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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 267 KB, 1200x1800, 1298101346891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2581192 No.2581192 [Reply] [Original]

how do you nerdlingers propose to use your science to actually get laid? (pic semi-related)

>> No.2581202

Sprinkle myself in male sex pheromones, find a social gathering where alcohol his imbibed in large quantities.
Shave and bathe, show up. Smile while taking to women, casually because more flirtatious as time goes on.
Wear a condom, because they're sluts.

>> No.2581196

300k buys a lot of whores

>> No.2581210

P.S. Mention that I'm a _____ Science major, thank them and act embarrassed when they tell me how smart I am.

>> No.2581209

Get a PhD in applied math. Get lucrative consulting gigs. Make a lot of money and spend life interested and engaged. This makes one much more happy and fulfilled than traditional corporate wage slavery.

Happier people are more charismatic. Charisma get you laid.

Also, sexbots.

>> No.2581215
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Top scientists get mad pussy!

>> No.2581228
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there is no correlation between my brilliance at science and my astonishing success with women

i'm just twice blessed

>> No.2581238

maybe i'm just attractive and have a good personality? since when did people good at science have to be hideous aspies?

>> No.2581252

Too bad you can't produce offspring with alien demon hybrids

>> No.2581255

how the fuck do you make 300k? i pressume anually

>> No.2581280

300k is the 9000 of money. Lurk moar.

>> No.2581920
File: 7 KB, 247x204, Dude, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont see the relation OP
Maybe your just following false stereotypes

>> No.2581935

Who needs science or women when you can play pool?

>> No.2581968


Use your knowledge of the scientific method to test what works and what doesn't work on getting laid.

Use your brain to make yourself sexually appealing to the opposite sex.

>> No.2581982
File: 6 KB, 190x190, babe_factory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would it be ethically wrong to create a human with reduced higher brain functions? basically an affectionate female pet?

>> No.2582018
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captcha: Harvard edyBo

>> No.2582035

You don't have to reduce brain function . You could just engineer sex clones to be compatible with you on every level. If anything it's more ethical.

>> No.2582047
File: 144 KB, 588x647, 1287321679726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degree in genetics, third world country, abandoned warehouse, security guards, Adrien Brody.

Oh, and my science lucky charm: A slice of gold foil used on space probes with Robert Zubrin's face printed on it.

brb parahumans

>> No.2582059

Not like we would care about ethical problems when we're dealing with free-sex, right ?

>> No.2582079

>my sex clones would obliterate your para-humans

>> No.2582089
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>implying puny naked apes, that is, humans; could defeat a perfect, immortal, gun-toting, retractible-clawed parahuman


>> No.2582101
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Also, shiny eyes thanks to a nanoscale phased-array.

>> No.2582102
File: 98 KB, 540x700, Sexy Transhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they wouldn't be trans-human sex clones

Also, I have no issue with furries, I just figure it would be the best apocalypse ever.

>> No.2582111

well, I'm a decent looking female so I don't need science for that

>> No.2582120
File: 81 KB, 1067x800, hybrids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying that genetically modified humans would look like furries.

>> No.2582128

you can't
Women pick up is a art

>> No.2582130
File: 127 KB, 500x500, 1295038467317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also, I have no issue with furries, I just figure it would be the best apocalypse ever.

At least it would work to troll the creationists, no?

Imagine it: Ethics bandwagonistas, conservatives, YEC's and generally every type of luddite would get so hilariously angry.

And I'd be all like "YOU JOLLYOUS?" -- No, not really, because:

>mfw when parahumans XOR posthumans don't even deign to talk to a puny human

>> No.2582133

even females can have issues getting laid given a sufficient lack of social skills.

>> No.2582142
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Challenge accepted.

>> No.2582146

nah, I know I lack social skills but I could easily get laid with a random loser. Now getting laid with a decent guy is a completely different issue.

>> No.2582156

Maybe nerdlingers are not the right people to ask on how to get laid lol

>> No.2582158


>At least it would work to troll the creationists, >no?

>Imagine it: Ethics bandwagonistas, >conservatives, YEC's and generally every type of >luddite would get so hilariously angry.

lol yes

>> No.2582165

you see, that doesn't require genetic conditioning. it also requires social conditioning. i.e. you would have to brainwash them some way or another, and that is generally considered unethical.

On the other hand what we do to pets is not considered unethical, as long as they are not harmed in the process. Hence the question.

>> No.2582169

Chloroform napkins.

>> No.2582185

male losers have the option of using a prostitute's service for that purpose. That doesn't mean they want to. Just the same thing as your case. You could, but you don't really want to make use of that option.

>> No.2582189

Ehh I didn't want to say just straight up genetic engineering although it would help. I figure it's better than playing the genetic lottery and hoping you'll be happy. I mean if you and someone else are compatible at every level it's not particularly unethical. Not that someone wouldn't arse it up.

>> No.2582207


Well, I'm a robotics engineer, so eventually I'll get lonely enough to build my own girlfriend. Honestly though, I have other hobbies and I advertise those instead when I'm trying to meet girls.

>> No.2582260
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