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2614758 No.2614758 [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys pls help me out..
I'm experementing with some formulas

But I got a problem. Can /sci/ help me out?

pic: related

>> No.2614829

common guys...you are always bragging bout your Ph.D.'s in Physics ...so common-

>> No.2614838


I have no clue what you are even asking. If there is no friction then any force applied (water pressure) is going to make acceleration increase indefinitely.

>> No.2614843

NEI, it depends on the momentum of the water after impact.

>> No.2614844

it's a transfer of momentum problem

>> No.2614851

why is the cock cumming blue shit?

>> No.2614857

I dont know if I'm thinking right...but I think the Mass that is accelerated cannot exceed the speed of the water Ray

>> No.2614864

>How is the formula to describe the acceleration of this mass is the water Ray shoots against it?

>> No.2614882
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Are you serious?
How old are you?

Restate the problem in a fuckin coherent and quantitative manner, and I may help.

>> No.2614887


True because the impulse from the water would never reach the object.

>> No.2614894

He did. I don't see why some people are not capable of understanding this problem.

>> No.2614898

I'm sorry that you are to ignorant to understand what I mean

>> No.2614907

thank you...

>> No.2614909

Maybe it helps you that the water's velocity is 12 m/s

>> No.2614919
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>> No.2614922

You wrong

>> No.2614943

hmm... well it's interesing to know that there isn't a formula for this problem...

the reason why I want to have it, is that I want to calculate the how light can accelerate objects

I have some ideas, I want to experiment wih planks constant "h"..

>> No.2614947

<div class="math"> F = \int \int \rho v (v \cdot n) dA </div>
this can be simpt to
<div class="math"> F = v^2 \rho A = vm </div>
v is the speed of the water relative to the cube
m is the mass fro rate of the water
F is the force on the cube

so <span class="math"> F=m_{cube}a [/spoiler]
<div class="math"> m_{cube}a = v^2 \rho A </div>
<div class="math"> a = \frac{V}{A}m </div>
<div class="math"> a = (\frac{0.03-v_{cube}}{0.05^2 \pi})^2(1000)(0.05^2 \pi) </div>

a = dv/dt so
<div class="math"> \frac{dv}{dt} = (\frac{0.03-v}{0.05^2 \pi})^2(1000)(0.05^2 \pi) </div>

sove this and you have v as a function of t, diferensiate it to get a as a function of t.

>> No.2614963

wow...thank you..I'll try it out

>> No.2614970
File: 19 KB, 400x400, thatguy (83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: What can one learn from OP's picture, what is the practical use of being able to understand the answer to the problem?

>> No.2614980

just use that shit for light

>> No.2614998

a negro is entering your shop, you wish for the fire brigade to remove him from the premises, will the g-forse inflicted on his body teach him not to enter your shop again?

>> No.2614999

Apparently I'm a huge newfag here, but what can cause this:

"Part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted :("

>> No.2615028

this is basic fluid mechanics

you should read "Basic Fluid Mechanics" by David Wilcox

it will answer all of your questions