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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2598168 No.2598168 [Reply] [Original]

How can we know god is real?

Do you believe god is real?

What happens when we die? Will we see our loved ones again? Isin't it a scary thing to think about? What about near death experiences?

>> No.2598177

The afterlife shall be super!

>> No.2598190


are you sure

>> No.2598194

>How can we know god is real?
When there is any real evidence supporting him
>Do you believe god is real?
>What happens when we die?
Ill tell you when I find out
>Will we see our loved ones again?
Probably not
>Isin't it a scary thing to think about?
No. It is inevitable, so it is best not to worry yourself too much about it.
>What about near death experiences?
Interesting, but I believe it will be explained away in the future.

>> No.2598200

We can solve physics.

>> No.2598211


But what about certain medicine that can reverse aging? Can't they come up with it in 10-20 years? I'm sure they are hard at work on it right now

>> No.2598227

This is not science related.

>> No.2598229

>How can we know god is real?

First we've got to define what "god" is

Bearded giant guy who created man out of clay, and doesn't want you to eat shrimp?

Easily disproven.

>> No.2598234

An eternal afterlife would be horrible. Think about it. Eternity. Mortality is the only reason there is any incentive to live and do anything. f(x) = 1/x crappily models the incentive to do anything as a function of available time. If x is infinite, there's no point in existing. It's just a grueling, neverending torture....

>> No.2598238

>How can we know god is real?
When there is any real evidence supporting him.
>Do you believe god is real?
>What happens when we die?
We just die, no afterlife.
>Will we see our loved ones again?
>Isn't it a scary thing to think about?
Yes, but it is inevitable.
>What about near death experiences?
I believe it is caused by the brain, something like a dream with much more intensity.

>> No.2598239

what about out-of-body experiences?

>> No.2598418



>> No.2598440

So what do you guys believe?

>> No.2598461

>How can we know god is real?
You can't

>Do you believe god is real?

>What happens when we die?
What was it like before you where born?

>Will we see our loved ones again?

>Isin't it a scary thing to think about?

>What about near death experiences?
A byproduct of the brain. What about it?

>> No.2598471

I wonder if you will stand by this statement when the cure for aging comes along. It will be within your natural lifetime.

>> No.2598917


It is

>> No.2598924


maybe 2 decades i hope

>> No.2598929

Philosophy can lead us to the conclusion that there is a god. Obviously philosophy wins, since they started guessing first.

>> No.2598950

>How can we know god is real?

He'd have to come out and say "I AM GOD AND I CAN DO THESE GODLY THINGS." Otherwise we can't know that god exists.

>Do you believe god is real?


>What happens when we die?

Dunno. Science says we stop existing.

>Will we see our loved ones again?

Probably not.

>Isin't it a scary thing to think about?

Not if you plan to live well.

>What about near death experiences?

People almost die.

>> No.2598952

eternal life would be a good thing.
i'll take as much life as i can.

...beats just dying.

>> No.2598955

Oh fuck off, afterlife is for egomaniac cunts
The universe doesn't give a flying shit about you

>> No.2598958

/sci/ - religion and career studies

>> No.2598971


Do we really want this guys? Do we really want eternal life? Let's say hypothetically speaking, there is a god. Then what? It's just what we're doing now, but this time it'll never end. Don't get me wrong, I love living, living is pretty sweet. But it's only sweet because the taste isn't forever.

>> No.2598981

lol since when did science tell us we stop existing?
did we measure after death? did we come back with experience to say we indeed stopped existing?
hahahahahahaha what a joke.

people seem to listen to "logic" too much, they begin thinking they know life by experiencing nothing.
just like the big bang as if. suddenly rules of nature apply and there will not be flying unicorns anymore exploding from nothingness, because there is 1 pattern in the blank page.
suddenly the universe scares itself xD atheists actually believe universe is god, and that he gets frightened from itself

>> No.2598980

> implying the universe exists after I die and the test is completed

>> No.2598984

but I think the universe exploded because stephen hawkings megnet gravities

>> No.2598992

>How can we know god is real?
We don't, and never will. How do we know he doesn't exist?

