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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2580646 No.2580646 [Reply] [Original]

What does sci think of whats goign on in the Mid east now? seems like its all boiling up to a climax

>> No.2580669

Shit's gonna hit the fan, and we'll finally drill Alaska for oil.

Muslims killing other muslims. In short, no change.

>> No.2580681
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communication + dissent = instability
or Allah wants a mardi gras?

>> No.2580682

i don't think it's gonna be anywhere as easy as in the other counties. not that egypt was easy, but the gaddafis don't fuck around. if the protests continue, i believe civil war to be the next step

>> No.2580690
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>> No.2580702

Libya is cracking down...

I hope there's war, as long as the US doesn't get involved.. Too bad we will >_<

>> No.2580719

Im really disappointed at how few threads there are about this in /b/ and /v/

>> No.2580720

Seems like sage

>> No.2580728


also, don't give a fuck, egypt will probably become more religious now or fall to pieces, time to steal me some pyramid treasures

>> No.2580748

what was learned in egypt was the people with communications can rally and win. what was not learned but will soon be shown. is that e-communications are easily stored and tracked. And Power is still the defining factor.
i heard that joining Egypt's army was mandatory for young men. if true this enplanes alot of why the military acted deferent than Chinas did in 1989.
I think Libya's going to pull a Tiananmen sq.

>> No.2580763


>> No.2580779

What country are you in? Why do you say you will be involved in a war?

Im curios what will happen Iran as well...I mean they dont screw around ither...Does anyone think that the US or other western countries should get involved in helping the civilian population protesters in any way, be it covert or public?? I think if Iran smells the US in any of this, its goign to be VERY bad indeed.

Regarding Libya, I think it will be much harder than Egypt, but gadafi will move out eventually, and peacefully, but he will take shit loads of money with him and escape to another country..

>> No.2580781

Why good?

>> No.2580793

I think Gaddafi better resign quickly, or he might end up facing a firing squad.

>> No.2580798

You DEMAND war? whats wrong with you buddy! why dont u go and fight it yourself...i doubt you have ever seen blood in real life you coward. WAR is disgusting, it should be the very very last resort...in these times of technology war should not even BE FULL STOP! Take out the leader with a drone...FREDOM!

>> No.2580807

so they attacked the protesters with bombs. i guess that's how you cool down an unruly mob?

this shit's gonna get real. the whole sandbox is getting more unstable by the day and there might be a power vacuum in which who knows what will fill it.

>> No.2580816

I'm in America. Sorry for the ambiguous wording. :P

>> No.2580820

What does Iran have to do with whats going on right now? They put down their protests like a year ago

>> No.2580824

I though that Libya has been kinda backed by the US for a long time now? U think the US will get involved?

>> No.2580819
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>> No.2580838

Re: Iran...Its all happening right now. In Libya, Bahrain and Iran... There was a protest last night in Iran and local security forces commandeered a commercial building and proceeded to fire gas bombs at people on the street form its roof!

>> No.2580865
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>> No.2580869

can someone turn this into a sci meme?

>> No.2580877

Honestly, I have no idea. I don't follow world events and all that close enough to have a legitimate opinion. Knowing the US, though, we'll find some way to stick our noses in it.

>> No.2580892

I didn't know the people in Iran were back at it. Thanks. They got smacked around pretty bad when they tried the revolution thing.

>> No.2580909
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Wikipedia axis of evil
On May 6, 2002 future United States UN Ambassador John R. Bolton gave a speech entitled "Beyond the Axis of Evil". In it he added three more nations to be grouped with the already mentioned rogue states: Libya, Syria, and Cuba. The criteria for inclusion in this grouping were: "state sponsors of terrorism that are pursuing or who have the potential to pursue weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or have the capability to do so in violation of their treaty obligations". The speech was widely reported as an expansion of the original axis of evil.

The US definitely hasn't backed Libya. We refuse to buy their oil (check out the european attitude towards them though, pic related)

>> No.2580916

Wait, are you saying that you're disappointed at how few non-vidya threads there are in /v/? Really?

>> No.2580929

well. . . yeah, BUT this would be a really good one!

>> No.2580939

hahahaha brilliant

>> No.2580940

The US and Israel SHOULD get involved

We want some muslim love?
We want democracy?

Fucking time to help. I'd be over there already if it didnt take so long to get a passport

I'll be helping out in 4 weeks though.

>> No.2580948

read this

>> No.2580950

We intervened to stop the killing of muslims in Kosovo back in the 90s, and 9/11 still happened.

>> No.2580958
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im glad you appreciate my humour.
INB4 samefag. i wasn't

>> No.2580955
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mfw Libya violence

cololnel gadafi, amirite

>> No.2580965

he looks like such a druggie!

>> No.2580978

What's going on in Libya is pretty amazing. The Gaddafi government has lost control of its second largest city, Benghazi. The government is employing mercenaries from other African countries against protesters. They're firing at unarmed civilians with machine guns, artillery, missiles, and aircraft. A few members of the military have switched sides and are fighting with the protesters in Benghazi. Two Mirage F1 pilots defected to Malta when ordered to bomb civilians. Some of Libya's diplomats abroad have resigned and turned on Gaddafi. One accused him of genocide. Another called on the international community to intervene militarily and establish a no-fly zone over Libya.

