted to specific einvorinment; earth, and specific purpose; reproduction. This complicated system is not, in any way perfect and suitable for my own wishes, and I doupt that anything biologial will ever be.

Biologial systems have always used relatively low ammount of energy and because of that, they can only use materials that can be manipulated with these low energies, such as carbon. This, altough neccesary for the star of life, makes biologial life very frail and vounreable in the grand shceme of things.

Metals and other composites, on the other hand, require massive ammounts of energy to make and manipulate, wich is why biologial life never used these materials in large scale. Compared to biologial systems, systems made from inorganic material are far more resilent to the forces of our universe. When we can forge inorganic mechanisms that emulate the organic ones equally or even better, the organic is left behind in the march of progres.

Inorganic is the next step for the organic, because it cannot be born naturally, organic life and inteligence is required to make it. But when it is made, it shal surpas organic life, because in the long run, it is more adapted to the whole universe, not just paricular planet.

When the technology has adapted enough, I shal cast away this shel of flesh, and be reborn in hull of steel, free to roam the cosmos as I see fit.

>> No.2620457


Mind upload, same as teleportation is just a refined form of suicide.

>> No.2620462

>Weak would be weeded out.

But then your techno utopia would forever be cursed with being an amoral movement of self-interested and eternally damned individuals, plus your argument hardly holds water. It's like saying that a nuclear bomb weeds out the weak from the strong. Not really, it just destroys everything in its path, and there could potentially be nothing that you could do to stop this process from happening.

Enjoy your eternal mind cage of suffering. I'll be kicking back, enjoying a nice bit of death.

>> No.2620482
File: 53 KB, 410x410, 1290564146996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give me another world war so scientists would have an excuse to perform human experimentation in China or bumfuck nowhere. Think of all the research data that can be collected, we'd be able to make some real progress...

>> No.2620487

Because biomaterials isn't a huge industry and we haven't been putting things into people for decades, amirite?

There are a lot of useful biomaterials. Stainless steel is on the low end of them, it still gets stuff into the bloodstream, but in small enough amounts slowly enough that it's still a pretty good choice for many applications. Then there are a number of ceramics and plastics, as well as fancy coatings that the body's cells grow onto and bond with.

Remember, we've been putting pacemakers and hip replacements and bone screws and stuff into people for decades, and they have to meet those criteria.

>> No.2620501

memory is brain's responsibility, not eyes. in the essence, we actually look with our brains. besides functioning like a camera, i don't really see a point in enhanced eyes except for the obvious advantages.

but organism can heal, metal cannot.

>> No.2620502


You seem to be some kind of a weaboo troll.

Pity those threads mostly consist of these, as it is an interesting topic to discuss.

>> No.2620532


I doupt mind uploading is possible in the traditional sence is possible without killing the uploader. The upload would only be copy, not the original.

In my view, the only way to computerise your mind, is to slowly replace every neuron in your brains with machines fulfilling exactly the same function. Because at what point, do you die and the computer brain is born. When your first cell is replaced? At the mid point?

I view consciousness as an illusion produced from the complex interconecting patterns of brain's neurons and memories. Memories also produce the sence of continuing consciousness. If you lose your memories, you could as well be considered reborn, because your personalit would have chainged as well as you sence of continuety.

The sence of continued self, is only a illusion produced by the inner mechanisms of our brain. If this chain of illusions can be maintained while your brain is slowly computerised, I doupt that you'd notice any difference.

i base all this on the realizition that every time you fall unconsious or asleep, you essentially cease exist. The consiousnes is no more. When you wake up, it is reborn from your memories and you don't notice anything.

>> No.2620537


inside of people, yes. but what about a whole limb being made of one such metal? it has to protect the nervous system (or equivalent simulation of it), and must be resilient to outer burdens.

>> No.2620554



Seriously, the fuck. I expected negative comment, but weaboo? I am very curios about the thinking proces that got you to that conclusion?

Do you even know what weaboo means?

>> No.2620563
File: 318 KB, 612x792, issue506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In /sci/, there's no such thing as slow uploading.

And problems have no solutions.


>> No.2620572


>but organism can heal, metal cannot.

Biches don't know 'bout my nanobots and smart materials.

Metal doesn't hel, because it isn't alive, jet. When we make living constructs of metal, they will most definately heal, or eventually evolve to hel. Who said living things have to be organic?

>> No.2620580

>The upload would only be copy, not the original.
The concept of copy and original does not apply the same way to living organisms as it applies to inanimate objects.

Your body changes constantly. The 'original' you were just a while ago is no longer the 'original' you are now. Cells die and get replaced, material gets exchanged.

Breath. Breath out. You are now different.

