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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2603877 No.2603877 [Reply] [Original]

>The United States has been a leader in scientific research and technological innovation since the late 19th century. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was awarded the first U.S. patent for the telephone. Thomas Edison's laboratory developed the phonograph, the first long-lasting light bulb, and the first viable movie camera. Nikola Tesla pioneered alternating current, the AC motor, and radio. In the early 20th century, the automobile companies of Ransom E. Olds and Henry Ford promoted the assembly line. The Wright brothers, in 1903, made the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight.

>The rise of Nazism in the 1930s led many European scientists, including Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi, to immigrate to the United States. During World War II, the Manhattan Project developed nuclear weapons, ushering in the Atomic Age. The Space Race produced rapid advances in rocketry, materials science, and computers. The United States largely developed the ARPANET and its successor, the Internet. Today, the bulk of research and development funding, 64%, comes from the private sector. The United States leads the world in scientific research papers and impact factor. Americans possess high levels of technological consumer goods, and almost half of U.S. households have broadband Internet access. The country is the primary developer and grower of genetically modified food, representing half of the world's biotech crops.

Can we please end the stereotype that Americans are stupid and hate science?

>> No.2603888


>> No.2603899

Also end the stereotype that we are all religious

16.1% of Americans described themselves as agnostic, atheist

5.8% of Italians described themselves as agnostic, atheist

Why do Americans get called overly religious and not Italians?

>> No.2603901

OK, so there are exceptions, though i wont count Einstein and Fermi among them since they where eurofags.

>> No.2603905
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Texas Schools Endure Sweeping Budget Cuts


They're cutting funding for education as we speak. I believe stupid and hate science are accurate assessments.

>> No.2603906

Not until they aren't stupid and don't hate science.
Stereotypes aren't formed from a vacuum for no reason.
Most Asians really are good at math. Most blacks will steal your TV. Most Koreans are better than you at StarCraft. Most Europeans are tolerant and multicultural enough to suck Sharia Law's cock. Most Americans are fat illiterate morons trying to destroy science that disproves the Bible.
Any of these groups who don't like their stereotype can feel free to stop doing that shit. Nobody has a stereotype about the Chinese being lazy.

>> No.2603908

Once you stop talking about intelligent design.

Seriously, some people want to teach ID on my country just because it's taken seriously by some minority on the US and everything on US has to be good and adopted by us

>> No.2603916

because no one gives a fuck about Italy

>> No.2603917

Uhm, people *do* call Italians overly religious. Just because you, as an ignorant American, are not aware of it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

>> No.2603921

Every single on of those "mosts" is incorrect.

>> No.2603929

the USA HAS contributed great things to science.... HAS, past tense. currently, IS fat stupid bible thumpers.

>> No.2603941

Don't judge us by Texas

Also we need a redesign of our schools rather then more funding

>> No.2603948

can we cede texas and any other southern country hick state for the sake of this argument? kthx

>> No.2603951

Iv'e never heard of it and iv'e heard people calling Americans overly religious much much more

>> No.2603955

Delicious No True Scotsman.

>> No.2603958

Don't judge the rest of the world by Italy.

>> No.2603961

>project paperclip
Look it up and get the fuck out

>> No.2603973

Yeah thats bullshit we do more and more important science then anyone else

For example

and yesterday we launched humans into space

>> No.2603977


>implying the nazi scientists we hired didn't became naturalized americans

>> No.2603979

And yet you don't know the difference between "than" and "then", or the proper way to spell "I've".

>> No.2603987


The V2 germen rocket that Von Braun made was based on Goddard's work

The same with the soviets they use Liquid fueled engines in their spacecraft as well

and there are 3 Founders of modern spaceflight

Hermann Julius Oberth, born June 25, 1894 in the Transylvanian town of Hermannstadt, is, along with the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and the American Robert Goddard, one of the three founding fathers of rocketry and modern astronautics.

>> No.2603992

Exactly we provide the best Research opportunities in the world.

We are a nation of immigrants.

if you have american citizenship you are an american it does not matter where you came from.

>> No.2603999

Insulting my Spelling and grammar is not addressing the point that I made.

It's not clever it's just avoiding responding to my point.

>> No.2604014

>The United States has been a leader in scientific research and technological innovation since the late 19th century.
Yeah, thanks to all the german scientists you spirited out of the ruins of the third reich. Now that those germans are dead and their students retired, the positive effects of operation paperclip is waning. Instead, you have bibletards trying to make fairy tales part of the science curriculum.

>> No.2604030

ITT: retarded nationalism.

