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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2570655 No.2570655 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/?

im making a pretend videogame called logic vs. faith

decide what should be my level 1, 30, and 60 classes for science

>> No.2570666

1: scientist
30: scientist
60: wizard

>> No.2570657

1. Scientist

30. Scientist

60. Scientist

>> No.2570669

Your idea is stupid. Logic and faith are not opposed to begin with. The degree of propaganda in that image is laughable.

>> No.2570672

1. lab tech
30. experimenter
60. edison/sagan/insert uber-scientist here

>> No.2570674


not really, its pretty accurate

>> No.2570678


30. trans-human

60. post-human

>> No.2570680

Your game sucks, I'd rather go back to playing Killing Floor.

>> No.2570684

1. geologist
30. chemist
60. physicist

>> No.2570694

1. research assistant
30. professor
60. researcher

>> No.2570696

Not really, it's complete whore shit. We can proffer duelling assertions like this all day, or do you want to show how logic and faith are opposed? Perhaps you'd instead like to explain why a "business" has faith but an "activist" does not?

>> No.2570698

is engineering a science?

>> No.2570699

Post Doc
Nobel Fellow?

>> No.2570714

Rather than Logic vs Faith, this game should be called Left vs Right.

>> No.2570716

Or why "resistance" and "activism" are logical but faith and business are not?

>> No.2570718
File: 19 KB, 300x309, 1250615971803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw business is on the faith side and cops are called oppressors

Seriously wtf....

>> No.2570725


business is based on business, its nonsense. it has nothing to do with logic. its a game in itself where the rules were created without looking at real human needs.

activist look at REAL situations and do research in order to understand whats happening socially and why those things are happening rather then just blaming it on genetics or some religious notion

>> No.2570735

1. Engineer
2. Scholar
3. Philosopher

Any political scientist will tell you that cops that aren't oppressors are useless.

>> No.2570740

Caring about "real human needs" also has nothing to do with logic. You're confusing logic, morality and politics. By doing so you gravely abuse the concept of logic.

By the way, do you think businesses never do research? Or does their research somehow not involve logic because they do not look at "social situations?"

>> No.2570741

Not necessarily. Business or activism is only good or bad depending on how we use them. Real human needs are subjective.

>> No.2570759

I was more mad about the implication that having a show of force is bad. We may as well be an anarchy if we don't have that.

>> No.2570747

>Your idea is stupid. Logic and faith are not opposed to begin with.

What the FUCK did I just read? are you a fucking troll? faith is the fucking antithesis of logic, you literally cannot have faith in something unless you absolutely suspend logic and reason. fuck 10/10 if your a troll for making me type all that.

>> No.2570757

Uh. Businesses use logic and math extensively to manipulate markets for their benefit. They look at what benefits THEMSELVES and do it. This requires logic, not faith. Just try praying to god for a million dollars.

>> No.2570760

I wouldn't call the CIA "oppressors." They're doing a quite good job protecting America, and I'm in full support of most things to protect the safety of good people from bad people.

Even wiretaps and that shit. If you're innocent, you have nothing to hide. In fact, if you're innocent, you'd be glad someone was wiretapping and surveilling you--first, they'd be more likely to see that you're just a nobody, second, you'll presumably have some evidence in your favor assuming that they constantly surveilled you and you were innocent.

Anyway, this isn't a poly-sci-fag board, so I'll save my breath.

>> No.2570763

Logic isn't self proving. You must have faith in logic.

>> No.2570770


they do do research

the research how they can get squeeze more money out of people so they can maximize their profits

why do you care about business so much when so many patients and the limitation of profit is limiting scientific research? thats not logical

>> No.2570772

I misread that as "im making a pretentious videogame".

Then I lol'd when that turned out to be accurate.

>> No.2570774

Organized civilization isn't logical.

>> No.2570784

So you assumed that oppressor=bad? That's your own problem, not OP's. He never implied it.

>> No.2570785


This argument seems to suggest that there are necessarily some initial premises (e.g. laws of thought) for any belief system that cannot be justified by reason alone, but rather must be granted before discourse or thought can begin

hence, faith


con + fide = with trust

>> No.2570791

I just naturally assumed when he lumped it in with the preacher.