Uploading would be no more than a change of shape, not a copying and destruction of the 'original'.

>> No.2620600

get out.

>> No.2620602


Transhumanism: I want it. Now.

>> No.2620619

also, backwards dubz

>> No.2620629


I see your point, but I still would like to play it safe.

Curious thing really. I mean the fact that I realise that I am not the same person I was yesterday, and that the molecyles that make my body are not the ones that I was born with, I know this intelectually, but I still don't comprehend it. Irrational beliefs and fears still linger in my mind, actively fighting against the acceptance of the fact that every moment of my life is just an instant, followed by other isntants where I am slightly differend. Only the mechanisms of my mind make this colection of instants seem like continuous story of my life.

Mind is a curious thing, and I want to preserve it even if my body fails.

>> No.2620656


Your mind IS the body. That kilogram of soggy matter between your ears generates the electricity and chemistry to sustain your conciousness.

And it is specifically evolved (aw shit meant to write designed but you guys would go apeshit) to function with the rest of your body.

You'll never be free from it.

>> No.2620666

It's your ego, your sense of self, your identity, the voice screaming "I MATTER!!" from the back of your mind that makes it so difficult to accept a seeming loss of 'self' and becoming of something different.

>> No.2620676


>> No.2620748 [DELETED] 


>Your mind IS the body. That kilogram of soggy matter between your ears generates the electricity and chemistry to sustain your conciousness.

I disagree somewhat. I think, that mind is a sensation that brain produces, but that doest mean that Brai=mind. They are very connected, but ultimately, your conscious self is not controlling much of your body. The brain does this, and it maintains the illusion of consciousness. As long as this illusion is so is my mind.

Unfortunately, our bodies have not evolved to life forever and keep up this illusion of mind. They have evolved to breed, and succesful breeding doesn't require immortality. In this way, my body works against me, it urges mee to seek mates, reproduce, fulfil the instictual urges and eventually, whether I achived all that, my body simply starts to break, like some poorly designed chinese merchandise.

To me this is a prison. I did not choose this body, this vessel, these genes. This "car of the genes" carries a conscious entity that has not agreed to get on this ride. The only options that I see are either to jump out (suecide), sit on the backseat and enjoy the ride to its eventual end (life and eventual death), or hijack the car and drive it my self (transhumanism)

I don't want to die, because I enjoy life, even tough I never agreed to be born in the first place. Only way to prevent my death is to take controll of this vessel and modify it for my own needs.

>> No.2620753



you forgot the eternal soul, retard

>> No.2620761

>Your mind IS the body. That kilogram of soggy matter between your ears generates the electricity and chemistry to sustain your conciousness.

I disagree somewhat. I think, that mind is a sensation that brain produces, but that doest mean that Brain=mind. They are very connected, but ultimately, your conscious self is not controlling much of your body. The brain does this, and it maintains the illusion of consciousness. As long as this illusion is maintained so is my mind.

Unfortunately, our bodies have not evolved to live forever and keep up this illusion of mind. They have evolved to breed, and succesful breeding doesn't require immortality. In this way, my body works against me, it urges mee to seek mates, reproduce, fulfil the instictual urges and eventually, whether I achived all that, my body simply starts to break, like some poorly designed chinese merchandise.

To me this is a prison. I did not choose this body, this vessel, these genes. This "car of the genes" carries a conscious entity that has not agreed to get on this ride. The only options that I see are either to jump out (suecide), sit on the backseat and enjoy the ride to its eventual end (life and eventual death), or hijack the car and drive it my self (transhumanism)

I don't want to die, because I enjoy life, even tough I never agreed to be born in the first place. Only way to prevent my death is to take controll of this vessel and modify it for my own needs.

>> No.2620764

>you forgot the eternal soul, retard
Awww, babie's first troll, how cute :3

>> No.2620770

Define soul.

Also describe methods of objective verification for your definition.

Thank you.

>> No.2620775


dualists, they never cease to amuse me...

>> No.2620787 [DELETED] 

A glowing orb with magical powers that possess your incorporeal form. Problem?
>hurr everyone's a philosophical zombie
Seems pretty sapient right here in my soul. Maybe I should become a solipsist, or maybe you should stop being a scrote.

>> No.2620829 [DELETED] 

>magical powers
>incorporeal form
>hurr durr

Wrong board bro


>> No.2620844

did like 3 -5 post just dissapear?

troll getting scared or mods?

>> No.2620869

transhumanism is only way humanity will ever achive technological godhood and total mastery of the universe. I say we should go with it. Humanity should become like the reapers from mass effect. Trolling primitive organics in every couple millenie, just for our own amusement. It would be....glorious!

>> No.2620958
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>> No.2621533
