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File: 1.50 MB, 3032x2064, iss_sts122_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2614651 No.2614651 [Reply] [Original]

The earth live from the ISS

Courtesy of the USA

>> No.2614655

>implying the US space program isn't in the shitter

>> No.2614667
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This. And I know Scia is going to go on a rant how the US has the best space program yadda yadda, but face it. It IS the best. But it SUCKS.

>> No.2614668

damn i didnt know it was orbiting that fast

>> No.2614676
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>Humans place giant space station in space

>develop technology to stream it to the world through the internet

>less than 1000 viewers


>> No.2614679


Truthiest of truths. We'll come back strong soon enough though. Its just hard to throw money into space when a bunch of lazy fuckers are complaining about how they lost their jobs.

>> No.2614680


Its period is 90 minutes I believe.

>> No.2614682



>> No.2614684
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the australian space program is worse though. so why are you judging?

>> No.2614686


is there any particular reason why they made it 90 mins?

>> No.2614689
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You guys planned to have a man on Mars in 1981.
You guys planned to have a base on Mars in 1988.
If children were born on Mars in ~1992, they would've been graduating high school this year.

>> No.2614700
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>Watch this

>Listen to Board of Canada

>Cum at awesomeness

>> No.2614701

I can only enjoy Boards of Canada while stoned out of my mind.

>> No.2614704


Its just how fast you go around when you're in LEO. When you move out to GSO your period is 1 day but since the Earth is rotating too you never change relative position.

>> No.2614702

its in low earth orbit you don't get to choose

>> No.2614705
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>> No.2614706

Yes it is the best and yes It needs a lot of help.

But the time of commercial space has dawned we will see far more rapid progress in space once they start launching humans into orbit

>> No.2614709
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>NASA control room guy invites the media to call

>Nobody calls

>> No.2614710

OMG thats boring
all hail the 100 billion spaceship to nowhere

>> No.2614715

>thinks space travel/business/colonization will ever be much greater than what it is now until a space elevator or something similarly cost-saving is built

>> No.2614719

>watching stream
>open this thread

Feels ;____________; man

>> No.2614725

> once they start launching humans into orbit
if they start launching humans into orbit

remember if republicans get the white house or the senate in 2012 COTS is dead and with it spacex's manned capability

>> No.2614730
File: 118 KB, 580x435, falcon_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appropriate music

What we need is a fully reusable orbital vehicle and surprise!

>Although the first stage has parachutes and was intended to be recovered to demonstrate (possible future) reuse, to date SpaceX has failed to recover the stages from their initial test launches. The stages are expendable for the initial launches. By flight six, the first stage is intended to be recovered. Although reusability of the second stage is more difficult, SpaceX has intended both stages of the Falcon 9 to be reusable. Musk stated:

>"By flight six we think it’s highly likely we’ll recover the first stage, and when we get it back we’ll see what survived through re-entry, and what got fried, and carry on with the process. ... That's just to make the first stage reusable, it'll be even harder with the second stage – which has got to have a full heatshield, it'll have to have deorbit propulsion and communication."

>Both stages are covered with a layer of ablative cork, have parachutes to land them gently in the sea and have been marinised by using salt water resistant materials, anodizing and paying attention to the issue of galvanic corrosion.
While many commentators are skeptical of the viability of reusability, Musk has stated that reusability is one of the most important goals, and that if the vehicle does not become reusable, "I will consider us to have failed.”

>> No.2614742
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It's another Chinese earthquake!

But in all seriousness, I hope that elevator that the Japanese are thinking of building works out.

>> No.2614746



>> No.2614745

just because they one day hope to do that doesn't mean its possible with the falcon 9

>> No.2614761

the japanese are blowing smoke no nano fiber produced yet is anywhere near as strong as is needed the production method is flawed and produces flawed tubes
and ignoring that the budget is tiny, its a bad joke sure you can do research but its going to take many many times that to build one

>> No.2614782

Yes ooohhhh the evil republicans

disregard then more republicans voted for the NASA authorization act then democrats.\

The Privatization of space is more of a conservative idea then Liberal

>> No.2614789



>> No.2614808

i agree the idea is conservative
but bill Clinton started the idea of commercial space but bush shot it down
and think of the election coverage any time nasa came up the conservative would say Obama was destroying nasa
and some are still fighting the cancellation of constellation

>> No.2614816

Yeah even if NASA cuts them off they still have other customers and Elon musk said it would only make them slow down a couple years

>> No.2614819

when you use ctrl+v remember you need a space or you look like a tool

>> No.2614824

who exactly has the money to launch a manned space mission and would also want it done in america???

