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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2580709 No.2580709 [Reply] [Original]

what is energy?

>> No.2580718


>> No.2580722

That's what it does, but it's not what it is, is it?

>> No.2580723

The quantity conserved due to time translation invariance.

>> No.2580727


>> No.2580735
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But isn't time a concept?

>> No.2580737

A quantified representation of a system's ability to do work.

>> No.2580745

It's the capacity of a physical system to change stuff (i.e., do work, apply a force, move shit around, however you want to think about it).

>> No.2580758

Everything in science is a concept. That's because science is a concept of reality.

>> No.2580759
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But you have no idea what it is, you only know what it does. Correct?

>> No.2580767
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So you don't really know what anything is, you only understand what effects they produce?

>> No.2580773

Science doesn't say how reality is, science provides predictive models about the environment. Physics doesn't care what time is - because that's not one of its topics.

>> No.2580770

What *isn't* energy?

>> No.2580780
File: 46 KB, 600x595, Eve-no-Jikan-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's kind of the definition of understanding...

>> No.2580787

That's the definition of energy. Energy isn't really a thing in the way that you seem to think it is. It's like velocity. Is velocity a thing? Is distance a thing?

>> No.2580796

Only true for an object at rest.
Energy is this stuff that things have that lets them do stuff to other things.

>> No.2580801


That IS what it is. It's not like you can pick up a nugget of energy. It's all potential (either as gravitational or kinetic or heat or whatever). It's an abstract thing.

>> No.2580804
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Yeah, Okay, "Josef," you're a retard. Dodging the point with your terrible scientific application. Do you know what energy is? YES/NO. If you can't answer the question, don't dribble on your keyboard with some bullshit that isn't even an answer. If you can though, please, enlighten me. Faggot.

>> No.2580805

The fundamental nature of reality is hard to obtain a knowledge of. See Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

>> No.2580814

i don't think that there is something with no energy
what i want to say is i don't think that there can(not) exist something with no energy

>> No.2580818

Energy is something we observe. So we do know what it is.

>> No.2580840

This. Everything that exists is just energy in some form.

>> No.2580834
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are you aether?

>> No.2580849

Look up ground-state energies. Anything that exists has energy. There is no way around it.

>> No.2580853

Something with zero energy would violate time-energy uncertainty (like position-momentum uncertainty). Infinitely precise values of energy can't exist. That's why even a vacuum isn't zero energy, but a constantly fluctuating system of "virtual" particles.

>> No.2580854

If matter and energy are interchangable, whats the name for what they both are? Ubermatter?

>> No.2580857

True, even vacuum space containts energy.

>> No.2580874

English fails us. I don't think there is a conventional term. Mass/energy is the only thing that comes to mind, or just "total energy" if you explain what you're talking about first. That includes mass, internal kinetic energy, etc.

Oh hey, fun fact: A good chunk of the "mass" of protons and neutrons is interaction energy between the constituent quarks. If it were just the sum of the quark masses, protons and neutrons would be a lot lighter.

>> No.2580885
File: 19 KB, 400x400, philosoraptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People dodge the fact that they don't know what energy is.

>> No.2580896

Wittgenstein is ashamed of you. Or would be, if he were around.

>> No.2580901

It is everything around us.

Energy is engery. Just like a potatoe is a potatoe.


>> No.2580904

I'm sorry.

>> No.2580915
File: 44 KB, 270x200, rei-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're energy
there's only energy
speed, matter, light are just a form of the energy of the universe

>> No.2580917

You've been told a couple of times what energy is. What kind of answer would you like?

>> No.2580919

Like you're able to troll with html insultments. Have a good night.

>> No.2580920

That IS a fun fact.

>> No.2580922


>> No.2580925

Does a photon have gravity?

>> No.2580941


>I do not understand what these people are saying.
>Therefore it must be false.

Not how it works.

>> No.2580942
File: 58 KB, 1024x634, 1275813521543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm glad you guys managed to waddle your way out of this one. I wish you all the best with your little retarded voyage through nothingness.

P.S Suck my dick

>> No.2581066

Enjoy your troll-failure.

You mad?

>> No.2581078

In GR, EM fields have an impact in the stress-energy tensor. So yes, photons bend spacetime, and hence gravitate. Just not much.

>> No.2581083
File: 66 KB, 650x921, silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you Explain energy? No.
Is everything energy? Yes.
Are you a scientist? No.
Are you a faggot? Yes, 100%