If you are at all interested in what's happening in the world, you should be following events in Libya.


>> No.2580990
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Democracy spreading through the middle east?

Just. As. Planned.

And you guys thought invading Iraq was a bad idea.

>> No.2580993
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>> No.2580999


Yeah though I think he already made a huge mistake. He resolved to violence. There is no way back now. Besides the military was shattered when he ordered fire on civilians. He is now hiring mercenaries. In any way I can't see how he can regain control after what he has done.

>> No.2581013

>implying 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

>> No.2581016

>implying 9/11 wasn't not an inside job.

>> No.2581028


Well if you like get there throw Gaddafi out of Libya and get out immediately afterwards, yes that would be appreciated. Otherwise they will just look at it as the West and Israel taking advantage of the situation.

>> No.2581044

Getting in and OUT is not one of US best skills, they like to stick around like a not so attractive woman or guy after a one night stand....

>> No.2581052
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its glorious to see people who still stand up to their government, unlike apathetic westerners. what happened in egypt was crazy. we americans are taught about how great thomas jefferson and the revolutionaries were, but what happened in egypt was far more amazing that that.

and then fucking amerikka has been supporting Gaddafi and Mubarak for decades, just because it helps our business interests. what a sham amerikka's "democracy" is. we put this bullshit facade up like we care about freedom in other countries, and then we didn't even helpt the egyptians at all until Mubarak resigned.

THEN obama and hillary cunton go on the air talking about how great the egyptians are, but before that they were behind closed doors hoping that it would all blow over and Mubarak would remain in power so oil prices would stay low.

>> No.2581060

I'm kind of a dreamer but imagine the middle east and north Africa becoming the next post WW2 Japan.

>> No.2581069
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Even though I largely agree (lol Hillary Cunton) would you please stop using Amerikka?

It makes you and everybody look like a tattooed, 13-year-old pseudo-intel teenager.

>> No.2581072

if a full scale war erupts in the middle east, we are all fucked! The whole planet!

Iran is moving in 2 warships through the gulf right now.....its all going to shit in my opinion.one wrong move....and boom!

>> No.2581080

Why is democracy spreading over the middle east?

Because everyone is afraid of what happens when America decides to import democracy. And they realize that America will inevitably try to do so. So rather than become the puppet bitch of a superpower, they're making their own democracy.

>> No.2581081

that won't happen. japan would have succeeded no matter what because they have an average IQ of 105, while egypt is like 94. but if they became similar to greece or something, that would be pretty amazing.

>> No.2581085

This is not how English works, asshole.

>> No.2581097

you mean export not import

>> No.2581102

good catch.

>> No.2581104

OP here, just out of curiosity, is this topic relevant to this board or should i have posted it else where?

>> No.2581109

>implying america gives a shit about democracy, considering it had been supporting Mubarak for decades.

>> No.2581112


lol no, it's because they finally got some high speed internet in the middle east and they are watching the rest of the world pass them by. they are sick of being serfs.

they don't want to die for islam, but it looks like they now want to die for freedom.

>> No.2581115

not really, but this is what happens when mods purge certain boards from existence, so go right ahead.

>> No.2581117

This should be in /int/, but /int/ sucks, so I guess this is the next best thing.

>> No.2581119


Yes, it's the most apt board at the moment.


Lame argument.

>> No.2581125

I don't know, but it IS relevant to my interests.

>> No.2581126

this is a good theory....the internet is showing them that the rest of the world is actualy pretty cool, peacefull and prosperous...the whole idea of western culture as the have been spoon fed by the US is BULLSHIT..and they are all seing it via the net

>> No.2581129

I don't think anyone knows. That's why it's news. There are 2 billion brown people who are really, really poor but not destitute. If they get a bump from $1 to $2 per day they buy a cell phone and a giant steak.

If you're a country with no high value exports and your people get squeezed with food and energy inflation (due to everyone eating steak at once) you're really in a bind. You can buy them off, shoot them, or get out of the way.

I just hope the new governments can get things right. The may turn out to be less corrupt and bad, generally, but the economic situation will not have changed.

>> No.2581147

<span class="math">\def\foo{\foo} \foo[/spoiler]

>> No.2581153

I have to admit, I'm pretty surprised by how the whole thing is turning out. I thought the whole Egypt thing would burn out overnight with no resolution like those Iranian protests in 2009. I never expected the uprisings to get this big and widespread.

>> No.2581158

here is the article regarding iran:

The Iranian government is just being stupid, pushing the israelis to push the button and start the war...

>> No.2581171


It has nothing to do with internet (I can't believe I'm even clarifying this)! Apparently neither of you have ever lived in mass corruption. Life sucks. Poverty everywhere and though you have rights in theory you get neglected those rights in practice. Moreover there are some state paid thugs that take care of loud mouths so not even protests are possible. However there is no violence what so ever so you feel reluctant about starting a revolution.

It's kind of that situation where there is a bully tauting you slightly every day. You feel like shit but you can't start a fight without being accused yourself so you keep quiet until one day shit hits the fan.

>> No.2582816

this thread not that /sci/, but i wholeheartedly support democracy in the middle east and everywhere else for that matter. I hope that these protests work out and people get the rights they deserve.