>> No.2570794

how is it not self proving? If you dont accept logic as... logic, you must be a nihilist or something.

>> No.2570803

So running around naked smearing faeces over your face with a bone through your nose is logical?

>> No.2570802

OP is an Alex Jones lover, who thinks there is an International Cartel of Jewish bankers ( level 60 business) hellbent on global police state.

>> No.2570800

>mfw he's right
>tears of blood
>the horror


Adding sci to my list of boards i visit (/x/ and /tg/)
seriuosly I may never sleep again

>> No.2570799

Yep. Science is the faith in evidence. Got a problem with that?

And no, that doesn't make it a religion. To be a religion, you need some worship or admiration of some higher power or something. None of that in science.

>> No.2570796



>> No.2570807

More logical than posting on 4chan

>> No.2570808

Anger and name-calling do not substitute for reasoning. Logic is a method. It takes beliefs about the world, whatever they are, as a *given.* You can supply whatever beliefs you want as premises. Logic helps to reason out the consequences of whatever information is provided, to reach whatever goals are provided. Logic is epistemologically and factually neutral.

A good example of failure to use logic would be your own post, because you have not used the method of logic to draw conclusions from the definition of logic (a good premise for adducing what may be compatible with logic) to demonstrate why it is incompatible with faith.

>> No.2570819


>the research how they can get squeeze more money out of people so they can maximize their profits

That requires LOGIC you dumbfuck

>> No.2570818

>yfw you learn the CIA will destroy innocent people for the power of the state and corporate/political agenda because that's what all powers do.

seriously though, what little kindergarten baby shell you live in.

Also, not that I don't support the police and the CIA, I know what they are there for. Just saying.

>> No.2570816


that's circular logic tho

why have faith in evidence? the premise assumes evidence is worth having faith in

and science can be dogmatic like religion

see scientism

>> No.2570823

without a doubt, OP's chart is fucking retarded, we need to start posting our remakes of it, or explain to OP just why he is retarded.

>> No.2570831

I hate to appear as if I'm using an argument ad hominem, but I'm not so I'll ask you:

Are you retarded? What does nihilism have to do with anything?

>> No.2570828
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 0901px-laughing-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when half the people in here think business should be on the logic side

oh thats why 90% of the products we buy are worthless toys like ipods while millions of people are starving to death


>> No.2570839
File: 26 KB, 488x391, 1270664214908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2570844 [DELETED] 

Include another class for faith.

1: hipster
2: self actualized social-socialist-marxist-leninist-maoist-stalinist-anarcho-anarchist
3: OP

>> No.2570849

Include another class for faith.

1: hipster
30: self actualized social-socialist-marxist-leninist-maoist-stalinist-anarcho-anarchist
60: OP

>> No.2570857
File: 31 KB, 359x400, LaughingCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faith = gullible

Faith isn't somthing to be fucking proud of. It means your fucking stupid to think for yourself!

>> No.2570858


if you're going to use that excuse then technically religion requires logic because they need to figure out how to keep people believing. you could make that argument for just about anything.

if i piss on my moms face you could say thats logic because i would have to figure out how to aim

if i throw my money away that i've saved for 20 years thats logic because i would have to figure out how to do that in the first place

i know ur not a troll ur just stupid

>> No.2570859

Are you dense? There's no circular reasoning. Faith in evidence is the faith. Then we make claims based on evidence.

>> No.2570860


Don't blame the businesses. Blame the people for BUYING them.

>> No.2570864

Successful troll is successful.

>> No.2570881


ohh ok, so people just buy those things for no reason. that makes sense... the media or things like capitalism have nothing to do with the drive of society to need to consume worthless things

>> No.2570884


yah you have faith in your methods

you have faith in your tools

in your premises; everything

faith that you should be fucking around with it in the first place

it's all circular

>> No.2570888

Please leave /sci/ troll.

>> No.2570889


suck a dick faggot

>> No.2570899

I brought a Ipod Touch, because I like listening to music, and some of the apps are useful to me. I also have excess income.

I don't see how it wasn't logically for Apple to create that product, knowing there is a demand for it.

Also yes, it's ultimately the people's choice. The people didn't have to abuse the credit system, leading to this GFC

>> No.2570920


>> No.2570931


It's a social science. Your point?

