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2616457 No.2616457 [Reply] [Original]

>getting a PhD

>> No.2616471
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>buying a PhD from a diploma mill

>> No.2616484


>> No.2616492

>not faking having a PhD

>> No.2616499

It will all be worth it once I get my $200k starting

>> No.2616544
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>going to a college advertised on TV

>> No.2616566

> Be European
> Pay nothing for Ph.D

>> No.2616587
File: 34 KB, 640x427, 800k starting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is not a math major

once i am done with uni,
800k starting baby

>> No.2616598
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>> No.2616616

that's a common fallacy

>> No.2616611

Have fun when whatever socialistic country you're living in collapses due to unsustainability.

>> No.2616613

Do you think that people in the US pay for their PhDs? At least in the natural sciences.

>> No.2616614


You watch too many films, this is the real world.

>> No.2616621

People in the US pay to go to college and university. They're free in Europe.

>> No.2616628

Is that the question I asked? Maybe you need to spend some more time in those free universities to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.2616637


Free University in Europe, are you shitting me son?

UK fees are potentially rising to £9,000 per year (as course fees alone, before living expenses etc.) this year.

>> No.2616638

Dutchie here, university is not free.

>> No.2616645

Actually yes, that is the question you asked. You were referring to the other people's question like he literally meant you had to hand over cash to a university and get your degree right then and there, when he only meant you had to pay to go to school to get said degree. Virtually, since you have to pay to go to school, you are paying to get a degree. Simple logic and rationality.

>> No.2616641


I've been told that if a grad school won't pay for me to go there, they don't really want me. You might have to teach a little bit if you don't get a fellowship or some nice prize money from someone cool. US math undergrad hurrr.

I believe that this is how it works in other natural sciences, as well.

>> No.2616644


Civilization is not sustainable anyway.

>> No.2616649

>reading comprehension
Only community college kids taking a reading class use this phrase.

>> No.2616656

You have to be a EU citizen for them to be free

>> No.2616664


Paying for a degree implies you are owed a degree when you make a payment. Paying a school tuition doesn't right you to a degree; you have to pass the classes.

>Simple logic and rationality.

And still you fuck it up.

>> No.2616665

Also, people who study Math expect unrealistic figures as starting salaries based purely on the fact that their subject sucks balls without the pay.

You will not have a starting salary of $200k+, trust me.



>> No.2616674


I am, I'm fucking paying it all now!

>> No.2616677

>Paying for a degree implies you are owed a degree when you make a payment.
Which is why your original question was wrong in the first place.

>> No.2616686

UK is not apart of the EU.

>> No.2616681

I'm sorry sir you still don't seem to be understanding the question, or do you not know the differences between degrees?

I didn't ask if people in the US have to pay for MD, BSc, BA, MS, JD, PharmD, or DDS. I said PhD, and more specifically in the natural sciences because the poster I was quoting made the assertion through green text that one does not have to pay for a PhD in Europe but does in the US.

>> No.2616688
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>> No.2616694

yes it is. we have free phds, since only idiots self fund

>> No.2616698

You pay to go to university in the US, which is not true for Europe. So it's pretty much paying for a PhD outside the EU.

>> No.2616714


Yes, yes it is.

Also, here are the cost of European Universities per year. They're cheaper, but not free.


>> No.2616708

Well then, I should probably tell my school to stop paying my tuition...

>> No.2616725

Then you're not really in the EU.

>> No.2616724

Civilization in general, or our civilization?

Call me an optimist, but had we instituted some type of eugenic method of sterilization, I'd say we'd still have a pretty good shot at surviving long into the future. Not to say population control is the only issue holding civilization back from a relatively sound future, but it is certainly one of the most prominent. Other than that, I agree with you. Our civilization in specific is pretty much fucked; there's no turning back now.

>> No.2616737

Then you're not really in Europe or going to school, just trolling.

>> No.2616732



>> No.2616740

/x/phile here.

I'm a high-school dropout who 3 years ago, id sit around all day, scratching my ass, fapping and watching moe anime.

When I was 22 finally got off my ass and moved to ausfailia (former britdag) on a working holiday visa and started training with my cousin who's a contract specialist electromechanical engineer, he maintains and repairs the electrical components used in large-scale mining equipment.

I now earn $90,000 a year with bonuses given by the contracts and I only work around 30~32 weeks out of the year, you mad?