Listen, faggots. You don't get ANY credit for being born in the same country as someone who did something impressive. It doesn't matter. Just shut up, for the love of Carl Sagan.

>> No.2604034
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faster than light speed

>> No.2604039

Your point was that "Americans = Dumb" is an inaccurate stereotype, yet your every own inability to articulate yourself properly enforces this stereotype.

I don't see how that's not addressing your point.

>> No.2604042


>> No.2604049

sagan was a stupid jew

>> No.2604057

Dear fellow Americans,

Stop being butthurt faggots. If someone thinks all Americans are idiots then they themselves are an idiot.

>> No.2604060

Any data to support this hypothesis?

>> No.2604061

Fuck yourself you stupid faggot. Go back to /new/.

>> No.2604062

wish i could ;_;

>> No.2604069

Im not asking to get credit im asking for people to not stereotype my countrymen and discount our achievements.

>> No.2604082

>our achievements

They're not your achievements. That's my point.

>> No.2604083

Well, no one's really discounting "your" achievements when they call the majority of your people Bible-thumping, science-hating, abortion-doctor-murdering airheads.

>> No.2604105

I didn't say mine I said OURS!

>> No.2604111

Then they are mentality challenged

A people like that would not be the dominant world superpower and have the most advanced technology in the world

>> No.2604118

Reality likes to disagree.

>> No.2604131

I'm sure it had nothing to do with Europe being plagued by centuries of warfare, while the US sat safely with oceans on both sides, leaving it unmolested the entire time.

>> No.2604132

do all you European fucks forget that the USA is made up of mostly European immigrants...

same can be said for the dumb fuck Americans who keep thinking "hurr duur, keep out foreigners" when they are most likely Eurofags.

for fucks sakes. quit your bitchin' ! both Europe and the USA are made of ignorant fucktards.

>> No.2604134

>Beaner moves to USA in 2000s
>Thumps chest claiming American achievements during the Cold War

>> No.2604140

Is that why his English is so bad?

>> No.2604145

I was born here and my family goes back to at least 1836

>> No.2604147

>the first viable movie camera.

>> No.2604152

It's because I type quickly and Im not going to edit it because this is a fucking image board not a classroom

>> No.2604156

Because Fuck Wikipedia

also note keyword "viable"

>> No.2604155

>I didn't say mine I said OURS!

Yes, yours. Do you know how possessive pronouns work in the English language?

And there is no collective "ours," for which "we" can get credit. There are just people. You and I don't get to share in the credit (or the blame) for what other people are or what they did.

>> No.2604168

plenty of viable cameras made before edison

it's just an example of edisonitis

>> No.2604169

The United States got credit for winning the Cold War.

The people of the united states got collective credit.

>> No.2604174



>> No.2604191

I never implied It was

Stop assuming things

>> No.2604229

>Implying collective credit means anything.

>> No.2604279

ok let me get this straight.

You live in a country where there are people who take "creationism" seriously, and the amount of people we're talking about isn't negligible either, otherwise there wouldn't be a "debate" at all.

You also live in a country where the leader repeatedly says "god" is on his side and where the money has "in god we trust" printed on it.

Those things happen in two kinds of environments:
1. 3rd world countries
2. America

Then again America is big, which must imply some sort of diversity, so yeah, there's also a scientific crowd, but as long as the religious fanatics have an audible political voice no country on earth will ever take you idiots seriously, end of discussion.

>> No.2604310

>no country on earth will ever take you idiots seriously, end of discussion.

This is so mind bogglingly stupid I can't comprehend how a human being could write this.

Did you say that No country on earth takes the 1 world superpower seriously because I some stupid citizens?

Wow Just Wow

>> No.2604445


>Implying countries like britian and austrailia aren't rapidly accruing creationists, along with their own shittons of health related retardation like anti-vaccination movements, "electrosmog" activists, etc.

Stupid people are everywhere.

>> No.2604515

We believe this as "the most extreme are always the loudest". We never hear about intelligent, normal Americans with a nice life and decent job, we hear about the WBC and the whole Kansas ID-in-science thing and Bill O'Reilly. You are gonna have to talk to your country to stop this, not ours.

>> No.2604519


but also:
>Did you say that No country on earth takes the 1 world superpower seriously because I some stupid citizens?
The general view is of a slightly schitzoid clown with a bazooka and a machinegun. An several metric tonnes of ammo for both.

But it's still a clown.

>> No.2604631

>because I some stupid citizens

that's an interesting construct

>> No.2604645
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>Did you say that No country on earth takes the 1 world superpower seriously because I some stupid citizens?
You see, in most countries, the stupid citizens flip burgers and make candles. In the US the stupid citizens get voted into office -- and then they get re-elected!

