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2586497 No.2586497 [Reply] [Original]

How in the fuck did evolution create something so complex as logic.

I mean imagine it...small changes in the brain had to occur over time that gradually allowed for different aspects to emerge.

How in the fucking fuck are we intelligent enough to examine the probabilities of future outcomes based on our actions, to examine our own consciousness, and to pursue scientific lines of thought. The next closest are monkeys and dolphins.

I'm not saying God's is the reason, or aliens or anything, it just completely vexes me how such incredible complexity that can allow consciousness came about in the 'relatively' short time of the evolution of the brain.

>> No.2586511

We're not necessarily born with logic. We just learn it throughout life. Babies are illogical.

>> No.2586515

it just completely vexes me how fucking retarded and naive you sound

Look at "a", I can't believe "a"! I'm fucking retarded

>> No.2586521


Explain it to me then, wise one.

>> No.2586528

Logic is a very useful tool for staying alive when all we really have going for us are oposable thumbs and large brains

>> No.2586531


You can't teach a monkey logic...

And on top of that, who taught *us* logic.

>> No.2586541

logic is the best possible outcome of abstract symbolic thought and causality that allows it.

causality is necessary for life to exist, so that one's a given.

abstract thought is useful for predicting environmental phenomena, thus a likely tool to evolve after sensing and memory.

>> No.2586545


>> No.2586570

We were thinking about stuff and then thought about rules that would allow us to think better about stuff.

>> No.2586579


So kind of like something that builds upon itself?

>> No.2586584
File: 113 KB, 400x350, fukinidiotwithshades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy says he knows.

>> No.2586601

In case you are a creationfag: We know it was evolution. How exactly evolution did it, we obviously don't quite know. Just since we don't know exactly how yet DOESNOT= we don't know WHAT did it. Even if we didn't know what did it (a hypothetical scenario because we do know that it was evolution) that does not make your equally ill-evidenced proposal (that God did it) true.

>> No.2586618

How do birds fly? It's an evolutionary adaptation that emerged over DEEP TIME. Hundreds of thousands of years - millions of years - billions of years! Whether it was natural selection, sexual selection, predatory selection, or a mixed bag, it developed through the mechanism of evolution!

>> No.2586626


As stated, I'm not a 'creation-fag.' Rather, I am an atheist.

That out of the way, that was a pretty piss poor argument of science vs. religion.

(protip: think less CAPS LOCK, more logic, better tone)

>> No.2586665

I don't think we can give a solid answer to this yet

That doesn't mean it didn't do it, though, because that happened

>> No.2586701

Its like, you put enough little buggers in a pile and poke em and they start to form patterns? The ones that form adaptive patterns last longer. Since movement and 'thought' is linked by the cells used to communicate them they are instrincally linked. because the creatures that move the most 'efficiently' (survival) survive...?


>> No.2586829
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Explain evolution to you?

Do you have the proper pre-recs'? Are you fluent in college level biology at least?

You really need to know alot of basic bio shit before you can really get evolution.

You wouldn't expect to learn calculus without knowing how to add, would you?

>> No.2586847


No, I'm in high school. Soz

>> No.2588582