>> No.2614852


Orbital Sciences
Virgin Galatic (SNIGGER)

>> No.2614878

so those companies are going to spend billions of dollars to launch a manned mission why???
and don't snigger at virgin galactic branson has more money than any of them

>> No.2614892

>virgin galatic
>space flight

>> No.2614913

everyone has to start somewhere
look at spacex they started with a comfortable military contract and a hopeless safety record
manned space flight hear they come

>> No.2614957

>852 watchers

Fucking humanity, don't you realize what's important? Turn off that fucking BETV.

>> No.2615026

Space elevators are impossible.

Launch loops are your only real option, and you would still need nuclear pulse propulsion to move the 2 million tons into orbit needed to build one.

>> No.2615065
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We just need better materials. We need matter compilers so we can start experimenting with many potential molecular structures very quickly.

>> No.2615116

Until you have the materials it is useless. And the the loads will have to be moving up to slowly to be practical due to the coriolis effect putting stress on the elevator if the load moves to fast.

At least a lofstrom loop can be made with steel.

>> No.2615124

Wasn't it already determined early last year that CCT's can be strong enough to build a beanstalk out of?

I remember several threads about space elevators with some people going on with:
>No We cannot do it because materials!!!
And then when someone pointed out CCT's:
>No, even if it could be done, it simply cannot be done!!! No space elevators!!! Never!!!

And then Japan went public with their project to build a space elevator and all the cynics started decrying other topics impossible.

>> No.2615135

watching astronauts makes me want capri sun

>> No.2615147

Did you mean CNTs (carbon nano tubules)?

>> No.2615157

Please excuse my ignorance but what exactly am I supposed to look at? Do/did they install a new module or is it just ISS floating around?

>> No.2615168

Yes and no.

Colossal carbon tubes.

>> No.2615240
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BOTH political sides have buttfucked NASA.

The Republicans tried to force NASA to finish building the overbudget, behind schedule Ares. [So far behind schedule that after 3 years 'building' it, they hadn't even started yet]

They pushed SO HARD to kill the bill in congress that would have given SpaceX and other private companies [that you praise so much] additional funding, it was ridiculous.

You people need to realize that NEITHER the democrats nor the republicans have ANY of your interests in mind. Don't support either of them! "Throw your vote away" at a 3rd party, at least you'll be doing something good for your nation.

>> No.2615270
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>mfw people still think there's any significant difference between republicans and democrats

Ones an ass and ones an elephant, thats about it.

>> No.2615271

They're not doing or saying anything. You're REALLY mad at humanity for not wanting to watch some guys stare at a computer? You have to pick your battles, man.

>> No.2615334

ITT: Scia pretends he's a moderate by defending Republicans.

And people thinking Democrats are better.


>> No.2615350

But like nanotubes they can't seem to make them macroscale.

Also a lauch loop can deliver almost 300 times more payload to LEO per year than a space elevator with similar tensile strength. They don't need huge counter weights at the top since the track itself has enough mass to hold it up. And they can accelerate payloads along a linear track at the top to get them into higher orbits.

The lofstrom design is just plain better than a space elevator and can built right now. I just seems like space elevator advocates want them because the are common in scifi, kind of like a wish fulfillment.

>> No.2615390
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dat hair

>> No.2616329
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x1200, shuttlemir_nasa_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it docking on mir ?

>> No.2616915

For one Libertarians=/=Republicans

and yes I think free markets not government waste is best for technological advancement

Yes I know I will vote libertarian

>> No.2617013
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>I think free markets not government waste is best for technological advancement

Then you are a fool.

*Both* are necessary for technological advancement. Or what, did you think the private sector would have come up with the internet and space travel on their own!?