Point being, it's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know, you faggots claim to be so smart, yet you fail to see the big picture.

Unless you're a genius (which you aren't, cure cancer or invent a drive that uses light as propulsion and we'll talk) you can't get anywhere without contact, PhD or no PhD.

>> No.2616741


> "The European Union is composed of 27 sovereign Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom"

>> No.2616746

People that have someone else pay their tuition for them are socialist leaches that bring down the universities intelligence and threaten freedom. God damn, they're a plague on campus that don't deserve to be there.

>> No.2616750

>implying you didn't edit the wikipedia article for this

>> No.2616749

I should go into zoology with 300k starting.

>> No.2616754


I'm studying, in Britain, with a fee of £3, 270 per year.

>> No.2616760

I aint mad. US mining contractor here, I make $500k-$1mil/year, and I work a month or two out of the year getting contracts and working out compliance issues.

People like us are not great, we're just lazy and mildly wealthy. we won't be remembered. In time that will start to bother you.

>> No.2616766

That is not true, just trolling, like all Eurofags do.

>> No.2616765

Tradefag here, a bit pissed that I'm only on $40,000 USD and did 5 years of trade school (articulator mechanic), but I only got work at all through my best friends dad.

Tradefag high 5!
What are the jobs like in Australia? is it true they pay more?

>> No.2616786


Cost of living is also higher though.

>> No.2616791

Unless you cure cancer or create a light drive, nobodies remembering you anyway man, lets face it.

Even if I did go to university, or even complete high school for that matter, it would have been just as much a waste a time, only I liked fapping and watching moe anime, still do!

Generally they pay more on specialist contracts but there's a lot of red tape and unless you've got someone fighting your corner ausfag immigration is a bitch, I'm still not an AU citizen but I have an indefinite right to live and work here, 2 more years and I can apply for citizenship, it's a long road, but glad to be out of Britanistan.

>> No.2616810

are you...are you stupid?

Nearly every graduate student (>98%) in the natural sciences that is getting aPhD has the university pay their tuition and give them a stipend

>> No.2616816

Get Ph.D. Get Scholarships. See the world while doing what you like. See ya in Norway next year!

>> No.2616823

No, I'm just an intelligent individual who's smart enough to pay for their own education, instead of the socialists that get someone else to do it for them. Unless your university is paying it for you as a job, you don't deserve to be there and should just leave.

>> No.2616825

true, it takes a huge contribution to be generally famous, but I don't mind just being famous within a limited and focused discipline. Most people will never know my name, but anyone that studies what I study will hopefully read and cite my work over a century from now. That's fame enough for me, and you don't get that from business.

my descendents can point to my body of work and say "my grandpa did that, it still stands." Legacy matters as you get older.

>> No.2616829

That's what grad school is for scientists, douche. It's basically a job, that's why we get paid and why we get tuition remission.

>> No.2616831

I want my PhD so that I can immerse myself fully in what I want to do and (hopefully) gain some degree of respect among my more famous peers.

Because who want them because they'll get rich or have women erryday don't deserve one.

>> No.2616833

someone's been watching too much news, not been doing enough of own homework.

>> No.2616840

But you're still not paying for it yourself, therefore you're unintelligent and do not deserve to go to a college.

>> No.2616844

Lol you're all too obviously an undergrad/high schooler. If you want to pay for school there's always people willing to take your money.

>> No.2616849

I have this feeling that you're not getting a PhD in the natural sciences. No one, unless you were a trust fund baby, could afford that Tuition at good schools is 30k + per year, and then you have 0 time to get a second job. I personally work 60-70+ hours a week in the lab including weekends.

but you're a pretty good troll. I'll admit that.

>> No.2616850
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Hey op, I'm trying to get a stipend for a phd starting next year.

Another 3/4 years doing something I enjoy; shit's gonna be cash except the last year probably.

>> No.2616854

Try 4-5

>> No.2616861

Try not living in America/Germany/etc.

>> No.2616865

Ohh okay sorry, I didn't realize you were getting a fake PhD.

>> No.2616877
File: 49 KB, 418x418, degree in mathematics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in mathematics

>> No.2616897
File: 24 KB, 600x449, l_2dc2acb7d6dd4ce189b8e9472fc770a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in parapsychology
>take up Randi's challenge
>pwn that fucker hard