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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2596803 No.2596803 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

my brother committed suicide recently and this was one of the last (non porn) searches he did


It seems he was using google to figure that out

right before it he was on the wikipedia article for the observable universe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe

i read through it and couldn't find anything it mentioning any of part of that equation

any help would be appreciated

>> No.2596815
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look for his notes

>> No.2596828

If true, sorry to hear it.

If troll, why use Google when windows calculator can do that sort of thing quite easily?

>> No.2596833

Holy fuck... dude, I think you're brother found the meaning of life.

>> No.2596840

Looking further into this. I guess it's the distance light has reached we can measure for the observable universe. But, I don't understand why this is such a horrible thing?

>> No.2596842

He wasn't into math or science, he was a film student

his notes are about shitty gore/b horror movies

It was his computer and noone else used it, and i just thought a random search for an equation was weird

>> No.2596852

Maybe he was researching for a shitty B-movie plot? But of course, this is a normal and boring assumption. Let's go with your brother unlocking the secret of the universe and it drove him mad instead.

>> No.2596856

Epic threat is epic

>> No.2596872

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fthagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

>> No.2596874

"astrometric metre" to be 1.2342721 "SI metres"
i have a feeling the 60 has something to do with time
and 10^17 is the distance in SI metres, and yet i dont see the significance of the equation

>> No.2596876
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>> No.2596875

I just tried this search and I fougjnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.2596901

hey op sorry about your brother, maybe this might help

1.2342721*10^17 is the distance of 4 parsecs in metres so that coupled with the divided by 45 and times 60 part and the fact that you say your brother was a film student who liked shitty horror movies makes me think he was trying to figure out the speed of the ship in Jason X because near the end of it, they send out a distress call and the ship who answers says they are 4 parsecs away and can be there in 45 minutes (I just watched it yesterday at a "bad movie night" thing some of my friends do)

so this guy >>2596852
is probably right. I don't know if you were looking for closure or anything but thats all that i can see from that search

>> No.2596948

well that was anti-climactic

I do thank you though anon

>> No.2596993


don't let it get you down dude.
i feel for you.
my condolences.

>> No.2596997
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>tangible, lucid, answer

>> No.2597006

so do you know the reasons why he an herod and how did he do it

>> No.2597021

im curious OP

>> No.2597031

my brother was hit by a car when he was walking home. after his death i was in his room looking at his stuff. he had books of calculus 1-3, physics, equations that were sovled on electricity and magnetism, biology and a lot of pictures he drew. there was journals that had no entrys and no apparent order and sometimes they talked about things that seemed to make no sense

the thing is, my brother failed math several times and was said to be learning impared.

this struck me as weird, rather he did this on purpose or not. i still keep some of his stuff around

>> No.2597039


our mom threw away his journals sometime later. i dont really know why. closing the ends, i suppose.

this still strikes me as very odd to this day. books on math(he had more than calculus, i just cant remember them all)that no one knew about. i remember wondering how the fuck he was doing it all.

also, i forgot to mention, he had drawings and questions and answers about cells and atoms written down. in no real order. where he was looking at these cells and atoms is beyond me. he had many things we all found to be very bizarre knowing him

>> No.2597061

It'd be a good idea to just stop. Just a friendly suggestion.