>Do you believe god is real?
I believe it's possible that a god or gods exist outside of our universe, but don't have any effect on our existence, preferring to just monitor things from outside, like a scientist studying specimens.

>What happens when we die?
It could be the end. Could be that all our memories go into a giant collection as information. I don't dwell on it.

>Will we see our loved ones again?
Probably not. Attachments like that are only needed for life, after all.

>Isn't it a scary thing to think about?
Nope. Embrace it. Try to go out in style.

>What about near death experiences?
Most likely brain neurons firing like crazy in a way to make death more comfortable for the dying.

>> No.2598994

like turning water into wine? walking on water? healing the blind? the lame? the crippled? curing lepers? feeding 12,000 people with one person's lunch? casting out demons? oh, and walking out of His grave three days after He was killed?

yeah, if that happened, shit would be so cash

>> No.2599001

get rid of your concept of time; it will always be "now", and you will always be

>> No.2599007

If there is an afterlife, you wouldn't consciously remember shit from your previous life. I presume your brain doesn't come along with you. I tend to believe that when you die, "you" (without an implication of an eternal soul) become a new life, a new zygote someplace.

>> No.2599009

nope, "you" are the eternal being; your meat body is the perishable one, and you will need an eternal body to live eternally

>> No.2599010


Jesus wasn't god. He was just a time traveler. In the future everyone can do those things.

>> No.2599018

Jesus is God, and a time traveller, and in the future some of us will be able to do what He does.

>> No.2599025

>How can we know god is real?
I don't know.

>Do you believe god is real?

>What happens when we die? Will we see our loved ones again? Isin't it a scary thing to think about? What about near death experiences?

After my Self ceases to exist, nothing happens. No. Yes, it is sometimes. Don't know about them.

>> No.2599031
File: 620 KB, 1728x1728, 172394_186841851346749_100000628053164_540320_7795377_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is real.


It is a concept we can assume control over. Is it possible to be a solipsist? Yes. Then it exists. However, a personal and individual solipsism is an illusion, because it was attained through understanding its concept. We have taken it from elsewhere and applied it to our system. Before we can think that only our mind is sure to exist, we must find understand the concept of 'everything'. How can everything only exist in our mind, if we don't understand what 'everything' means? It's impossible.

Humans have the ability to switch solipsism on and off. Most animals don't. Most animals are solipsists for the whole of their lives.

Wasn't really explained well, but it be like it do,

>> No.2599036

my mind didn't tell me this, so it cannot be true

>> No.2599039


What an interesting way to say that god doesn't exist.

>> No.2599045

I'm so sick of trolling myself.

>> No.2599051

repent, then, and be saved

>> No.2599062

stop it, me.

saging my own thread.

>> No.2599072

>What happens when we die?
to be apart from the body is to be present with the Lord.

>Will we see our loved ones again?
Yes, in heaven; no, if hell

>Isn't it a scary thing to think about?
Yes, which is why most people put their hands over their ears and yell LALALALALALALA when they hear they are destined for Hell.

>What about near death experiences?
just that, "near" death. many people have been raised from death shortly after they died; some miraculously, some via modern medicine. however, they all subsequently died or will die.

>> No.2600504

i don't want to die

i want to be with my family forever.. i love them ;_;

>> No.2600537

Jesus Jesus jesus Jesus Darwin was an idiot there's no such thing as evolution!
0/10 for religion on sci board

>> No.2600561

> How can we know god is real?
God shows up in the middle of a science forum and says, "I'm real, bitches. Measure me empirically and watch me repeatedly and objectively defy known laws of physics."
> Do you believe god is real?
> What happens when we die?
You become rotting meat.
> Will we see our loved ones again?
You won't see anything ever again. Your eyes and brain are rotting meat. They don't work.
> Isn't it a scary thing to think about?
Yeah, but that doesn't make it go away.
> What about near death experiences?
People can convince themselves of just about any false thing that comforts them. Some even believe in a god.