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File: 103 KB, 624x1760, lZd0q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2584464 No.2584464 [Reply] [Original]

Lol watson got trolled hard.

Fucking funny

>> No.2584467

I don't get it.

>> No.2584470

This is obviously shooped.

Is the joke supposed to be that linux questions are unanswerable or something?


And why is this not on /g/?
Oh wait, it doesn't contain child pornography, you're right not to post it over there.

>> No.2584472

It means that they reformatted Watson, you fucks.

>> No.2584473


the question is,

what is the command to reformat a hard drive
watson says the command to reformat
he reformats himself.

>> No.2584482

but that doesn't make sense for jeopardy, since
$ whatis fsck ...
will give you some info page on fsck and will not format anything.

Also, sure it's fsck? Since that sounds an aweful lot like filesystem check..

>> No.2584484


it was a fucking joke you literal neckbeard.

>> No.2584488


Jesus christ you fucking nerd it is a joke.

>> No.2584489 [DELETED] 

That is exactly why it does make sense. In Jeopardy, you have to give you "answers" in the form of questions, forgot?

Also, they didn't even write
>$ whatis fsck

>> No.2584493
File: 62 KB, 320x240, 319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it might be funny if it got a few things right.
Like it should make sense that the question Watson will ask actually can be a valid command to fuck him up in some way.
That can't be that hard.

>complaining that noone gets the joke because the joke is in actuality wrong
>calling me a "literal neckbeard"

>> No.2584497

yes I know, I was freestyling that. Any other question would most likey simply be a syntax error/command not found, so that's rather boring.

>> No.2584514

This is why you faggots have no friends, because they tell a joke and you go "WELL THAT ISNT QUITE RIGHT HURRRRR DURRRRRRR UR JOKES ARE THE DUMBS BECAUSE LINUX AND ME AN FUCK IM SMART".

>> No.2584518


I concur. Instead of laughing at the joke they feel the need to point out that it isn't technicall correct

>> No.2584520

why so angry? I actually lold at the joke once the joke was told to me.
(I reread the picture and lold.)

What's your problem? Was it your father?

Listen to me: it's not your fault.
Hear that? It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.
You couldn't be expected to act any different, you weren't "asking for it". It's not your fault.

*hugz anon and touches his bum*

>> No.2584530

>implying I didn't laugh at the picture even though I didn't get the joke
I sometimes laugh at inanimate objects for no apparent reason.

>> No.2584540

Would he not first have to be in a command mode for this to have any effect?

As it is he would just reciting the command with no ill affects.

>> No.2584544

Jennings would actually know that.

>> No.2584547

So wation killed himself?

>> No.2584555
File: 31 KB, 666x205, exploits_of_a_mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2584561

>my social interactions with members of the opposite sex.
Me too!

>> No.2584567


Yes, that's on the wall in the hall of every computer science lab in the country.

>> No.2584582

I don't think you're allowed to use symbols in names

>> No.2584587

Whoever wrote this is an idiot.
You don't "sanitize" your database inputs, you use prepared statements (or whatever they're called in your language of choice).
Only a moron tries to "sanitize" their database inputs because it leaves huge possibility of human error

>> No.2584591

>I don't think
That I believe.

>> No.2584594

I think that's what the comic actually means.

I don't believe the comic suggests to go regexp-s///g-hunting on some potentially malevolent input string.

>> No.2584606

didn't this happen at a voice command software demonstration? a audience member shouted out and killed the comp

>> No.2584613

What about Le-a (pronounced Lehyphena)?

>> No.2584622

ledasha I though

>> No.2584646

That happened to Jack on 30 Rock.

>> No.2584652

it's ledasha, and if it's pronounced in a similar way then the author of the comic wrote it incorrectly.

>> No.2584686

I often confuse stories I hear about real life and TV shows i don't watch. It is hard to keep anecdotes straight.

>> No.2584722
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1296236032303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i went to youtube to search for this episode

>> No.2585430

fucking lol'd hard

>> No.2585451
File: 19 KB, 348x348, 1284514079326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A Chinese couple named their son @.

Still, Little Bobby Tables is superior even though I hate Randall Munroe most of the time.

>> No.2585496


poor kid. he's going to have so much trouble with paperwork