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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2589788 No.2589788 [Reply] [Original]

Friend of mine is Catholic, he seems pretty smart. However, I dont understand how someone who is smart could be religious. Ive seen a couple of his marks and they werent that great, however, he seems pretty sharp in class.

What does /sci think?

>> No.2589797

So when you're a child you're told to avoid things like plug sockets and sticking shit in toasters, right?
Now as an adult you never do these things, even out of curiosity.
Religion piggybacks onto the same parts of the developing brain, and the way the brain works is that it would rather delude itself and think up stupid reasons why this belief is correct rather than actually correcting it.
And smart people can delude themselves just as well as anyone else, because they're harder to convince, but they can produce better arguments, at least for themselves.

>> No.2589811

Plenty of smart people have been religious (Descartes, Newton, Hegel, Einstein,etc). As much as the current powers that be would like you to think otherwise, they are not necessarily contradictory. They fall in different realms of thought and while between them you can find certain opposition in certain aspects, they are not irreconcilable.

And that's if you take religion to mean the narrowest possible definition. If you use others, like this one: a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects; then not only believing in deities, but law, science, even social every-day social interaction are religions.

>> No.2589822

lots of smart people are religious because they hope for something larger, or their family expects them to be, or they haven't given it much thought.

catholics are pretty good at accepting science and tech, they try not to deny reality. They often consider much of their religion to be myth and allegory.

>> No.2589842

>lol only dumb people are religious
Welcome to the real world. How does it feel to have all of your egotistic prejudices crushed?

>> No.2592319

Smart people can't be religious because they'd come to the conclusion that there is no God.

>> No.2592330

there are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

>> No.2592355

Indoctrination is a powerful thing. It puts people into thought patterns that can be almost impossible to break. Belief is a child's obvious choice when threatened with an eternity of suffering for lack of it.

>> No.2592374

Could you be in a (romantic) relationship with a religious person?

I don't think I could.

>> No.2592392

My parents are devoutly Catholic and smart (Dad's a physician and mom's a chemist). Evidently they find something fulfilling in living a religious or spiritual life, and they back it up with retarded but well-thought-out fallacies (i.e. "Why would Jesus love us so much and die for our sins if he wasn't the son of God?").

>> No.2592404

We believe in God because the idiots that live around us will kill us if we say we don't.

>> No.2592408
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as soon as somebody tells me that they are serious about their dogmatic faith, I just smile and nod and talk with smaller words lol.

>> No.2592416

Samefag here. I myself am agnostic unlike my parents but still don't discredit religion. The realm of our perceptions and scientific theories fall within the boundaries of our evolutionary adaptations just like the perceptions and rationalization of a butterfly do. So it makes sense that there's plenty to reality that we'll never be able to grasp, its nature of which we'll never know.

>> No.2592425

Religion != ignorance