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2571601 No.2571601 [Reply] [Original]

Superstition /sci/, do you have it?

I nevar evar put keys on a table - In case there is no other option, I must suppress the effect by not laying the keys on direct table surfaces.

Also I do not cut my nails on Sundays, fucking christ shit. Its my grandma who has done this to mee!

So sci, warning the gnomes before throwing hot water on the ground do you?

>> No.2571615

What country is this?
Superstitions are almost always cultural, and I've never heard any of these before.

>> No.2571613

>Superstition /sci/, do you have it?

Nope. I ain't a fucking reatrd!


>> No.2571616

Okay, so you thought 'I want to make a thread about superstitions' and then you come to /sci/.
What the flying fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.2571628

Three drains man, I never walk over three drains. Do I believe that walking over three drains is bad luck? No. But it could be true - I could be wrong - and it's so little effort to walk around them that I might aswell.

Of course, walking over three drains could be good luck, or not walking over three drains could be bad luck. But I like to kid myself into believing that, since three drains being bad luck is the only superstition I've heard, it is more likely to be true.

>> No.2571652


Surely I could get more response from /x/ or so,
But it landed in /sci/ because I am curious about your superstition threshold.
Its not like religion, Its not that you actually believe putting the keys on the table is a dangerous thing - Its more of an tradition of some sort---

swefag here.

The avoiding of drains seems to be worldwide am I correct? Many of my friends jump on some drain-lids and stay the fuck away from others.

>> No.2571669

It is exactly like religion

Bullshit is bullshit......DURRRRR

>> No.2571672
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>> No.2571676


Except religious believers actually believe in their beliefs (obviously), while superstitious people do not always actually believe in their superstitions. See >>2571628

>> No.2571680

Religion and superstition is very closely related. Believing in either is stupid as fuck.

>> No.2571693
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>religious believers actually believe in their

Not really. At least not christians.
How many christians do you know who have read the entire fucking bible? Practice every fucking thing it says? 1% maybe?

Most religious people are just fucking pretending. They know deep down that religion is fucking retarded, hence they may "claim" to be religious, but they really don't believe or practice that shit.

>> No.2571697


Making bold statements like that generally demonstrates ignorance, for any fool understands that nothing can be known beyond doubt. When we consider something like religion (and potentially superstition), which is necessarily untestable, you'd have to be a total faggot to claim to know that it's not true.

>> No.2571703
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As a joke, I turned some stones while playing go with a friend (they were single-convex). He told me it was bad luck.
I couldn't concentrate, and made a shitty move, so I returned all the stones.

i forogot the point i was making?

>> No.2571709


Most of the adult Christians I know have read the whole Bible at least once. Some many more times. And you're getting very close to this Christian idea that I've heard recently - Christians only sin because they do not fully believe. That doesn't mean that they don't believe at all, though.

I'll agree that a fair amount of Christians are "pretending" though. Which is retarded.

>> No.2571734

A true practicing christain would be out killing non belivers!. It is in the bible dumbshit.

Hitler was a true christian.

>> No.2571737

If a bus or a train is late, I light a cigarette to summon it. It's always there before I've smoked half of it.

>> No.2571750


Love for enemies is also in the Bible, dumbshit. That's another reason why Christians don't always practise everything in the Bible - it's not often easy to work out what is meant, especially when you take the translations and apparent contradictions into account.

>> No.2571752
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A true "christian" , follows the teachings of chirst.

A true christian is socialisit, and does not believe in personal posessions or capatalism.
A true christian gives all of his money and time to the poor and sick, and resides with the poor and sick.

How many true christians do you know?

>> No.2571761


A Christian is simply someone who believes that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for our sins. You'd like to think that such a person would follow all of Christ's teachings, but that's not necessarily true... So what I'm saying is that although Christians should possess all of those qualities, those qualities are not used to define a Christian.

>> No.2571764
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And that is why christians are generally the dumbest members of a society.



>> No.2571770
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Looks like someone isn't getting into heaven

>> No.2571771
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>what he actually believes

>> No.2571776
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Sure buddy, justify your shitty behavior anyway you want

>> No.2571777


First of all, most Christians deny that there are contradictions in the Bible. It's not particularly difficult to explain away any apparent contradictions.
Secondly, having a few contradictions would not render the entire book worthless. It would have the potential to damage the Bible reputation of being infallible, but that's basically it.

You are ignorant.

>> No.2571781


So you appear to be against Christianity and yet you don't actually understand what it is? Nice.

>> No.2571789
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You need to go take a religious studies course bro, cause you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

People like you give religion a bad name.

>> No.2571792

I never check Chuck Norris' beard for a third fist.

>> No.2571794
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Ok, then.
Why aren't most christians out killing the non-believers? WTF is wrong with them? It is in the bible? Sounds like they are just posers!

None of them will get into heaven! KILL IN THE NAME OF THY LORD!

>> No.2571807
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I guess God contradicts himself?
What a shitty god. Definely not worthy of my worship.

>> No.2571812

This man speaks truth I stumbled upon this thread from the house pic appearing on the home page, but coincidentally am a christian.

I know I sin fairly regularly, in some cases I sin intentional, I'm constantly stealing my vidya games.

I try to be better than that but I'm not a very good Christian and that's why Jesus died for my sins, because every person sins, no matter what they have faith in.

>> No.2571816


If being a Christian is doing everything that Christ said without any exception, then the only Christian ever to have existed was Christ himself. So if that's how you're defining Christian then this entire discussion is pointless.


Find me the exact Bible verse. Also, people will still get to heaven if they sin and then repent...


If that's the only conclusion you can draw from the idea that the Bible may be flawed, then you are an imbecile. At best, contradictions can be evidence for the fallibility of the Bible... but perhaps the Bible was not totally inspired by God and is therefore subject to the failings of humans? Problems in the Bible don't necessarily reflect problems with the idea of God.

Not sure who's trolling here and who's just a genuine twat.

>> No.2571817

i'm sure god is very disappointed.

>> No.2572025

The point of Christianity isn't to be like Christ, that is impossible. No human can perfectly emulate a god. The point of Christianity is to ATTEMPT to be like Christ, that you have a reason to do good (because humanity needs a reason because it is inherently evil), and that you have a reason not to do bad.

Christ is simply a reminder to keep Christians from leading themselves to complete evil, as humanity has been, since Adam and Eve, at a constant battle to stay as good as humanly possible.

>> No.2572049
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