>> No.2604715

No, he was awarded office, then he got elected.

>> No.2605013
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>> No.2605021
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>> No.2605030
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>> No.2605565
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total americans
do the math

>> No.2607473

If they're so smart, then why didn't they vote for somebody else?

Face it; as long as republicans get elected, the world is right to think of USAns as stupid.

>> No.2607491

einstein and fermi weren't americans you just bought them

The Space Race was done by kidnapped Nazi scientists so it doesn't count either

You're still a nation of idiots

>> No.2607498

Idiots smart enough to hire the best.

You're a dumbass poorfag.

>> No.2607525

>einstein and fermi weren't americans you just bought them
Europe gave them away for free, because Jews. Their loss.

>> No.2607529

Only if we can end the religious zealotry and anti-evolutionary views we have in this country.

>> No.2607533

Well for starters, most of the scientists that developed everything you are saying were foreigners.. the US is/was appealing because of the amount of wealth its private enterprise has. Most of the current engineers and scientists are foreigners.

But lets put that onside, why everyone thinks America is so stupid is because its mainstream society is particularly stupid. This is the "other face" of the private enterprise, particularly for the last 50 years, a consumer class developed, which its only function is to consume, yeah they have jobs and what not, but they produce very little, the majority of the wealth in this country is concentrated in whats going on in wallstreet. If you identify yourself with this type of america then you might feel offended.. but remember that most scientists and other useful professions in this country built the actual country. Not their mainstream bullshit society.

>> No.2607535


Hell, we can't even end the religious trolls on /sci/.

How the fuck are we supposed to change a whole country?

>> No.2607545

Instead of seperating by countries, we seperate by titles.

Those with Ph.D's against everyone else (everyone in this thread.)

BS and Master's grads are not included with the Ph.D's.

>> No.2607547
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Could be worse... you could be an Iowan.

On top of having to deal with the rest of the world stereotyping all Americans as retarded bible-thumping science haters, we also have to deal with the rest of the fucking country stereotyping all Iowans as uneducated farmers stuck in the 1800's.

>> No.2607553

>>2607547we also have to deal with the rest of the fucking country stereotyping all Iowans as uneducated farmers stuck in the 1800's.

It doesn't really help that driving through Iowa you don't really see anything other than corn. Good work on the gay marriage thing though.

>> No.2607574

They lived and died in America thus they were Americans

>> No.2607735

I can see why you think voting for a republican, or voting in general is stupid.
But why do you believe just because stupid americans vote republican, that the whole population is stupid? doesnt make sense to me, but maybe to someone that has their head too far up their ass.
If this is how you think, what does that say about you?

>> No.2607736

Goddamn, I just woke up from a *really long* sleep, and yet this fucking thread is still on page 0.

I hate you, Scia.

>> No.2609185
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True, but you'd think at least a couple facts about Iowa would make it through all the 'corn'y stereotypes.

>> No.2609197

Iowa-fag here (ISU grad). Represent.

Yeah, corn fields with massive wind farms. Fuck off. Iowa State University housed the first digital computer (ABC.)

>> No.2609216

Americans aren't stupid and unscientific. Just alot of them are.

Alot are also bloody and imperialistic.

Don't confuse warmongering idiots with every other American though.

>> No.2609289

Fat bible-thumping retards make up a large segment of the population, but not a majority. I think it was something like 43% of Americans accept creationism, which is a depressingly large portion of the population but it still means that an "average" American is not a creationist. You'll see what I mean if Palin is the 2012 GOP candidate, she'd lose by a fucking landslide.

>> No.2610138
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« In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was awarded the first U.S. patent for the telephone.»
Bell = Canada OP

Bell was a British subject throughout his early life in Scotland and later in Canada until 1882, when he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. In 1915, he characterized his status as: "I am not one of those hyphenated Americans who claim allegiance to two countries."[90] Despite this declaration, Bell has been proudly claimed as a "native son" by all four countries he resided in: the United States, Canada, Scotland and the United Kingdom.

>> No.2610147
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>> No.2610170

and that is why we let Gagarin there first

>> No.2610175

>Can we please end the stereotype that Americans are stupid and hate science?
american, didnt you mean texans?

>> No.2610203

people need to spent some time in brazil

>> No.2610213

>United States, Canada, Scotland and the United Kingdom
>Scotland and the United Kingdom

>> No.2610641
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where do you think americans come from you stupid piece of shit.
i was born in spain, but raised in america.