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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2609700 No.2609700 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a guy with an IQ of 163 anything.

>> No.2609708
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At what age did you lose your virginity?

>> No.2609714

How long do you intend to maintain self delusion?

>> No.2609717

174 here, you're small time. With that said, it's just a number bro, it doesn't mean shit.

>> No.2609719

Ask a guy with an IQ of over 9000 anything.

>> No.2609723
File: 22 KB, 323x218, 1268692079420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks he has a 174

>> No.2609726

Not like it even matters, it's just a number like I said.

>> No.2609728

Your a faggot, I have an IQ of 185.

>> No.2609729

> 163
> on 4chan
> sure story bro

>> No.2609731

your a fag, i have a iq of 212

>> No.2609736
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>Still thinks he has a 174

>> No.2609750

me hav iq of 283

me good

>> No.2609755

I'm 20 years old and have an IQ of 115. Go ahead and laugh.

>> No.2609756

163 using which deviation?

>> No.2609767

>mfw I have an IQ of 120 and currently in Mathematics PhD program at a respected top 10 math university with a fellowship attached to my name.

yeah. u armchair IQ niggas mad.

mad as hell.

>dat differential geometry.

>> No.2609797

>dat differential geometry.
>Implying that differential geometry is difficult

>> No.2609802

>IQ of 150+
>6'3 220lbs of pure muscle
>Ph.D in math any girl i want
>300k starting
funny thing is im being dead serious

>> No.2609806


>> No.2609820
File: 82 KB, 486x409, 1253298824837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funny thing is im being dead serious

>> No.2609834

IQ threads are always terrible threads. OP can fake it over the internet all he wants, but it's like pretending to be Brad Pitt.

>> No.2609840


>implying it isn't.

the fuck? REALLY?



>> No.2609848

Why, the field of feigning mastery of disciplines I barely have a tenuous grasp on, at best.

>> No.2609851

Did a comprehensive general relativity course.
Also did a diff geo course as a prerequisite.
Wasn't difficult.

>> No.2609865

yea, differential geometry is what the slow mathematicians study. Can you believe those retards took about a century to solve the poincare conjecture?


>> No.2609869

There's a lie flag you just tripped, but I'm not going to tell you what it was, you little liar.

>> No.2609888

There is none.
I'm a physics undergrad, and have a choice of doing a general relativity course if I wish.
The math dept. allows us to take the diff geo course in that particular case.
Sorry, no lie.
Unless of course that was a joke about physicists and how we always supply our own short-version math instead of doing a math course for it.

>> No.2609911

my iq is 211 no joek

>> No.2609918

Forgot to mention that the tensor part of GE was covered by the Advanced Electromagnetism course.
But that was the only thing that was left as is.
I'd like to take this opportunity and say that the Einstein field equations are beautiful.

>> No.2609943

Why the fuck are you on 4chan?

>> No.2609959

I like it here.

>> No.2609979

You only like it because you have false wit.

You can type the words, but you still don't know how to form a proper lie.

>> No.2610003

No argument, therefore a troll.

>> No.2610024

Says the biggest bullshitting troll of them all.

You're not clever enough to even have a 110 IQ. Not even close.

>> No.2610038
File: 151 KB, 430x615, 1218526169954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they say about successful trolls..

>> No.2610044

Alright OP here me out. The IQ scale was created so that 100 would be the average IQ. However what we're finding is that with each generation IQ is slowly going up higher and higher. This will throw off the average and thus the IQ scale will have to be readjusted so 100 is still average.

My question is this, are humans really getting more intelligent (anecdotal evidence suggests contrary) or are have we been subconsciously lowering the difficult of these IQ tests over the many many years in order feel superior?

>> No.2610059

People are getting more educated. They're not getting any more intelligent, however.

>> No.2610071

I don't think people are getting that much more intelligent (if they are, it's better nutrition), I think they are more adept at IQ test questions because they are exposed to those types of questions more often and earlier.

