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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2602281 No.2602281 [Reply] [Original]

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.2602320

You seem to be going through a stage where you're obsessed with IQ, /sci/. I chalk this up to your insecurities and your need to validate and compare your intellect to (a) prove that you really have an intellect since all of your self-worth is funneled into the idea that you do, and (b) prove that you are on the level of or superior to posters from a site widely considered one of the least intelligent on the Internet. Whether or not IQ measures intellect is irrelevant at this point, since you aren't being productive either way. If you must must must validate your studies with the conviction that you are a genius, you are more hung up on your ego than actual knowledge and progress. As such, you are squandering your potential big-time.

My two cents.

>> No.2602520

>least intelligent on the Internet
This is /sci/, you must not have truly seen the internet.

>> No.2602613

95% of the asked population thinks their IQ is above average. This is mathematically impossible.

>> No.2602627


95% of the "asked" population.

If only 10% of the population were asked, then it is possible.

You are a faggot.

>> No.2602659

An interesting documentary about IQ, regardless of all its shortcomings: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/battle-brains/

>> No.2602660


95% of /b/'s population think their IQ is above average.

That is impossible.

>> No.2602663


>Implying that /b/ accounts accurately in direct proportion to the rest of civilization in due fact to intelligence and social conditioning.

>> No.2602685

Tested by a psychologist with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS-III. 143 points. Can anyone calculate my percentile score? I can't find the papers and statistics is hard when you're high.

>> No.2602689

Mean is ofc 100 and standard dev is 15 on that test btw

>> No.2602693

Ugh. Didn't find it too hard but I just ran out of patience at around 20 and randomly clicked the rest. I don't have time for that shit.

>> No.2602701

That test only has 1 puzzle type. Instafail.

>> No.2602731


Says 99.798

>> No.2602737

I assume it's so that it can be used by anyone, regardless of language.

>> No.2602744

Danke schön, I had calculated it myself some time ago but had forgotten.

>> No.2602751


My test was not just a simple and stupid internet test. There where blocks I arranged to make pictures, timed. Memorization tests, number and letter mental manipulation, arithmetic, general knowledge verbal questions, vocabulary and word usage questions, timed exercises, comic strips I had to arrange accordingly, general use of knowledge verbal questions, puzzles, matrix questions and some more, I think. Took three and a half hours.

>> No.2602799

I love how people actually consider this a valid test. My IQ is lower than that of Forest Gumps according to this test. Wow, just wow.. Graduate fag here, I reject the results.

>> No.2602810

Furthermore, go look up Mensa tests. They're nothing like this. This is just the manipulation of one problem.

>> No.2602820
File: 428 KB, 582x651, 1294653343676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> logic puzzles measure overall intelligence

>> No.2602826


I know, I'm a medical student, and my score is that of some backwoods retard. I scored lower than fucking Forest Gump(tion). Then again this site isn't hosted through a University..

>> No.2602844

You should be slightly worried then. The test is crap and deals with only one kind of problem, but your low score indicates you are very weak in this particular type of problem.

>> No.2602858

Holy crap, just took a look at it. After an entire night spent awake, I'm not doing this pointless crap. It changes nothing anyways, I remain just as intelligent (or retarded) as before.

>> No.2602989
File: 122 KB, 1280x800, IQ Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read 'em and weep.
But ya, this test is gay and doesn't prove shit.

>> No.2603015
File: 14 KB, 728x276, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this shit. cannot be true.

>> No.2603029


MINE IS 147.362

Seriously, though, you guys are faggots.

>> No.2603032

Unless you consider rote memorization a major part of a person's overall intelligence, mentioning your being a medical student is meaningless.

>> No.2603078

Can you find any online problem that are similar to your own test?
Mine was at 8 and I can't remember any of it.

>> No.2603120
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>> No.2603464

124, suck it OP

>> No.2603483

I got 108.

I do not care. I'm a pure math student at UT and got an engineering degree from UW.

Work hard, folks. That is all that matters. Work as much as you need to understand something.

>> No.2603494

I don't get it. How do you guys see any pattern? Either I'm a retard or i'm on a mental set that is preventing me from seeing any patterns.

>> No.2603499


I don't know of anything similar to a full scale test online, but you could check out how the real deal looks here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wechsler_Adult_Intelligence_Scale#WAIS-III

>> No.2603509

Being able to hold a shit ton of information in your head and be able to recall/recognize it when its needed is part of intelligence in my book.

>> No.2603534

I once took an online "IQ test" where about 20% of the questions involved sports and pop culture trivia. Barry Bonds' birthday is apparently srs bsns.

>> No.2603553
File: 125 KB, 500x500, 1294464323136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The result of the test

By the answers you submitted your IQ is


The same or a better result is only reached by

37.05% of the people taking the test.

Slightly above average feels better than the time I got 90 on an IQ test 5 years ago.

>> No.2603554


If that's what you believe. I believe that any fool can memorize almost any number of things, given enough time. So while memory may be "part" of intelligence, being able to memorize doesn't make you any smarter than a "backwoods retard".

The work ethic possessed by med students and doctors is certainly to be admired, though.

>> No.2603581

OP, 129 is 97th percentile on a real IQ test

the fact that your test's data collected thinks it's 88th percentile means your test is shitty and too easy.

>> No.2603583

>given enough time
Theres the key idea. Ask a medical student what life is like those 4 years and residency.

>> No.2603586

>has an IQ of 143
>can't use google

>> No.2603644

you can not prove your IQ. Intelligence is a measure of how you use the information you receive, not the amount of information you retain. That's called memory. i can teach anyone the Pythagorean Theorem, but being able to use it without guidance is where intelligence comes in. I am above average intelligence, not genius, and it has been my experience that the easiest way to tell is that everyone asks you for help for just about everything. even if they have the information, they can not process it in a way that presents them a solution to their problem. and who cares how smart you are, most people don't use their intelligence properly anyhow.

>> No.2603672


I don't think it's quite that simple. In some of my classes, the professor will ask the class very basic questions (out of lack of faith or to see if we're still awake, I don't know) and everyone hesitates.

It could be a confidence issue where everyone is pretty sure he knows the answer but the fear of humiliation prevents him from going out on that limb.

>> No.2603681

125, and I'm high as a kite.

>> No.2603731
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I don't trust it. I don't think I am this smart.

>> No.2603741

How long does this test take? I can't be bothered if it takes too long.

>> No.2603746

35 questions * 45sec

>> No.2603751

at most half an hour, with some rounding error

>> No.2603757

You people are idiots for even wasting your time on a fucking online IQ test.

>> No.2603779

35*45 secods = 26.5 minutes if you're a slow fuck

>> No.2603781

No, it's true. We have both the best and the worst of the internet. There's a sharp divide since average people with IQs of 100 are too afraid to make a stupid post to reply.

>> No.2603782

>purposefully get everything wrong
>make >160 scores easy as fuck to get

>> No.2603790

I know what book you plagiarized that from.

>> No.2603827

One day intelligence will be demonstrated by empirical brain scans rather than fishy IQ tests (which one can easily get good at--there are even practice books available).

>> No.2603832

Skill in a specialization(s) > IQ.

>> No.2605290


>> No.2605324
File: 10 KB, 577x307, GET THE FUCK OUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
