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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 259x194, thorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2589765 No.2589765 [Reply] [Original]

Any thori-tards on tonight, /sci/?

I just wanted to show ya'll jabronies the latest non-Exxon propaganda (i.e. independent research) on Algae for biofuels.

mfw Exxon study says algae competes at OvER 9000 internets pebarrels
China does a study, says algae competes at >$64/barrel

inb4 derp i wonder where they pay more treat wastewater, USA or China?


>> No.2589790

for science

>> No.2589838

WTF? there's science in this post?

>> No.2589942

what in the hell does this have to do with thorium?

>> No.2589959


thorium's dumb and just when thori-tards(or nuclear proponents in general) get to the point of having had everyone of their arguments pwn'd by algae, they hold up an article by Exxon saying algae can't compete until crude is over $800/barrel.

>> No.2589963
File: 98 KB, 500x500, thorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like thorium

>> No.2589970

Oh, I see. It's a troll thread.


>> No.2589985


butt hurt thori-tard detected!


>> No.2589999


since when are "thori-tards" a thing?

is this some sort of large movement i didnt know about?

can i be a pluto-tard? (plutonium)

>> No.2590014


i wasn't gonna reply, but quads demands it, so...

see here>>2589959

you're just a nuclear proponent in general, you might have pulled it off with a good pick of the disney character pluto doing something epic like killing japs, but no you're just a regular nuclear proponent

>> No.2590052

its science

not anthropology or philosophy,

but actual real-life science

>> No.2590059

thorium has in the last decade "broke even" economically and technologically, one might say, in terms of it finally becoming a reasonable energy investment.

since entering the discourse, being the latest greatest thing, pretentious reddit & other faggots cling to thorium as the solution to the world's problems and hugely overstate its stats. these type of pompous sci fanbois have their heads so far up their asses that they don't realize this debate and discussion has been going on by actual intellectuals all along, e.g. scientists that are actually developing it, capital firms that carefully weigh its economic feasibility, etc.

the only reason it's in the public discourse now is because people are ready to invest, yet thor-tards trumpet this technology as if they had any part in developing or popularizing it.

>> No.2590063


except the technology will never be used for even a fraction of the elec gen that nuc is used for now.

thorium is relegated to space ship and submarine fuel

>> No.2590125

why only submarines and space ships? On the contrary, as I understand it, more enriched fissile materials are desirable in those cases.

>> No.2590136


god-damn it pluto-tards

>> No.2590152

Thorium is great, but it's not even going to be considered unless conventional nuclear reactors can make a strong come back, with reprocessing.

>> No.2590157


maybe somewhere in india or parts of europe, but never in the US.