>> No.2610078
File: 71 KB, 218x281, 1263257347314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ of 109 here. I'm a straight A+ student with a scholarship.

You jelly?

>> No.2610081

Wow, you fail on so many levels.

>> No.2610093
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>Still no argument
Oh you, 4chan, oh you.

>> No.2610094
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>thinks human intelligence can be quantified through a 120 question test.

>thinks human intelligence can be melted down to a number

>instead of concluding that IQs are bullshit, you conclude that people must be manipulating IQ testing system.


>> No.2610100

The Flynn Effect is a load of bullshit and has been debunked already.

>> No.2610108

>Still no cleverness

It feels like you're thinking with nothing at all. Nothing at all. Nothing At All.

>> No.2610117

I have IQ 195, with a standard deviation of 45. Not even trolling.

>> No.2610130

No, you don't. No one with an IQ higher than 130 is stupid enough to desperately brag about it on the internet.

>> No.2610133

I have an IQ of 9001, with a standard deviation of 2500. U jelly?

>> No.2610136

> Doesn't notice the "standard deviation of 45" part
Fuckin' lol...

>> No.2610137

You'd be surprised what kind of stupid stuff people with a high IQ are capable of.

and no

>> No.2610149

high IQ may indicate high intelligence but it doesn't remove the possibility to a giant douche, bragger and a semitroll

>> No.2610154


Wow, you know what, that was pretty crafty of you. Fucking brilliant. Marry me.

>> No.2610159
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>Forced repetition
No, I get it. That's very clever.
Trying to emulate the psychological effect of a parent telling his kid that he was caught lying but won't tell him how he knows he's lying, thus eventually either forcing him to admit he's lying or going crazy trying to figure out where he went wrong.
Won't work though.
That's the shit's done at our uni.
Deal with it.

>> No.2610161

Hey guys, don't mind me. I'm just wondering why this thread has 48 posts....fags.

>> No.2610169

Nothing OP has done is consistent to how a person with a genius IQ would handle the current scenario. His language patterns and focus on arguments are too simple.

Trust me.

>> No.2610178

Close, but no, that's not how SD works

>> No.2610179
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>> No.2610199

if you are so smart how come you don't know that IQ is bullshit?

>> No.2610206


Because he isn't actually smart. He just has a high IQ.

>> No.2610210

Protip: IQ normally is measured with a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 10. If you use a standard deviation of 45, a measurement of 195 is equivalent to a normal measurement of 121.1...

>> No.2610220

Way to fucking go idiots.

>> No.2610233

OP here, show us
which posts are mine?

>> No.2610239


>> No.2610253

What's your job?
How old are you?
University of study?
Program of study?
High school?
SAT score?
High school average/grade point average?
Any entrance scholarships to universities?

>> No.2610325 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 360x318, 1285351012573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey high IQ guys, surely you noticed how all the questions were ones from 10-12th grade math books expressed in interesting ways right? you also must've noticed all the questions could be figured out if you had a good knowledge of puzzles and overused physics we see in everyday life like this:

(--->) Arrow --------------------------------------------------------------
--> oh shit how'd it get down here?

now look -----------------------------------------------------------------

holyshit you can now solve about 14 of the midlevel and some of the highlevel questions.

>> No.2610360

MY IQ is doubles

>> No.2610389

I have an IQ of 135.
Without working hard, you could have an IQ of 200 and still not achieve anything in life.
Think of your life as a car. You could be a ferrari, like those with IQ scores of 150+, or a Reliant Robin, with an IQ of 90 or below. They'll both still move, one obviously faster than the other, but it depends on how much fuel or hard work you put into them.

>> No.2610390

163 Catell is smalltime. I don't see why you think you can brag about it.

>> No.2610404

>implying intelligence can be measured like wealth or a dick
>true faggotry

>> No.2610426

looks like ur mad as hell

>> No.2610558

>Implying wealth can be measured