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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2588217 No.2588217 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you think is smarter /sci/?

-Math prodigy who gets their Ph.D at age 18.
-The biologist who cures cancer
-The con artist who swindles both of them for all their money and assets

Doing a survey for my psychology class, would be great if you included your reasons as well.

>> No.2588225

Apples, oranges and coconuts.

You cannot subtract apples from coconuts!

>> No.2588221
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>> No.2588227

the math artist who swindles cancer out of their money

>> No.2588230

Quite a simplistic view of intelligence. They could all be equally intelligent.

>> No.2588234

This is /sci/.

Define smarter.

>> No.2588235
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define "smarter"

>> No.2588237


I think 'smarter' is too ill-defined, and thus I would be unable to give a concise answer.

Obviously, the con artist is most street smart. The math prodigy is probably the most intelligent. And the biologist is just the most useful.

>> No.2588238

"Smarter" is a vague term. However in terms of pure brainpower I'd say the math whiz.

>> No.2588241

you can't tell. the only thing you can definitively say is that they are all smarter than your average psychologist.

>> No.2588245

>implying cancer will be cured by a biologist and not a nanotech engineer

>> No.2588247
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hive mind

>> No.2588256

>>for my psychology class

Well, that explains the ridiculousness of the question.

>> No.2588257

I love 4chan

>> No.2588265

Intelligence =/= Smarts.

It would be the Math prodigy.

>> No.2588268

The biologist who cures cancer
The first one could be an asspie and the third one is just a dick

>> No.2588271
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Math Ph.D is smarter in math
Biologist is smarter in biology
Con Artist is smarter in swindling

>> No.2588272

What psych class is this? I sincerely hope it's a critical thinking question that's supposed to show the many sides of intelligence for a intro course. If not I wanna know your course so I never have to take it.

>> No.2588278

I don't know why, but I lol'd

>> No.2588280

If you mean "smart" as in "intelligent," then there really isn't enough info to know.

If you mean "smart" as in "wise," then the con artist wins by a long shot.

>> No.2588296

#3 is certainly smarter. The other two may be more intelligent.

>> No.2588303

Amongst a sea of other unknown factors, it also depends on whether or not the con artist developed the technique for swindling, or just used an already developed method.

>> No.2588304
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...before that, I spent four years working on my thesis. before that, I was in college, and before that, I was in the fifth grade

>> No.2588307

>-The con artist who swindles both of them for all their money and assets
Do I really need to explain why?

>> No.2588309

I can't believe I'm the only one here that thinks the guy who cures cancer is the smartest
Let me insist
1.Getting a Phd at 18 is hard as fuck but not impossible
3. Con people rely on betraying of people's trust and acting more than intelligence.
2. The Biologist who cured cancer actually applied his intelligence to solve something that millions of people have tried to solved in the past and failed.
If you still think the brat who got the Phd is smarter it just means this board is filled with elitist math nerds

>> No.2588332

Well, I subscribe to Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, so with the broad sense in which I understand the word "smart" it isn't possible for me to answer your question.

And even if I defined it in the same simplistic terms as the hegemony, it would still be undefinable because all those achievements depend on much more.
The math wizard would not only require smarts, but also hard work, the biologist would require both of the above plus luck and the con artist would require his victims to be some degree of naive. Each and every one of them could be "smarter" than the other two.

>> No.2588344
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inb4 shitstorm

>> No.2588363

>The biologist who cures cancer

Smart = retention of knowledge, Intellect = application & learning of knowledge.

PHD is smartest.

>> No.2588368

> Smart = retention of knowledge
[citation needed]

>> No.2588387

Future economic model suggestions anyone?

>> No.2588395

>google define smart
>read multiple sources
>i'm completely wrong
At least i'm still smart!

>> No.2588410

Can't define intelligence, can't define who's smarter.

Certain aspects? Sure.

Math prodigy is probably best at pure logical thinking.
Biologist is intelligent in the regard that he is good at doing complicated research and understanding complex problems.
The con artist is the most socially intelligent.