I hope you're not one of those nutters who think the government can do no good and we need to privatize everything from schools and firehouses to water, air and electricity.

>> No.2617510

Unloading storage space and transferring Robonaut 2 is easier?

>> No.2617575

This. I don't care who funds basic research, as long as it's funded. I don't have any interest in eliminating sources of funding.

And basic research is one of the best-spent government expenses.

>> No.2617599


>I hope you're not one of those nutters who think the government can do no good and we need to privatize everything from schools and firehouses to water, air and electricity.

Don't forget shutting down the Education dept. and the IRS.


>> No.2617860

I said best not only I think the government should poieer new technologies that are too high risk/Too expensive for private industry to invest in.

Then the private industry should take over and make it cheep, reliable, and profitable

educated should be partially privatized the government would still pay of course

Libertarian does not mean no government it means less government
5 is less then 20 but 5 is not 0
Funds are not all that matter

Its who is spending the funds is also important

Private industry puts out more for less
I actually think education should be partially privatized basically the government pays for everyone to go to a private school where the education is usually far better then the public schools.

But of course they would have to be accredited and such

>> No.2620044
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Greetings from http://www.2-ch.ru/b/res/13191810.html

Also in Russia /sci/ is in /b/ and vice versa.

>> No.2620123

pretty awesome

what exactly are they doing?

Also, it's always been my dream to become a janitor for Nasa; with the budget cuts and shit, is that still a good idea?

>> No.2620129
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Милости прошу к нашему шалашу!

>> No.2620130

its INTERNATIONAL idiots, also, USA alone wouldnt do shit, they would make a statue of jesus instead

>> No.2620159


We just need your money...not your skills. Only reason you are long for the ride is politics. If we had it our way we'd just let you find us while we get things done without the drag of you guys hanging on us.

>> No.2620179
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> 3309 / On Air


>> No.2620182

how can i see its flight path?

>> No.2620189


>> No.2620212


>> No.2620215

"stay out of the bat zone there" - lolshto?

>> No.2620256

Just saw the ISS fly over me. What a boss of an artificial satellite.

>> No.2620261

says someone who soon has no means of getting up there. you need to hitch a ride on a russian soyuz, lol.

>> No.2620278
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Like,WHOA,mission control,we're totaly high!

>> No.2620284


Again..it's about money...the USA has to prop up so much of the rest of the world for their basic needs and politics we cannot even afford to fund space travel. We have the tech, the engineers, the ability...our money is being poached. Give us a budget and we will create spacecraft better than anyone else. The rest of you are just parasites hanging on our space program. Russia is the only REAL contributer and even they fall behind the USA in quality and ability.

>> No.2620306

Esa has ATV, and plans to upgrade it to a manned vehicle.

>> No.2620313
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Watching this just makes me feel optimistic of a thing that will never happen.


>> No.2620347


And? It's one vehicle that is really not innovative. My point is...this is like having airplanes built all over for political expediency. It's to make everyone feel a part of it. But the reality is the USA is the backbone and without us there is not much going to happen. Even the Chinese who hoard all their money from society and put it into weapons and tech can only manage a copy of an old Russian design and make a few loops.

>> No.2620373

id love it if there was a deep space mission with a ship built from esa, nasa china and russian resoucres and a multy culutral crew.

best part would be a UN flag not a countries one

>> No.2620380


Good luck with that USA hating fantasy. Never gonna happen.

>> No.2620394

Anyone else see that magic 8-ball on that dude's desk in mission control?

>> No.2620396

>>people working together
>>USA hating fantasy

Seriously?What the fuck is wrong with you&

>> No.2620478


His little conglomerate purposefully left out the USA who is the nation with the biggest contribution to space exploration.

>> No.2620518

I just started watching this. Anyone know what the space walkers are doing?

>> No.2620525

>left out the USA
>ship built from esa, nasa china and russian resoucres

>> No.2620555


You must be a joy to be around getting so angry over nothing. Chill dude.

>> No.2620574

NASA is US,isn't it?He did fuckup comas though.

>>esa, nasa china and russian resoucres
-European Space Agency (EU)
-as in NASA of US of America
-Roscosmos (russia)

>> No.2620575


Please be troll.