>> No.2570945

straw man
Nobody said that, people only questioned why OPs chart lists business as being based on faith and opposed to logic.

>> No.2570964

Logic is not an opposing force to faith.

The way you categorized and identified your classes is really fucking disturbing because it reflects the way you view the world. And you view is skewed, flawed and based on willful ignorance on your part.

People like you are why society moves forward so slowly.

>> No.2571008


that makes so much sense

patriots preist stockbrokers soldiers contribute so much to society

>> No.2571019
File: 19 KB, 337x276, ballin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manual labor workers are more logical than bankers
>social researchers are not pseudo-scientists
>revolution don't simply replace one tyrant with another
>hurr you put a child molestor in jail so you're an oppressor
>business is based on faith
>we should not be patriotic, peace in our time, hope and change, the nazis will stop after we give them Austria and Czechoslovakia of that I'm sure, we live in a magical fairy land

>> No.2571021

there should be a retarded class, OP is in it

>> No.2571030


troll harder

>> No.2571043

>I don't have a counter-argument.
I accept your admission of defeat in rational debate, Mr. Illogical hipster douche.

>> No.2571044
File: 27 KB, 1262x852, 1298190574163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed to reflect /sci/'s expressed opinions.

>> No.2571054


>implying manual laborers use more logic than bankers

>> No.2571058


Elite bankers rely on numerology, and are all Satanist, so yes, a manual laborer uses more logic.

>> No.2571071

>manual labor workers are more logical than bankers

Bankers exploit people for money. It's a faith

>social researchers are not pseudo-scientists
Social researches are striving for change. It's fucking logic

>revolution don't simply replace one tyrant with another
Revolutionarys want to fight the New World Order. I don't see how thats replacing one tyrant with another

>hurr you put a child molestor in jail so you're an oppressor

They are fucking oppressor. People have the right to live their lives the way they want to. No one has a right to put a person into a prison for a indeterminate period of time
>business is based on faith

>we should not be patriotic, peace in our time, hope and change, the nazis will stop after we give them Austria and Czechoslovakia of that I'm sure, we live in a magical fairy land

I don't understand your last point, so I am pretty sure you are just trolling

>> No.2571145
File: 111 KB, 247x248, oooooooooaaaaaaahhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks secure and manage economic arrangements between people who would ordinarily not trust each other.

"Striving for change" is an empty platitude, it could mean anything.

From Cromwell to Castro, every revolution simply replaces one form of government with one very similar to the last, read a history book. Real changes only occur through evolution.

>People have the right to live their lives the way they want to.
So we have to lock up pedos and other criminals so they don't interfere with the rights of their victims. Are you thinking at all? Or do you enjoy molesting children?

>I don't understand your last point
Patriotism isn't necessarily wrong, in the years leading to ww2 the appeasement of Hitler was unpatriotic and handed over enormous industrial resources to the nazis war machine and neutralized a major ally. Why do you love nazis so much?

>> No.2571195

Haven't followed the thread, but that definitely is a lot more logical than the original.

>> No.2571241


banks also give money to people who already have money. they manipulate the market for higher profit rather than higher sustainability

this might be news to you but people who are on the right people who are conservative and think the world is a perfect place, which i wouldnt think a SCIENTIST would agree with otherwise i dont know... they wouldnt be fucking scientists. dont want change

yeah your right about that, but evolution wouldnt happen if drastic measures do not happen to begin with. i dont know maybe look at the fucking civil rights movement

>implying 100% of crimes are from pedofiles
>implying cops dont go after blacks specificity because of their deep racist hatred

>implying nazis weren't radical nationalists who believed that their race was responsible for making every society on earth

>> No.2571264


Haven't followed the thread, but i dont think you understand what logic is

>> No.2571306

Lvl 1: biologist

lvl 30: chemist

Lvl 60: physicist


>> No.2571310


>herp derp money is evil

I don't think you understand just how important banks are. The most blatantly obvious thing to point out would be the housing market. Yes they make money off of what they do because they provide a service.

>> No.2571314

level inf mathematician

>> No.2571374


Easy mode trolling.

>> No.2571416


1. scientist.

30. Cultist

60. Satan

666 get