>> No.2588455

are you mother fuckers serious? the con artist hands down wins hands down. you would need a shitload of social intelligence to swindle other two "educated" people out of their stuff.

>> No.2588461

the math prodigy probably swindles cancers because he is smart than the intricate scheme of the biologist who used his Ph.D to become 18 then lick his own assets.

tl;dr *poorly done joke* move along folks

>> No.2588850

this question is specious. You´ll have to define smarter, also define the level of difficulty of the PhD, the impact of the thesis and the university in which it was carried. Regarding the cure for cancer...
>implying a biologist would ever find cure for cancer, let alone by himself
Also the type of cancer is relevant, the method of treatment, doses, pharmacokinectics and pharmacodimanics, clinical stages in which said treatment should be used , etc.
Also the methods of the con artist in order to scam them... if they slip a roofie in a drink a take their credit cards or kidnap them or whateva is not very "smart"

>> No.2588873

I would say the biology major who cures cancer... They would have cured on of the most terrible diseases known to man... well, I guess its debatable as to which one is the smartest, but the bio major has undoubtedly helped mankind the most.

>> No.2588882

Smarter? Math prodigy.
More useful? Biologist.

>> No.2588894
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Just give them IQ tests.

>> No.2588908

What makes someone smart? If they score low on an IQ test, are they actually stupid?

>> No.2588920

Define an objective way to measure smartness or GTFO and take your non-science with you.

>> No.2588922
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>while reading OPs post im thinking.. " this is so childish and retarded typical work of a high schooler.
>got to last sentence
>psychology class


>> No.2588931

What do you think, op?

>> No.2588937

The biologist who cures cancer. He could just be a super humble guy that doesn't care much for money. But try to see if that con artist can cure cancer. =/ That takes creativity beyond the realm of simple street smarts.

>> No.2588948

The con artist is most definitively not it, because he is only concerned with materialistic needs which is why he would swindle someone that cured cancer and/or someone with a phd at 18. He is obviously a selfish pile of shit that has no eye for intelligence beyond his ego.

>> No.2589342

holy intro course batman.

Also, get that faggot freud out of here, nobody gives a shit about him anymore.

>> No.2589527

Intelligence is the ability to adapt.
Con man, most definitely.

>> No.2590855

Wait, is a phagocyte a WBC? I don't get this.

>> No.2590857

Seems to me to be different types of intelligence, but for me the first option involves only comprehension, learning is not as hard as researching, so I'd give it up to the cure of cancer.
And I'm a magician and sort of a con man. It's WAY easier than you'd think.

>> No.2590869

Theoretical Booksmarts: Math Prodigy
Applied Booksmarts: Biologist
Streetsmarts: Con Artist

>> No.2590871

The biologist by a long long way.
Maths guy is autistic
Biologist has to deal with thousands of variables and differences
Con artist just takes advantage of well known processes

>> No.2590872

Your question is an inherent fallacy. There is no one "axis" of intelligence, i.e., the space of capacities is not one-dimensional. This being the case, you cannot put people into a well-ordered list of intelligence.

>> No.2590881


These. Everyone who thinks you "know the answer": You're not very intelligent, by any standard that relates to this discussion.

>> No.2590894

>Implying juggling 1 ball is as hard as juggling 20 balls

>> No.2590910

Based on my own view of intellect, I'd say the biologist.

After all, he probably has proper education which, I hope, requires critical thinking and logic. He was able to use his education in practice and make it count for something.

The kid with a PhD is most likely intelligent as well, but considering there's not a serious need for anyone to get a doctorate so early, I don't see a reason why he should be seen as "smart". Perhaps just the opposite. And while the swindler is certainly using his abilities to make profit, he's not able to affect things on a higher scale (ie cure fucking cancer).

But OP, dude, this is /sci/. What did you expect?

>> No.2590912

This thread is full of empty headed semantic mysticism.

>> No.2590943

Especially smart people since they have their heads so stuck up their asses that they think they can't get conned
I could convince you guys that I'm working on quantum computers or whatever popsci bullshit comes through my head and scam you guys out of all of your money as it is